Member Reviews
This is a really fun book that will appeal to fans of Greek mythology and romance novels. There is plenty of spice and I enjoyed reading the different characters' perspectives.
It took me a little longer to get into this one versus neon gods and electric idol. I think it was due to the separate feelings of Achilles/Patroclus towards Helen. Once they all came together I was completely immersed in the story. I absolutely loved the dynamic between the three of them and how their feelings never felt like they were excluding any of them. I loved Helen and she is such a badass. Patroclus is a favorite of mine in Greek mythology and Katee did amazing with his character and he wasn’t a side thought, he really was a main character. Achilles is Achilles and was perfect. I only wish it was longer, I wanted to see more of them at the end in the aftermath versus the beginning. Would HIGHLY recommend for Greek mythology lovers!
I love a good throuple! I enjoyed the Ares challenge and the delve into the problems with the barrier and Olympus moving forward. The spice was good… kinda wanted a little more. Looking forward to the rest of this series!
I received a copy though NetGalley for review.
So this one is a take on Helen of Troy and Achilles and Patroclus.
Combining the two stories. I have to say I actually really liked the three of them together.
Although Achilles character was a bit abrasive at times, it worked to establish his character.
Helen, Achilles and Patroclus are all working to try to be the next Ares. It's a gladiator/obstacle style competition of strength and cunning and only one will win. Unfortunately Helen has been named the consolation prize with her brother Zeus throwing her in there as the next wife of Ares, her only option to see her way out of being controlled by someone else is to throw her own name into it.
Of course her toxic ex Paris is competing too.
The great thing about the interactions between the three of them- Helen, Achilles and Patroclus was constant consent. From all of them. Finally a triad that doesn't have coerced sexual interactions. But communication and trust.
I only wished there was maybe a prologue or something for them at the end a few months down the road or something.
Oh and good luck reading this one in public! hahaha.
This book could have been great but it did not deliver on what the synopsis promised. I expected a steamy polyamorous romance with some greek gods in the mix and a little political intrigue, what did I get? A hot mess.
Helen is boring as hell, she couldn't be interesting if she was being paid to be. Her whole tragic background of an abusive father was one big telling and not showing which bored me to no end and made me want to smack myself in the face. So Zeus wasn't father of the year? girl show me, not once did we have a memory of her that showed the man's cruelty and douchebaggery. Maybe it's present in the other books in the series but if you're gonna talk about something as much as she did you had better show me.
The girl has no character, she is flatter than a slice of bread, I skipped some of her chapters because I couldn't put myself through the torture of being in her POV.
Achilles should be sent straight to the electric chair. He is disgusting and one of the most hypocritical people I've had the displeasure of reading about. So you tell your lover, partner, the man you are with that he should stay away from this girl ( Helen) and you proceed to sleep with her in the next scene? Make it make sense. After making poor Petroculus feel bad for his developing feelings for Helen you go and do what you said neither of you should do. If that wasn't bad enough you are a horrible partner to the sweetest man ever (a cinnamon roll of a human being)
Achilles has no respect for boundaries and has no idea what consent is. Instead of letting Petroculus make sure that Helen was okay with the sexcapades about to go down he is out here going she wants it, she's fine with it, she wants to be with us. Sir? electric chair immediately. As if I wasn't suffering enough he has to talk during sex. Please shut up, your mouth is incapable of saying decent things so keep it shut. His POV should have been scrapped too.
The only thing that made me complete this was Petroculus, I wanted to know where he would end up but of course, he stayed with toxic Achilles and boring Helen. None of them deserves him, he should dump them both and move back to the countryside with his moms and find a NICE lad to be with because this is not it.
He was done dirty and deserves more. Let toxic Achilles suffer and boring Helen stay by herself.
Robert's third foray into the world of Neon Gods is her best yet,. Helen Kasios is a compelling protagonist, who I genuinely found myself rooting for as she went through the trials to become the new Ares. Her relationship with Patroclus and Achilles is as sweet as it is hot. Due to the Trials that define the book it didn't suffer from Robert's habit of dragging in the last third, and the reader is treated to a wider view of Olympus and the issues the city faces outside of the Thirteen. This will probably be my favorite of Robert's books for a long while.
