Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book. It had humorous and heartwarming moments.

Janie is a travel nurse, who is caring for a wonderful old lady who is also the neighbor of the local sheriff, Zack. Janie is a fun and quirky character who's hiding a few secrets and is so clumsy that she literally falls at Zach's feet. Zach is the sheriff with no sense of humor and has serious suspicion that Janie is hiding a criminal secret. Their interactions were funny and made me smile.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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His Father's Son. (And yes, that particular phrase happens in this book.) This was a solid ending to this trilogy, featuring the oldest son of the family - and the one to turn his back on the family ranch, yet still be there when needed. There is a lot going on here, both within the romance and with Zach finding out that he doesn't actually know everything he thinks he knows, and while the romance was a fairly standard/ fairly comedic "cold stoic meets fiery lady who can't help but be awkward in his presence" type, the emotions playing out here with Zach and his parents - and in particular his father, late - are easily the show stealers of the tale. Yes, for those who have read this series starting with Book 1 (or even 2, as I did), we finally find out exactly why Zach left. And, ultimately, we get a long view conclusion of a happily ever after. Truly a book that works well on all fronts and accomplishes everything it needed to both within its own tale and within the series. Very much recommended.

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I loved everything about this story! It had me laughing from the beginning and also rooting for Zack and Janie.

What is not to love about a scowly sheriff, who left his family ranch to go into law enforcement and takes his job of protecting the people of Cold River very seriously? He literally runs into the new resident, who is a traveling nurse taking care of his neighbor, and ends up wearing her coffee all down his shirt.

Zack Kittredge is the oldest and while he is happy to see his siblings paired off, he like his solitary life in town up on the hill of a dead end street. Then, Janie had to go and trip on her own two feet where he now has his sights set on her and finding out just what she is doing in his town, because he can spot a liar when he sees one.

Janie develops two left feet every time she's near Zack, she knows he doesn't like her, but it's a puzzle because she's used to everyone treating her like their kid sister. This is a new development.

It takes Zack's friend to point out to him that maybe his rude behavior is due to his liking Janie.

One encounter, Janie spouts off on him that he needed some help and she's just the one to teach him because she's opening her very own Cold River charm school. Zack takes her up on it.

Over time, Zack starts to behave differently, which has his siblings' tongues wagging at a Fourth of July event. Zack and Janie get closer, although both still have guarded secrets.

This is the third book in the series, but it can be read as a stand alone. I love Zack and Janie's story and how they brought out the best in one another.

I received an ARC from NetGalley via St. Martin's Press and I have voluntarily reviewed this book.

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A Kittredge Ranch Novel

St. Martin’s

ISBN: 978-1250750020

March 29, 2022

Contemporary Romance

Cold River, Colorado – Present Day

After living through the bad experience of his parents’ marriage, Sheriff Zack Kittredge doesn’t believe in love and happily-ever-after. His elderly next-door neighbor brings in a live-in nurse to help take of her, and Zack is soon intrigued by the nurse, Janie Atwood. But Janie seems to be asking too many questions about the founding members of Cold River. Is it just curiosity on her part, or is she after something else? Add in that whenever Janie is around Zack, she seems nervous and falls flat on her face, and one can’t help but wonder what is going on. She even asks him a few questions about several founding members, and it isn’t long before she reveals that she is looking for her mysterious father, and he may be living in town. Zack soon realizes that he may have the answer.

As Zack gets to know Janie, he grows even more intrigued by her, though it’s more because he’s now attracted to her. She is sweet and seemingly virginal—the antithesis of the type of woman that Zack would ever get involved with. Janie is the happily-ever-after kind, and Zack has no plans to marry. Yet, as they get to know each other, the attraction deepens, which leads to kisses…and much, much more. Will Janie find her father? Will Zack forgive his father for what happened in his parents’ marriage?

While living next door to each other, Janie and Zack get to know each other very well in SUMMER NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY. Janie’s mother died when she was born, and she was raised by her grandparents. The identity of her father is unknown, except for a letter left behind by her mother. Per the letter, her father lived in Cold River and was a member of one of the founding families. Question is…who? But Zack can see in her eyes as to which family she is related to, so that is pretty much answered quickly in this tale. Janie and Zack dance around their attraction at first, mainly because he’s a grumpy sheriff and is suspicious of her. However, it seems like they’re always bumping into each other.

