Member Reviews

I absolutely adore the Spark sisters and had loved Avery and Declan’s story in When Sparks Fly. Even though they are not part of a series, I would definitely recommend reading that book first to understand and honestly read more about these awesome sisters. I loved the chemistry between London and Jackson. It is a beautiful story about love and family. One that kept me up through the night and gave me happiness when I was sick. I would definitely recommend this book and I cannot wait to read Harley’s story.

I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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Oh I loved this book. London, she is a funny , a little odd and perfect in so many ways. If you have read When Sparks Fly, then you already know who London is, but in this book to get to see another side of her.

Jackson is amazing.

A chance meeting that is almost forgotten, however when a chance interest in The Spark House is on the table, London is the only sister able to make the meeting and do the presentation….. a 1st impression sometimes opens doors you never knew about and Jackson can’t believe who he just passed on the way to his office. He can’t believe his luck and he joins the party.

A sassy London holds her ground and makes Jackson think about his involvement in this project a little differently. Business and pleasure don’t mix, but when the project has a timeline to end, you never know what might come next.

Business partners, to friends to lovers maybe? Or will his past come back and bite him and send London in a free fall she can’t recover from?

A charming addition to the 1st book.

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I was definitely excited for London's story after reading book one. I seemed to gravitate towards her character more in the previous book so having her next was perfect for me! This series is different than most of the authors previous series, more rom-com and slow burn, Written in dual POV...... this workplace romance will be a great read for sure!

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I enjoyed the first book in the series. This one just didn't do much for me. I found myself disinterested in the characters for some reason. This must've just not been a book for me.

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This is London’s story we return to the Sparks sisters. They are all incredible in their own way and London is the one who will work herself to the bone in order for their business to succeed.

Jackson is the swoony hero of the story and plays the part perfect. The banter between them is wonderful and I always enjoy it.

Overall, I loved the story it was captivating and page turning the characters were amazing and I’m looking forward to the next book.

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I love being back in the Spark sisters world again! I was so intrigued by London in the first book, and I was so excited to get her story. She’s so serious and focused, and very much a willing martyr for her sisters. I loved seeing her shine. Of course, Jackson is the millionaire hero dreams are made of. I adore the business-y banter these two share! I also enjoyed seeing more of the sisters and their special connection. Endearing and enchanting all around.

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This was such a cute story. Helena's writing is so easy to read and is just perfect for relaxing on a sunny afternoon (or a warm starry night). There was a little spice in this one, but not like her other books so this may appeal to people who like a lower spice level. I really liked both characters and how they handled a lot of the situations in the book.

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4.5 stars!

Starry-Eyed Love is such a sweet love story and it gave me the all the warm fuzzies. London is the middle Spark sister. She manages the business and financial side the Spark House. One night, while at a bar with her sisters and fresh out of a breakup, she gets hit on by a hot guy. She’s not in the right headspace to date so she turns him down.

A few months later, London is given the opportunity to partner with a multi-million dollar company and it is a fantastic opportunity for Spark House to grow. However, it turns out the owner of the company, Jackson Holt, is none other than the guy London rejected. She may be ready to date again but now that she and Jackson are working together, he is off limits.

I adored this story. London is fantastic. She is smart and hardworking, and she puts her all into things. Though she loves Spark House, she is super creative and that is where her passion lies. I love that Jackson takes an invested interest in her and what she does. And not just the business side but her creative side too. He is different than I expected and I enjoyed him so much. He has been through a lot yet he is so fun to be around and has such a big heart.

"I’d forgotten what it was like to authentically enjoy spending time with someone who wasn’t one of my sisters. It feels effortless, natural."

I love that they are both interested in each other but the timing isn’t the best so they actually have time to get to know each other. The attraction is there but it’s not insta-love. I felt the spark between them and even though the sexual tension skyrockets the more they are with each other, they handle it well and fall into an easy, natural friendship.

"There’s chemistry between us. It crackles like thin sheets of ice under heavy treads every time I’m near her. I just need to stay on the right side of the line…"

There is a little bit of drama but I see both sides of the story. I think that some of the heartache could have been avoided if they were completely open with each other; however, I loved the way things played out and fell hard for Jackson and London.

I also loved getting more time with all three sisters together. There was a lot of growth between the three of them and they are finally at a better place with each other and what they want for Spark House.

Overall, I love this series and cannot wait for Harley's story!!!

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This was a cute romance between London Spark, one of 3 sisters who run Spark House, and Jackson Holt, CEO of a multi-million dollar company. These two have not one, but two Meet Cutes and they were both great, catching London off guard each time! ⁣

This was a fun romance with more of a slow burn than you might be used to in a Helena Hunting book! The relationship between Avery, London, and Harley is the perfect example of sisters who love each other while also sometimes annoying each other. It is one of my favorite parts of the series!⁣

Jackson and London started off slow and through most of the book, keep things professional…until they don’t. Once they got together, I was so happy to see more of Jackson’s personality and feelings for London come out. Their chemistry really comes out in the second half of the book!⁣

As always, expect Helena’s signature humor and perfect steam! This series is perfect for a summer read!⁣⁣

Thank you, Helena, St. Martain's Press, and NetGalley, for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

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Thanks to St. Martin's Press for providing an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 3.5 stars rounded up!

