Member Reviews

Give me all the Helena Hunting books! I loved Avery’s story in the first book, so I jumped at the chance to read this one with London’s story! One of my favorite things about this series is the relationship between the Spark sisters. They’ve been through so much together and continue to support and love each other in a way that only sisters can. Now, for the romance…Jackson, sweet & thoughtful Jackson. I love the pairing of him and London, but of course being in a business relationship is putting a damper on things! Want to know what happens? You better read it to find out!

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Really enjoyed this rom-com book by Helena Hunting. I needed a feel good book and this one hit the spot. I really enjoyed reading about London and Jackson. They brought the heat and the love interest in this one and you could definitely see it. The story was well written and you could really see what the characters were about and felt real. You could see the relationship as well between the three sisters and I liked seeing them added into the story. You get the feel of not just a romance story but also the family and friendship vibe to the story. If you are looking for a cute, quick and fun rom-com read, this one would be a good choice.

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Starry Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is AMAZING. I dropped what I was reading as soon as I got this and I have no regrets. The snark, the sparks, it all adds up to a storyline that I loved. London was an absolute gem of a character, one that is easy to relate too. Her depth and flaws kept her interesting throughout. This is a series and I feel that it is beneficial to read them in order, even though there are different narrators. This book will make you smile!

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A Starry-Eyed Love is a lighthearted and charming romance with two very appealing main characters, London and Jackson. Jackson in particular is adorable and I loved how he found reasons to work with London just so he could spend his day with her, much to the bemusement of his employees and business partners. Their interactions were very sweet and often hilarious. London isn't always very graceful in speech or demeanour and this leads to a few humorous and awkward moments between her and Jackson. More fun can be found in their online exchanges while they worked on updating the same document. I loved reading their teasing banter!
Not everything is plain sailing for the pair. Miscommunication is a key component of all disharmony between London and Jackson. The drama surrounding Selene would not have been as big a deal if Jackson had communicated better.
The story is written with a dual point of view and I always feel like I get to know the characters better when it's written this way. I could understand Jackson's cautious approach to dating London while they were working together and I got a glimpse of all the angst she was feeling because Jackson was sending mixed signals.
London also has some family issues of her own to deal with. Running Spark House is exhausting her and convincing Avery to hire help is proving difficult. Something has to give.
I was surprised at how intractable Avery was and how oblivious she was to the needs of her sisters as she was such a lovely character in book one.
The story concludes in a feel-good heartwarming way and I eagerly anticipate the next book in the series.

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Although London love’s working with her sisters as they manage Spark House, the family business she has been finding it exceedingly difficult to handle her increased work load as her sister Avery plans her wedding and handle the orders for her Etsy store which is what she really enjoys. When she has the opportunity to assist a high profile company with their events it could give Spark House the push they need but she never expected to be the CEO to be the same man she refused a date with a few months earlier.

Jackson is the CEO of a successful company and it wasn’t until he saw London meeting with his team that he realized who she was and he wasn’t about to let the opportunity go to waste. As they spend time together the sparks fly but he knows that they can’t be together until their business arrangement is concluded but his past may end their relationship before it really begins.

Jackson was exactly who London needed in her life as he gave her the support she needed to still be there for her sisters but be able to follow her own dreams as well. I enjoyed the relationship not only between London and Jackson but with her sisters as well. The narrators were a great choice for the characters as they brought their personalities and their story to life.

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London has just broken up with her boyfriend and just wants to concentrate on Spark House, the family business she runs with her sisters. Celebrating with her sisters, a very good-looking guy pays for their drinks and tries to give London his number. She is definitely not interested and goes about her business. London has been working very hard, even though the part of the business is not really her forte. She is determined to prove herself, especially since she has a chance of a partnership with a multi-million-dollar corporation. While thoroughly prepared for the business meeting, she is not prepared to see the company’s CEO who is none other than the guy who bought her drinks! While they are attracted to one another, they both have issues in their past that they need to resolve, along with their business relationship. Only time will tell if they truly have a chance at a relationship.

Also reviewed on &N under 1IrishEyes430 and Kobo under IrishEyes430

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It’s not often that I get to read books in a series back to back, and I have to try to do so more often since the flow just seems so much better. STARRY-EYED LOVE is the second book in the Spark House series, and I couldn’t put it down after finishing WHEN SPARKS FLY, the first book in the series.

This is middle sister London’s story, although Avery and Harley are woven throughout since they are sisters running the family-owned business, Spark House. We pick up where we left off, and the business is sucking the energy out of the sisters since they are growing exponentially. (Only Avery is not willing to admit it and vetoes the thought of hiring extra help.)