Zack is the oldest of a large family, so he has a better picture of his parents’ true marital state and it hasn’t left a positive impact on him. Though, it doesn’t seem to have affected his siblings as they have gone on to find love and marry. Zack is the lone holdout. Will Janie have him change his mind on love and marriage? At first, the attraction is pure lust, though Zack treads carefully around Janie because he doesn’t want to get that much involved with her. But like the dances of long ago, it’s inevitable that they find their way to the bedroom. Their chemistry sizzles and Janie is perfect for Zack as she tames him.

Zack and Janie never expected to find each other or love in SUMMER NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY. But once they do, readers will be loudly cheering them on. A tale not to be missed, be sure to grab a copy of SUMMER NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY.

Patti Fischer

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I always enjoy my visits to Cold River and Summer Nights with a Cowboy is no exception. As its a wonderful addition to the series that sees newcomer Janie fall for eldest Kittredge and local Sheriff Zach and whilst this story can be read as a standalone I d think there is something comforting about reading the whole series especially as the characters are so engaging.

And the story is certainly an engaging one; with less angst than you'd normally find and plenty of sweetness it was easy and fun to read, and I genuinely liked the characters and the romance too. Which is why I would happily recommend it to others.

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This is the third book in The Kittredge Ranch series, featuring the oldest brother, Zach.
He’s the town sheriff and IMO a very uptight person with a holier-than-thou attitude. Janie is a traveling live-in nurse and is currently employed by Mrs. Gardiner who is Zach’s neighbor. He of course gives her a hard time any chance he could and she clumsily fumbles her way through most of their early interactions. It was funny and a lot cringe-worthy. Janie eventually helped loosened Zach some but he has a lot of complicated family issues (past and present) to untangle which is made difficult by misunderstandings and a whole lot of pride. Janie also have a hidden agenda for coming to the small town of Cold River but her personality and outlook on life made what she was searching for and eventually found seems much easier than what Zach have to put himself through. All the secondary characters are interesting and fun.

I love the small town setting and all the different kinds of love and family themes present throughout the story. I enjoyed the story a whole lot and will have to go back and read the first two books in the series.

Thanks St. Martin’s via NetGalley for this ARC.

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Travelling nurse Janie Atwood has come to Cold River to uncover old family secrets and maybe, if she’s lucky, find a new home. Zack Kittredge, the gorgeous, glowering sheriff next door thinks her caring for Damaris, his elderly neighbour is a nefarious scheme. Having never been anything but a good girl, Janie finds Zack Kittredge’s simmering suspicion an excellent reason to try being a little dangerous instead. Zack is okay with being… intense. He takes his loner status as seriously as he takes his responsibilities to protect Cold River. And he thinks cheerful Janie might be a threat to the town.
The third book in this delightful series & I’ve been waiting for Zack’s story & it didn’t disappoint. A fun & entertaining read. I just loved Janie, Zack didn’t stand a chance! I loved how they opened up to each other, became friends & then found love. A lighter read than normal from the author & it was just what I needed & I loved how things were resolved. A well written captivating read which I recommend
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Sheriff Zack, the oldest of the siblings and the grumpy- harsh - serious - saint Zach has they call him comes head to head with Janie who is just trying to figure out her background and why Cold River is important to her. Zach hasn't let his feeling out for a while and you can tell. Janie is falling head over shoes at him, which gives some great moments. This book had a lot of lol moments but also heart hard ones as well. The family is well his family but we get a new one!! Janie is sweet but also love her comebacks and how she treats everyone, and opens Zach's eyes with his family.

I have really enjoyed this series! Can't wait for more of Crews books with swoonie cowboys!

4 stars
3.5 steam

Thanks to st. martin's press for a copy of the book.

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Good story
Well defined characters
Unexpected twists
Humorous and heartwarming moments
Will the traveling nurse and grumpy sheriff find redemption and peace? Certainly a wild ride for sure!
The ending put a smile on my face.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's for this arc.

