Member Reviews

I really enjoyed When Sparks Fly, so I was really looking forward to the next Spark Sister book! In Starry-Eyed Love it is the turn of London Spark. I love how Jackson and London start out as friends as she doesnt want to jeopardise their work relationship. Clearly the tension is there though! I loved the build up! I will say there is a bit of a miscommunication trope that Im not usually keen on but having both POVs helped, and I could forgive the author, as I loved Jackson and London together, it was easy to believe in their relationship.
Helena Hunting books are so easy to fall into, her writing is effortless and its hard for me to pace myself and not finish them in one sitting! A book for those times when youre in the mood to binge a lovely sweet romance. I am really looking forward to Harley's book next!

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Starry-Eyed Love is a fun love story filled with wonderful characters. We are back in the world of Spark House and the Spark sisters, but this time for London's story. When it opens, London is fresh from breaking up with her boyfriend of almost a year and is out for a night at the bar with her sisters when a guy who catches her eye - and can't take his eyes off her - picks up their bill and asks her out. London turns him down, claiming to be in a relationship. Three months later Spark House gets a call about an opportunity that could really bump up their business. When she is in the meeting presenting she learns that the CEO, Jackson Holt, is none other than the man she turned down.

This was a bit of a slow burn since they begin a working relationship with each other and although we do get POV from Jackson and clearly see his interest and intent in London, she is not quite sure of his intentions and interest. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It's fun, entertaining and romantic. I especially loved the interactions with the sisters and the angst we get as London and Jackson work towards their HEA. I can't wait now for Harley to have her story!

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Second entry in Spark House series focuses on London Spark, the crafty Spark sister who handles more of the business side of their family event center than her creative side would prefer. When Holt Media wants to partner with Spark House, London is thrown more into the company of Jackson Holt, the incredibly handsome and charismatic CEO who’d asked her out months before. Her growing relationship with Jackson shows the fissures in the Spark House management team, and London worries that she may lose everything.

While I generally enjoyed this novel, there were certain aspects that were too reminiscent of the formulaic Harlequin romances of the past. But fans of romance and chick lit will love it. #SparkHouse #StarryEyedLove #NetGalley #SMPRomance

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This book was really good. This is book number two in the Spark House Series. I love series like this were you get to see siblings fall in love and get their HEA. There is plenty of emotions, romance, humor all wrapped up into a great story that was hard to put down. London and Jackson have become my new favorite couple.

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Those who enjoy romance novels will, I think, enjoy this title. It is a fun, absorbing read. Main character London works in her family’s hotel. As life turns out, one day a big client turns out to be someone that London once met in a bar and turned down. The action takes place from there. Readers may well be able to imagine the end of this story but the fun is in savoring as they get there.

I relaxed and happily followed this story of London and her family as well as that of the wealthy Jackson. This seems like the perfect read for a sunny spring day.

Note: This book is the second in a series. I think that it can be read on its own. Readers will probably want to read both title though.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this title. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you @getredprbooks @helenahunting and @stmartinspress for the review copy

I was drawn to this book mainly for the Origami stars. I created some for this book. I constantly made Origami stars in high school. They were everywhere. I'm still finding flattened pentagons in my old books.

Once I started this? I wasn't expecting to feel so connected to London, but I understood her creativity, ambition, and anxiety. When you first meet London she's stressing about this phone call. Her sister observes her, and she does fantastic; like it was the most natural London could have been. London pretty much says "Yeah, it went well, but it's always so hard." I will prepare for every possible aspect of a meeting, interview, test, etc. I will analyze what could possibly come up, so I can be ready with a fantastic answer in my back pocket. The process absolutely enhanced my lesson planning and implementing skills as an elementary school teacher.

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I loved reading about London. She is very smart and knows what she is doing even though at times she thought she failed her and her sisters. When she meets the CEO Jackson Holt, she treated him like another human being not a rich billionaire. My hopes were for them together. I liked that it was friendship first and just didn't start with a relationship. I love the chase with these two. He already thought London was special when first seeing her. I love how he was helping the sisters with their business by providing clients. I highly recommend this book. It was another great read Helena Hunting. I can't wait to read about their other sister, Harley.

