Member Reviews


I am giving this book 3.5 stars. I absolutely loved book 1. I feel like this one just didn’t quite get me like book 1. I didn’t quite feel the connection that London and Jackson supposedly had. This book was missing all the banter from book 1. When the inevitable fight that breaks up London and Jackson, happens, I feel like it was quickly resolved and without repercussions. For me, If a man hid what Jackson hid ... he’d have to do some serious work when we got back together to get me to trust him. Instead, London jumps right into his bed. It just didn’t feel realistic. I also feel like they didn’t have much of a connection. Like all they did was screw? Haha maybe im being cynical. I’m hoping that the third book (assuming there will be a third) will wrap it all up and bring me back to the spark sisters world that I so loved in book 1.

Thank you st martins and NetGalley for my ARC

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in the Spark House series and focuses on the middle sister London. London runs the Spark House with her sisters Avery and Harley. When a new opportunity comes up, London is front and center. However what she didn't count on was the connection with the CEO, Jackson Holt. I really enjoyed both of London and Jackson's meet cutes. It was fascinating to read how London and Jackson would taper down their attraction while working together. They always had great fun together and their banter was on point. They were just very sweet and spicy together. And when nothing was holding them back it was glorious. London and Jackson were great and they were able to find their person. There was also a lot going on with Spark House so it was interesting to see that dynamic in the story and also how it affected London and her sisters. The girls had a close bond and they truly loved each other. I liked all the characters in this read and the plot moved along swimmingly. Overall, an enjoyable story. I can't wait for Harley's book next.

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4 ⭐️ for Starry Eyed Love by @helenahunting

Thank you so much to @netgalley, @helenahunting, @letstalkbookspromo, & @stmartinspress for the advanced copy of Starry Eyed Love.

Blurb from Amazon: Having just broken up with her boyfriend, London Spark is not in the mood to be hit on. Especially not when she’s out celebrating her single status with her sisters. So when a very attractive man pays for their drinks and then slips her his number, she passes it right back to him with a ‘thanks, but no thanks’. As the business administrator for their family’s event hotel, the Spark House, London has more important things to worry about, like bringing in new clientele. As luck would have it, a multi-million-dollar company calls a few months later asking for a meeting to discuss a potential partnership, and London is eager to prove to her sisters, and herself, that she can land this deal. Just when she thinks she has nailed her presentation, the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in and inserts himself into the meeting. Not only that, but he also happens to be the same guy she turned down at the bar a few months ago. As they begin to spend more time together, their working relationship blossoms into something more. It isn’t until their professional entanglements are finally over, that London and Jackson are finally ready to take the next step in their relationship.

Starry Eyed Love was a lovely, fun, & perfect read for warmer weather. I have not read the first, or any other book by Hunting to be honest, & I adored this one. London was a fun character who needed time to find herself after losing herself to work & to men. Jackson had *almost* Christian Grey vibes, but the kind, protective vibes that Christian occasionally exhibited 🤣 I loved his passion for the climate. Reading Starry Eyed Love made me want to visit Colorado! This one is out now!

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As usual, Helena Hunting deliver a book that's funny, quirky and at times a tearjerker. I loved being at the Sparkhouse and I can't wait for the next book.

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This was an easy, enjoyable read.

"A small smile forms as his gaze moves over my face. I feel it like a gentle caress and heat travels through my veins."

London Spark has just split from her boyfriend when a gorgeous stranger approaches her in a bar. Even though she struggles to take her eyes off him, she declines his invitation to go out on a date. Fast forward three months, the same gorgeous stranger turns out to be the CEO of the company that's offering the family business, Spark House, an opportunity of a lifetime. The buzz is still there between them, but now they're working together, which makes them off-limits to each other.

"That woman looks at you like you're the north star and you look at her like she's your favorite dessert."

This was a delightful read. I loved how Jackson Holt and London met again, and how taken he was with her. I enjoyed their banter and the directness between them. London could be bold, as well as anxious. She was a sweet mix of confidence and awkward uncertainty. Jackson was full of mixed messages, but he was adorable in his cluelessness. This was a slow-burn romance and even though they were very taken with each other, there were a couple of scenes between them where I felt a lack of chemistry between them - possibly due to a lack of spontaneity. For a successful businessman full of charisma, Jackson was quite a tentative guy, at times. He wasn't particularly alpha and I would have liked him to have taken charge a bit more in some situations. Other than that, this was a solid read from an author I always enjoy reading.

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A smile resides between the lines of heartache, humor and life. Starry-Eyed Love is a charming mix of irony and emotion that stirs the mind while enticing the heart. From less than ideal to hard to resist, Hunting speaks the language of love with a dash of love and a sprinkling of common sense. From heartbreaking to heartwarming, Starry-Eyed Love is a breath of fresh air.