Katee Robert knocks it put of the park again! This series brings me so much joy, and the latest instalment is no different. As usual, the consent is written beautifully and the steamy scenes are on point. I loved how the three characters interacted and developed their relationship. Definitely very excited to continue the series and see what Katee has planned for Olympus!
This story had a Hunger Games vibe that I didn't care for, but other than that it was excellent. It certainly is a great addition to the Dark Olympus series and sets us up for more to come in the way of danger to Olympus.
Here we have the story of Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus. Having recently read The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (which is excellent, go read it!), these characters were already in my mind and heart. I enjoyed Katee's spin on things. I especially appreciate what's at the core of all her books I've read, and that is that everyone is deserving of receiving and giving love, and not all love/partnerships are the same.
As with all of the books in this series, it gets extremely hot (graphic sex) in several spots, but it always suits the story and drives the character development forward and never feel gratuitous.
I highly recommend this series, start with the first book (Neon Gods).
Loved this modern reinterpretation of Greek myths in a hunger games style battle. Plenty of shagging, a thoroughly enjoyable romp, great humour. Really lovely.
Characters were ace. Plenty of representation and diversity. Can’t wait for the sequel. Fun, funny, smart and witty. Thoroughly recommend. (Not for prudes).
“I’m a fan of of asking forgiveness instead of permission”
“Nothing happened, Achilles. I don’t understand why you’re jealous”
“I’m more than capable of defending myself”
Wow … just wow !! I’m at loss of words honestly !!!!
I wasn’t very convinced about the whole Helen, Achilles and Patroclus thing but … I think I’m convinced now !!! I read all the books in the Dark Olympus series but this is probably the one that moves away the most from the original myths … rightly so I believe !!!
I almost believed she had tricked me at the very end but … I’m glad I was wrong !!!
Very spicy, very hot, very crowded (if you know what I mean) … a lot of plot development, which is something I really appreciated and she laid down the basement for some future books that I believe can be really interesting !!!
I wasn’t a big Helen fan when it comes to her character in the mythology but this Helen … she was my favourite character !!! Well after Patroclus of course !!!!!
Their dynamics were really good and the action scenes (just like another Huger Games trial) were interesting to read about !!! Although I especially liked the innovative interpretation of Helen’s relationship with Paris … that did the trick for me !!!
Hope that’s gonna be more of this universe … I am really curious !!!
“This can’t happen again. You and me and her”
“I just had sex with Patroclus and Achilles”
“Everything in Olympus ends in tears”
This book. Okay wow. Just wow. I am trying to find the words to articulate - but overall bravo and well done. It is not easy writing a story line in a shorter novel that can character build, articulate inner thinkings and points of view, and bring not only two but three characters together while doing the above with an understandable and consistent plot line. Wicked Beauty added beautifully to the series and I loved how the role of obtaining Ares played out. I loved how different the characters of Helen, Patroclus, and Achilles are and how their personalities melded together.
I also loved the established relationship between Achilles and Patroclus and their loyalty to one another in the face of doubt, trials, and introduction of characters into their lives. I loved how they are a unit and how that unit changed with the introduction of Helen into their lives while in close quarters for the tournament of Ares.
Helen is a strong character and soft in all of the right ways. Kate Roberts did an excellent job of portraying her and I loved her personality of she knows what she wants, has grown from past abuses, and will own herself and her own ambitions. She instantly became a favorite female MC for me.
Now let's talk about the spice as I fan my face. Wow. Just wow. This is a romance book and the romance and spice did not disappoint. Sometimes I feel like a lot of these scenes - you know what to expect, the cadence and moves that will be carried out, and the monotony of it dulls the effects. Not here. Roberts did an excellent job of keeping these scenes fresh, hot, and something that I still think about and blush in the best of ways. Her takes and writings in this area was steamy and well done.
Overall I enjoyed this book so much and binged it as quickly as possible. Cannot wait to read more by this author!
Thank you to NetGalley and Publisher for offering me the chance to read this book!