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They say the universe has someone for everyone. I'm sure that is true, but London, she just does not want that at the moment. She's trying to keep things going and growing with their family legacy. She's so strong-willed and will protect her family with fierceness. When a sexy man approaches her in a bat well her words will fly. Now she's about to find out what the universe has in store for her. Jackson Holt is about to do something he doesn't often do and that is to take on a project personally. These two have been through the heartache that no one wants to. But can they come together to make the green project a success? Or will their feelings get in the way and end up heartbroken? Fall in love with Spark House all over again.

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This was an endearing, enjoyable, and entertaining story. It's more contemporary romance vs. some of Hunting's more comedic books (Pucked, Kiss My Cupcake, etc.), but it's definitely not without some humor and witty banter.

London and Jackson were a well matched pair. They are both serious and business focused, but bring out a more fun and playful side in each other. They both lost both of their parents tragically, and they share an understanding of how that grief impacts their lives and decisions many years later. Their romance is definitely a slow burn. They have an initial brief meeting, then months later find themselves partnering together on a business collaboration. There is attraction and chemistry, but Jackson in particular is adamant about not mixing business and personal, so we get to see a real friendship build before the business arrangement ends and the relationship escalates.

I especially enjoyed London's character, and particularly identified with her somewhat anxious, fidgety nature. I can't begin to tell you the number of paperclips, pen lids, necklaces, etc. that have fallen victim to my need to keep my hands busy when I'm on the phone or people are in my office. Thanks to London, now I have a stack of star paper strips to mess with instead 😉

While Avery frustrated me to no end (really glad her book was first because I don't think I would be inclined to read her story after this one), I also enjoyed the dynamic between the Spark sisters. It is messy and complicated and real.

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London Spark is floundering in her job as financial business administrator at the Spark House, a small boutique hotel and events center she runs with her sisters Avery and Harley, after their parents’ death. It’s not her dream job, but it keeps her close to her sisters, so she sticks with it. When she breaks up with her recent boyfriend, she’s hit on by a scruffy bearded man with cheesy pick up lines and just isn’t ready to date again. Months later, she’s invited to give a presentation for a beneficial collaboration with Holt Media that could push Spark House up to another level of success. Again, not her strong suit, but she prepares and go to the meeting. In the middle of her talk, the cheesy bearded man shows up and peppers her with questions, until London realizes that he is Jackson Holt, the CEO of Holt Media. As they start to work together, they grow closer, but will Jackson’s past and his secrets ruin all they have started?

Starry Eyed Love is the second book in this series, and can be read as a stand alone, but I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to read When Sparks Fly first! I loved the the first one and didn’t think I could love this one more, but I think I do. London and Jackson have such a sweet, fiery chemistry that steams off the page. Like a Cinderella retelling, Jackson is her handsome prince and treats her like a princess. This book gives you all the feels and I didn’t want it to end. Good thing there is one more coming in this series!

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This is the second book in the Spark House series where we follow three sisters who run a hotel and event center in Colorado. In Starry-Eyed Love we are following the second sister London who after a recent break up decides to stop dating for awhile but of course this plan goes out the window when she meets Jackson who is the CEO of the company they will now be working with. This book was a lot of fun like all of Helena Hunting's books. There is comedy but mixed in some heavier topics that don't make me feel too overwhelmed while reading. I really liked how Jackson got to know London by taking her on work outings while showing her it's ok to have a life outside of her sisters. Also any book set in Colorado is usually fun for me as I love where I live and enjoy when other people love it here too. Overall I really enjoyed this book but the ending was very predictable to me and so I kind of lost my mojo while reading it. Still highly recommend it and if you have read her Shaking Up series a few of the couples from those books make cameos in this one! Thank you St. Martins Press and Social Butterfly PR for my gifted copy for review!

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I absolutely adore the Spark sisters, so I was so excited to finally get to read London’s story. Starry-Eyed Love was a charming and dazzling friends-to-lovers romance. This story was emotional and romantic. The main characters had an undeniable chemistry and I really enjoyed watching their relationship build throughout the story. And while this is part of a series, I do think it could be easily read as a standalone. This novel is a perfect pick for any rom-com lovers.