London and Jackson meet at a bar while she’s with her sisters. After continually glancing over, he pays the tab for their order and then comes over and asks her out. London turns him down, doesn’t take his card, and doesn’t even know his name. Little do either of them realize what a small world it is when their paths cross again—this time at a business meeting. Their attraction knows no bounds, but since they’re working together, they shouldn’t have a personal relationship, should they?

STARRY-EYED LOVE has a great flow and shows us the depth of the characters, who connect on many levels but often have trouble communicating. This is an emotional and romantic read with some pretty steamy moments. There is nice closure with the epilogue that takes place four months after the story ends. I can’t wait for Harley’s story. I love the cover and the titles given to each chapter.

Ms. Hunting is an author whose books I truly enjoy. I’ve added more to my TBR pile!

I rated the book 4.5 stars but rounded to 5 stars here and on other sites.

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London Spark is out with her sisters celebrating her newly single status when a very hot and charming man pays for their drinks and asks her out. She’s flattered but not looking to start anything new and politely turns down his offer. London knows she needs to keep her focus on helping to build up Spark House the inn/event venue that she owns with her sisters. This is why when a multi-million company calls them up a few months later and wants to bring Spark House into their new partnership program, she jumps at the chance. To her surprise though, the owner and CEO of this company, Jackson Holt, turns out to be the same guy she turned down at that bar a few months earlier. Their chemistry is undeniable but now that they’ve established a working relationship, Jackson isn’t keen on starting anything until their professional obligations come to an end. When it does though, he’s all in. But when someone as high profile as Jackson starts turning up at social events with London on his arm, people are bound to talk and Jackson’s secretive past begins to come to light making London question everything between them.

I enjoyed this story, I have to say that I liked it more than the first book in the series too. I liked When Sparks Fly but there were a few things I didn’t totally love but this book was sweet and loaded with swoony romance. Plus the chemistry between London and Jackson jumped right off the page. From their very first interaction, it was undeniable. I loved the tension between them as they fought their attraction while they worked together, it made the payoff that much more satisfying when they were able to finally act on their feelings. Jackson was a really great guy. He made a few dumb decisions along the way, even if he wasn’t totally aware of it but it just made him more realistic instead of this perfect millionaire hero. London was sweet and a little quirky, I could definitely relate to her when she’d get anxious about certain aspects of her job and her need to be ultra prepared for meetings. I loved that she continually stepped outside of her comfort zone though and I felt bad for her that she was so busy being strapped to Spark House that she wasn’t able to focus on her true passions. I enjoyed seeing her fight for that freedom as much as I enjoyed her fighting for her relationship with Jackson. This was just a really sweet romance with relatively low drama and likable, believable characters.

I look forward to whenever Harley’s story is released next!

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London Spark has just gotten out of a dead end relationship when a gorgeous beardy guy pays for her and her sisters' drinks and tries to leave her his number. She knows she's not in the right frame of mind for anything approaching even a fun night so she politely turns him down. Ouch. Then months later the CEO of a company who sought hers out for a sponsorship walks into their meeting and lo and behold it's the man she rejected. Only he's not so beardy anymore. Now he's a hottie in a suit and looking at her like he very much would like to leave her his number again. So why is he quizzing her as if she's someone who hit his company up for something? Like she's not right for a potential professional association? Why indeed...

Jackson just shot himself in the foot agreeing to this sponsorship. Now he definitely cannot mix his business with the pleasure he wishes for with London. Working in close proximity for the next few months is going to try his will. But when the months are up? Yeah he's definitely going to get London into his life. But will a big omission keep them from the happiness both deserve with each other?

Heartfelt. That's the first word I think of at the end of reading London and Jackson's story. Their hearts were so into each other, they fell so hard that I couldn't help but sigh and swoon. London is a wonderful person, the kind of person you just want to be friends with, such a giving soul, giving her all to her sisters, to her company, then to Jackson. Jackson, oh Jackson, a total sweetheart with an equally giving heart. I loved them, loved their story. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the next Spark sister's love story.

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I read the first book in this series last summer and I loved it. There is something about these sisters and the Spark Hotel that is so easy to read.

London Spark will do anything for her sisters, including some sides of the business that do not come easily to her. When a huge company wants to meet with London for a partnership, she cannot say no. When the CEO turns out to be a man that London turned down for a date, things become more complicated.

I enjoy the relationship between the sisters and both books in this series are fun and quick reads. Perfect for the summer.

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is book 2 in the Spark House series. Each book is about one of the Spark sisters. This book follows London Spark who is not looking for any kind of romance in her life. Newly single, she and her sisters are out celebrating when a handsome man buys them a round of drinks and slips her his number. You can only imagine what happens next...through business London and this handsome man end up in eachother's lives. How will this work out with business and pleasure? You'll have to read and find out!

