Member Reviews

Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in the Spark House series. While the first book is all about Avery, this one is all about her sister London. Having just broken up with her boyfriend and out with her sisters, London is in no mood when an attractive man pays for their drinks. Putting the encounter out of her mind, London is surprised to see the mystery man months later when he proposes a partnership between his company and Spark House. Will London be able to mix business and pleasure?

Just like When Sparks Fly, this romance has a fairy tale quality. Though the plot and characters change, the story is very much the same. Starry-Eyed Love is just as transparent, with a predictable plot. Having read both, but in different formats, I prefer the audio version of the first book over the printed form of this one. The narrator of the story brings it to life, so I would recommend this novel in audio to other readers.

Disclaimer: I was given an Advanced Reader's Copy by NetGalley and the publisher. The decision to read and review this book was entirely mine.

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***ARC Provided by the Author***

4 Stars

Helena Hunting books are always fun, and they are always heartfelt with characters you adore and cheer for. This one is no exception. London is, with her 2 sisters, running Spark House, a family hotel and event space when the opportunity arises for her to partner with Holt Media, Jackson's company.

She doesn't know, at first (and neither does he) that he is the man who so charmingly hit on her a few months ago, right after she got out of a relationship. She turned him down, he was sad, but respectful.

Once they realize who they each are, it's too late to do anything, as they have already entered into a business partnership and getting involved would be a bad idea...or would it?

Without going into too much of the plot, the way the author handles this is clever, and adorable, and snuck up on me as much as it did on the characters, which I loved.

This book, while hot and full of fabulous chemistry, is also a little tamer sexually than some of this author's other titles, and it feels like it's more focused on the relationships between the main characters, as well as with the secondary characters.

It's tough to talk about other parts of the title without getting into the details of the plot, so I will leave this here and say that I enjoyed and recommend this title.

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This war a cute and funny story that made me cry and released me from my book slump. I’m a fan of Helena Hunting’s writing.

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I hadn’t realised going in that this was the second book in a series but I thought it read fine as a stand-alone. I really liked London’s character and enjoyed London and Jackson’s relationship (though I didn’t love the miscommunication). It was a slow burn but one which I really enjoyed.

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If a fun, contemporary romance is what you read
This could be the next book that you need!
Three sisters together run the Spark House and events
But growing their businesses are their intents.
London has just broken up her current romance
So doesn't give a stranger any chance.

Months later she's given the chance
To work with a company in partnership perchance
An opportunity it really is too good to be missed
But at the first meeting there's an unexpected twist
She's shocked to discover CEO, Jackson Holt, is the one
She told months ago to be gone!

As they start to work together, however, they find
Their attraction is there, always on their mind.
However business and pleasure don't mix
So how will their dilemma they fix?
With work, origami, secrets and her sisters
Will London make time for this Mister?

It is a fun read that I enjoyed from the start
One where there's a danger of a broken heart.
Can friendship help bring this pair together?
Or will they be parted now and forever?
For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
Such a heartwarming read and this is my honest review.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s, Helena, and Netgalley for an ARC of Starry-Eyed Love.
This is the second in the Spark House series, however can be read as a standalone.

While London is nursing her wounds from a recent breakup by having a sisters night out to celebrate, a handsome stranger approaches her and pays their bar tab. She declines a date with him and goes on with her newly single life…until she scores a huge meeting with a potential partner to expand Spark House, the event hotel she owns with her sisters passed down in their family. The CEO who shows up at the end of her sales pitch is none other than Jackson, the man she shot down.

Soon their chemistry becomes undeniable and they struggle to maintain a professional relationship, Jackson reassigns the project to someone else so that they can explore their attraction and see if they’ve got what it takes to make something real. Between juggling work and life, along with their own pasts, London and Jackson have a long road ahead.

I’ve said it several times and in probably every review I’ve ever done for a contemporary romance - I’m not really a contemporary romance fan. I like dark and broody and real life problems as opposed to the normal everyday issues like miscommunication. However, I thought this one was cute. It was, of course, full of miscommunication. However I really liked London, I found her charming and quirky, her dedication to her family and internal struggle to figure out what she really wants is very relatable.

Jackson was just a meh character to me. I didn’t dislike him, but he doesn’t really make or leave a mark. The sisters were a good source of both support and drama for London and offered really solid subplots.

I thought the story was cute. I really like the background of the series of the sisters running and growing their family’s establishment. I like that it’s ultimately a story about a boss woman who is trying to figure herself, her life, her wants and needs out before she brings another person in.

I can’t say that I will prioritize the other books in this series, but if they pop up and I’m looking for an audiobook I’d definitely grab them.

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A solid, if a bit cliched, rom-com. Hunting can be relied on for solid dialogue, related heroines, and swoony heroes.

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I forgot I had this book and had read the first one. After about 20 pages, I looked the first book up in Goodreads to refresh my memory of what happened there. lol

I liked this book more than the first one. I do know that. I'll likely check out the 3rd book, but I doubt it'll be better this one.

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If you like slow burns you will love this one!! Overall I really enjoyed this book! The beginning started a bit slow for me but by the middle I was having a hard time putting the book down. To be fair I don’t think a lot of people will feel this way. It was more than likely me because my attention span wasn’t what it normally is while reading this one. I loved London and Jackson! There was no long drawn out unnecessary drama to slow the book down. By the time I got to the end of this book I wasn’t ready for it to end! I can’t wait for the next book!

