Member Reviews

Starry-Eyed Love is the second standalone in the Spark House series by Helena Hunting. This one follows middle sister Landon, who up till now hasn't had the best luck when it comes to relationships, they always lack that extra something special.

The book starts with Landon turning down a gorgeous guy who asks her out on a date because she has just got out of her relationship. Fast-forward 2 months later, and she's in a business meeting hoping to score a very important partnership for the Spark House. Jackson, the owner of this multi-billion dollar company also happens to be the man she turned down at the bar. While there's definitely a connection, they now have a working relationship and Jackson is determined to keep things between them nothing more than professional. When their time working together is completed they can finally act on their connection but will omissions of their past and personal fears ruin things just as they begin.

Honestly, I went into this book not expecting much and that's because of how much I disliked the first book in the series. I really liked Landon, she is sweet, loyal and a tiny bit of a pushover when it comes to her sisters. Her anxiety , especially over making phone calls, was 100% relatable and she is just overall endearing. Then we have Jackson who I'll be honest at first I was impressed with the cheesiness, the pickup lines he laid on her in the beginning of the book are cringe worthy, but he redeemed himself. They form a bittersweet bond over the fact they both lost their parents young and were both greatly affected by it. He was attentive and charming, and while he definitely enjoyed all the advantages that came with his wealth, like getting things at his beck and call and flying on private jets, he balanced it with his genuine caring personality.

The majority of the book is spent with Landon and Jackson having a business relationship that leans heavily towards an actual friendship because Jackson is very strict about not crossing the line into being inappropriate. Because of this though, he tends to be hot and cold with Landon and instead of communicating ,ends up leaving her dizzy. When their working relationship finally ends they do get intimate fast, but every encounter is quite low steam in description.

I would have to say my only real complaints are the lack of yearning between them, on top of waiting till 60 percent for that first kiss. It didn't feel like a slow burn because I wasn't given pining, half the time Landon couldn't tell if he actually wanted to be in an intimate relationship with her or not. The second complaint is the sister from the first book , Avery , is the worst ,she's selfish and I dislike her very much and every time she was on page I wanted to smack her and it just reminded me of the horrible time I had reading her book. #sorrynotsorry

In the end, Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting was an enjoyable contemporary romance filled with Google doc messages, charcuterie boards, origami stars, connection and happily ever afters. After this one, I'm actually looking forward to the final sister's book.

P.s. I quite enjoyed the cameos of a few characters from her Shaking Up series :)

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An engaging story of the dynamics between three sisters and their family hotel and event business. The first time Jackson Holt saw London Spark he asked her out; she said no. The second time, she is in a business meeting with his company, Holt Media. He had no idea she was one of the owners of Spark House and wants to take this opportunity to get to know her. Since they are connected through their businesses, he must bide his time and hope that a more personal relationship is in their futures. She is enchanted by Jackson as they spend a great deal of time together promoting Spark House to his friends and business partners. Too late, he realizes that he should have turned her account over to his partner so that he would’ve been free to pursue the attraction he feels for her. She is attracted to him, but doesn’t understand his hesitancy to pursue their relationship. Is he still involved with the woman from his past? I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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This is the second story in the Spark sisters series. London and Jackson are so good together. Jackson's connections take Spark House to a higher level and they are busier than ever. I liked how Declan was invited into the family business allowing London to concentrate on the decorations side of the business which she preferred. Looking forward to Harley's story!

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Loved getting another spark sisters book. I didn't love this book as much as the first one but i did find it a sweet cute read and enjoyed getting to follow London and Jackson as their show burn romance bloomed

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Starry-Eyed love by Helena Hunting
Spark House #2

Three sisters in business together running a hotel that has been in their family for three generations are the stars of this series. First came Avery in a friends-to-lovers story in book one. This is London’s story and she meets Jackson, turns him down, and karma steps in to see them meet again and give them another chance at a happily ever after ending. I am guessing book three will be Harley’s story and that will be the end of the three sister’s stories although, if the author wanted to, she could continue with stories that occur at Spark House (hotel).

What I liked:
* The sisters: strong, independent, intelligent, a team that works well together…for the most part
* The setting: Colorado, the hotel, New York
* London: smart, puts her family first, there for her sisters, creative, capable, verbalizes her feelings, quite taken with Jackson
* Jackson: businessman, environmentalist, billionaire, assists small businesses grow, interesting, glad karma stepped in
* That I felt Jackson and London were well matched and would do well together
* Trevor, Mitchell, and others that Jackson has working for him
* The idea of networking and how Jackson helped Spark House grow
* The fairytale feel that occurred at times
* The inevitable split that occurred and how it was resolved
* Selene: influencer, works with Jackson, is bigger and more giving than I thought she would be
* Wondering if Trevor will get a book of his own
* Thinking about who might work as a romantic lead with Harley
* That I felt invested in the outcome and cared about the characters

What I didn’t like:
* The mean-girl types that impacted London’s take on the situation
* The misunderstandings and communication issues that lead to the expected breakup
* Thinking about how the loss of parents impacts children
* Avery’s inability to see what her sisters were traying to tell her

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the ARC – This is my honest revies.