I've never read anything by Caitlin Crews but had heard great things about her so I was really looking forward to this book. However I find myself unable to finish it. It's filled with cliches such as the clumsy female who literally trips over or into the hero, a feisty senior citizen, as well as the librarian with glasses and terrible clothes sense. The opening scene is painfully humiliating to the heroine - to the point where a witness tells Janie that it's the most awkward encounter she's ever seen. It's also written in a way I don't like which is a few actions intercut into pages and pages of a character's internal thoughts. Poor Janie is practically ga ga and drooling over how luscious Zack is while he acts like an ass. Why is he so suspicious of Janie? I had no idea but the idea of him running her car plate in order to find investigate her before he even met her is disturbing.

It's probably not a good idea to start with book #3 in a series and the second chapter is exactly why. I felt as if I'd been dumped in a scene filled with tons of people I didn't know, who all have history together and are all talking about it over and around me while I struggle to figure out who is who. It's a character dump of massive proportions.

As I kept on, I realized that I didn't care for the hero, didn't care for Janie tripping and blushing her way through scenes and frankly wasn't enthused about reading any more. I might try another Crews novel in the future but will make sure it's a stand alone or the first in a series. DNF

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This book was so much fun to read! Janie Atwood landed in Cold River trying to find her family. She has so little to go on but her grandmother wrote down what she remembers. As she starts doing the research, she still was taking care of Damaris Gardiner. Zack Kittredge is the sheriff and he just doesn't trust Janie. The more they run into each other, the more she gets under his skin. In the midst of all this, the founding families are slowly losing their checkered past. When Janie finds out who her relatives are, she make a choice. No more lies, no more hiding. She is going to live in the light. If Zack wants to keep seeing her, he needs to acknowledge her. It takes a wedding and a whole lot of soul searching for Zack to find his way.

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This book was funny, angsty and delectable. Zack, the town’s Sheriff, is rather taciturn and controlled, living by his own very rigid set of standards. He really doesn’t know what to make of Janie, his elderly neighbour’s nurse/companion. Janie is like a breath of fresh air. Adorably klutzy, rather irreverent and very upbeat, Janie is an odd duck to Zack. He is suspicious about her motives in caring for his neighbour and goes out of his way to glare at and intimidate her. The fact that she stands up to him, that he notices how she smells and is aware of how his senses are heightened around her, bothers him to no end. Throw in the fact that everyone seems to like her and her dogged interest in the town’s history and it’s founding families, and Zach knows that the infuriating woman is hiding something. Their interactions usually include him trying to keep her on her feet while also trying to get her to slip up and give him more information. He doesn’t know that Janie is wildly attracted to him, intimidating attitude and all, and is thrilled to think that he believes she is trouble. Trouble doesn’t get dismissed or overlooked which is how most men in her life have treated her. She finds she looks forward to their interactions especially after their stolen kiss. When she offers to teach him how to be more charming, at least more charming to her, she never dreamed he would accept. Suddenly, their relationship becomes much more intimate and addicting and people are starting to notice that the taciturn Sheriff is spending time with the new girl in town. He even learns her secret connection to the town, and starts to view her in a different light. But how can their relationship last when Zach not only doubts love exists, he is not willing to let anyone, family included, know what is in his heart? One heart is wide open and giving, the other one guarded and hardened. How can they possibly have a future together?

I must confess it is easy to love Janie. Her clumsiness, her feistiness and her open heart are endearing. It was hard to feel the same about Zach at first, but after discovering why he is the way he is, it became much easier. Neither was looking for love, but it found them anyway and forced them to make unexpected changes and decisions in order to keep it. Their story was well worth reading and I would recommend it to all lovers of romance.