Huge thank you to St. Martin’s Press for the gifted copy.

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I was so excited to be back with the Spark sisters for London’s story and it didn’t disappoint! While this wasn’t much of a surprise to me given that Helena Hunting is one of my favorite authors, I still wasn’t prepared for how much I really loved London and Jackson. If you haven’t read the first book, no worries as I think this one is a pretty good standalone!

There wasn’t really anything not to like about either London or Jackson and together they are magic! I have to mention the relationship between the three sisters, as it’s really beautiful even if Avery was getting on my nerves at times, (and everyone else’s), their love for each other is still apparent. I feel like they are real people and that I’m cheering them on as they grow the Spark House!

London and Jackson’s story is kind of a second chance, billionaire, workplace romance and I really thought the conflict was going in another direction than it did! Due to their working relationship it is slow burn, but does get steamy as soon as they get past that🔥 While there are some sad things mentioned (parents death in the past), other than that it is relatively light on the angst and full of the wit and humor I’ve come to expect from the author!

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I did not read the first book in this series, but other than not knowing the characters previously, I fell right into the story. 3 sisters who own a boutique hotel and this one was about London, the middle child. She meets Jackson Hoyt who is CEO to Holt Media. The Spark House gets on their radar and they begin to promote the hotel, just as Jackson and London begin their relationship. This was a friends to lovers genre and very enjoyable. I particularly liked all the goings on of the hotel, how they managed and kept all the balls in the air, but which caused some issues to be brought to a head. A great contemporary romance, this had all the feels.I am looking forward to the third book in this series.

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by Netgalley)...

3.5/4 stars

I couldn't wait to jump back into the lives of the Sparks sisters after reading Avery and Declan's book; however, I was definitely pleasantly surprised by the chemistry between London and Jackson.

London and Jackson, in my opinion, had an interesting first encounter which made it a bit awkward when they see each other again during London's presentation to Jackson's company. I would consider this a slow burn romance and the beginning does get off to a bit of slow start, but things start to pick up fairly quickly. There is a bit of business talk and little romance at the beginning so fair warning, but like I said as the book progresses so does the spark between London and Jackson .

This was a nice addition to the Spark House series and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for Harley.

More review to come.

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From the beginning of this romance, where London Sparks unknowingly turned down a very handsome CEO, Jackson Holt, to the beautifully written epilogue, I was completely sucked in!

Fresh off her relationship, London has no interest in the delicious man “checking her out” on her friend-night-out…however, she never knew turning him down would create an enemies-to-lovers situation.

This second book in the Spark House series by the lovely romance author, Helena Hunting, was a great read! It was super charming, lots of laugh-out-loud moments, and gave me all-the-feels!

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Happy Tuesday y’all and happy release day to Starry-Eyed Love, the second book in the Spark House series by Helena Hunting! I went on a reading binge this weekend/yesterday, and I started reading Starry-Eyed Love yesterday morning and finished it before the evening was over (it would have been earlier, but, you know, work was a thing, so I had to focus on that during the day). Thank you so much to the team at St. Martin’s Griffin and Netgalley for letting me read an eARC of this book!

Starry-Eyed Love 4/5 Stars

Summary from Goodreads: Charming, hilarious, and emotional, Starry-Eyed Love is Helena Hunting at her very best!
Having just broken up with her boyfriend, London Spark is not in the mood to be hit on. Especially not when she’s out celebrating her single status with her sisters. So when a very attractive man pays for their drinks and then slips her his number, she passes it right back to him with a ‘thanks, but no thanks’. As the business administrator for their family’s event hotel, the Spark House, London has more important things to worry about, like bringing in new clientele.
As luck would have it, a multi-million-dollar company calls a few months later asking for a meeting to discuss a potential partnership, and London is eager to prove to her sisters, and herself, that she can land this deal. Just when she thinks she has nailed her presentation, the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in and inserts himself into the meeting. Not only that, but he also happens to be the same guy she turned down at the bar a few months ago.
As they begin to spend more time together, their working relationship blossoms into something more. It isn’t until their professional entanglements are finally over, that London and Jackson are finally ready to take the next step in their relationship. But between Jackson’s secretive past and London’s struggle with her sisters, London must question where she really stands – not just with Jackson, but with the Spark House, too.