4-5 Stars

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I loved the first book in this series and liked this one. It's sweet, entertaining but a bit repetitive at times.
I liked the fleshed out characters, rooted for them, and the setting.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Starry-Eyed Lover is the second book in the Spark House series and follows the middle Spark sister, London. It could be read as a stand-alone but I recommend reading When Sparks Fly first.

I liked London and how she was willing to help her family. I wished that she hadn’t felt as though her dreams weren’t important though. I didn’t swoon that much over Jackson, I found his first introduction to be underwhelming and his second confusing. I felt like something was missing to form such a strong connection between London and Jackson. I didn’t like how Jackson sometimes bulldozed London and didn’t give her agency in business related things.

The first half of this book was slow as it followed the business side of things and I wanted more romance. Which might be why I felt like some depth was lacking from these characters and their relationship.

I enjoyed the sister friendship between London and Harley. I hope that Harley gets her own story. Avery was extremely frustrating in this one and I wanted to shake her to make her see reason.

Thank you to Netgalley and SMP Romance for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the second book in what I am guessing will be a trilogy about the Spark sisters. The first book was about Avery and this one is about London. She reluctantly is the one who handles the business and finance side of their third generation little hotel in Colorado. They have added on events to bring in business and London prefers the decorating side of the events versus making presentations to prospective clients.

After turning date a date request from a scruffy looking guy at a bar while out with her sisters, London runs into him during a presentation and is surprised to learn who he is. This is fun quick read and I look forward to Harley’s story.

I received a free copy of this book to review through NetGalley and thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I loved When Sparks Fly, but I’m not sure I didn’t like this one even more. I loved London and Jackson. Despite a few failed connection attempts, they quickly develop a professional plus more relationship. I always love a good will they/won’t they. I loved the friendship between Harley and London. I loved London, how hard working she was, and how much she cared for her sisters. As much as I liked Avery in the first book, she came off pretty rude and over the top in this book. I can’t wait for a third book!

I will update with a link when I post to my Instagram account.

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second book in her Spark House series, but can be read as a stand-alone book. This fun contemporary romance is just a bit steamy, and a lot of romantic fantasy all in one book.

London Spark is out at the local pub with her two sisters, as they dissect London’s recent breakup with her boyfriend. When a handsome but somewhat scruffy man asks out London, she has to refuse. It’s too close to her breakup and she’s not in the market for a new relationship. But, three months later, she attends a business meeting, and when it’s interrupted by the CEO of the company, London is stunned to realize that the CEO is the same man who asked her out all those months ago.

Jackson Holt is the CEO of Holt Media and is intrigued by the charming woman who runs Spark House with her sisters. But, he learned from experience never to mix business with pleasure so he vows to keep away from the charming London Spark.

As with the previous Spark House book, I enjoyed the sisters and their bond. They work, laugh, and support each other. They lost their parents a few years back and they are determined to continue the legacy of their parents and grandparents. In Starry-Eyed Love, they find a few cracks in this bond, but they don’t allow it to break them.

The romance is a bit of a slow burn, but once it heats up, it’s full-on. Jackson is a rich CEO and he’s able to woo London with expensive trips and gifts, but he’s still a down-to-earth guy who always remembers his simple roots. He has wonderful friends and is especially close to his childhood best friend, Trent.

I recommend Starry-Eyed Love to anyone who enjoys a good romance. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate it. I did not enjoy they first book in the series, When Sparks Fly because I felt the male lead was AWFUL, but gave this one a try because I thought the sisters would be more likeable as main leads. In the end the book wasn’t memorable. Jackson, the megarich male lead was meh. I will still give book three a try as Harley, the baby sister deserves her chance at love after all her hardwork putting up with her sisters.

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The two person narrative didn't really add much here at all. It's mostly London's POV with a few chapters of Jackson and he doesn't bring much to the table when it comes to inner thoughts.

I didn't like this one as much as the first one. There wasn't a lot of chemistry between the leads. If Jackson was a blue collar guy doing work at the inn or something I don't think London would have given him a second glance.

*I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher and I am required to disclose that in my review in compliance with federal law.

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Starry Eyed Love is the second in the Spark House series by Helena Hunting. I loved getting to know the Spark sisters through Avery in the first of the Spark House series, which is why I was eager to read book two and see the sisterhood from another perspective, London’s. In the second of the series, London befriends Jackson Holt who partners with her to improve upon Spark House’s business. The way Jackson’s and London’s friendship and relationship grows through the business is somewhat unique, albeit slow. I loved the way Hunting continues to weave the sisters into the storyline as their relationship is my favorite part of the series. If you’re looking for a charming, slow-burn romance with a family focus, this is the one. I am really looking forward to the third in the series as Harley is perhaps the quietest of the sisters and I look forward to her story. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a fun story. London just ended a relationship with Mr. Wrong and doesn’t ever expect to find Mr. Right so when the hottest guy she’s ever seen approaches her in a bar to ask her out, she turns him down. Fast forward a few months and she gets an incredible opportunity to grow her family business by partnering with one of the biggest media companies in the country. She’s already a ball of nerves because of the pressures of running a business and the sacrifices she has to make in every aspect of her life to keep the business running smoothly. The last thing she needs is for the handsome stranger from the bar to walk in and introduce himself as the CEO.

