Member Reviews

I thoroughly enjoyed this second book in Helena Hunting's Spark Sisters series! A quick-paced read, London and Jackson's road to romance was sweet, sexy, and absolutely delightful, but what really stood out for me was the family dynamics between the Spark sisters. Hunting dug deep as she built the conflict for both the romantic relationship and the family one, both completely satisfying for this reader. There were some wonderful laugh out loud moments and angsty moments that made my heart hurt, but I enjoyed every moment!

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This is the second book of the Stark House series. I really liked how this book flowed. The characters interacted well with each other and others in the book. London and Jackson were meant to meet the way they did in the beginning I think if they had met any other way it would not have worked as well as it did.
I will admit that I cried towards the end of the book and I'm not one to usually cry while reading a book. I didn't like the way that Trent was with Jackson and trying to talk him out of his relationship with London all the time I do get that he was looking out for his friend and boss but as a friend he should have also been happy for them.
I would greatly recommend this book to everyone but only if they read When Sparks Fly book 1 of the Spark House series as this is not a stand alone book.

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This book was wonderful! This is the second book about the Spark sisters, but can easily stand on its own. London Spark is one of three sisters that run a hotel, Spark House, that has been in their family for generations. It's there she meets Jackson, the CEO of a Media company. And needless to say, "Sparks" fly! Thank you so much to Netgalley and the Publisher for the chance to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion. I really enjoyed this book! I found myself laughing (and maybe crying a little) and had a very hard time putting this book down. It was an easy read, but definitely engaging!

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Starry-Eyed Love is book 2 in the Spark House series; however, the story also works as a stand-alone. Book 2 focuses on the second sister, London. Here, London and Jackson have a slow-burn romance as they move from co-workers to friends to lovers. Of course, the story is filled with miscommunication and conflicts. But the steam (and make-up steam) between our London and Jackson will start your pages on fire. Overall, a fun, breezy read, perfect for the beach.

3.5 stars.

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This is about family values. Sisterly love is very prominent. Even when they are having a family crisis, their love for each other shines.

This story is about London who manages the financial and business sides of the family business. Ideally, it's not really what she wants to do, but she perseveres for her sisters ' sake. She is single at the moment and she is not ready to jump in a relationship. Jackson is a business mogul. He asks her out when having a drink and she turns him down. She doesn't know anything about him and she is asked to attend a meeting in view of promoting and expanding their business. She attends the meeting and little does she know that she has met the CEO. Jackson himself. When he sees her, he abandons all other meetings. It takes her a while to recognise that he is the same guy who asked her out three months ago. Will he give the sponship that he has offered to her or will remember about the rejection?

Jackson and London get on well, except it's strictly business when deep down there is an attraction to each other. The story is well paced and portrayed. Overall, the sisters get on pretty well except when there is the occasional fireworks. Jackson and London are very well suited , but as always there are misunderstandings. Jackson hasn't been comlplety honest with her and when the truth comes out, she is as angry as she is devastated. She doesn't give him a chance to explain, but it all ends well after that initial hiccup.

I was kindly issued with an eARC from Netgalley and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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Better than the last! London works hard to keep her family legacy alive, even when she is very unhappy. When Jackson enters her orbit, her business sky-rockets and so does her love life. I enjoyed this charming book, even when London's sister Avery made me so, so mad.

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London was a fun main character to follow. This is both a sisterly story, but also a hard-core romance. The romantic interest is absolutely compatible with London and it was enjoyable seeing their story playout.

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London Spark recently broke up with her boyfriend and isn't ready for another relationship ship anytime soon. While out with her sisters one evening she gets hit on by a good looking man but she's not ready to date so she doesn't take his number. London really doesn't have time to date, as the administrator for her family's business she worries about finding new clients and keeping the business moving forward. When a multi-million-dollar company contacts her she hopes that a partnership will come out of the meeting. The meeting seems to be going well.for her when an unexpected guest makes an appearance, the man whom she turned down on her night out. Jackson is surprised to see the woman who wouldn't take his number bit is also intrigued. The two start to get together for work and while doing so feelings start to form. Follow along as these two both start to fall for the other, can the two get over the past that the other is so secretive about? Will love win in the end? This was a lovely romantic read that I couldn't put down.

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Helena Hunting delivers a fun and swoony friends to lovers romance that you won't be able to put down.

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London Spark, along with her two sisters, own and operate an event hotel called Spark House. After breaking up with her boyfriend, the sisters are spending a night out celebrating, when London is approached by an attractive man who pays for their drinks and tries to give her his number. Despite the fact that she technically was single, London declines, and returns to enjoying their night out.

Fast forward a few months and a large company reaches out to Spark House about a potential collaboration. London attends the pitch meeting, where the CEO, Jackson Holt, surprises them by interrupting and sitting in the meeting. This is when London realizes that Jackson is the guy from that night out that she denied! Clearly taking an interest in more than just Spark House, Jackson in more hands on with London and this project than ever before. In an effort to keep things professional during the initial project, several bumps are hit along the road.