While this is a standalone read, I always recommend starting with the first book in the series as it will give more insight into this family as characters reappear in Starry-Eyed Love.

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***I received an ebook copy from the publisher at no cost***

It was great to revisit characters from the first book in this series. I love the Spark sisters and the relationship that they have. Their banter, the way they look out for one another, the sisterly bond that's evident through even the smallest of things... it's my favorite kind of familiar bond and relationship to read about.

This was a good story that focuses on London Spark. London oversees business relationships and some other administrative areas for Spark House, the family run business that she operates with her sisters. London is introduced to Jackson Holt at a business meeting. He's gorgeous, has a good head on his shoulders, and cares about the environment... and he also happens to be someone who London had a previous encounter with and never expected to see again.

This one was an easy read, because the plot is solid and the characters are amazing. There's good banter, lots of Hunting's trademark humor, and lots of swoonworthy moments as well. The UST is there between London and Jackson. There's also a delicious sloooooow burn, which is one of my favorite elements in a story.

As always, Helena did a terrific job with her character development. I felt like I knew both the main characters inside out when I was done reading. I like these books because in addition to seeing what's going on in the lives of the Sparks sisters, we also get to see how things are going at Spark House and all the developments on that side. It adds a little extra something to the book.

I can't wait for the next book to come out so I can see where things go for this trio and the rest of the Spark House crew.

Five stars to this novel!

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Starry-Eyed Love continues with the Spark sisters - Avery, Harley, and London who operate an event hotel called Spark House. The story centers around London, who wishes she could focus on the creative side of the hotel events instead of all the financial and administrative duties that she currently takes on.

She just broke up with her boyfriend and she wants that spark, that feeling that makes your knees go weak and your heart feels simultaneously heavy and light.

When Sparks Fly brings to the forefront the mental and emotional anguish of losing your parents at a young age, and how that can affect your life's plans.

Jackson- our main crush is a billionaire philanthropist passionate about green initiatives. There was something about Jackson that felt very generic- carbon copy (no pun intended) about him and I can honestly say there was nothing that endeared me towards him.

This continued into my thoughts about the slightly disappointing romance that developed. London deserved the moon and stars and instead she got a fifty shades of grey knock off whisking her away on jets and running hot and cold.

I also have to say that big sister Avery who I loved and connected with so much in the first story was annoying to me in this one. To see her selfish attitude makes me wonder if I ever liked her or if it was Helen's fantastic writing that made me believe I did.

Aside from the romantic aspect of this novel, I truly enjoyed seeing the bonds of the sisters who truly emulate- family above all else.

Thank you to the author, SMP Romance, and NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Spark House

What a welcome back to Spark House and the Spark siblings! 

This is London Spark's story. Trying to find her way to balance her world, between family obligations and finding her passion for life are the center of this story. 

London is working herself too much, really burning the candles at both ends and I felt for her. I admired her tenacity and when it came to sticking to her choices she was brilliant.

Jackson is a swoony fella. He is unapologetic and I totally feel for him hard when he first meets London. How he puts himself out there and how he reacts to London. He has a past that he likes to keep private, but at what cost? 

The chemistry between Jackson and London is sparkling, it is heat, and it is spicy. Their love really is what we all hope for.

The dynamics of the Spark sisters really shines through in this story. London is truly the middle child and has all the hallmarks for it. I also cheered London on when it came to standing up for herself when it was needed.

This series is beautiful and funny and oh so swoony. I cannot wait for Harley's story next!

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The Spark sisters are back and I am HERE FOR IT! While I didn't love this book as much as book 1, I enjoyed spending time the girls again. Seeing London get her HEA was fun to watch.

What I struggled with was that I felt like Jackson and London were way too analytic together. Their conversations were seemed to be laced with work and problem solving sessions, not a lot of banter and spice. Give me more spark (pun intended) and humor. There were times we saw Fun London - she was a girl who went after her needs without fail - but I found Jackson to lack personality for the bulk of the novel.

I can't review this book without saying how much I disliked Avery's character in this book. I loved her character in "When Sparks Fly" but in London's book, Avery was a bit much for my liking.

"Starry-Eyed Love" was a binge-worthy rom-com (low on the comedy IMO). Now that 2 of the sisters have found their happily ever after, I'm eager to see what's in store in book 3.

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After reading the first book in this series, which I loved I was ready to dig into Starry-Eyed Love. We know from the first book that London did anything and everything her sisters ask of her surrounding their business, even though it frustrated her.

I absolutely loved London and Jacksons story. They seem to bring out the best in each other. London started to have a back bone and stand up for herself and her place in the sister’s business. Jackson was so patient with London. Their romance was so sweet, their chemistry was off the charts!!

