Member Reviews

This story follows the town Sheriff, Zack, and a nurse transfer, Janie, both of whom have some familial conflicts to work through. He stepped away from his family's ranch after some conflict with his father and decided to work primarily for the Sheriff's department. Janie is here to work with an elderly woman, who happens to be Zack's neighbor, and she's also here to find closure about her parentage. I really appreciate Janie's character and her strength throughout, she is fun and sweet and really brought the story together. I love watching these two form not only their friendship, but how it evolves into a great relationship. As the story unravels secrets are uncovered and they will need to lean on each other for support. This was a lower angst read that I enjoyed reading!

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Caitlin Crews series set in Cold River (Cold River Ranch & Kittredge Ranch) are always ones where I can't wait for the next book. Janie Atwood is a very competent traveling home care nurse, but clumsy when she is nervous. Sheriff Zack Kittredge is suspicious of Janie. He thinks there is something 'off' about Janie and that she is not in Cold River just for the nursing. He also doesn't think his neighbor Damaris needs a full-time nurse. When Janie falls at his feet and spills coffee on him, he can no longer ignore her. Janie likes that Zack sees her as mysterious woman. I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher through Netgalley. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. I love this story. Zack is so closed off and controlled due to his job and his family. Janie sees under the surface and shines a light into his world. Eighty-eight-year-old Damaris is a delight and I love how she encourages their relationship. The character and the story pull me in from the beginning. As usual family dynamics play a key role. I love this book and series.

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This was so good. So, so good. I loved Janie and I definitely loved Zach. I'll be honest, I don't read a lot of cowboy anything, I usually avoid it, but I really love Caitlin's writing. Her characters are easy to vet attached to and Cold River sounds like somewhere you just need to be. Thank you for approving me for this. When it comes out, I'll be purchasing a physical copy, because Zach Kittredge deserves to be on my shelf.

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I enjoyed this book all the way through, but the resolution was my favorite. Janie is a travel nurse, who is caring for a wonderful old lady who is also the neighbor of the local sheriff, Zack. He is sure something about Janie is suspicious, but the, Zack is pretty much suspicious of everything - he lives in a very black and white world.

Some of the things I loved most were:
Janie's insights about people and feelings.
The old-lady - she was a character.
Zack finally communicating with his family - he's been so distanced for three books! Although I think even just reading this book, you'd get that.

And my top thing I loved was how everything resolved.

Thanks to netgalley and the author and publisher for letting me read this book and series!

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Fast paced, gripping, and entertaining. I liked the fleshed out characters, rooted for them, and enjoyed this novel.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Sheriff Zack Kittridge doesn't trust traveling nurse Janie Atwood who has come to town to care for Damaris Gardner. Turns out she isn't there to take advantage of the generous elderly woman, she's on a quest to find her bio-family. While the relationship between Zack and Janie starts out adversarially, they quickly find common ground. And, as readers of this genre know, there's love in the offing. And a bit of steam. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read for a rainy day.

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Exquisite romance; perfect blend of heart and heat

Zack is the eldest Kittredge sibling, and happy to continue his life of self-sacrifice as he endeavors to prove, to himself anyway, that he's nothing at all like his father, all evidence to the contrary. Janie is new in town, companion/nurse to the delightfully witty and wise Damaris Gardiner, Zack's elderly neighbor, but Zack (rightly) suspects that there's more to Janie's appearance in Cold River than she's willing to let on.

Janie is in search of her roots, and finds that she's following in her ancestor's footprints ... all the way to the Sheriff's door. She's got an inner outlaw that is encouraging her to live a little more on the edge than she's ever allowed herself to before. I adored her girl-next-door personality, how she kept quite literally falling for Zack, and how she used "sheriff" as a noun, a verb, and even an adjective. She brought a deliciously flirty playfulness to Zack's life, bringing out a less-than-serious side of him that surprised everyone who knew him, including himself.

Both of these characters have a lot of unanswered questions in their family histories, and I loved how the author took them both on a gentle, probing, introspective journey of the heart so they could find peace with all the forces that shaped them throughout the years. Some of the answers revealed yet more conflicts, especially the very personal conflict between Zack and Janie's new-found family. I wasn't sure there was any peace to be found there, but fixing that situation was yet another example of this author's brilliant writing skills.

As the last of the Kittredges to find his forever love, Zack's HEA with Janie leads to an epilogue that wraps up everything for all the Kittredges. This is a beautiful story, my favorite of all the Kittredge stories (though I absolutely loved all of them), and I hope the author continues in Cold River - perhaps with more of the Halls and/or Mortimers? If you love heartfelt romances with modern-day heroes who are "gentlemen in the streets and cowboys in the sheets" then you owe it to yourself to read this series. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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This is book 3 of the Kittredge Ranch series. Janie Atwood comes to Cold River to uncover secrets in her family and maybe find a new home. Janie has only ever been a good girl, so when she is presented with the opportunity to be a not-so-good girl, she jumps at the chance to be something different. When the neighbor of the man she is caring for turns out to be the very gruff sheriff, she realizes that she can have some much needed fun added to her life. Will sparks fly or will they just have some fun?