What a great book! Despite being in a series, I think that this book could be read as a standalone. 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for an advanced copy for honest review.

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Starry Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the newest installment in the stand-alone series, Spark House.

Now, I loved the first book When Sparks Fly but this one? Well, for two nights in a row I had to talk myself into stopping my “Just One More Chapter” thoughts and as the clock got closer & closer to 4AM.. each chapter was just too good to leave off on.

I plain adored/loved/LIVED for this book and I cannot recommend it enough. London and Jackson are a second chance, will they won’t they romance. A romance where two extremely different people can’t help but fall for the chemistry that is so obvious between them. Helena Hunting is definitely one of my favorite rom-com writers and all you have to do is read this book to find out why!

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This was such a fun, slow-burn romcom with a meet-cute, a friendship, and then something more. I enjoyed the sparks buzzing between London and Jackson and cheered as they got together. The sparks flying between London and her sisters were a bit tempestuous at times, as they can be with family, but they could still count on each other. There were a few slow spots (at least for me), but I found this to be an enjoyable read overall. This is book two in the series.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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London and Jackson's love story in Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting, book two in her Spark House series, combines the stress of running a business with all that entails; dreams, goals, creative genius with the delicate balancing act of trying to live your life and finding happiness one deserves. It is an amazing story of family, relationships, and acceptance; misunderstand and mistrust; romance, passion and love.

Several months earlier, following the break-up of her most recent relationship, London spent the evening at a bar with her sisters where she would meet a stranger but with her break up still fresh in her mind, London declined the handsome stranger, never getting his name or details. Several months later London is doing an important presentation to help grow the family event hotel business and the CEO of Holt Media and Consulting, stops in to join the meeting and London realizes it’s the man from the bar; super rich and successful Jackson Holt. Holt Media is hoping to liaison with Spark House for a business proposal, a proposal that will bring London and Jackson up close and personal. Despite the sparks flying, the possibility of a conflict of interest forces these to remain a professional demeanor; until their chemistry interferes. What develops is the building romance and relationship between London and Jackson, and the potential fall-out as Jackson’s past refuses to walk away, destroying London. There is plenty of magnetic attraction and sizzling chemistry between these two. There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including London’s sisters Harley, Avery and Avery’s fiancé Declan. Jackson’s friends and business partners Trent, Lincoln and Griffin, as well as his assistant Mitchell, and Selene Angelis, Jackson’s social media and marketing advisor also add an additional depth to the story.

Ms. Hunting wrote an emotional, wonderful, heartwarming romance that kept me turning the pages as I followed the twist and turns of Avery and Declan’s relationship. She provided a tale rich with magnetic attraction, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, the magic of friends, and charming characters giving London and Jackson a chance at love, happiness, and a future neither expected. I highly recommend Starry-Eyed Love to other readers and can’t wait for Harley’s story.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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Starry-Eyed Love was a fresh and fun read.

I haven't swooned this hard while reading a book in a while. Jackson Holt, the CEO is proposing a partnership with The Spark House which complicates his desire to date London. However, it is funny how much time they spend together in the name of "business" when Jackson is dating her. London is dedicated to her family. and tries to balance her work life with the possibility of starting a relationship. When we last visited all three sisters, I remember Avery forgiving Declan too soon. The damage he invoked was horrible and I wanted him to suffer even more for forgiveness. However, I don't remember Avery being a pain in the a** like she was in London's story.
Hunting does an amazing job of building the steam. It was the "mini" dates between Jackson and London that kept me turning the pages. If you have a private jet, it's easy to keep my attention (ha ha) . Its completed with the sweetness of a boy-meets-girl love story touched with current events such as sustainability and conservation.
Jackson and London are #couplegoals. I enjoyed reading their cinderella love story.

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Helena Hunting brings us back to Spark House, this time following London. When the Spark sisters are given an opportunity to partner with a big company, London makes a presentation and ends up running into the CEO of the company - who also happens to be a man she had a chance encounter with at a bar and rejected. When they begin working together, sparks fly and turn their worlds upside down.

I was immediately drawn to this book by Helena Hunting’s name alone - I have had so much fun reading her books, and this was no exception! I can’t say I’ve read many billionaire romances, and this one definitely kept my interest (especially because I was already invested in the hotel to begin with!)

You can tell that London and Jackson care very deeply about each other, and I felt that the conflict made sense and made for an impactful ending. I also loved how we continued to see the Spark House staying green and becoming so successful!

One thing that I’m stuck on is how strongly Jackson feels about the environment, while also owning a private plane. It’s later explained that it’s “the greenest plane designed”, but it still feels weird.

This was super fun and mildly spicy, and I hope Harper gets her own book too! I’m excited to see what her happily ever after entails!

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Starry-Eyed Love is another must read story by the fantabulous Helena Hunting.
I swooned. I laughed. I felt every degree of emotion!!

