Member Reviews

London and her sisters are devoted to their fami!y business, but love has a way of changing your priorities. Another successful emotional rollercoaster romance. I stayed up all night to finish.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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Helena Hunting has a wonderful engaging and entertaining story with Starry-Eyed Love!

London and Jackson have a working relationship. However, the chemistry, connection and attraction they share means there's a lot more between them. Their relationship development was well done as they figure out if and how they can make a real, romantic relationship work.

One of my favorite aspects of both the first book in the series and this one is the love between the three sisters. They don't always see eye to eye or get along, but they have a strong relationship and play a big part in each other's lives.

Though this is the second book in the series, but can be read as a standalone.

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Starry-Eyed Love is an all-new hilarious and heartwarming workplace romance from author Helena Hunting and it is now available! It is book 2 in the Spark House series and follows London Spark, the middle sister of the family.

London has just broken up with her boyfriend and is not for another relationship. That is why she does not accept the phone number of the attractive man at the bar while she’s out with her sisters. A few months later, while London is in a meeting with a multi-million-dollar company looking at potential partnership opportunities, in walks-in the guy she turned down at the bar; it just so happens that he’s the companies CEO!

I absolutely loved London. She has so much on her plate throughout this book and she is handling it all with grace and so much professionalism. I loved seeing more interactions and the clear bond between her and her sisters. I also really liked Jackson, our swoon-worthy yet down-to-earth (and environmentally conscious) millionaire. The chemistry and the buildup between him and London were fantastic! I happy we got to see their friendship develop before they went and dove into a relationship.

I was a little frustrated at some of the miscommunication in the book, especially since I was able to predict what was going to happen from early on. I was also angry with Avery (the eldest sister) while reading this book and feel like my opinion of her would have been much lower if I hadn’t read the first book in the series (When Sparks Fly) and know how caring and sweet she truly is. Overall, this was still an adorable romance, and I am so excited for the next book in the series (I can’t wait for Harley to get her Happily Ever After!).

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I didn’t know this was a part of a series after I got the book.

Cute story. Boy likes girl, boy a gazillionaire, boy messes up, girl runs away, etc.


Thanks NetGalley for this ARC

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I’ve been obsessed with Helena and her mind since I stumbled across Pucked years ago. She never fails to capture my attention completely from start to finish. This book was no different. From the cover to the words inside, I absolutely loved it all. London was so great. The chemistry between the characters was evident from the very beginning and it just flew off the page. Definitely a must read.

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Starry Eyed Love follows London, who we met in When Sparks Fly. She has never really been all in when it comes to love and kept it all surface level…until she met Jackson Holt. He was sweet and charming and hard to deny. It was a battle of wills not to give into their feelings for each other which led to a crazy slow burn. I loved London’s relationship with her sisters. Even though they had their issues I loved how they fought to work things out for the betterment of their relationship because in the end that was the most important. Jackson and London’s story was a cute, funny and entertaining workplace romance.

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Family first. But when a man wiggles his way over the walls London had built since the death of her parents, she is thrown into a new and confusing arena. Jackson is a distraction that seems to be just what this girl is in desperate need of. I find her sisters slightly annoying and frustratingly dependent on poor London but that's just how some families function. This is a heart-tugging story with a good hit of heat to keep it interesting.
I received an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley for my honest opinion.

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This is the second book with the Spark sisters and just like When Sparks Fly, Starry Eyed Love was laugh out loud funny. Fantastic characters, great story and tons of laughs and a lot of love. Loving these sisters and cannot wait for more!

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Check out my more detailed thoughts below…
Characters: Our heroine is London Spark, the middle sister of the three Spark girls. The Sparks run their family’s bed and breakfast, the Spark House. London takes up more of the business side of things, at the expense of her more creative side. I really liked London, she is my favourite of the sisters so far. Her dynamic with her sisters was interesting, especially to watch her interact with Avery. Her hero is Jackson. He is the CEO of a massive corporation that links businesses with green initiatives together. I liked how caring Jackson was, but his secretive nature kept me warry. I found it often fueled unnecessary conflicts. There were so many cameos from Helena’s other series with St. Martin’s, these characters are Jackson’s friends we meet in the story.
Setting: The Spark House is in Colorado, and it is so quaint and lovely. It is so interesting to see how the Spark house ties these sisters together. We also get to spend some quality time in New York, I particularly like a particular scene of some early morning crepes between friends.
Pacing: The story was paced very well. It felt like a very natural build towards all the conflicts of the story. Of the push and pull between the working and more personal relationship between Jackson and London. As well as the bubbling up of the anxieties London has around running the Spark House.
Romance: This story starts with one of the best meet-cutes I have read in a long time. I loved suave Jackson waltzes in and London turns him down, just to see him later as the boss of the new deal she is crafting for the Spark House. The early part of the story showcased an initial crash and burn for London, which is relatable for so many readers out there. London and Jackson’s relationship is exactly the right person at the wrong time. I loved how the calm, cool and collected London gets all blushy and trips up her words when she’s around Jackson. It was so cute to see them do things that people do who are dating, but then be like no we are not dating. I got very invested in London and Jackson’s relationship. I felt every butterfly and every heartbreak along with them. This is much more of an emotive, sweet romance. There is a bit of steam, but this is much more of a lighthearted romantic comedy. Something we all need sometimes.