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Janie and Zack are not an obvious match. But they end up being perfect for each other. I loved all of their interactions and how each of them changed as they started their relationship. The story was both sweet and steamy. Zack is the perfect cowboy hero! I loved learning more about Zack's family. I'm sad that this is the last of the Kittredge siblings as I've enjoyed all of their stories. I hope there are more stories about some of the other characters in the town. I received an advance copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy, is an awesome. summer romance novel. Zack is frustrated by his family but does what he need to in order to keep the peace. Janie is trying to find her missing family is secret. Zack finds her to be very suspicious, if she's not a criminal then something else is funny with Janie. He pretty much thinks about her nonstop for both good and bad reasons. Janie gets a thrill out of the fact that anyone could think that she is bad. All of the summer get togethers makes me long for warm sunny days. .

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Janie Atwood has come to Cold River as a traveling nurse. She is living next door to the sheriff Zack Kittredge, and he is suspicious of her coming to town. Janie starts joining the historical society and asking about the town's history. Janie was raised by her grandparents after her mother died in childbirth. When the grandparents pass away a letter with clues to her father is giving to her. Zack is a no-nonsense sheriff and finds Janie doing research in the town library and she is always nervous around him. Zack never dates anyone in the county and is a little estranged from his father. Something about Janie is drawing Zack to her and he finds he is spending time with her. I have read all the Cold River books and loved them all. I received this book from NetGalley for a review.

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I loved the book! Coming back to Kittredge Ranch and Cold River is like coming home. All our friends are here and waiting for us. Great story about nurse Janie and sheriff Zack Kittredge who thinks Janie is trouble. Wait until he founds out what she really is! To me it sounded like the end of the book was the end of the series, and I so hope that isn't true. I want to come back to Cold River some more!

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Caitlin Crews has taught me that you can write a book that sounds really erotic without having to go into details. Whew, it got hot here.

Summer Nights With A Cowboy is a funny and sweet romance. Crews adds witty repartee and lots of self-deprecating humor. The flirtation between the outlaw and the sheriff is so much fun. I love Zack’s reaction to Janie. I think it is hilarious how everything negative he thinks, Janie thinks is awesome. I was shaking my head more than once at their antics.

I like the back-story about families and the discussions about getting older. I think this is so on point with where we are today in society. Kudos to all traveling nurses and those who deal in geriatrics.

I love a fun-loving family and the Kittredges seem to bring all of the fun. Though I have to say that Hall Hollow sounds just as fun.

Summer Nights is a quick and fun read. Crews brings humor, heat, and romance to Cold River and to us and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.

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Firstly I love this book wasn't choc full of graphic sex. Fade to black was perfect for me :)

I kinda have a love/hate relationship with Summer Nights with a Cowboy - though hate is far too strong a word. I felt the story rambled at times, wordy with procrastinations that would speed up the interactions without them. I found myself skimming between and during scenes. Dialogue was stretched out too far as there were too many times wordy character dissection went on which kinda pulled me out of scenes and gave a loss of momentum.

Having said that I loved Zach and Janie and did find them relatable and enjoyed their journey to each other. I did find Janie's clumsiness a bit too OTT, if someone is that bad they're diagnosised with dyxspraxia, I know this as my son can trip over thin air, but Janie made my son look like he has no issues lol.

All in all a good comfort read, nice escapism to wile away a few hours. 3.5 stars.

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Caitlin Crews returns to Cold River for another engaging romance. Sheriff Zack Kittredge is from one of the founding families. He left the ranch where he had had a difficult childhood, moved to town, and became the sheriff.

Janie Atwood is a traveling nurse who came to Cold River to look after a patient. She also came looking for her past. After being raised by her grandparents until their deaths, Janie finally had a chance to look for the part of her past that had been kept from her. It maybe led her to Cold River.

Janie doesn't make a good first impression of Zack when she trips and douses him with a coffee drink. In fact, she humiliated at her characteristic clumsiness and embarrassment. But Zack, who has kept his emotions on a tight leash, is intrigued by this newcomer.

Through this story, love grows, secrets are revealed, and relationships are healed. While I thought the story could have been a good deal shorter, it was still a nice romance.

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Summer Nights with a Cowboy is the third Kittredge Ranch book with the “Saint” Sheriff Zack Kittredge as the main character in this story. By Caitlin Crews this is a series with a complex family dynamics of siblings and difficult father. Zack, the oldest, has become Sheriff instead of running the family ranch. He is so emotional shut down it was hard to get a read on him in the beginning. Traveling nurse Janie Atwood is a much more open book though her reasons for coming to Cold River are a bit of a mystery at first. Still I could never understand why Zack saw her as anything but a nurse taking gook care of an elderly woman.

I did enjoy how she played up to his suspicions. Also how everyone called him out on his uptightness. All in all I enjoyed the book once I warmed up to Zack. Their romance is one of opposites attraction, with her secret not being something that concerns a sheriff. This entire series looks at the role parents played in the makeup of their children’s emotional and mental health even after adulthood.

