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I’m so excited to tell y’all about Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting, the sweet, sexy romance that you’re going to want on your summer reading list! When I got the opportunity for an early read from St. Martin’s Press via Netgalley I didn’t hesitate.
London Spark runs Spark House, an Inn and event space in Colorado, together with her sisters. Having just come out of a long term relationship London is quick to turn down the handsome stranger who asks her own during a girls night out. This becomes awkward when the handsome stranger, Jackson Holt, turns out to be the very wealthy owner of the company who wants to partner with Spark House, moving them forward to the next level. Can London and Jackson work around their undeniable attraction, staying professional? Can two sisters convince the third that they can maintain the integrity of a ‘family business’ and bring in the additional help they so desperately need?
This is the second in the Spark House series but Starry-Eyed Love is fine as a read alone. Helena Hunting does a seamless job giving enough background on characters and storyline, but doesn’t get bogged down in retelling the first book. I enjoyed the first in the series, When Sparks Fly, but think this second book is Helena Hunting at her best. I thought the delayed romance hit just the right tone, it felt honest and believable. I loved the relationship between the sisters, their frustrations, their ability to see each other and cut through the noise.
This is a fantastic summer read for holidays and vacation, by the lake/pool/beach or your backyard. I recommend for lovers of HEA, romance, and contemporary women’s fiction.

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Starry-Eyed Love has one of my favorite couples so far this year. London and Jackson just fit so well together in an odd and unexpected way. London is an anxious woman, and the paper starts she’s known for making to keep her hands busy sound beautiful. I loved her creativity and crafty side, and I felt for her when she never seemed to have enough time to dedicate to it.

Jackson is a bit of the opposite. He’s down to business and very focused on his company. But he also never seems to take time for himself. When they first meet, it was super cute – the ultimate meet-cute – and their second meeting was delightfully awkward for London, while Jackson is business-line and completely unaware.

When they end up working together, their attraction is put on hold. But while they may think they’re doing a good job hiding it, everyone around them can see it whenever they are together. And while they seem perfect together, it would just be far too easy for them to just get their HEA without some struggle.

When London gets dragged through a social media nightmare because of their relationship, things start to fall apart, mistrust builds, and it’s only some really open and honest discussions that can save the day. But can they both put it all on the line when it really matters? Starry-Eyed Love took that dive into communication and nailed it. I can’t recommend this book enough.

**I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book**

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This one a really cute. I enjoyed it. It was a good book to breeze through. It was great for just coming out of a slump. I cannot wait to read more by her.

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"The heart is stupid. It doesn't like logic. It gravitates to the things that make it feel intensely, even if those things will eventually cause it pain."

Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in the Spark House series and features the second of the Spark sisters, London. She has not one, but two meet cutes with leading man, Jackson and their inventible HEA seems written in the stars.

Jackson and London are working together so any relationship between them is off-limits, despite how much they clearly want one another. Jackson sends quite a few mixed signals with his behavior as he's trying desperately to keep some distance between himself and London. That leads to a lot of tension in this slow-burn romance.

London and Jackson each lost their parents when they were young. They both recognize the grief the other carries and are able to open up to each other. While London had her sisters and grandmother to lean on, Jackson had his friends. Those friends play an important role in this story.

Speaking of friends, fans of Hunting's Shacking Up series will enjoy appearances by the Mills and Moorehead gang in this one.

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Starry-Eyed Love, by Helena Hunting, was a fun book to read. This is my first time reading Helena Hunting and I look forward to reading more. This book has laughter, romance, and heartbreak centered around family, friends and romantic relationships. There were some tear jerking moments and I loved every bit of it, including the way it ended. I enjoyed all of the characters and look forward to the next book in the series,

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I have to say, I enjoyed Starry-Eyed Love more than I did the first book in this series, When Sparks Fly. Although I haven't quite felt the "spark" with this series like I have with many of Ms. Hunting's other books, I do like the Sparks sisters and am enjoying seeing how things are progressing with Spark House. I have to say, Avery, the sister from WSF, really worked my nerves in this book. Although I didn't love her story, I didn't have a problem with her until SEL- she really needed to be put in her place.

I was happy there wasn't a lot of crazy back and forth between London and Jackson. I appreciated that Jackson didn't want there to be conflict because of the business relationship, but he could have approached things with London a little differently.
While there was the typical "big conflict" that definitely could have been avoided if the two had just, oh you know, communicated, I was glad things didn't drag out. I think Jackson and London brought out the best in each other. They both needed someone like the other in their lives and I'm happy they found their way together.