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I am starry-eyed in love with this book. 10 puffy stars! This is the second book in a series about three sisters that own Spark house, a small hotel & events space outside of Denver. I love the first book which was Avery's and now this is London's book. Starry-Eyed Love has everything you could want in a romance book with family and friends. Great scenes, great characters, awesome Hero & Heroine, and lots of angst and tears. Jackson Holt is just yummy (I'm talking about his personality and soul - even if he does screw up) and stressed out London make a great couple. This a book for your forever shelf! The only thing I wasn't crazy about was Bridezilla Avery who was also Businesszilla & Sisterzilla. She was unbelievable and frankly I didn't like her anymore. If you feel the same way, I will let you know that she does overcome it, so keep reading to the end.

Oh and I wish I could see London's puffy stars, too.

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martins publishing for providing a copy of this book (that I will treasure) for an unbiased review.

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Some reviewers found this book hilarious but I didn’t find it so; what I found it was super cute and the characters adorable. There was a lot of business talk, media and exposure and sponsorships, which to a retired woman felt like a lot of gibberick. What I loved the most was the careful manner in which Jackson approached London, the attraction present and strong, the way he nurtured the flames and kept it going slow and medium hot, until they were in a position that they could pursue a relation.

London had faced heartache before, and she was leery of falling in love and hurting again, but really, she had no choice, because Jackson was so there, there was this spark between them that was inevitable falling into the attraction.

The three Stark sisters are managing the Stark hotel, but business is increasingly growing and they are ever more busy and rushing. Poor London hardly has time to tent to her Etsy business, and has to juggle space for Jackson and for sleep, even. I loved that despite being irritated at their situation, they’re very patient and loving with their sister Everly, who is planning her wedding and being a bit selfish.

The book was super entertaining with its slow descent into love, the slow burn and the patience, the consideration Jackson gave London, how loving and giving he was. I saw London as a woman who had a lot to give but little time to work it in, who felt anxious when she was out of her element, yet still worked hard to conquer for the sake of the family business. She sacrificed her interest for the sake of the family goal, and no wonder Jackson fell in love with her. With such enchanting characters and such a sweet plot, this book cannot help but be a winner.

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I always have been and always will be an avid fan of Helena Hunting’s writing. This Spark House series is so fun and sweet! I adore the family focus on this series and the sisterly bond between London and her sisters. I had the honor of arc reading for the first book in this series as well and I was so excited for sweet London’s story. I related to her personality so much in the sense of being a pushover and she ends up overextending herself. I just wanted to protect her at all costs!

Jackson… this man was so unbelievably perfect for London!!! Their chemistry and banter had me smiling like an idiot and I loved every second of it. I’ve always enjoyed a billionaire romance but I haven’t read one in awhile because it’s not my go-to trope, but this book reminded me that I should definitely read more because I loveddddd it lol.

The writing was fun and upbeat and made this slow burn so fun to read! And trust me when I saw this is a slowwwww burn. It’s so great. Lots of pining and whatnot which just makes the tension that more intense and better!

Overall, this was a really cute story and I can’t wait for the third book to wrap up this sweet sister trilogy! If you love books that have a realistic sisterly bond, a slow burn billionaire romance story, this is a great one to pick up!

*Thank you Helena Hunting, St. Martin’s Press, Social Butterfly PR, and Netgalley for my arc in exchange for an honest review.*

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This was a cute romance about a woman who runs a family owned event hotel wit her sisters. When they partner with a larger corporation to help them grow their biz she quickly learns that the handsome CEO is a guy she turned down at the bar a few months earlier.

I enjoyed the characters! They were very likeable and there was so much family love between the sisters. The regular girl, rich guy trope was totally up my alley, loved it! We even get a princess style makeover which was awesome!! There was a little steam but it was more so cheesy but I liked that. London and Jackson were adorable.

I didn't really enjoy the dialogue. It was weirdly formal so some of the conversation felt a little off but it was still cute so it didn't ruin my overall enjoyment.

I recommend this book for people who like event planner, hotel management, or rich guy normal girl kind of stories!!

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This is the second book in Helena Hunting's Spark House series, following the three Spark sisters as they each find love. This is London's story. As the sister who never feels comfortable asserting her own needs ahead of anyone else's, she is so deserving of a kind and giving man to let her know she's special and worthy. When Jackson enters the story, it's done quite well. She initially meets him in a dress down situation and has no idea who he is. When she meets him again, it makes it all the more fun. He's extremely wealthy but even though he's confident in his status, he doesn't wallow in it. He uses it to spoil London when he can though....and I did love that.

The book not only follows their push-pull relationship where at first he asks her out, then he pulls back and she asks him out and so on. Everything becomes complicated and confusing for them both until they figure out how to communicate about what is really going on between them. They're simply an adorable match.