As always I love the epilogue and looking forward to read the next book!

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London Spark is not looking for any kind of romance in her life. She is newly single and looking to prove herself to her sisters in their business. She and her sisters are out celebrating when a handsome man buys them a round of drinks and slips her his number. She turns him down because she wants nothing to do with men. When she turns to the family business to grow and expand it, the handsome man walks back into her life. Can they have a romance, or will their business interests and family destroy any hope of happiness in their personal life?

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I have been a fan of Helena’s since discovering her years ago. Her books are a witty and emotional blend that I simply enjoy reading each time there is a new release. Starry-Eyed Love is no exception to that. It is the 2nd book in the Spark House series but can be read as a standalone.

London and Jackson’s story was a slower burn for me, but man did the delay pay off in intensity in the end. Their first encounter doesn’t go as expected and it isn’t until months later when their second throws them back together again, that the chemistry slowly begins to build. The characters have great depth and personality and thrown together in business is always a fun read. Since this book is a sequel to the first, and centered around the Spark sisters, I enjoyed getting glimpses back at past characters.

I cannot wait to see what she does with book 3 and get more time to revisit everyone again. This is just a laugh out loud, slow burn romance that is just what you need to unwind.

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“And I realize that this is the spark I’ve been missing all along. And now that I’ve found it, I want to nurture it and turn it into a flame that will never extinguish.”

London Spark’s life is too busy for a boyfriend, and she just hasn’t found the person who makes her heart go pitter-patter. After ending her most recent relationship, London is hit on by a stranger at a bar but decides to lie that she has a boyfriend. Fast forward three months, and Spark House is being considered for a Teamology project with Holt Media. Little does London know that the CEO of Holt Media, Jackson Holt, is also the man she rejected that night many months ago.

This book confused me somewhat. Mainly because it felt as if it was written by two different people. The first half lacked passion, engaging conversation, and real chemistry between any characters not just the leads. The author tried tremendously hard to pack in everything that was missing in the beginning into the second half, and it did not work. At least for me. I wish some of what I saw in the second half had been sprinkled throughout the story because it would have the made the book more engaging and fun. I think this had the ability to be great, but the slow pacing in the beginning and awkward conversation dragged it way down. It utilized too many over used tropes but didn’t do anything new or exciting with them.

Overall, it was just a kind of an okay read for me. I am sure that if you are already a fan of Helena Hunting or authors similar to her like Lauren Layne and Carly Phillips then this book might be better for you than it was for me.

~ Michelle

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It's a very, very different experience to read a straight-people romance than my usual M/M reads. In this case, I think I came in after some character work had already been done in the first Spark House book, <I>When Sparks Fly</i>, on this entry's PoV character. London Spark, to those who might not know her from before, is a rather serious-minded and goal-oriented participant in a family enterprise called Spark House. It is an event hotel-cum-venue, and London has somehow been foisted the job of numbers lady. She's not a natural number-cruncher but she knows about sacrificing for a greater goal and gets her considerable wits marshaled to the task of making the finances run.

I, like all other readers, am meeting Jackson the love interest with London. He lets her know he's interested without being more than ordinarily persistent. She declines; he leaves her possessed of his details and accepts his rejection without drama. So far, so good. When a time has passed and Spark House attracts business interest from a tech-bro investor, one who's made to sound like Elon only hot, absolutely not one soul is surprised it's Jackson the rejected suitor.

We know this drill: what's going to happen, the misunderstandings, the idiotic miscommunications, the resolution of HEA or HFN; so the point of reading this book is *how* not what.

The satisfaction of a superior craftworker's results is this very thing. Now, the M/M romance world will usually have something very sexy pretty early. Not so this book. London's been burned and isn't in a huge hurry to try the waters with a tech bro. She is, once he shows back up as a potential financing source, perfectly happy to work with him. They come to know each other, and the readers each of them, as their work brings out facets of their lives quite naturally and unforcedly. Again to no one's surprise Jackson is a good guy, and he's got a solid head on his shoulders; he comes to like and respect London, he fully engages with her as an equal in business (if one with different skills from his); the result is a slow-burn low-steam character study of two young people whose lives are pressurized by goals instead of ambitions.

Why I enjoyed reading it enough to rate it more than a solid three or possibly three-and-a-half stars of five was London's affectionate but exasperated relationships with older sister Avery and younger sister Harley. They were...warm. They didn't ring swords of wit in battles for prominence, they half-ribbed and three-quarters snarked and generally behaved the way friends do. It worked to give me a sense of their bond that was less intense than the Three Musketeers and more positive than the Three Stooges but still very real.

You can't go wrong with a read that does this kind of work when one accidentally reads book two in a series. I am glad I spent time with the Spark family.

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