Member Reviews

Such a sweet romance! This is my first Helena Hunting book and definitely not my last. I would like to go back and read the first in the series. This was easy to get into and read. The story of London and Jackson was such a "fairytale" ; it made me smile throughout!

*Thank you @letstalkbookspromo and @smpromance for the #gifted copy.*

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A really awesome story. London and her sisters are trying to restore and continue their family business. London is creative and fun. Jackson is a multi millionaire businessman. Their first meeting is a bust but the second sets them on a better path. It is a great story with really wonderful characters. It is about what one would do when they love their family. The romance that blossoms between London and Jackson is not without issue. They show a lot of patience and courage as they work towards their happily ever after.

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Book 2 in the Spark House series tells London and Jackson’s story. We see the other Spark sisters (and Declan 😍) throughout as Avery plans her wedding, but they play a periphery role.

London has struggled with finding her place at Spark House. She’s torn between following her passions and fulfilling her family obligations to Avery. In the middle of an important meeting with Holt media, she encounters Jackson Holt, the gorgeous CEO she turned down three months before.

Jackson is surprised to run into the bombshell who turned him down. For some reason, he’s inexplicably drawn to London and, knowing he shouldn’t mix business with pleasure, sends mixed signals until their joint charity auction ends.

Both orphaned in their teens, they have a lot in common, including staying far away from meaningful connections outside of a chosen few. Just as they start to work through those issues, something from Jackson’s past comes back, creating the push London needs to stand up to her sister and fight for what she needs, both personally and professionally.

Stars play a prominent role throughout this book and I love that London uses origami stars as a way to manage her anxiety. Both Jackson and London go through personal growth throughout the story. Particularly London as she finally reaches her breaking point with Avery and learns to stand up for herself. I was happy to see Jackson open up more and find his perfect match in London

The chemistry between these two is perfection! As always, there’s a happy-ever-after and the epilogue is pure genius 🤩.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy!

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In ‘Starry-Eyed Love’ we meet the Middle Spark sister London and the handsome CEO Jackson. When London and Jackson first met, London declined his offer for a date. Now, three months later they meet again when London is in an big business meeting at Jackson’s company. At first London is horrified to see the guy she rejected in the conference room, but soon there’s too much going on to really think about it. Things need to stay strictly professional between London and Jackson, but their chemistry is undeniable. And staying professional gets harder and harder. Or not..

‘Starry-Eyed Love’ was a very enjoyable read right from the very first page. I loved the two main characters London and Jackson. London was this crafty, hardworking woman who would do anything for her sisters. That includes working her butt off for Spark House, even though this isn’t necessarily the job she wanted. Jackson might seem a bit arrogant on the outside, but when you get to know him you’ll soon see he is just very careful with his feelings. His charms definitely came across the pages!

When London and Jackson meet the second time their chemistry is undeniable. But London is not sure Jackson feels it too. They spend a lot of time together, and Jackson seems to be different around her than with other people, but what if its only her imagination? I enjoyed reading this book through both London and Jackson’s point of view.

This book was not very original, but I must say I didn’t care about that at all. I had fun getting to know the main characters, and their romance was a beautiful slow burn one I adored. At times I wished the characters in this book would communicate a bit better. Since it would have made for a lot less drama. But it did make for a very entertaining read. And although I’m not crafty at all, I sure wish I was after this read.

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Nous sommes de retour à la Stark House pour découvrir un nouveau roman sur la deuxième soeur de la saga. J'ai adoré ce roman car non seulement nous aurons le droit à une slow burn romance mais j'adore les sagas familiales. Nous retrouverons non seulement les héros du précédent tome mais également ceux de la saga All In.