I also enjoyed the fact that the story also deals with some of the friction and growing pains going on between the sisters regarding their joint venture, Spark House. It's good to see that sisterly relationship challenged to the point that they are forced to work through some issues as well.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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All the feels and happy sighs
5 Stars

Starry-Eyed Love is the second in Helena Hunting’s Spark House series about three sisters who own and run a boutique hotel together. Each book is about a different sister and stands alone although obviously the sisters feature heavily in all stories. Having said that, I’m glad that I read Avery’s story first in When Sparks Fly, as as much as I liked her in her own story, I didn’t really care for her in this one. But that’s okay, as this is middle sister London’s story.

This book is a bit of insta-spark followed by some slow burn goodness. It’s also got a bit of the friends to lovers trope going on as London and Jackson stay annoyingly in the friend zone for the first wee while. The sexual tension was just exquisite - I just wanted to smoosh their faces together and get them to admit that they liked each other.

Although we do get the story from both London and Jackson’s perspectives, the majority if the time we hear from London. This works to make us just as frustrated as she is when it comes to Jackson. Does he like her as much as she likes him? Why is he playing hot then cold towards her? It’s delightfully annoying and a testament to the always wonderful writing of Helena Hunting.

I adored London as our heroine. She’s dealing with a lot of anxiety and really doesn’t know her place with Spark House or believe in herself as much as she should. She was so relatable and I really wanted her to get her happily ever after. She so deserved it.

Jackson was absolute perfection as the slightly cocky, in charge billionaire. I adored that he was instantly smitten with London and so caring and understanding of her. He was honest with his feelings but also often clueless as to how things were playing out around him. When he realised, and things came crashing down around him, the fact that he was so broken about London - it made my day. It seems like I do enjoy it when an author makes her heroes absolutely miserable without the heroine.

As I said, the slow burn really amps up the sexual tension so much that a simple kiss on the back of the neck had me melting into a puddle of lust. When things finally come to fruition, it felt right and inevitable and oh so satisfying. And once it starts, well, all bets are off!

There were a few difficult issues in the back stories of our characters but while upsetting, the story never wanders into traumatic territory, thankfully. And while this isn’t a romantic comedy, it’s definitely got that light, uplifting quality about it. It’s funny, too. The part where Jackson ‘officially’ asks London out was a hoot. I even told people about it to share the laughs - although most just thought I was a bit strange!

I really loved this story. London was such a great character and I loved that she found her perfect match with Jackson. It was adorable, funny and romantic - another clear winner from Ms Hunting and a book I would very highly recommend. All the feels and happy sighs. Can’t wait for Harley’s story.

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Starry-Eyed Love is Book 2 of Helena Hunting's Spark House series and my favorite so far of the two. I think the stories stand perfectly fine on their own so no worries if you haven't read Book 1. I must admit though, London's sister Avery, the heroine of Book 1, was really starting to grate on my nerves this time around.

Although this was a bit of a slow burn, the tension and sparks were certainly flying between Jackson and London. Excellent story with just the right amount of conflict, drama and romance. I look forward to Harley's story.

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I loved Jackson in Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting.

London Spark is running her family’s Inn, Spark house, and still crafting her place in the world… fresh off a breakup she is seeing the world with new eyes.

Jackson Holt the hero in this story might be one of my favorite characters, he knows what he wants and he wants London. But he is keenly aware of his position, his business relationship with London, and how this all might reflect on her.

I truly adored witnessing Jackson struggle with his attraction, I love how he found a way to connect with London and how he took joy in her joy!

Hunting’s trademark wit is seen in the character’s banter as well as with London and her sisters and Jackson and his business partner!

Now when these two finally do give into the attraction WOW…. just WOW!

Hh, I would be remiss if I did not add the way these two first meet make this book that might better… sorry I am not telling…read the book!

It is not necessary to read book 1 in the series When Sparks Fly as in this one the couple just appears as secondary characters.

Jackson is new … the read meets him as they open Starry-Eyed Love.

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Loved returning to Spark House! Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second book in her contemporary romance series Spark House featuring the Spark sisters. This one centers on London, the middle child who has closed herself off from relationships to avoid the hurt she felt after losing their parents. I honestly wasn’t sure how I’d feel going into this book. London was my least-liked sister in the first book because of her stand-offishness and her tense relationship with Avery. However, there is always two-sides to every story, and London won me over in just a few pages.

At the opening of the book, we meet London, fresh off a break up and out with her sisters. She is contemplating her dating life, how not upset she is over ending a year-long relationship, when a handsome, albeit rough looking, man asks her out. She thinks nothing about turning him down until he shows back up in her life three months as the head of Holt Media and the Teamology initiative Spark House is taking part of. Now, London has to decide whether he is worth risking her heart over or if they should maintain a strictly professional relationship.

