Member Reviews

The plot was non stop. Way more world building, back story, conflict/ resolution than the first novel. I missed the romance, and the depth behind the characters. I felt this lacked many of the elements that made me love the first one. However, Ryan does a better job with the love triangle than I expected and the ending was great.

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These Twisted Bonds is a somewhat disappointing sequel that suffers from the worst tropes in YA fantasy, and the ending ultimate feels undeserved, while the romance provides little satisfaction.

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4.5/5 stars. To be released September 2022.

This was absolutely one of my must reads for this year. The cliff hanger in the first book was crazy and I could not wait to see what happened! These Twisted Bonds jumps right in where the first book left off, exploring the bond with Sebastian and Brie's fractured relationship with Finn. The book gives off major Tamlin/Rhys vibes at times! We are introduced to new characters and experience more twists and secrets about Brie. Overall, it was great. Some scenes felt a little rushed or almost like blips in the storyline, but that was the only thing I didn't care for. I don't think fans of the first book with be disappointed with this one!

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This book takes off moments after These Hollow Vows ends, begins at a running pace (in Brie’s case quite literally) and takes a little while to slow down enough & find a slower rhythm so that the reader can catch their proverbial breath. Brie’s angst in this book after being turned Fae at the very end of the first was a little tiring after awhile, but I suppose when you don’t have therapists to talk through your issues with, it can take longer to work through major life issues, like being manipulated into turning immortal against your wishes.
I loved the introduction of Misha, the King of the Wild Fae who we know from passing comments in the first book. He was a breath of fresh air and a lot of fun in the books dynamic. The writing was enjoyable, and the plot was easy to follow, if a little predictable. The characters various motivations & histories kept my interest piqued & I was keen to discover how everything would turn out. I felt the pacing wasn’t very consistent, one minute everything is go go go, and the next minute it would slow turn to a tortoise stuck in peanut butter pace. The last 1/3 of the book was the most interesting and what was the most disappointing about it was it could have been fleshed out so much more than it was. The foundations of the world building is definitely enough to add to this series, even if we saw it from different characters POVs or it was a prequel featuring the first Unseelie Queen Mab. The chemistry between the characters was done well (I’m sure anyone who has read the first book knows who I’m talking about), with just a smidge of spice & heat; and of course, angst, anger & complicated emotions about being manipulated into a life bond with someone who lied and cheated to get what he wanted. All in all an enjoyable read but I would have loved it more had the last 1/3 of the book been fleshed out a bit more & Brie had shown us more of her powers in combat situations. I was happy with how it ended though & you get closure. That being said I am hoping Lexi changes her mind and adds more to this series!
Thank you to Netgalley and Clarion Teen Books Publishers for sending me a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoy Lexi Ryan's writing. And I love anything A Court of Thorns and Roses adjacent....or I did until EVERYTHING was A Court of Thorns and Roses Adjacent. I think this series is a case of "it's not you, it's me." I had it recommended so many times, and I thought the first one was fine. I read it quickly. But I wasn't chomping at the bit to know how everything turned out. I'm happy to say that the winner of the love triangle was who I wanted it to be. I'm glad it is just a duology, although I think the series would have benefited from being spread over three books. This book is cotton candy. I don't particularly like it, but I'll eat it when it's offered and the trashy sweetness will be briefly enjoyable.

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This was a bad finish to the duology. I did feel like the end wrapped up a little quickly, but not a bad book.

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I loved These Twisted Bonds as much as I loved Hollow Vows. Lexi Ryan does a nice job of providing closure while letting the reader spend more time with the characters from book one. I did feel the ending was a little rushed, in fact I was getting nervous there was going to be a 3rd book- which I think there could still be. I'm sad to leave Sebastian, Brie, and Finn and their world. It's hard to write more without worrying about spoilers, but I can't express enough how excited I still am to read the book again when it releases in July. I like how much Abriella developed throughout this book and became stronger as the book goes on. The text was easy and enjoyable to read and I couldn't put it down. I found myself reading every chance I got, and ultimately finished the book in just a few days.

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This book was remarkable! It was so imaginative and thrilling with completely unexpected twists and characters that STEAL YOUR HEART. The world building and magic system intensifies and we get a better understanding of the bond system as we watch Brie grow soooo much throughout this novel and become even more of a strong and determined person. I'm absolutely speechless, this duet was perfect and 10/10 would recommend!

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I read THESE HOLLOW VOWS last year with low expectations but was quickly swept away; therefore, my hopes were high for THESE TWISTED BONDS.

It didn't disappoint.