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London & Jackson

This story is phenomenal! I love these sisters and was hooked from the very beginning. Here we have two people who are not looking for love. She is just days out of a relationship, he is running a multi-million dollar company. Neither one has had a relationship that felt like the forever kind. They have both suffered family loss and have mutual empathy for each other, but their communication skills are lacking.

I love London’s quirky personality. Her obsession with making puffy paper stars is endearing and revealing of a nervous habit which has morphed into a lucrative hobby. When they were both in the bar, I found the way Jackson was so intent looking at London quite romantic. Now days, if a man pays too much attention noticing and staring at a woman, the terms “creep”, “stalker” and “weirdo” are present. Initiating personal interest, acting on sexual attraction or true romance these days are long gone and in their place is impersonal communication through email or texting for dates as long as you can get a telephone number.

Jackson’s interest in London while they were in the bar is sweet. His way of asking her out in front of her two sisters is encouraging. London turning down his request for a date undoubtedly hurt his ego a little bit, but he survived. I love this. Old fashioned courting! Each encounter between them is full of sexual tension and London’s stress level creates an ever increasing volatile situation.

Jackson is a workaholic and prone to micro-managing his business. This kind of dedication is fine when one is growing a business, but IMO, this personality trait needs to relax for a new personal relationship to flourish. I was skeptical when Jackson was determined to keep his personal feelings for London out of the mix while they are working together. He proves to be an honorable man and an all-around thoughtful and nice guy.

I feel like this love story is sweet yet energetic. With as busy as they both are, Jackson and London find a way to handle their responsibilities well and nurture their family and friend relationships. Full of old fashioned courtship, sexual attraction and falling in love. This is a endearing and intense story that can’t be put down until you’re finished. Great story!

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This was an adorable read. Jackson is super supportive, handsome, and truly just wants the very best for London—even though he put himself in a bind by getting into a business relationship with London. Meaning she’s now off-limits. London is juggling so many things and trying to balance being present in every area of her life. I loved to see all my favorites from the Shacking Up series make appearances and it read like some of my old favorites of Helena Hunting.

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Another great read from this author. I am really enjoying this series. The storyline, the great chemistry between characters. A very enjoyable read.

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Happy pub day to this fun book! I am loving this series. Book two was as fun as book one and I already cannot wait for book 3!
London just came out of a relationship. Her sisters are happy to have Fun London back. They take her out to celebrate the return of Fun London when a very handsome stranger offers to buy her a drink. She declines. She’s not looking to jump right back into a relationship. Her focus is work.
When a call comes in from a multi-million company looking to partner with Spark House she immediately jumps at the offer. What she doesn’t expect is for the handsome CEO to be the man she turned down months earlier.
Jackson and London vow to keep their professional relationship all business but soon enough that becomes impossible. Between Jackson’s past and London’s sisters they need to decide where they stand as a couple and where London stands with Spark House. Also, can I please visit Spark House?!
This book is just so much fun! Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book has got all the banter and sweetness! Although this is a part of a series, its perfectly fine and easy to read as a standalone. The series follows the three Spark sisters as they run their family’s event hotel, the Spark House.

When London Spark is celebrating being newly single at a bar, a man approaches her and offers his number. She declines since she is not in the mood to be hit on. While busy looking for new clientele, a multi-million dollar firm contacts her months later, and the CEO is none other than Jackson Holt, the same man she turned down at the bar. What starts as a professional relationship evolves into something more. Sparks fly!

If you are a fan of heartfelt romance, this is going to be a book you’ll love!

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second book in the Spark House series and can be read as a standalone, though I enjoyed the first book as well and recommend it. Here we have London’s story and it was such a fun and charming read. London works at the family hotel and is recently out of a relationship. She is trying hard to be what the family and business needs. Jackson is a CEO and is charming and caring. They meet when she is out one night and turns him down and is surprised to find him again later in a business meeting. Their connection and chemistry is undeniable and I loved it. They were so good together, but work comes first, right? I loved Jackson and London’s banter, but because of their business connection their journey was a slow burn romance. It was such a sweet read and I am excited for the next book.

Happy reading!

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Firstly I should like to thank NetGalley, Helena Hunting and St. Martins for providing me with this ARC for review purposes. The opinions expressed are entirely my own.