Jackson is a great character. We don’t get much from his POV, unlike the first book with Declan. He is reserved, genuine, and head over heels for London. I love seeing her through his eyes. However, as the owner of the company hers is now partnering with, he can’t pursue her. It’s a delicate balance of wanting and waiting as they work together for a charity benefit.

Overall, I really enjoyed Starry-Eyed Love. Jackson and London are an easy couple to root for, even when they are trying to put each other in the professional category. Their mutual grief over losing parents young bonds them in a way that only those who have experienced the same can understand. I loved how their relationship grew. I highly recommend this one!

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This was just a bubbly and fun good time. Helena Hunting always knows how to make me laugh! A great read it you just want to have a really good time.

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Starry-Eyed Love continues the saga of the Spark sisters as they run their special events hotel and find their happy ever afters. It can be read as a stand alone, but is better when read in order.

Having just ended a relationship, London isn’t looking to start a new one. She’s much too busy running the business administrative side and finding new partnerships and clientele for Spark House. But, when the man she turned down months ago appears in her potential partnership meeting, she finds herself spending much of her time with the handsome and charming billionaire CEO.

Jackson Holt knows fate has taken a hand when he discovers London is the new partnership his company was meeting about. But, Jackson wants more than just a business relationship with London, as the lines begin to blur very quickly.

But, their road to happiness is fraught with bumps along the way, including baggage they both hold when it comes to letting a romantic partner get too close, secrets about past relationships and fighting between sisters over Spark House and balancing a healthy work life relationship. Once all their cards are on the table, will London and Jackson find their happy every after or will their relationship be a casualty of the drama they are facing?

I adored this story. London Spark is the sister who tries to make everyone happy while shouldering their burdens with a smile, even at the expense of her own happiness. She’s a worrier and fidgeter who always needs to have her hands busy and always needs to feel prepared to handle the presentations and meetings she has taken on for Spark House while all she really wants to do is focus on the creative side of the business, like decorations and even centerpieces. I loved that Jackson picked up on this trait right away and found ways around making her worry. For someone who prior to London was fairly emotionally shut down, he is truly attentive and caring and all in even before he realizes he is. Their relationship felt like it grew organically between them and wasn’t forced . . .and I loved how London’s sisters and Jackson’s best friend played a role in them even realizing they were dating!

Helena Hunting did an amazing job of balancing the romance between Jackson and London with the relationships and stressors these main characters had outside of their happy little bubble. It felt genuine and real. Sisters argue. People get burnt out and overwhelmed. Miscommunications happen. And, while most of us don’t get to marry the handsome billionaire CEO, we can appreciate the ups and downs in life that helped to bring this couple full circle. 5 stars!

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I was so excited to read more about these Spark sisters and their relationships. I really enjoyed Jackson and London’s adoration for one another. I was smiling the whole time.

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Starry-Eyed Love is book two in the Spark House romance series. This is London's story.

This book can be read as a standalone. But IMO the books are meant to be read in order. This book does have different narrators (and the main focus is on a different couple) however much of what happened in the first book is spoiled here. And Avery is in this book a fair amount.

This book does feature both the male and female 1st person POVs. However London is definitely the main narrator. And honestly she is such a wonderful main character!

There are three Spark sisters: Avery, London and Harley. They own and run their family's event hotel. London loves the creative side of her job. But she has also been taking care of the business/financial side including taking meetings with clients.

I was actually quite surprised, but Avery did not come across well for much of this book. She came across as very selfish. And if I had not read When Sparks Fly I would not have known that she was actually a kind and wonderful person.

The sisters' parents died when they were younger. So the book does deal with the loss that they still feel even now.

I absolutely loved the romance in this book. I adore the hotel. I love the sister relationships. Overall this was just a really fun, quick, enjoyable read!

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4.5 Enchanting Stars!
I really enjoyed this delightful, fun and moving second chance at love romance. London was out with her sisters celebrating her new single status. When a ruggedly handsome man tries to ask her out, she turns him down. Now months later, Spark House is looking to expand their business when a multi-million-dollar company wants to partner with them. London is all prepared to wow them with her presentation, only to discover, the CEO is Jackson Holt, the sexy man who hit on her months earlier. After a shaky start, London and Jackson find a way to be professional while working together. But the more time they spend together, the more they like and respect each other, and their chemistry only grows hotter. When they are finally able to give in to their attraction, secrets from the past threaten to tear them apart before they even have a real chance. This slow-burn romance was the perfect blend of humor, heartfelt emotion, and heat. London and Jackson were so perfect together, especially how he brought out 'fun London', allowing her to be herself. I loved the way London and her sisters worked together through thick and thin, but Jackson's back story touched my heart as well. This is one of those stories that has a little bit of everything I like and I felt invested in their HEA from start to finish. I really enjoyed this sweet, emotional and steamy romance.

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