I haven't had a book that's kept me up all night until it was finished for quite some time, but once I cracked open Lexi Ryan's THESE TWISTED BONDS I couldn't put it down and devoured it almost completely in one sitting.

I think this is one book that could have easily been two plot-wise, but I understand publishing's trilogy fatigue. There were moments where the pacing felt a little rushed, but ultimately everything comes together for a satisfying conclusion. Truly a great end to a fantastic story. Lots of twists along the way too. The developments in the relationships between Brie and Bash then Brie and Finn are five stars--as one would expect based on the first book.

If you loved THESE HOLLOW VOWS, you will not want to miss out on THESE TWISTED BONDS.

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These Twisted Bonds pick right up where These Hollow Vows end and jumps you right back into the saga.
Brie is still torn between the betrayal of the two men she trusted and with a kingdom about to erupt in war what is she to do? This book tells of many parts of fae politics and history that leads to a prophecy.

I wanted to love this book but it felt flat. Brie plays the victim and pity me card so much that I wanted to push her out of the way. I was happy that the plot in the second half of the book moved at a quicker pace than the first part. We get to meet a new character, Misha. who is my new favorite. If a spin off happens I would love to read more about him.

2.75 stars rounding up to 3

Thanks to NetGalley and Clarion Books for the gifted ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I devoured this book within two days! I find that in duologies the final book is the best. This book falls right in line with that thought. I was lucky enough to to receive an ARC copy of These Twisted Bonds. Brie’s journey was one I recommend reading. Being brought through Brie’s thought process made her relatable. I like that while Brie is our strong main character she wasn’t this strong and all powerful woman. Some of my favorite scenes from this book are watching Brie grow, change, and feel more sure of herself.

If you’re a fan of love triangles, handsome fae, and found family this is the book for you!

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*ARC provided by Clarion Books & NetGalley.

The book starts off right where it left off with the first book so I recommended reading the last few chapters of the first book to not feel jarred into the story. But I love when the author starts right off where the last book begins so I enjoyed that. The pacing of the book was a bit off. It seemed to drag with non-important events, and then it all picked up rapid fire and the ending was rushed. Most things were glazed over and you did not really get a chance to sink into a situation or journey. The journey through the portal and the end result to see <insert spoiler here> was such a let down. Like what was the point to go all that way to be told what they already knew. Also, this person is supposed to be all-knowing, scary, wise, etc. and they were not portrayed that great.

I wish we saw more of Brie's shadow self. That was such a missed opportunity to delve deeper into the main character's ego, inner turmoil, and her character development. That whole aspect should have been a bigger part of the plot because it would have really set it apart from other fae books.

Overall, I give it 3 stars. It was okay/good, but nothing great.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Clarion Books for the gifted ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This was the perfect ending to an already captivating story. I didn’t know how Lexi Ryan was going to make me switch teams on the love triangle, but as I read the book I found myself easing into what was obviously Abriella’s endgame.

All of the characters’ growth and development was written so well that it made the story emotionally taxing. It’s definitely not an easy read, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Could be considered spoilers so read at discretion!!

Now the good part: the romance?? The pining??? The tension??? Alllllllllll the tropes? Enemies to lovers/shared room only one bed/fake dating/soulmates like EVERYTHING that makes a romance story good, she wrote it. I’m never getting over it. 😭♥️

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Lexi Ryan does it again!! What an incredible book. I felt so deeply for all of the characters and there were such great twists and turns.

This book left me yelling out loud on so many occasions. I don’t want to say too much, but you will love it!

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A great conclusion to Those hollow vows.

To be honest, the writing is not the greatest. And the story is familiar, but that is why it is such a comfort read for fantasy romance readers. I will recommend the series for those who love ACOTAR, the Cruel Prince, An ember in the ashes... Book 1 is in the YA category, while Book 2 is more upper adults / NA with some steamy content (not too graphic).

I like the characters in the second book much more than the first. That said, although I love Finn in this book, I feel his character's consistency was a bit strange at first. But as the back story was explored, I felt more at ease.

I will recommend this series for those who love romance in a fantasy setting. I read it for the romance and I think the author delivered.

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This book was a fitting end to an incredible duology. It's a fun read, and I never felt like the story was dragging. Fans of the first will definitely feel satisfied. However, I do think it cleans up a little too nicely. The stakes were high, and the action ends quickly.

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As soon as I finished THESE HOLLOW VOWS earlier this year, I knew that this second novel, THESE TWISTED BONDS, had potential to be amazing. The first book was incredibly fast-paced, fun and engaging to read, and surprisingly romantic and sexy.