Starry-Eyed Love is my second Helena Hunting book and I went into it with my trepidation because of how much the first book in this series was not my cuppa. I'm happy to say that I enjoyed this one so much more! Once again, it's a fast and easy romance that I managed to finish in one sitting. It is a very slow-burn romance but the payoff, even with the third-act breakup drama and all, was worth the HEA they get in the end. It was great to see more of the work that goes into Spark House and the different events they can come up with, plus, I enjoyed getting to know London and seeing her relationship with her sisters, especially Harley!

I appreciated how the romance between London and Jackson developed slowly. Their initial meet-cute was a meet-awkward as London turns Jackson down and when they unexpectedly meet again a few months down the road, they enter a strictly business arrangement that prevents them from becoming more. I would say the first half has a more serious tone to it as it's largely focused on the business relationship that develops between Spark House and Jackson's environmentally conscious new venture. Although there's a clear mutual attraction you don't find much of the flirty fun banter that you'd expect to find in a romance in this first part but I enjoyed getting to know more about Spark House and the work London does. I appreciated how Hunting addressed the power dynamic between London and Jackson, and that Jackosn actually doesn't push crossing that professional boundary.

It's a very slow-burn romance but they take the months to really get to know each other and I loved the support Jackson gives to London and Spark House over the course of the novel. Also, as a result of the slow burn, there's a delightful simmering tension that builds between them that makes it all the more satisfying when the business side ends and they finally get together. I'm surprised by how much I liked London in this book because I wasn't a fan in the first. She's hard-working and passionate about her work for Spark House, even as it regularly puts her out of her comfort zone, and she's a loving sister. I loved the close bond that she has with Harley and I loved seeing so much more of the sibling dynamic in this book. I still wasn't a fan of Avery (sorry, not sorry) and this book didn't change that but their relationship was so relatable and I think anyone with siblings will say realistic.

Surprisingly, although I did like him for the most part, I struggled a little with Jackson… I loved how he supported London and Spark House and brought them so much attention but some of his actions were slightly off-putting and there were a few moments of frustrating poor communication that had me gritting my teeth and wondering WHY. There were also times in the first half of the book when I wasn't sure whether he actually felt anything for London cos he was so emotionless. I don't want to get into spoiler territory but there were several missed opportunities for better communication between him and London, and there were some omissions that had me feeling "eh" (and again had me wondering WHY). Not saying that London was perfect as I also found her reaction to be a little overdramatic, but I think I empathised with her character more. I didn't think he was a bad guy but I had trouble with those communication issues. However, I do like how the third-act break up was handled overall—the woman to woman moment was great and helped redeem this last bit for me.

Overall though, I genuinely enjoyed this so much more than the first book! Although it was slow at the start and there were communication issues that I wished had been handled better, London and Jackson had great chemistry and I liked how their romance played out. They had sweet moments with just the right amount of cheese to make it cute and I really liked how they supported each other. I also loved the sibling dynamic between the Spark sisters and although I'm not sure if Hunting's books are 100% for me, I'm looking forward to Harley's story because she's my favourite sister so far!

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Loved this book!!

I absolutely loved When Sparks Fly, so i knew i would love Starry- Eyed Love too! And i was right since this book was amazing. First, i loved seeing the "after" story, kinda, for Avery & Declan but i wholeheartedly have to say that London and Jackson stole my heart in this one!!

London is at her wits end trying to juggle running the hotel with her sisters especially now that Avery is planning her own wedding and dropping the ball and completely unwilling to hire help outside the family. These girls are being so overworked with no chance of a social life.

Except Jackson sneaks into her life... and then it explodes! Lol he is the owner of a media company looking to partner with their family event hotel. And this opens so many doors for them, but with only the three of them, and a wedding being planned, things quickly go out of control and tempers rise.

Loved this story.

I received an ARC for my honest review!

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So in love with the Spark sisters!

This is book #2 in the series and I already loved London from the first book. Now we get to know her much more and she is hilarious.
Oh and of course she snags the sights of a hot CEO because she is a powerhouse herself.

This book is funny, charming, and adorable. Loved this book to pieces. Completely recommend and can’t wait for the next one

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This book! I really enjoyed this book. It took me longer to read it because of my schedule but it was so good that I was sneaking in reading it every moment I had.

London is the business administer of the family event hotel she and her two sisters run. It isn't a job she would choose but she will do it because it affords her time with her sisters.

London recently ended a relationship because it was getting serious and she wasn't at that point in her life. She is in a bar with her sisters when she spies a very handsome man. He comes over and asks her out, giving her his phone number. London doesn't want a relationship and gives it back to him.

Months later she runs into him again and the sparks still fly. When Jackson's company books the family hotel for an event, they end up having a lot to do with one another.

