Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a phenomenal conclusion to a series that I enjoyed so very much. I really liked These Hollow Vows, but I LOVED These Twisted Bonds. This book starts right at the conclusion of These Hollow Vows, so I would suggest rereading that before starting this one or reading a detailed summary to remind yourself how THV left off.

The plot was gripping the entire time. I flew through reading this story and never really felt that there was any part where it lagged on or got too slow. There was always some kind of tension or drama going on and it keeps the reader really hooked. I do wish the book had been a little longer, as I felt some things could have been really flushed out in the plot a bit more. The last 15% of the book, I couldn’t believe there was only that much left as it felt like so much more needed to happen. I easily could have read another 100 pages and gotten more out of the climax. What was done was great, and I enjoyed it, but I do think there could have been even more and it wouldn’t have been a detriment to the story.

I loved the growth we saw in different characters during this installment. Brie begins the book wounded and betrayed, and we see her progress through understanding, forgiveness, and then even turning inward and healing her feelings towards herself. We were introduced to a few new characters, who I greatly enjoyed. I could easily read another series that gives us more of the secondary characters. They are all so interesting and we really only get to know them so much here. Again, I would happily have read an even longer version of this book that dove into getting to know them more as well.

There was a dash of spice in this book as well, which was enjoyable to read. I feel like These Hollow Vows I would definitely put in the YA category, but this one teeters between YA and NA. I do think a lot of the drama and the way the book is written would still not put it at a higher reading level, but I greatly enjoyed all of it and thought it was very well done.

I loved this book and series so much, that I just pre-ordered the special edition of These Twisted Bonds from @thebookishbox and am so excited to have a gorgeous physical copy of this book.

If you are a fan of YA Fantasy, do yourself a favor and read this book! If you aren’t a YA fan, this one probably isn’t for you as I would say the way it is written and the plot is firmly YA, but for YA fans, I encourage you to check out this exciting duology!

These Twisted Bonds comes out July 19th!

*I will post to Instagram and Tiktok one week prior to release and will update with links to reviews*

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with this ARC!

This book gave me everything I was hoping for and beyond! Fantastic ending for a fantastic duology.

These Twisted Bonds starts off where the These Hollow Vows ends. Through out the book we experience the character grow of every single character and are introduced to a few new characters that in my opinion deserve their own book.

Abriella is still woven in between the 2 princes and the way it plays out in the end is just wonderfull.

The spice level in this book is turned up! I need to find a new emoji for "tention" now as it was soooooo good! Spice was very well done and I just LOVED everything about it.

JUST LOVED THIS! one of the few 5 stars read of this year

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Wrapping up an epic tale in two books is no small feat, but Lexi Ryan has managed to keep the momentum going of the first book while also giving readers a great conclusion to this story. While her take on fae lore and legends is exciting, what I loved most was how she handled the character's interwoven relationships as well as how they grew and developed as the story went on. It was a wonderful ending to the saga and I enjoyed it very much.
As always, a huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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(Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC copy in exchange for a review)

3,5 ⭐

Well, well, well... Im very surprised for this sequel, it exceed my expectations.

At the beginning of the reading I was a little bit lost with the story, as I didn't remember all the events that happened on the first book and there is not a little summary in the first chapters like in other books, so I really recommend to do a rereading of the first one before.

The story continue straight away at the point the 1st book ended, action since the 1st minute! the truth is that I was expecting a less complicated story, but OMG! The plot keep getting more tangled and tangled as the story progresses. I found myself really struggling to see a way out for the poor characters hahaha, we can say that the title make completely sense!

In conclusion, I struggle in the beginning to get into the story because I didn't remember properly the 1st book, but once into it I really enjoy the angs and the plot, but the end... mmmhm IDK.. it was a good conclusion in my opinion, but still the plot was going so in crescendo that my expectations were going too high I guess, but still it was a good book.

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I was able to receive an ARC in return for an honest review.
3.5 ⭐️
Don’t read this review unless you’ve finished the first book!