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Return to Helena Hunting’s Spark House and meet the middle Spark sister, London. I loved getting to know London and hear about her small business! After much success designing centerpieces for events at Spark House, London opens an Etsy store to sell her designs. Jackson is also a great character. While he’s a successful businessman, he is also such a great partner to London. I recommend Starry-Eyed Love to fans of small town romance.

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Loved this story. It was well written and both the characters were likable.
Excellent follow up to When Sparks Fly.
I would recommend,

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This was the second book in the Spark House series and I really enjoyed it. I did feel like it was a slow burning romance and felt bored at times, but overall, it was a good read!

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Loved this book! This book is a really page turner! This book is part of a series however it can be read as a standalone. This book follows the Sparks sister journey. London and Jackson's story is entertaining, charming and well developed.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in Helena Hunting’s The Spark House trilogy. The Spark sisters run The Spark House-a he’d and breakfast in Colorado. Avery and Declan fell in love in When Sparks Fly, book 1 of the trilogy. I also fell in love and couldn’t wait for book 2!

This is London Sparks story. London is going through a breakup when handsome stranger, Jackson, asks her out during a sisters night out at a bar. She turns him down but as fate would have it, they meet again when his multi-media company partners with The Spark House. Sparks fly, but Jackson doesn’t mix business with pleasure. So once their partnership is over, romance begins! And boy do Sparks fly then!

I loved this romance. Jackson and London are very well paired. I also loved the sister relationship at the heart of these books! I really enjoyed this second visit to The Spark House and look forward to my next visit-when Harley Sparks will get her happily ever after!

Thank you to #netgalley and #stmartinsgriffin for the advanced e-copy of #starryeyedlove

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This was such a cute book! This was the first book I've read from this author and I really enjoyed it. The story was different from anything I've read recently and really captured my attention. It was so well written and the characters were fantastic.

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I absolutely loved Starry-Eyed Loved! We are thrown back into the world of Spark House and the amazing Spark sisters. London and Jackson will steal your heart by the end. London is single and celebrating that fact with her sisters when a stranger buys their drinks and ask her out. However, London is not ready and declines his offer. Then months later, during a possibly new and beneficial business meeting for her and her sisters at Spark House, in walks Jackson-the CEO and guy that hit on her months earlier, and takes over the meeting. London and Jackson have insane chemistry that’s hard to ignore, but now that his company is working with Spark House, these two have to keep things professional. As London and Jackson spend more time together, their connection becomes stronger and even more difficult to brush aside. As these two continue to work together, London starts to think about her wants and part of Spark House, the changes that need to happen, but the Spark sisters don’t always make it easy. Then add in the secrets from Jackson’s past that start to pop up and constantly pushed aside, will these ruin what could have been before it really got started? Starry-Eyed Love will hit you with all the feels and leave you wanting more of these two!

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can’t even express how amazing this book is. I haven’t been this engrossed in a book in awhile. Gobbled it up in a day as I sit here at night processing the book and my emotions. I laughed hard and cried hard. The anxiety London has really hits home. I adore Jackson and many others. It was great to see how the sisters manage everything with each other and a true testament to family bonds and love. I adore and love this book ridiculously hard!

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Loved this book!

London's just the sort of snarky, creative, slightly awkward character I could totally see being BFFs with in real life. All of my highlighted quotes here were from her. One favorite is:
"I've never understood why people have felt the urge to get it on in an elevator. Until now. Especially with all the mirrors, which would give me an amazing view of Jackson from all sides, if I were to say, climb him like a tree."
See what I mean?

Jackson and London's romance had definite Cinderella-ish vibes, which even the characters take note of more than once, and I didn't hate it. Even though Jackson of course has an environmentally friendly personal jet and an insane amount of money (another favorite quote deals was when London mused about what he did all day--"Apart from watching his money grow, or making snow angels in a pile of hundred-dollar bills. It's probably something I'd do. Naked. Well, maybe not naked, but in a bikini,") it's actually pretty believable that he's really such a down to earth guy. And 1000% believable that he would fall so hard for London, and vice versa. ;)

It's possible I was almost as devastated about their (inevitable, but still!) black moment and breakup as London and Jackson were. I mean, you could see it coming, but still--it was rough. Fortunately, they (eventually) had an adult conversation to clear the air--helped along by the last person you'd expect here!--and their HEA is everything this romance-loving heart could want.

COUNTING THE DAYS (weeks? Months?) until Harley's book!

Starry-Eyed Love (such a freaking adorable title! And totally appropriate for the characters and their story) is the second book in Ms Hunting's Spark House series, and is loosely connected to her Shacking Up series--which have been on my TBR forever, and just moved up ;) It *could* be read as a standalone, but since the Spark sisters are so close and Avery and Declan's upcoming nuptials play a not-insignificant role here, I'd really recommend reading them in order. Trust me, you won't regret it :)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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What happens when you meet a handsome stranger in a bar and you reject him? He's the owner of the company who can help your hotel. I love the story of London and Jax. I'm absolutely invested in this series because of the bond between the sisters.

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This was a great, feel-good romcom with real life circumstances. I love the Spark sisters and I'm looking forward to the next book!

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