London Spark n'avait jamais eu l'intention de s'impliquer aussi intensément dans l'entreprise familiale. Le mort prématurée de leur parent a poussé les Stark à devenir mature en un rien de temps. Notre héroïne a donc assumé des responsabilités sans râler mais la situation devient de plus en plus intense. J'avais adoré Avery dans le précédent tome mais ici, on sent qu'elle est têtue et fermée à tout développement en dehors du cercle familial. Elle a toujours été celle qui était à la tête de l'entreprise mais elle semble s'enfermer dans son rôle de petit chef et j'ai trouvé certains de ses reproches très injustes. London assume donc avec sa soeur Hartley une pression incroyable et il est évident que j'ai désormais hâte de découvrir le tome la concernant. London ne se contente pas de travailler pour la Spark House car elle a aussi sa boutique en ligne. On comprend donc qu'elle n'a pas de temps à perdre et que les relations amoureuses ne font pas partie de ses priorités immédiates. Son ex petit ami était pratique dans le sens où il ne demandait pas de temps et d'investissement. En amour, cela ne peut pas fonctionner et elle va donc repousser ce que notre héros lui fera ressentir. Cela lui sera d'autant plus interdit qu'ils vont tisser un lien professionnel. Tout est donc réuni pour qu'elle ne succombe pas mais les plans ne peuvent pas se dérouler comme prévus., n'est ce pas?

Jackson Holt est notre héros de 35 ans et on peut dire que tout lui réussit. Ce multi milliardaire est un self made man qui domine son monde et qui n'a jamais été face à un échec depuis sa montée en puissance. Il partage un point commun avec notre héroïne et cela lui permettra de mieux la comprendre. Pourtant, et cela fera rire son ami et associé Trent, il ne réussira pas à la séduire lors de leur toute première rencontre. C'est donc amusant de le voir ramer car il a des attitudes complètement déconnectées du monde réel. Il a une pléiade de personnes à son service et donc il n'a plus les pieds sur terre. Je ne dis pas qu'il est hautain car il ne l'est pas mais il ne fait pas face à ce que notre héroïne fait face et il trouve des solutions toutes faites. Jackson sera cependant attendrissant et charmant et j'ai apprécié découvrir l'homme qui se cache derrière l'homme d'affaires. Lui aussi s'est brûlé les ailes et il ne veut plus ressentir cette sensation. Il ne veut pas entacher non plus les relations professionnelles entamées entre son entreprise et celles des soeurs et il devra donc marcher sur des oeufs. J'ai aimé apprendre à la connaître, à découvrir ses failles et ses forces.

Bref, j'ai passé un excellent moment de lecture avec ce second tome de la saga Spark House. Helena Hunting nous régale avec cette nouvelle romance qui saura conquérir nos coeurs. J'ai adoré le lien entre ces soeurs, les retrouvailles avec d'anciens personnages et les rencontres qui peuvent changer une vie.

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Has there ever been a Helena Hunting book I haven’t loved and devoured in a day?!? I have to say though, the Spark House series is one of my favorites, and I was so excited to get London’s story! I love when we still get to see bird and pieces from the first book, but London’s story is equally as great, and I love Jackson! So glad I was able to get an early copy of this, as it’s one of my favorite series!

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Thank you to Get Red PR Books and St Martin’s Press for the advanced reading copy of Starry-Eyed Love. Review contains my own thoughts and opinions.

I absolutely adored London and Jackson’s story! This is book 2 in the Spark House series, an interconnected romance series featuring three sisters who own a boutique hotel and event space. I read book 1 (Avery and Declan) and liked their story, but London and Jackson have my heart!

London struggles with her place in the family business- she’d much rather spend her time on the creative side and her burgeoning Etsy shop. Jackson is a self-made businessman from out of state, but they are immediately drawn to each other. There’s an element of forbidden attraction (business associates who do not want to cross the line) and some cute insta-love. Sparks do fly once they give in to their chemistry, too!

I recommend this book to those that love contemporary romance with some heat, especially fans of Samantha Chase and Penny Reid.

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Thank you SMP for the gifted copy.

This book is the second in the Spark House series, and focuses on the middle sister, London. To be honest, it was just ok for me. I liked the first one better, but I tend to like the friends to lovers trope better than the "millionaire and regular person" trope. I liked London, but I thought Jackson was just okay. They had good chemistry but occasionally it felt forced to me.