The second book starts right where the first book ends. Brie is now fae and the betrayal she faced at the end of book 1 has cut her deeper than any before. She runs away from the seelie court and finds herself in new territory. She has the difficult task of trying to find her place in the world and trying to find her purpose surrounded by those she cannot trust.

This story starts off a bit slow with a bunch of info dumping (which is necessary for world building and questions we need answered from the first book) but action picks up towards the middle of the book.

I still can’t get enough of her relationship and connection to Finn. We get to learn more about the connection between them, and also get the slow burn we all loathe and love so much. We also get to learn a lot more about Brie’s unique shadow powers and who she really is. Overall this was a great book to finish the duology. The ending is so bittersweet but absolutely perfect.
This duology has everything a reader would want, betrayal, sacrifice, heartbreak, love, and plot twists you will never see coming. This series is one I will always recommend to romantasy lovers!

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Sighs. Where to begin on this? Granted, I did not love the first one in this duology (I had the FairyLoot exclusive and immediately sold it after finishing because I will never want to read it again). But as I had an advanced copy of the sequel, I figured I may as well read so I know what happens to our crew of Seelies/Unseelies.

And in truth? I didn’t care about the ending to this story in the slightest. Brie felt too much like a “not like the other girls” trope, and her magic still felt like it was not explained, nor utilized enough. Also?!? Spoiler, but she almost dies no less than 4 times in this one 500-page book?? I feel like that’s far too many times for the same character within one book.

I hate that I did not like Finn AT ALL. Finn is one of my favorite names and I thought I would always be loyal to any character named Finn. But I am 100% Team Sebastian (though not for Brie. She doesn’t deserve him).

AND THE LAST 10% OF THE BOOK IS WHERE EVERYTHING IMPORTANT HAPPENS?!? It feels so rushed and sudden and like the author realized “Oh no… I need to end this somehow” and just typed out another 1,000 words and said “that works well enough!”

Overall… this book was not worth it to me. I very much hope that other people love this series, because the thing that kept me around was the writing style. It was very easy to read and just keep going, and I appreciate the author for that.

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I was super excited for this book and it was just okay. I felt like it was rushed and I wanted more development between Brie and Finn. I also felt like a good chunk of this book was just explaining what was happening versus showing me what was happening.

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I enjoyed this book. The plot was well paced and the characters were enjoyable to read. I would recommend this book to friends and would enjoy reading additional books from this author.

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📚Recently Read📚

These Twisted Bonds by @writerlexiryan

Thank you @netgalley and @clarionbooks for the ARC

Whoa! That was a wild ride! No one does morally grey characters better than #lexiryan All of these characters were so layered it was really refreshing. The magic system continued to evolve in this book but it was clear enough without being overly explained.

Overall a great companion novel to #thesehollowvows. If you are a fan of ACOTAR this is a must read.

#arc #comingsoon #sequel #thesetwistedbonds #companionnovel #yafantasy #bookstagram #northsurreysecondary #netgally #duology #newbooks #booknerd #canadianbookstagram

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These Twisted Bonds is the long awaited sequel (and finale) to the stunning These Hollow Vows duology. Our main characters, Brie, Sebastian and the stunning Finn, come together to bring this story to a close. The characters must do what is best for the sake of the realm, Brie overcomes some serious barriers and the Princes must do what they can to support her in this thrilling, action conclusion. The story builds slowly, developing other story lines and bringing in new characters, before plunging us in deep and keeping us hooked all the way to the end. As always, Lexi Ryan's world building is beautifully done, describing her world in rich detail that drops jaws. Her storyline unpredictable and captivating, the best way for a duology to end. I am sad to see the end of this series and hope to see more of her publications soon!