I am feeling starry eyed and so happy inside after finishing this 5 star read. Drawn in right from the beginning and kept that way to the very last sentence I truly adored this book. I liked the characters. Each and every one of them were truly believable. The settings of Colorado and New York were ideal for me. I am a fan of both Colorado and New York City. I had not read the first book of the series but I had no problem picking this book up and following it. I feel I can go back and read book one and it will not be spoiled for me. I am a sucker for family books including romance and of course the villain but in this case the villain wasn't really that terrible and I found myself rooting for her too.

This was my first Helena Hunting book and I promise it will not be my last. If you like romance and family stories this is a perfect book for you to read. If you have never read Helena Hunting prior to this, I hope that once you finish this you will feel addicted as I do. Her writing is so beautiful with enough humor and a wonderfully constructed plot that pulls you in. If you have read Helena Hunting before or are a fan already, this is a must read for you.

Happy release day and I look forward to reading the next in the series, the first and other books by this great and fun author. Thank you again NetGalley, St. Martins and Helena Hunting for the privilege of receiving an ARC of this book for review purposes.

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What joy to catch up with the Spark sister in this (stand-alone) sequel. Warm, wonderful witty, just a great read. Loved it! Thank you netgalley and publisher for this arc in exchange of an honest review.

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London is funny, and although I misunderstood her during WSF, I ended up loving her. She’s witty, somewhat awkward, and loyal. She works hard, even if she might feel like she’s not good enough to do the job.

I really loved Jackson. I loved how down-to-earth he was. Even though I wasn’t a fan of how he treated a certain situation- I truly wanted to smack him in the face- I felt like in a way I also understood his reasons. He is funny, charming, and a somewhat complex character. Oh and he will definitely make you swoon.

I love that they took their time before a relationship started. This led to an amazing tension between them! I literally wanted to reach inside the book, grab them, and close them inside of a room so they could get to it 😏😂

We see certain characters from Helena Hunting’s old books and I fangirled like a schoolgirl.

I’ll admit that I was hesitant to read this since I wasn’t a big fan of When Sparks Fly. However, this one is way different and I truly enjoyed it more than the first book. I pretty much loved everything about this book, including the drama. I found it light, with little heavy topics here and there.

If you’re looking for a cute meet-cute, banter, sexual tension, and to laugh out loud, I recommend you check this one out!

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I am a huge fan of Helena Hunting's books, and after I read book one in the Spark House series, When Sparks Fly, I knew that Helena had another hit series. So when I got to read book two, Starry-Eyed Love I knew one chapter in that I was hooked again. I loved Jackson and London as the lead characters, in particular I loved their series of false starts as a couple, Jackson asks her out, she says no, she asks him out, he says no, back and forth. I don't know particularly why I enjoyed that so much, but I did.
The one thing about this book that I did not care for was London's sister Avery. Avery was the protagonist of When Sparks Fly and I loved her, but in this book she was kinda insufferable. Like we knew she was a workaholic from When Sparks Fly, but this was an extreme. She would shut down London and Harley whenever they had any sort of suggestion for the family hotel. If they suggested hiring more help she would accuse them of wanting out of the business. Some of that was probably fear of change, and not wanting to let down the memory of their parents but I still found it just so annoying. I'm hoping that for Harley's book Avery has mellowed out more than she had by the end of the book.
Avery Spark has just broken up with her latest boyfriend, and while she's not heartbroken over it she isn't ready to jump back into dating just yet. Especially after her sisters kindly let her know that she changes when she's dating someone she's serious London instead of fun London. So when a hot stranger, Jackson, asks her out at a bar she lies and says she's in a relationship. The only issue is that several weeks later she runs into him again... and he's the CEO of a company that could help the family hotel grow... London can't help but feel an attraction to him and confesses her white lie to him but Jackson has a policy not to date business partners. As they prepare for the charity event that their throwing together grows closers, so do Jackson and London...
Jackson Holt has never felt an instant connection with another person before he met London in a bar, and when she turned him down he accepted her rejection. So when she unexpectedly shows up at his office for a business meeting he's floored. But unfortunately he has a policy not to date business partners, so he has to turn her down when she asks him out after they meet again. But he's determined to show London that he cares about her in small ways, so that when they no longer are working with one another directly they can start a relationship...

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In a return to Spark House, Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in this romantic comedy series and it's London Sparks story. Having just broken up with her boyfriend, she's sworn off men and goes out with her sisters to celebrate and she dismisses an attractive man hitting on her in the bar.

Fast forward and London finds herself working with Jackson Holt, the man who approached her at the bar. They become business associates, and well it's a romantic comedy, so you can pretty much guess what's going to happen between these two. I was really glad that this relationship takes a while to build and grow.

There's some nice banter between these two as well to keep things light and fluffy. There is some conflict and the story does rely on the usual miscommunication for this.

This was a cute romance that works if you are in the mood for something not too heavy, with a sense of humor and a light touch.

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