Avery annoyed the crap out of me in this book - I don't remember her being like that in the first one!

This book made me want to go on a vacation to a place like Spark House. It sounds awesome. I'm very much looking forward to the third book!

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3.5 stars rounded up for the second book in this series. I found that I was forcing myself to keep picking this one up…it just didn’t immediately grab my interest in the same way other books by this author have. It turned around in the last third of the book which added a star to my rating.

London is the middle of the Spark sisters, juggling her administrative role at their B&B while finding joy in her side hustle making crafts to sell on Etsy. When a handsome stranger tries to pick her up in a bar, she turns him down and is caught off guard when he shows up at a pitch meeting a few months later. Jackson Holt is the billionaire CEO of Holt Media who teams up with Spark House to open new doors for them.

The relationship between Jackson and London was the best part of this book, but it’s such a slow burn that they don’t get together until 60% through. I thought it was a little weird how Avery was presented in this book as controlling and stubborn when those really weren’t the vibes I got from her book (When Sparks Fly).

Content warnings: both MCs lost their parents

Thanks to SMP Romance and NetGalley for the early copy. All opinions are my own.

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Having just broken up with her boyfriend, London Spark is not in the mood to be hit on. Especially not when she’s out celebrating her single status with her sisters. So when a very attractive man pays for their drinks and then slips her his number, she passes it right back to him with a ‘thanks, but no thanks’. As the business administrator for their family’s event hotel, the Spark House, London has more important things to worry about, like bringing in new clientele. As luck would have it, a multi-million-dollar company calls a few months later asking for a meeting to discuss a potential partnership, and London is eager to prove to her sisters, and herself, that she can land this deal. Just when she thinks she has nailed her presentation, the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in and inserts himself into the meeting. Not only that, but he also happens to be the same guy she turned down at the bar a few months ago.
The second book in the series & the second Spark sibling to find love. A well written engaging book with humour as well as romance. It’s well over three hundred pages but it felt much shorter as the pages flew by & I read it in two sittings. I loved both London & Jackson, their chemistry sizzled & I loved their road to a HEA, it wasn't instalove but their feelings took time to grow & change, which made it far more credible. I thoroughly enjoyed the book
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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I'm gunna start this review with some brutal honesty: I didn't really like the first book in this series. So I was pretty reluctant to read 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗬 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗗 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘. I decided to give it a chance since I generally really like this author and I'm so glad I did.

London is a kind, tightly-wound, sweet female lead. I feel like the author did a great job of making her complex. She is anxious and struggles with business interactions, but these are just a part of who she is. In an age when writers are including more neuro-diverse characters (hooray!) there can tend to be a lot of very one-dimensional character writing. I loved that the author approached London's anxiety with nuance and subtlety.

Jackson is another complex character. He is sweet, funny, and wildly smart, but also a bit emotionally clueless. The conflict in the 3rd act of this book felt realistic and understandable.

𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗬 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗗 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 has great friendships, lots of swoon, seriously steamy scenes, complex characters, and a perfectly perfect happily ever after. I really loved it!

𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟: Rated R / 1-4 descriptive sex scenes, may have harsh language.
𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗦: past death of parents
𝗙𝗘𝗘𝗟𝗦: 3/5 - So many feels you might tear up a little.

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Starry Eyed Love is an appropriately named book about a woman who is adolescently enraptured with a billionaire that missed the mark for me. Her genitalia are repeatedly atwitter in his presence, her voice constantly rises like a self-centeredly aware teenage boy, and she is so enraptured that she is repeatedly clumsy with her words or her action There are trite turns of phrase used, like she climbed him like a tree that made the storytelling clumsy. Yet there are lovely depictions of supportive siblings and friends that are a joy to read. All in all, a pleasant story but not one that engages the reader deeply or maturely.