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Received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review:

✨ 4/5 Stars ✨

Picking up where These Hollow Vows ended, newly remade as a fae and betrayed by the prince she loved, Abriella finds herself caught between her desires and her newfound powers and responsibilities. Before, Brie didn’t know who she could trust; now, she trusts no one. Throughout the book, Brie struggles with her sense of loneliness, distrust of others, her prejudices and the draw she feels to Sebastian and Finn. But with the brothers fighting over the future of the Unseelie court, how can she truly come to trust either when she is the only one who can give them the power they need?

I truly enjoyed These Twisted Bonds over the first book in the series. Brie’s struggle to define herself, by herself, paired with a ticking time bomb over the fate of the Unseelie court propels the finale of this duology. I did not find the love triangle to be a hurdle, as Brie’s romantic choices are the result of the circumstances she found herself in at the end of the last book and are played out from that starting point.

I would recommend this book for older readers, as there is a threat of sexual assault against the main character and there is a sex scene as well.

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Did I binge this in a day? Yes absolutely I did. These Teisted bonds is the epic conclusion to These Hollow vows that includes alllllll the things you want in a fantasy book. My goodness was I in love and I ATE it up. This had all the things I needed to fill my fantasy craving. So easy to binge, because you can’t put it down. I enjoyed the toe curling eeee moments (there were a few!), this really was a pleasure to read and I am so grateful to Netgalley for providing me a copy in exchange for my review!

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These Twisted Bonds is the sequel to These Hollow Vows. I absolutely loved These Hollow Vows and recommended it to a lot of people. For These Twisted bonds, don’t get me wrong because I did enjoy it, but I think it should have been longer or there should have been a third book. This had the potential to become huge like ACOTAR (in fact I told everyone I loved the first better than ACOTAR) but I just feel like it is missing that oomph. I want to let this sit in my brain for a while and I will probably re-evaluate later with a re-read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Clarion Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This is 4.5 star read, rounded down to 4.

I liked "These Hollow Vows," but I absolutely LOVED "These Twisted Bonds." I couldn't stop reading. Lexi Ryan manages to build an entire world and tell a complex story in just two books (which is no easy feat). Abriella truly comes into herself in this second installment, not only in regard to her magic, but also in regard to her emotions and past. This is a coming-of-age story through and through. It's about strength and resilience and listening to your heart. One of the most important poitns in the story I think was Brie realizing her love for Sebastian had nothing to do with romantic love-it had everything to do with the fact that he represented everything he wished for her entire life. But, Finn was what she needed. And I do think that distinction was made beautifully.

If you're not into fantasy romance, this duology isn't for you because it does rely heavily on Brie's complicated relationships with two males she's been romantically involved with. However, there's a lot more here than just romance as I stated before. It's a good coming-of-age story while being wrapped in faeries and magic and kingdoms of sunlight and starlight.

The only reason I did not give this book 5 stars is because I have very high standards when it comes to young adult fantasy. It's a standard that is very difficult to meet, so something having 4.5 stars in my YA fantasy reads is a pretty big deal. What's my 4.5 will definitely be someone else's 5 and become one of their favorite books. This is a series I will continue to recommend to my friends and fans of fantasy.

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An entertaining read and a great ending to this duology. While the first book leaned heavily in ACOTR, this only echoed it slightly but still lacked originality. The series could’ve benefited from having another book, a lot of new problems are quickly brushed to the side to make way for “bigger” problems and not revisited so it can feel rushed. The killing of the villain was as anticlimactic as the last one. Wish the love triangle was written with better love interests- it was clear who was the outsider- but loved the relationships nonetheless.

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OMG. This book. “Emotional Damage” played in my head while reading. I actually cried (doesn’t happen often with books). Seriously, the way I was tearing up but still powering through the last part of this is concerning.

These Twisted Bonds picks up right where These Hollow Vows ends, with Brie just woken up after the bonding ceremony and enraged after learning Bash is at his coronation without her.

I really liked the first book in this duology but this book is even better- the plot gets even more advanced with more twists and there’s some spice.