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Their first meeting didn't go well. During a night out with her sisters, London Spark was approached by a stranger, Jackson Holt, who asked her out. For her, the timing wasn't right. Months later they meet again, and she is shocked to learn who he is. A business relationship was established which led to a romantic one. and that was when things became complicated. They both brought baggage from the past. Could they leave the past in the past?

I found this well written multi-layered story enjoyable to read. The narrative deals with family relationships as well as interpersonal ones. Serious matters are presented with sensitivity. The protagonists are well defined, and readers get to know them well as the story is told in their voices. Even though the dialogue is often witty, there is a lot of serious discussion which keeps the reader engrossed. I found Starry-Eyed Love to be a heartfelt and romantic story. Highly recommended.

The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Thank you so much to St. Martins Griffin and Macmillian Audio for the advance reading and listening copies of Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting. Starry-Eyes Love came out last week, on May 10 - Available now!

This is the second book in the Spark House series, following sisters Avery, London and Harley. Avery, the oldest, was the focus of book one, and I absolutely adored her friends to lovers relationship with Declan. This book followed London's story when she meets Jackson and we get to see their relationship unfold.

I had a lot of trouble with this one, I didn't understand where their relationship came from, it felt very insta-love (which I'm not a fan of). I didn't understand the why behind their attraction. I also found London to be a very helpless character, always needing her sister or Jackson to pull her out of problems.

I did enjoy seeing the relationship between the sisters develop, they are so fun on their own and I liked seeing the two younger start to stand up for themselves.

The third act conflict between Jackson and London was pretty typical of romance books - it didn't stand out to me.

The audiobook narrated by Jason Clarke and Stella Bloom is a great way to experience this story. It was awesome having a different narrator for each perspective.

Overall, I'm feeling very meh about the book but I will come back to the series to see how it wraps up with Harley's story.

2.5 stars rounded.

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I loved this book. What wonderful characters and a great storyline. I can't wait to read the next book!

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I found the plot so refreshing. I love a woman who can be comfortable with being single but also who realizes sometimes the bigger the risk the stronger the love. The writing was so well planned out. I love that there is no added fluff just straight to the storyline. The characters have great personalities and I loved the secondary characters. I look forward to reading more from this talented author in the future.

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4.5 stars

We are back at Spark House and its London's turn. I loved the first book but this one just edged in front of it slightly.

London is out with her sisters celebrating her new found single status when she encounters Jackson, a totally swoon-worthy guy, but she turns him down when he slips her his number. She is surprised to see him a few months later when she is giving a presentation to a company that are looking to use Sparks House as part of their network in in walks Jackson, their CEO.

This was quite a sweet slow burn romance. When London and Jackson meet up again and start working together their relationship slowly starts to build. Even though its slow the chemistry between them is intense. They are so well matched.

It was lovely seeing the sisters again, i love their dynamic. Their dedication to their business and love for each other is plain to see.

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This was such an emotional roller coaster, we first met London in the first book so this is her book and from her POV and Jackson’s POV. Watching the couple grow was very nice to see they had a really good connection overall I liked the book a lot. There was one aspect of the book that I struggled with I did not love that there was other woman drama and the miscommunication with the other woman was a little bit hard to read. I really liked the growth that London showed in the book I really need to learn how to make origami stars they sound like a lot of fun to make, overall I loved Jackson and London together.

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I fell in love with London right away, I related to her people pleasing fatal flaw and immediately wanted for her to find her happily ever after. Jackson enters the book with what appears to be everything anyone could ever want in life, however it is blatently obvious he also is missing one crucial thing, the love of his life. It's a fall hard and fast type of book which as a HEA reader, is a personal preference of mine. Helena writes a little more sophisticated than I tend to like. I like to imagine these conversations happening in real time, there were definately moments I thought "who talks like this?" All in all I still enjoyed the book so much!

Thank you Netgalley for my ARC in exchange for my honest oppinion.

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I love the Spark sisters! I’m really enjoying getting to know the sisters in this series. This was a good read and I was exited to read London’s book!