I read book one, When Sparks Fly, last year and I really enjoyed it, so I was the most excited when one of the publicists at St. Martin’s Griffin sent me a Netgalley Widget to read Starry-Eyed Love. I really liked London in book one, so I couldn’t wait to read her book, and man y’all, it was even better than I expected. London is such an easy character to love. Did the plot itself seem a little over the top and farfetched, sure. But that’s ok because it’s a book and it was a cute one and I loved reading about London and Jackson and watching them go on dates that weren’t dates and be with each other and everything about that. I also really liked Harley in this book. Avery annoyed me more in this book than she did in book one, but it was understandable because of what all she was dealing with. I cannot wait for Harley’s book to be written/come out! Pacing and plot wise, I enjoyed all of it a lot- I was never bored or felt like things were dragging or rushing. I also even loved the big conflict that happened, which doesn’t always happen in these kinds of contemporary romances. All in all, I definitely think you need to read Starry-Eyed Love (and When Sparks Fly if you haven’t read that one yet). Go out and grab it today!

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Well as most know, this is book 2 in the series of Spark sisters, with this one being about Landon. I still haven’t read the first one, whoops, but I had no trouble jumping in and reading. Landon is over relationship. They haven’t really been working for her, and being newly single, she just wants to enjoy the single life for once. Enter Jackson, a CEO, who she has a meeting with and is the same guy she turned down at a bar. What Landon wasn’t expecting their profession life to blossom to more.

I loved the humor and romance of this story. The build up of sparks flying and Landon discovering herself in a way. The banter was what I live for in a romance. And I really liked the character development between Landon and Jackson.

I really can’t wait to see where Helena goes in her next book!

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I enjoyed revisiting the Spark sisters.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Dual POVs
Part of a series: Spark House

I look forward to reading Harley's story.

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J'étais totalement tombée sous le charme du premier opus de cette série et c'est avec plaisir que j'ai retrouvé les 3 soeurs qui composent cette fameuse maison Spark ( étincelles en anglais ) . Je ressors encore une fois séduite , décidément Helena Hunting parvient à chaque fois à me plaire ...
En effet, on retrouve London , la soeur la moins " fun" de ce trio , celle qui gère l'administratif même si ce n'est pas spécialement son truc, celle dont le côté créatif et sa manie des étoiles en origami... J'ai absolument adoré ce personnage qui fait passer sa famille avant tout le reste et même avant elle. Elle est pourtant lucide et conserve la tête froide malgré quelques excès de ses soeurs , enfin surtout de Avery qui a tendance à faire quelques caprices dans ce tome...
Elle est entière et droite et surtout prête à tous les sacrifices pour garder sa relation familiale . Elle possède cependant du caractère dans les affaires et dans ses histoires amoureuses...
Jackson est un homme qui a réussi et qui sait ce qu'il veut. Il est droit et tente de respecter les règles qu'il s'est imposé toute sa vie même si résister à la belle London est moins facile qu'il ne l'aurait supposer. Il a souffert de l'absence de parents et a parfois fait de mauvais choix pour le côté pratique mais il cherche toujours à s'améliorer et à ne pas reproduire les erreurs d'hier...
Leur duo est une évidence et c'est pourquoi c'est aussi délicieux de les voir se débattre pour ne pas céder à la tentation et au bonheur...
En bref : Encore une fois Helena Hunting a trouvé les bons mots et surtout un duo de héros charismatiques et attachants pour me séduire. Cette romance est pleine de peps et d'émotions , elle donne le sourire et met en avant les valeurs de la famille et de la communication . Déjà hâte de découvrir l'histoire de la dernière soeur ....
Once again Helena Hunting has found the right words and especially a duo of charismatic and endearing heroes to seduce me. This romance is full of pep and emotions, it gives a smile and highlights the values of family and communication. I can't wait to discover the story of the last sister ....

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