I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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I've read several books by this author before, including ones in this series, but this one just didn't do it for me. I started and stopped multiple times, I skimmed some when it just felt like nothing was happening. It was well written, and I liked the characters, it just seemed a little boring to me. I did enjoy the last couple of chapters when things finally felt like they came together for me. It won't be my last from this author though. This particular book just wasn't for me

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She is a traveling nurse, who wants to learn about her family.
He is a grumpy sheriff.
She will teach him, how to be charming.
I liked the story

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Our hero Zack is running away from his family and the responsibility of their ranch - but not too far away - he's rebelling by being the town’s sheriff. Our heroine is Janie, a travelling nurse who has come to Cold River to find out more about her family’s past. Zack is suspicious of Jamie’s reasons for being in town and Janie can’t work out why she’s so drawn to the glowering guy who lives across the road. There are charm lessons and a hero who has to come to a reassessment about what he thinks his parents’ relationship is about. I've read the previous book in the series and I liked this more - despite my current distaste for police officers in romances!

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Janie Atwood is a home healthcare nurse caring for an elderly woman. Across the street lives Zach Kitteridge, first born son and the current Sherriff. Zach at first is suspicious of Janie and her motives, but for some reason both Janie and Zach are obsessed with each other. This makes the book pretty boring. You know they are going to get together and finally they do when you find out Janie is a virgin (ugh). There are side stories about Janie finding her father who is a member of the notorious Hall family in town. Zach also comes to terms with his family and takes his place with the family’s ranch. The story was okay, bit overly long and drawn out for what you get.

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Going back to visit the Kittridge family is always an enjoyable time. Summer Nights with a Cowboy is the third book in this series and a very good addition.

Zack Kittridge is part of a ranching family, but he's chosen not to make his living by working on the ranch. Instead, he's the town sheriff and he's known to be very serious and he keeps his heart guarded. He's not looking for a relationship and in fact, he'd much prefer not to get involved to that level.

Janie Atwood is a traveling nurse who has come to town to care of Damaris, an elderly woman who happens to live across the street from Zack. Prior to arriving in Cold River, Janie went through the loss of her grandparents, who raised her. Prior to their passing, she was given some information about her mother and father, whom she never met and that information led her to Cold River.

Given he's in law enforcement, Zack's Spidey sense started pinging around Janie and he believes he's in Cold River for other reasons than just working for Damaris. All Janie wants to do is work and find answers about her family history. Will the unlikely friendship that has been forming between Janie and Zack turn into something more?

Janie is a strong, driven woman and I liked that about her. She was willing to go for what she wanted and she wasn't afraid to find answers about her past to give herself some closure where her blood family is concerned. Zack had quite an evolution in the book as Janie was able to loosen the chains he held around his heart and that was wonderful to see.

I enjoyed this book quite a bit, just like all the other Kittridge books and I look forward to more!

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy is the third book in the Kittredge Ranch series by Caitlin Crews. What a wonderful, glorious, and super swoony end to Kittredge Ranch. A well-written romance that pulls you in and holds your attention until the very end. I loved this whole series, this family, these siblings, and the women they welcome into their lives. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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3.5 stars. We finally get Zack’s story and while I liked it, I didn’t love it.

Zack thinks he knows best and everyone else be damned. Was a little disappointed to finally get clarity on his issue with his dad, to realize that if he just spoke to his dad, this would have never happened. It’s the jumping off point for a major change in his life, and while he is a great sheriff, it came at a pretty steep cost.

Janie was an interesting character. Klutzy, caring, and a little too innocent. I don’t know that I would have paired her up with Zack. It was interesting figuring out who her family is. Would be interested in a story featuring her cousin!

All in all, I appreciated the lack of intense drama as some of the other siblings stories. But I missed the heat and passion that I normally feel with a Caitlin Crews novel.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy by Caitlin Crews (Kittridge Ranch #3) OHHH Hot Cowboys - how I love them. Catilin Crews has introduced us to the Kittridge men of Cold River and are we lucky! Zack Kittredge is the sheriff of Cold River. He is suspicious of one of the new residents, Janie Atwood, a traveling nurse.

Janie Atwood is a traveling nurse who came to Cold River to take care of one of the residents. However, she also came because in a final letter from her grandparents, she thinks that Cold River is a hint about her heritage. She wants to learn more. However, the sheriff in town finds her suspicious. She can’t imagine why except every time he comes near her she turns red, clumsy and tongue tied.

Zack is a loner. He seems intense and brooding. Janie is light and friendly. Together they are on fire, but that is something they have to figure out. Summer Nights with a Cowboy by Caitlin Crews is a HOT, fun read.

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