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Helena Hunting is one of my favorite authors and I have read everything she has written, so I was excited to read her newest book, Starry-Eyed Love. She knows how to paint a picture, she is a wonderful storyteller and she makes this story come alive.
I devoured this delicious story and I just couldn’t put it down. It has a plot that kept me spellbound, realistic character development and witty dialogue. In fact, the banter between Jackson and London, the two main characters, was what I loved the most about this story. Their chemistry just explodes off the pages.

London and her sisters own Spark house, a quaint hotel in Colorado surrounded by beautiful grounds where they host events. When London meets Jackson, a billionaire who owns Holt Media, it changes both of their lives forever. Jackson and London have an intensity that leaped off the page and I loved all of their encounters. Their communication through email and text messages made me laugh out loud as they got to know each other through these messages.

I loved Jackson. He is charming and sweet and totally into London. Jackson is a billionaire who has seen it all and is feeling bored with his life when he meets London, who he finds refreshing. Jackson is vulnerable with London and he shows her a side of him that he doesn’t share with anyone else. You don’t want to miss this delightful, charming and spicy romantic story.

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Helena Hunting never fails. I caught myself numerous times smiling and feeling giddy with each turn of the page. In true Helena fashion this book will have you laughing, smiling, and swooning. The chemistry between London and Jackson was unmatched sparks everywhere. My favorite thing about London and Jacksons relationship was the banter and Helena knows how to do it so well. You will not want to put it down. Very fast paced and easy to read. I didn't get the opportunity to read the first book in this series but I did not feel like I was missing much, but I'm excited to go back to the first book. I highly recommend this steamy romance novel.

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This is the second book in the Spark House Series but can be read as a standalone.
This is London's story and I was hooked from the moment I started reading. She just ended a dead end relationship and isn't looking for a new one, so when a man approaches her and asks for a date she turns him down. Low and behold they will meet again. He is the CEO of a company that wants to team up and work together. Only one problem, they are very much attracted to each other and mixed signals begin. I love all the emotions this story game me. Jackson has been burned in the past and knows he can't date while he is working with London. So much chemistry and fighting what they both want. Will all the mixed signals doom this relationship? Really enjoyed this story.

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I don’t know that there has ever been a book by Helena Hunting that I haven’t enjoyed. She always makes you fall in love and makes my heart feel so very full.

This book is no different. I adored London. Even more than I loved Avery. I can’t wait to see what happens with Harley. This was one of the best meet cutes that there has been in a book. I adore this entire beginning of these two.

Jackson was like a dream. Sweep you off your feet millionaire with sex appeal and a heart of gold. Some moments of denseness on his part, but he figures it out.

I can’t wait to read Harley’s story.

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This was my second ARC in the series, and I enjoyed it more than the first one. London and Jackson were a cute couple and the conflict/misunderstanding was relatable and not as frustrating as they often are in romance novels. I enjoyed their story and especially the flirting via Google Doc (lol). I felt like the steamy stuff was a little lacking… I think there was not enough build-up/tension. It was good but not great. Overall, an enjoyable HEA and I’m looking forward to reading Harley’s story.

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✨Starry Eyed Love by Helena Hunting✨

This is the second book of the Spark sister series, thank you @netgalley for this ARC!

London loves the creative aspects of running the Spark House hotel with her three sisters, such as creating center pieces and has an Etsy store on the side for such crafts. However, her role has grown more administrative and she is frequently preparing for meetings with sponsors. One day, while hastily preparing for another meeting, she receives a call inviting her to meet with Holt Media. This is a multi-million dollar company with green goals like Spark House, that could help their hotel and event space grow.

London goes to meet with a Holt Media assistant when the CEO unexpectedly drops in and takes over the meeting. She realizes halfway through that she actually turned him down when he asked her out at a bar a few months back. Is he still mad about this and going to hurt their chances for this opportunity? Will they develop a spark that could jeopardize this business relationship??


If you like Helena Hunting or the previous Spark book I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one.

I think I liked the first better. I actually didn’t like London in the first book, but she’s the saint in this one and Avery is awful. So I’m confused in my feelings towards these sisters. However, wedding planning, increasing business with not enough help, sister/relationship troubles would burn me out and make me a witch too ha.

-instant attraction
-kinda workplace romance
-small town girl with a big city guy
-hot car scene that I couldn’t bring myself to finish in the middle seat on a plane 🔥
-CW: loss of parents off page
-terrible pick up lines at the beginning 😬

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