Jackson has never wanted anyone the way he wants London, but they have to work together, which makes her strictly off-limits. Too bad he can’t seem to help himself where she’s concerned. There are a lot of obstacles in their way, including their businesses and responsibilities, not to mention living halfway across the country from one another. Throw in a bitter ex, social media bullying and an otherwise sweet sister who periodically morphs into bridezilla and it’s a recipe for disaster.

I loved these characters from the beginning. London is so real and her stress is nearly palpable. She longs to enjoy the creative side of her job but there’s no time for it because she has to run the business end. The Spark sisters love one another desperately, but Avery’s iron rule is sucking all the fun out of Spark House for London and Harley. There’s plenty of humor to temper the tension and while the relationship between London and Jackson is a slow burn, they really bring the heat when they finally get there.

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Entertaining and delightful!
Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Starry-Eyed Love is definitely a quick and easy read. And that's about all I got.

It started out good and then quickly felt unrealistic. Our hero is both environmentally conscious and has a private jet. He is drop dead gorgeous, intelligent and rich but also hasn't dated in forever. Our hero ran into our heroine in a coffee shop and she turned him down months before the bulk of the book takes place. He hasn't dated since before that run in. You know, this super rich, smart, handsome man. Like I said. Unrealistic.

The push pull relationship of a forbidden work romance never felt believable. There was never any tension of whether they were going to get together. And when he tried to maintain that distance it never felt organic. When he tried to put distance between them it just felt silly.

But I admit there was a small detail that started my downward spiral.

Our heroine was super impressed with our hero's Tesla. The author wrote that "he touches his finger to the ignition and the engine purrs to life". Err.... Tesla's don't have an ignition that you touch nor do they have an engine. As a Tesla driver I was annoyed. I'm hoping that doesn't make the final copy.

***Copy obtained from St. Martin's Press via Netgalley***

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I loved every minute of this book. It was the second part of the series though it did take me a minute to realize that it was because I had forgotten about the first book before I read it.

But then I remembered I had read it and loved it even cause it was a world I was visiting.

I also really liked London, she was a great main character. I liked how she kept busy helping out her sisters with the family business while she tried to grow her online store. Jackson was awesome too. I liked that this was a dual POV though I did wish there was more chapters about him sometimes.

I liked how the story ended though I don’t want to go into detail and spoil it for anybody.

This was all around an enjoyable read and I am glad I got to read and review it. It was a five star rating. Thank you Netgalley and publishers for allowing me the chance to read and review it.

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I have been charmed by “Starry-Eyed Loved” and all the magic that is at Spark House and with the Spark Sisters. This contemporary romance is sweet, romantic, heartfelt and I loved London and Jackson.

On a night out with her sisters, she meets Jackson. London just got out of a serious relationship and isn’t ready to start dating again. But fate has other ideas when London and Jackson meet again on a professional level. Jackson has hired Spark House to handle an event for his company. The sparks they felt are still there but a professional barrier is put in place. However, the friendship and feelings they develop start to creep over that barrier.

London was a refreshing character to read. Her struggles with her co-running Spark House, her anxiety, and her need to be loved by someone who truly cares is so relatable. London wants to keep everyone happy and do it all. Jackson coming into her life both times was her wake-up call that she can be happy. Their relationship developed slowly but was at the right pace for them. Jumping in right away while having the event there would have added extra pressure to them both. Jackson was a super sweet guy and so considerate of London, her feelings, her job and her relationship with her sisters. I loved how he never tried to overstep his boundaries and was always trying to help. The epilogue was super sweet and the perfect ending.

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Starry-Eyed Love by @helenahunting was a fun romantic comedy and is book #2 in the Spark House series. This continues the fun of the Spark Sisters and their hotel/event space with London's story!

This was a fun and sweet book. I liked London & Jackson and their relationship. It definitely is a bit of a slow burna It was fun to be back in their event world and the relationships between the 3 sisters. I loved seeing London be more assertive for her wants with her sisters and seeing her Etsy shop shine! This book is about the sisters just as much as the relationship too.

I enjoyed this book and it was the perfect Sunday night read!

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An Helena Hunting book is guaranteed to be consistently entertaining and emotional, and Starry-Eyed Love is not an exception.
The story between London and Jackson begins months before they even realize it and it feels meant to be even as they both pretend otherwise. Between not wanting to risk the working relationship between their companies, Jackson's reticent personality, and how overworked London constantly is, their relationship is fraught with obstacles that they're going to have to work together and communicate to overcome.
I also really enjoyed the parts of the story that dealt with the sisters and how their passion for making Spark House the best didn't always align with what was best for them or how they each thought it should be done. It has some great interactions that felt real to life in how the sisters fought/discussed things, and that added an extra level of emotional engagement to the story.
This is book 2 in the series and it also works as a bit of an epilogue for book 1, but you can just as easily read it as a stand-alone without much problem because all the really important bits are explained and explored enough for new readers not to have any problems.

Very happy thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for the romantic early read!

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