All of those things hold true in THESE TWISTED BONDS. This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and Lexi Ryan did NOT disappoint!

This book demands to be read in a sitting--and I did exactly that. Once the plot starts moving, it doesn't stop until the final page. There are no "slow" bits, no areas where it drags or lags or where the plot struggles.

For me, this was both good and bad. I always enjoy a book as plot-driven and "un-put-downable" as this one. But at the same time, some of the sequences in it were so brilliant that I'd have liked to spend more time in them. The world Ryan has built here is very reminiscent of ACOTAR and TFOTA put she also puts her own, somewhat darker spin on things, and I found myself wanting to spend more time exploring this world with these characters. I feel there was definitely content for a trilogy here. The duology format seems a bit cramped to show us this world, introduce us to these characters, and also tell us their stories in their entirety. But that's really my only critique.

One thing I enjoyed about the plot was the mechanisms Ryan used to show the audience what other characters were up to while still retaining the first-person POV in Brie's perspective. The use of animal familiars and Brie's sneaky shadow powers worked quite well to show us other characters' actions and motivations without having to info dump conversations where people simply revealed things to Brie through dialogue. I really appreciated this slightly more nuanced approach, as I find some other first-person YA stories struggle in this regard.

Despite the absolute sprint of the pacing, the characters were developed well. Brie, who I thought was a bit of a forgettable MC in the first novel, has matured into a lot of depth, courage, and vision in this book. I liked living in her head for the story and am very satisfied with the story arc and her ending. Brie's soft heart and iron will made for a great combination, and she's grown into an easily lovable heroine.

Book one left me thirsty for more Finn content, but in this book? My cup runneth over! I love Finn, both as an individual character and a love interest. Yes, in many ways he fits the tropes of the dark, brooding faerie prince. But his sense of humor and noble ideals are very endearing to me and he stands out among similar characters in other fantasy romance. I enjoyed every scene that featured him in this book and was surprised by how emotional I got over some of his later scenes with Brie.

Bash, too, was developed thoroughly in this story. Without spoiling things, the huge cliffhanger involving his deception is THESE HOLLOW VOWS is fully addressed here in THESE TWISTED BONDS--it's not glossed over and Brie isn't quick to forgive. They have real and substantive conversations that gave interesting insight into his character.

Now for the best parts: the romance. The shower scene in THESE HOLLOW VOWS is one of my favorite spicy scenes in any fantasy romance. Period. I really didn't see it coming and when I read it for the first time it was the moment I knew I loved that book. Ryan certainly includes similar scenes in this second novel and her background as a romance writer shines through even in this fantasy story. Brie's relationships are flirty and funny one moment, steamy and heavy the next. The mutual pining, angst, yearning, and forbidden love in this novel had me swooning. I absolutely loved it.

I also enjoy a good love triangle. The angst of it, the yearning, the conflict. But too often they end in ways that are a disservice to the rejected character. Not true here! Without spoiling too much, I have never seen a love triangle resolved quite this neatly. It kept every person in character, and always felt true to their feelings and personalities while still reflecting a real choice and definitive endgame couple.

Overall, this was a fantastic conclusion to Brie's story. I've decided I'm going to check out more of Lexi Ryan's work because of this excellent duology, and I know that when this one releases in the summer it's going to be a huge hit. I just wish there was more of it to love!

Big thank you to Edelweiss and HarperCollins for the DRC :)

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Overall falls short of my (admittedly too high) expectations. I preferred book 1 it it's earnestness and stage-setting, but ultimately can't live up to its potential.

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Oh wow! What a wild ride for the conclusion to this duology.
Not only did Brie get great character development here, but so do Finn and Sebastion. The reader also gets to explore the world of Faerie and learn its history. Oh, and lots of romance! There are definitely some swoon-worthy parts

A lot happens in the book, as Brie struggles to find a way to save the Unseelie realm. It's fast paced, with lots of action.

My only criticism would be that there is a particular weapon that the Seelie are using that I felt Brie and her entourage fell victim to too frequently 🤷‍♀️.

If you enjoyed These Hollow Vows, you've got to pick up These Twisted Bonds.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an early copy for review.

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2.75 stars; this book was...not it. The first one was fun, very 2012 YA energy. and while that's still the same vibe here, it was so boring that it wasn't worth it. I struggled to get through the first 40% and even after that it was meh. I don't think I really ever felt invested despite the fact that I already liked Brie. the last third or so was the most interesting and I wish that part of the plot started earlier and we could've delved into it more.

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