The publisher through Net Galley provided an ARC. I have voluntarily decided to read and review, giving my personal opinions and thoughts.

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Yahoo, go get 'em girl. A cowboy romance, I loved it. My thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Janie Atwood has come to the Colorado town of Cold River not only for a job as nurse to an elderly woman, but to unlock the mystery of family that she might belong to and perhaps connect in a way she has longed to do. Next door to the home where she works lives the very attractive sheriff, Zack Kittredge, whose dour and serious personality shows he does not suffer fools or people he suspects of bad intent gladly. Janie, who has always been goodness personified, is quite pleased to be thought of as a suspicious character by Zack.

Zack Kittredge is not only the sheriff, but the oldest son of the famed Kittredges whose family and ranch are well respected in this town where familiar relations are everything, be they good or bad. Zach eschewed his duty years before to go in to law enforcement after a big fight with his father, Donovan. Zach still heads out to the ranch for Sunday dinners that are often a tense time with not only his brothers and sister, but his parents whom he has kept an emotional distance from which suits Zach’s loner persona just fine.

Janie Atwood is everything Zach is not personality wise; she lights up the room wherever she goes with flame colored hair and tendency not only to be clumsy, but blush like a house afire. Zach feels Janie is up to something and while he is oddly attracted to her, he does not believe in secrets or unknown motivations so he keeps an eye on the very perplexing woman next door. Janie throws herself into, with lots of enthusiasm, getting to know the town’s colorful history and founding families though not all of them are well liked.

While he is still suspicious of her motives, Zach finds he cannot resist her ebullient personality nor Janie’s freckle faced beauty. He has always had strict rules about spending time with women who are expected to know the score: no relationships and definitely not in town where gossip is the major pastime and few secrets stay hidden for long. But for Janie, Zach finds he is breaking a lot of his personal hard and fast rules. The carefully controlled, self-contained Zach is not happy about how Janie affects him, or what kinds of emotions she stirs up. Janie is very inexperienced when it comes to men having spent most of her adult life caring for the elderly which affords little opportunity for a personal life.

The family has a complicated history and strained dynamics because of the parents’ early marriage problems causing Zach to become a caretaker for his siblings before things seemed to turn around. This story contains some resolution and answers as to why the turmoil happened allowing some healing on both sides to take place. The third book in the Kittredge Ranch series, I have been looking forward to Zach’s story, and am pleased to say that I enjoyed this opposites attract tale very much. Fans of the series will be quite happy with this new addition of tales from Cold River. (

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Once again, Caitlin Crews has knocked my socks off with this third book in her Kittredge Ranch series, filled with fully-rounded characters and an excellent storyline, and despite the fact that Zack is not a working cowboy but is instead the sheriff in Cold River, the town in which this series takes place, since "Cowboy" appears in all the titles of this series, I'll let that issue slide and give this wonderfully told story the 5 stars it deserves.

The heroine, Janie, is in Cold River to work as a live-in aide/hospice nurse/companion to Demaris Gardiner, an 87-year-old grande dame of the first order. This is certainly not her first job as a traveling nurse, and she's and Ms. Gardiner get along famously. Janie is a self-proclaimed klutz, and first meets the gorgeous, hunky, taciturn, and stone-faced sheriff, Zack Kittredge, when she trips in front of him at the local coffeehouse and her designer coffee ends up all over him. It doesn't help much when she tells him he needs to go to charm school, while he'd rather spend his time trying to figure out why this pretty young woman would come to Cold River to care for wealthy Demaris Gardiner for however long the job lasts. He's right to wonder why, because there is another reason Janie is in town, and the reason for her taking this job is one she doesn't share openly, with either the sheriff, Ms. Gardiner or the reader.

I fell in love with Janie at the outset, although she's constantly tripping over her own feet, she's a realist about herself and about her life and career, and how could she possibly ignore the sparks between herself and Zack, and those sparks turn to flame for both of these characters, but one of the things I love about this series, and Ms. Crews' novels in general, is that she always takes a deep dive into each character's psyche. Told in alternate narration, we learn about why these characters are the way they are, why they chose the professions they chose, why they behave as they do, and what motivates them, as well as learning about the traumas in their early years that helped mold them into the people they became. If you're looking for character development and angst in a romance novel, this one has it in spades. And before I forget to mention it, these two characters light each other up like fireworks.

Without giving away Janie's secret mission in Cold River, or the reasons for Zack's suspicion of her, and his lack of desire for a long-term, lasting relationship, I will tell you that there is an HEA ending for this couple, and an epilogue (thank you for that, Ms. Crews!) and in-between the beginning and end of this novel, a simply wonderful, charming, passionate, honest, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking story that will keep you turning pages late into the night. I'm very happy to recommend it.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Hmmm I am still in an undecided in how I truly feel about this book phase. I mean we have some pretty great characters that I did like and some that needed to let lose a little they were strung to tight, and they drove me batty. The book was written well considering that it all a lot of goings on. Considering that the romance moved a steady pace and the story moved on constantly, so I was happy with the pacing.

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