The Cruel Prince meets ACOTAR meets FBAA. Seriously, ACOTAR is my favorite series but this is right there with it. There’s so many surprises and twists (which is why it reminds me of FBAA) but it’s not at a neck breaking speed without a chance to ever get your bearings (how I felt with FBAA at times).

Lexi’s world building is amazing and she has mastered the art of providing details without losing my attention with all of the monotony. I truly have no idea how she is able to construct such an intricate magic system and world.

I fell in love with these characters. I was so invested. I love Brie and her love for Jaz. I definitely have my preference in princes. Lexi does a phenomenal job of capturing the most dynamic characters- everyone (not you, Queen Arya) has both good and bad qualities.

Slow burn, one bed, spice, sweet pet names, love triangle (ish), enemies to lovers, deception. This book has it all: romance, action, fantasy.

My only complaint is that it’s over. I want more. Need more. This series has made me a lifelong Lexi fan.

IG: @365_daysoftea

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This book did not miss a beat following These Hollow Vows! The story just kept flowing and had all the details readers needed to remember what happened throughout the first book, even if it’s been a hot minute since they read it. Our main character, Abriella, and her love interests Finn and Sebastian really come into their own in this book. The play and pull between them, as well as with new characters in the mix was fantastic!

The journey and arc of this story was really well done. There were some predictable elements, but even those lent themselves well to the overall story. It was great to learn more of the story with Arya and Oberon, as well as Queen Mab. I really appreciated the character growth within Abriella, as she realizes what she wants and how things have changed in surprising little moments. I think other readers will really appreciate how she grows into her new role/s, even if a little reluctantly.

I think These Twisted Bonds will also give readers the spice they are looking for, but they should be prepared to feel the tension! Now that Brie is bonded with Sebastian but is still pulled towards Finn, there will be plenty of obstacles to any relationship for her. And clearly, these two still haven’t figured out how to get along after the events of These Hollow Vows!

I’m excited for readers to get to sink their teeth into this book. And now I really need to find someone else who has read it, because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS! Thank you to NetGalley, Clarion Books, and Lexi Ryan for the digital ARC.

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These Twisted Bonds by Lexi Ryan

This is the second installment of These Hollow Vows.

Brie has fled, not knowing who to trust or where to go. She wants to help the fae, but she must decide who she wants to be if she is going to help anyone.

This book was a little like a therapy session (in the best way) showing you the value of excepting every part of yourself and learning to trust your inner voice.

The love triangle is a little frustrating, but no more than the first book. The romance picks up and jealousy ensues.

Content Warning: Explicit bedroom scenes and language

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I loved the first book in this duology-These Hollow Vows. I was so excited when I was given the opportunity to read an arc of the second book which releases in July.

This book was better than the first and it is possibly the best book I have read all year.

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After reading Lexi Ryan's These Hollow Vows last year, I was so excited to get a hold of These Twisted Bonds! Brie was in a tough place at the start; an unwanted bond with Sebastian, the Unseelie crown stolen from her head, and a now unending Fae life she never asked for. Not to mention, the Unseelie court is falling apart as a civil war threatens. It's up to Brie to save the Fae lands once again, and with factions pulling at her from all sides it's even harder to determine what to do and who to trust.

These Twisted Bonds gives Brie her chance at figuring things out...though I have to say it took her wayyy too long to figure out her feelings. Twists and turns abounded, but quite a bit of the love triangle drama felt very circular and frustrating for me, especially since I had an obvious favorite to root for. Overall, I was hoping for a little more with this one, but we still got a satisfying (if a bit predictable) conclusion.

Fans of ACOTAR who are looking for their fairy fix need look no further! Brie ends up with her hunky true love (no spoilers here) and we get some very steamy scenes in amongst the action. Definitely read These Hollow Vows first, or you will be very lost. If you're looking for a spicy love triangle adventure in a land of hot fae, this is the duology for you!

Thanks to Clarion Books for providing me an advance copy in return for an honest and unbiased review!

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