Jackson is so taken with London but since they are working together a relationship is off the table. But the more time they spend together, the stronger the attraction becomes. Obstacles present themselves and my heart was sad for these two.

These two have souls that are definitely in need of love. I really enjoyed seeing their relationship grow as they interacted with each other in some of the cutest ways. I can't wait for the next book.

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London and Jackson’s story is a great addition to this series. Again, the author doesn’t gloss over the hard stuff on the way to their HEA. I look forward to the next story on the series, which I hope is in the works so Harley can find her man.

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4 stars

You can read all of my reviews at Nerd Girl Loves Books.

This is a cute and fun contemporary romantic comedy involving London, a woman running a family bed and breakfast in Colorado with her sisters, and Jackson, a NYC millionaire media mogul. At the beginning of the book, London has just broken up with her boyfriend, so when Jackson approaches her in a bar and asks her out, she politely turns him down. She's just not ready to date yet.

Months later, when London's family business, Spark House, is approached by a media company for a potential partnership, the Spark girls are thrilled. As London is giving her pitch, Jackson walks into the room and sits down. It takes awhile, but London eventually makes the connection and is unnerved. After the meeting, London and Jackson talk and have an instant connection. But, since they'll be working together, they can't act on it. Yet.

This was a cute book that I really enjoyed. Apparently this is the second book in a series, the first book covering the relationship of London's older sister and boyfriend, but there was enough back story in the book that I didn't feel like I missed anything. I loved the relationship between the sisters. It's clear that they love and support each other, although their lack of catty, stupid sister-fights is a bit unrealistic, especially since they work together. LOL Anyway, it was still sweet reading about their relationship and their support of London and her relationship with Jackson was wonderful.

The heat between London and Jackson was palpable. I loved their chemistry, although they were both a bit too sticky sweet to be realistic, but then again, we don't expect too much actual realism in romance novels, do we? The complications the couple went through was realistic, however, and that was refreshing to read. There was a lot of romance in the book, but the spice level is pretty low. Overall, this is a fun, cute, quick read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press. All opinions are my own.

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From the moment Jackson and London met, Jackson knew London was a woman he wanted to get to know. London loves working with her sisters at Spark House but the role she has taken on isn’t something she enjoys doing. But working with her sisters with the family business is more important as she copes with her anxiety over the work she does. When a new opportunity has her meeting Jackson for the second time, she is shocked to learn how successful he is but the spark she felt is still there. Jackson has struggled finding a woman that loves him and not his money. The connection that Jackson and London find through the loss of parents as children is wonderful as they can share how that changed their view on life and love. How will they navigate working together and the strong attraction that neither can deny? What a fabulous romance that built and evolved for these busy professionals in an honest and heartfelt way. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.

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Cute and mostly enjoyable.
Avery irritated me in this one and I felt bad for London about it. Oldest sisters, man... oops?

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First, I love the descriptions of Spark House. I would go there in an instant if it was a real place. I love the sisters and how hard they work to keep the family business not just alive, but to make it thrive. London and Jackson's love story was a cute, slow burn with minimal drama. All in all, I liked the book but it's not my favorite from HH.

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I loved the first book in this Spark House series. I love getting to know just a little bit more about the sisters each time. But don’t get me wrong, you can definitely read this as a standalone.

London, recently single, isn’t looking to jump into another relationship any time soon. Enter Jackson Holt, charming CEO and also a new business partner for Spark House. What ensues is a slow burn romance that is worth the wait!!

I love the way Helena Hunting writes relationship between lovers as well as family. This book has all the feels. The chemistry between Jackson and London is palpable from the start. And the dynamics between the sisters is great. (Although I wanted to shake Avery at some points just for being completely ridiculous and a total bridezilla!)

I can’t wait for Harley’s story (fingers crossed!!)

I would definitely recommend this book for anyone who loves a slow burn with a little steam and a super sweet ending!

Thank you St. Martin’s and Netgalley for the eARC.

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Helena Hunting is one of a handful of authors who I always look forward to reading. Having read the first book on the series, I was really looking forward to this one too.

I really enjoyed London and Jackson's story. I also love the railroading the Sparks sisters have. They are different and each have their unique strengths and area of expertise where the business is concerned, yet they still have their family dynamic. London is not fully comfortable in her admin role and would much rather focus on the creative side. She stays on the role because that is where the need is. She's a pleaser and gives up her passion to meet the need.

Jackson is the CEO of a company looking to partner with Spark House. He talks an active role in the project after realizing London is the girl from the bar he went to a few months ago that turned him down. They become business partners and friends and eventually lovers. He brings out the "fun" side of her. Of course, you can't get a HEA without some drama, so there is some of that too.

The pace was good for me and I loved seeing how the sisterly relationships have evolved since the first book and seeing them from London's side. I also enjoyed seeing an appearance from Declan. I can't wait for Harley's story, she needs her HEA too.

I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys a friend to lovers work a bit of slow burn thrown in. I couldn't wait for them admit they were falling for each other.

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