This book was a good, quick read. I've always loved the story of Achilles and Patroclus, and it was an interesting take with Helen in the mix. The steamy scenes were really well done and didn't overwhelm the story, and the pacing was good. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the trials, they felt almost too easy and felt weird at times, but I still enjoyed the book overall.
I love this 'verse so much! I was really delighted to see a sympathetic and complex version of Helen: strong, friendly, naive, wounded, talented, guarded, furious, ambitious, etc. And I was especially glad to see Achilles and Patroclus navigating their way, through ups and downs, to a committed triad. I do hate the love triangle trope -- I'm always yelling at the page that the obvious solution is for all three to make a go of it together -- and so this book was basically catnip for me.
This volume in the series has a bit more action plot than I was expecting, with bonus politicking and foreshadowing for where the series is heading next. The romantic plots (plural because threesome) intertwine nicely, but I could have done with a bit more erotic detail tbh. Readers who shriek and clutch their pearls over men making love aren't going to be reading MMF romance anyway, so why not get that specific sensory detail on the page?
I'm really looking forward to what KR comes up with next.
I am not someone who knows much about Olympus or those within the world. With that being said, I do not feel like you need that information in order to read these books. I really enjoyed the trials, politics, and new relationship that Helen, Achilles, and Patroclus are navigating throughout this book. Katee Robert’s writing is so well done it makes it incredibly easy to binge read and enjoy every second of it. I felt like the romance between the characters was shallow and not entirely believable - ultimately not really my cup of tea so take that with a grain of salt. While I didn’t enjoy the romance and relationship, the suspense and anticipation within the plot kept me wanting to find out what was going to happen next. I definitely think that if you enjoyed the other two books in this installment you will enjoy this one.
Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and the author for an advanced copy of this book for my honest review.
Katee Robert does it again with book 3 in the Dark Olympus series. Of course there’s no surprise she has intriguing plots, characters you fall in love with effortlessly, and don’t get me started on the steamier scenes, but there was something else I noticed that may or may not have been intentional.
I couldn’t help but notice the similarities of Helen and Merida from Pixar’s Brave. Could this be a coincidence? Sure! But I’d much rather believe it’s a subtle tie in to Robert’s Wicked Villains series.
Either way, I burned through the novel in less than a day. Couldn’t put it down. Wouldn’t put it down.
I already can’t wait for Book 4.
I am not a retelling person but I have been LOVING Katee Robert's Olympus series. She manages to make the whole thing fresh--connected to the myths but not losing sight of the plot in favor of nerding out over the connections themselves--PLUS sexy PLUS just really gripping narratively.
Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablance for providing a free ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Phew, another hot one from Katee Robert! I love this series and this book was a great addition to the storyline. The triad was masterfully crafted, the story was fast-paced and engaging, and the Dark Olympus world is a delightful setting to escape to. I highly recommend this and cannot wait for the next book!
I did not know what to expect when reading this book. I do love erotica and romance and Greek gods but I was not expecting a love triangle in this way. This was undoubtable written well and had very compelling characters and a great premise and plot, but the MFM stuff is just not for me.
I'm really not sure how I feel about this one. Because, it was a fun read. It absorbed my attention, and it was super bingeable. But looking back, I can't say I loved much of it.
And I think the main reason for that were the characters. Sure, they all had their loveable moments, but at other times, they were horrible. Achilles could be a total dick, and it really prevented me from falling in love with this. There'd be a romantic or charged moment, and then his possessiveness would come out. It wasn't a cute look
Despite that, this was a fun read. My expectations were way too high, I had loved Electric Idol way too much. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the next book in the series.
Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!
This was way different from what I was expecting and while I somewhat had an idea of what I was getting into go in I don't think I was fully prepared for some of the switches Robert took with not only having Achilles and Patroclus together (what I sure everyone was expecting) but to add Helen in! I'm not a fan of hate to love or hate sex but I don't think this book made me as uncomfortable as I was expecting--that also could be because I follow Robert's news letter fatefully. I did enjoy thin book a lot. I wasn't a fan of the whole competition part for the run to become Ares but them competing for each others love along side the current events was delightful to see. All in all I liked this book, I can't wait for more, and I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE IN THIS SERIES!!!!