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Starry-Eyed Love is book two in the series. It was a good read. London Spark and Jackson Holt met at a bar when he pays for her drink and gives her his number, which she gives him back. Months later, a multi million dollar company wants to partner with Spark House! During London's presentation, the company's CEO comes in and just so happens to be the man she turned down! I loved the banter and chemistry London and Jackson had and the slow burn. They were both great characters. Loved them.

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I'm a fan of Helena hunting and this book is no exception to that. This is the second book in a series about sisters running an inn/event center. This book follows London as she struggles to manage her role at the inn and her growing Etsy business and her budding romance with new business partner Jackson. It's a cute romantic comedy. I enjoyed the relationship between these two, but the conflict for me felt rushed. But it was an enjoyable read and I'm sure I'll read the third book about Harper whenever it comes out. Thanks NetGalley for letting me read an advanced copy.

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DNF at 15%. Not going to give it one star because I think if I really pushed myself I might like it, but the dialogue just isn’t working for me, which is sad because I really enjoyed Meet Cute. Might try getting into it again later.

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This was so adorably sweet! I loved it, especially the writing it had me completely hooked even when some elements weren't super realistic. I especially loved the dynamic between the Spark sisters! I found their business and it being family owned was so fun. I definitely want to go back and read the first book now and any other books published by this author!

Thank you netgalley and St Martin's Press for this earc in exchange for an honest review.

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I hate that I didn’t like this one as much as I wanted to. The leading guy just didn’t mesh well with me, for no particular reason. It could be a case of right book, wrong time. I do think others will enjoy this!

Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Spark sisters own and manage a bed and breakfast hotel with event options. It’s quite successful and each sister has a clearly defined role. When an environmentally friendly company wants to find sponsors for their business to allow them to be green, London has sparks with Jackson. He’s the CEO with charisma, brains and humor. Jackson woos her while trying to keep it professional, but fails. The way he can read London and desires to see her succeed is charming and very swoon worthy. The series is about the sisters, each gets her own book, but it’s unnecessary to read in order. I received a Netgalley copy and wrote this review voluntarily.

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London meets a stranger at the bar, she isn't ready to date so she doesn't want to take his number. As fate would have it their paths cross again, but this time its business. London and her sisters run a hotel, the Spark House, and London is going to a meeting to see about a potential partnership. London has this in the bag, she has done meetings like this before. She is confident until CEO Jackson Holt makes his way in the meeting and starts asking her lots of questions. She soon realizes that Jackson is none other than the guy from the bar. What has she gotten herself into? As weeks go on they start planning their event and get closer to each other. Jackson won't cross the business/personal boundary until the event is over. Once it is, all bets are off.

I enjoyed the book. I thought the Spark sisters were great, they really balance each other out. I really liked London. I'm obsessed with stars, I felt like I could connect with her character in that way. I thought she was a strong character. She was so loyal to her sister and her company.

And could you not love him? He was charming and sweet. He was protective, but not over the top. I really liked his character. I wish we got to have more of his POVs though! I enjoyed getting his side of things.

I own a few Helena Hunting books, but this is the first one I've actually read. I really like her writing. I think she sets everything up nicely! As this was my first book, I didn't read the first book in this series, but I don't think you need to! However, I think it would have helped you know Avery better. I can't wait to read it. I'm sure there will be a book 3 and I will read that as well! Thank you to St. Martin's (St. Martin's Romance), Macmillan audio, Helena Hunting, lets talk books promo, and NetGalley for the ebook and audio copy of this book! It was so fun to read along while I listened! My opinions are my own.

I will add my instagram link when I share it.

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Good read! London and her sisters run Spark House, a hotel/event company, besides administrative duties she's the creative one which gives her and outlet for her nervous fingers, she makes puffy stars that she sells on her site, life's hectic with her oldest sister planning a wedding but their keeping it together. A meeting with Holt media changes all that. Jackson happens by a meeting only to see the blond that turned him down months ago, he sees a chance to get to know her. Attraction, taboo, misunderstanding lead to a good read.

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