Member Reviews

The incredible Ms. Zevin returns with "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" - a sweeping saga of two friends set in the immersive world of video gaming. This 30-year look at two friends, Sam & Sadie, who create a smash video game back at the turn of the nineties & build a gaming empire is quite immersive. Spanning both time & geography, we move through their lives, careers & gaming creations. Interesting, hard to put down - loved the L.A. references! Recommend to those who love both gaming worlds and strong character-driven novels. My sincere thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the complimentary DRC in exchange for an honest opinion, which was unaffected by this exchange.

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In this story you follow Sam and Sadie - two friends who have known each other since childhood when they met in a local

A story full of gaming, love, friendship, loss, and hard-hitting political issues.

I tried to be in love with this book and, truth be told, I almost was. However, every time I would start falling in love with the book I would be taken out of the moment by long-winded memories. Don’t get me wrong, a backstory is needed in this story, but not as often as it happens and definitely not as long-winded as it was.

If you’re a fan of gaming/game creation then this book may be perfect for you!! It was almost perfect for me, but i just felt like the story went back and forth a little too much.

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I’m a huge nerd so a story about some fellow nerds making video games was bound to suck me in.

I didn’t expect the heart in this book though. Though frustrating at times, the characters felt so real and their relationships felt realistic and nuanced. I loved seeing the three central characters’ relationships unfold, and the story was a beautiful reminder that while friendships may ebb and flow over the years, the friends you choose can truly become family.

My only minor gripe would be that the writing style was confusing - at times, I wondered if the book was intended to be framed as a biography of the characters and other times, just a straightforward novel told from the third person.

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This book is so compelling. I have had trouble concentrating on reading book-length stuff throughout the pandemic but this sucked me in. The characters are unique yet relatable, and I'm not even someone who plays video games. It's possible some of the appeal was that I've lived in both the greater Boston area and LA, but I don't think any aspect of the book relies on a familiarity with either city. Highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of Gabrielle Zevin's amazing new novel, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Although the story delves into the world of gaming, you don't have to be a gamer to fall deeply in love with the story's complex and beautiful characters.

Sam and Sadie meet as children when Sam is recovering from a car accident that shattered his foot and his emotional well-being. Sadie meets Sam when she is visiting her sister and the two form an incredible bond over their shared love of video games. They lose touch but reconnect during college and begin creating games together. They share successes, failures, and everything in between until circumstances and tragedies pull them apart. But can Sadie and Sam truly exist without one another?

Their story broke my heart and put it back together more than once in this beautifully written story about love, creativity, friendship and resilience. Have a box of tissues ready for the newest 5 star novel by one of the best authors of our time.

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I'm not a gamer, so I was a little hesitant about this book-- for about 3 pages. Then I was totally immersed. Certainly, games and gaming are central to this novel's plots and characters, but they're also deployed really thoughtfully, described in ways that can maintain a nongamer's interest while clearly dropping Easter eggs for gamers.

The reality, though, is that the book is about Sam and Sadie's love, intimacy, friendship, work. Oddly, Sam feels much more fully realized for me than Sadie does, despite the book feeling balanced in terms of how much space each gets. Maybe it's more that Sam makes sense to me; Sadie remains inscrutable. That's not necessarily a criticism, though-- it's just something that I kept expecting to evolve or resolve, and it never really did. And both characters' are more interesting together than apart, though neither is quite as magnetic as their third wheel Marx.

Most notable to me is the structure Zevin uses, allowing us to follow Sam and Sadie throughout their friendship but not necessarily feeling obligated to follow a clear chronological order or even a single narrative framework. I think this book would be a really fantastic text for an intro to lit class (on the college level) because of its play and playfulness, which are never careless, even if they don't always land 100% successfully.

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The story of Sam and Sadie is not a traditional love story as it’s more than love. Following these two from their teens to their 30s we see that being soul mates isn’t necessarily about romantic love or the perfect happy endings, it’s full of trauma, collaboration, joy, heart ache, failure, loss, and life!
I am not a gamer and I loved this story line and the characters still. The video game aspect helped to piece the story together and bring the characters together when they felt there was no hope.
Beautifully written and wonderfully told, I believe many will enjoy this book!

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Maybe I should start by saying that I am definitely not a gamer — we’ve had several systems and countless games in the house over the years and the closest I’ve come to participating is singing along with The Beatles: Rock Band — but I found this book to be intensely interesting. With Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow — about two childhood friends who have a falling out, but when they run into each other as college students, go on to create some of the most popular video games in the world — author Gabrielle Zevin takes a subject that I’m not that familiar with and makes it relatable, universal, and meaningful. Covering topics like sickness and disability, grief, poverty, abusive relationships, and evolving political landscapes, Zevin makes the case for people finding ways to live meaningful lives within invented worlds that are closed to them in reality, and not incidental to my enjoyment, she creates invented worlds that I found fascinating and artful. She has also created some truly compelling characters here, and when they hurt, I hurt; I cried more than once while reading this, and I love anything that touches this jaded heart. Four solid stars.

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