The bond between the Spark sisters is unbreakable but like any relationship… challenges, conflicts and love is on the menu!

London is the middle sister and is determined to prove that she can also contribute to the family business.

This story is the perfect definition of a slow burn that will have you hooked till the very end.

Jackson and London found themselves having to work together and they became each other confident… secrets, tears, insecurities and SPARKS… LOTS OF SPARKS!!

Gloriously romantic, full of characters who jump off the page and a setting that made me want to visit the hotel immediately. Helena Hunting does sexy, funny and poignant so, so well and her loveable characters are the icing on the cake!

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Starry Eyed Love is a modern romance story. Of course they are all beautiful people but they are also smart and caring. And instead of Prince Charming saving the damsel in distress, the independent woman sets her own priorities and takes care of herself. London and Jackson were both great characters and a real joy to get to know.

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This is my first time reading this author and series. I must say that I really enjoyed this book. Good story, likable characters, and of course a happy ending. Looking forward to the next book.

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London dirige o Sparks Fly, hotel que está se especializando em eventos, junto com suas duas irmãs. Ela cuida de toda a parte administrativa e dedica parte de seu tempo também a sua loja de itens na Etsy. Quando a Sparks Fly recebe um convite para integrar um programa de iniciativa para empresas eco-friendly, London e as irmãs vêem uma oportunidade de levar o negócio da família a um novo patamar. E é assim que ela reencontra Jackson, o CEO milionário da empresa que está oferecendo essa oportunidade a Sparks Fly. Acontece que Jackson chamou London para sair em um bar meses antes e ela disse.... não. Será que eles vão conseguir trabalhar juntos?
Não costumo ler livros cuja profissão do protagonista seja CEO, MAS é Helena Hunting e eu leio apenas tudo que essa mulher publica. Com uma narrativa menos dramática que o usual, Helena Hunting entregou um livro slow burn com um casal que vai se conhecendo e se relacionando aos poucos.
London sempre colocou a felicidade das irmãs em primeiro lugar e por isso se fechou para o amor. Quando ela reencontra Jackson a relação deles flui de forma natural, eles tem muito em comum e acabam passando muito tempo juntos por causa dos projetos. Jackson valoriza e respeita o trabalho de London e a apoia e incentiva e esse relacionamento saudável vindo de um CEO? Autoras aprendam!
Jackson perdeu os pais por conta de um desastre ambiental que acarretou uma doença neles, a partir disso o rapaz passou a incentivar empresas que cuidam do meio ambiente. Meses atrás ele ficou atraído por uma loira no bar, que o rejeitou e agora ele tem uma nova chance com ela. London parece ser tudo que ele sempre quis, agora ele não vai abrir mão dessa possível relação.
O drama que acontece no livro é tão pouquinho e eu confesso que amei como a autora não incentivou uma rivalidade feminina desnecessária. A relação dos protagonistas se desenrola de maneira muito madura e responsável e sim demora um pouco a acontecer, afinal esse CEO é tudo menos t0x1c0.
Eu nunca vou deixar de recomendar para vocês os livros dessa mulher, sério se vocês verem por aí Helena Hunting já saibam que a história é boa!
#ResenhasLeD #HelenaHunting

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There are three Spark Sisters and Starry-Eyed Love is London's story. Spark House is the family business that all three sisters took over the running from their grandmother. Each of them has a strength to offer, London's is the artistic side. The problem is that Avery is busy planning her wedding so London attends a meeting with a multi-million-dollar company to discuss a potential partnership. What she was not expecting was to work with CEO, Jackson Holt. London had met Jackson previously and turned him down for a date, but did not know who he was. As they work more together, they begin to have feelings for one another, but they need to keep it professional while working together. Throw in a female friend who wants to be more than friends and there are a few wrenches in the works.

I enjoyed this romance, despite there being some open door romance. London is a great character, but she has some insecurities. She is not comfortable in Jackson's world, so it definitely causes some anxiety. She is a very talented person, who works hard at Spark House as well as running her own store. She goes through a lot of growth in this story, and I was glad to see her stand up for herself. Jackson was a bit harder to like. He was a bit rigid and took a lot for granted, but I guess being as wealthy as he was, he lived a very different life. I did like that he didn't give up on London and was very instrumental in getting her to move out of her comfort zone. I have to say, Jackson was a bit obtuse at times about relationships, which does cause some angst, but he had some baggage from his past to get over. I did enjoy their banter, both in messages and real life. That was where the humor fit in. This was a slow developing romance, which I liked as they got to know each other first. When the conflict comes to a head, it was well done. I saw it coming based on their personalities and baggage, but it was well written and the resolution was great. This story is a romance with family issues thrown in, as well as themes of self-esteem, recognizing your strengths and using them to the best of your abilities. I enjoyed this story and am looking forward to the third and final book in this trilogy, Make a Wish - Harley's story.

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