Member Reviews

The Spark sisters are back! London is the middle, creative sister. Unfortunately, her job as the hotel business administrator does not allow her to express her creativity. One night at a bar, London meets Jackson Holt. There, Jackson asks London on a date but she turns him down as she just ended her previous relationship. Looking to expand the business at the hotel, the Spark sisters win an opportunity to work with a green company which just happens to owned Jackson.

Throughout the book London and Jackson have to navigate loss, love, and communication. Helena is also able to incorporate the complications of working with your sisters. There are many Easter eggs with the Shacking Up crew! Also make sure you read Dude in Distress after this book! I can’t wait to read about Harley! Thank you for the arc!

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🤩Hunting sure knows how to write feel good, some might say fluffy or guilty pleasure, reads. This one is full of all of her usual charm, swoon, and giggles.

😳That being said, although I love a good swoon worthy line and am a huge fan of flirting, this time, I feel like the introduction and "meet cute" in this book felt a little abrupt and a little too strong. Buying drinks and slipping a number is one thing... coming over to chat is okay too... but he lays it on so thick that if I were in London's situation I'd immediately have my guard up too.

🥰The rest of the writing and story was still exactly what one would expect from a Helena Hunting novel. If you've enjoyed Hunting's work in the past, you'll likely enjoy this one too. In addition, though you can probably read this as a stand alone, I'd highly recommend you read Avery and Declan's story first for some additional background and character insight.

🌟Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Some people think vanilla is the best ice cream flavor. I'm not one of them, especially when it comes to Helena Hunting. I've enjoyed a lot of her sports romances so this was a departure, but for me it was just...boring. The main couple, their tepid love story, the family business we are forced to read about. And the antagonist, whom I gather is the h in an earlier book in the series, is annoying and unreasonable but somehow makes everyone around her behave in stupid and immature ways. I couldn't get on board. The opening scenes held promise but it all just fizzled out. Ironic in a series centered around the "Spark House."

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Starry-Eyed Love returns readers to Colorado and Spark House for London's story and its a slow burn romance that combines humour and heart to great effect. As London whilst out celebrating her new single status is asked out by a handsome stranger, but not ready for romance she turns him down. Only to meet him a few months later when she is invited to a meeting with a multi-million dollar company who are looking to partner with Spark House and as the sparks fly between CEO Jackson and London, the pair struggle to keep their relationship strictly about work. So, when the time is right the pair give in to the feelings that have been building for months.

And with well-developed characters, touching moments and humour. This is a well-written romance that engages and delights throughout.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in Helena Hunting's Spark House series and it was a great one!

London is the middle sister of the trio of Spark sisters. She along with her sisters, run their family bed and breakfast/event business in Colorado. Fresh off of a break-up, London is hit on by a handsome stranger while out at the bar with her sisters one night. She's just not ready and turns him down flat. Fast forward to a few months later, she takes a meeting with a high profile company that could propel Spark House forward with bookings and sponsorships and out of the blue she ends up being reunited with that handsome stranger, Jackson Holt. Only he's the CEO of the company that wants to work with she and her sisters!

What ensues is such a wonderfully engaging story. London and Jackson work together on the charity event that is going to be held at Spark House and continue growing closer. Jackson doesn't typically work on events like this, so it's a surprise to those he works with and London knows how important this is to the future of her family's business, so she's giving it her all. Will these two be able to keep their relationship focused on business or is more going to develop?

The chemistry between London and Jackson was amazing and the way this story unfolded kept me engaged from the very beginning. It was a slow burn with a lot of things that had to be overcome on both sides. When the worst happens, I appreciated the way it was handled. Both London and Jackson acted like adults and handled it the best way they could have given the amount of hurt. I am loving this series and would definitely suggest picking this one up. You won't be sorry and while it is part of a series, if you just pick this one up, it can be read as a standalone. I'm already looking forward to the next book in the series!

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Starry-Eyed Love is slow burn but in the best way. This book delivers a page turning good time, plenty of banter, angst, great storytelling that packs a punch. This novel has everything, details the complicated relationship between sisters while following London and Jackson on their rocky road to HEA. Starry-Eyed Love is funny, emotional, and steamy. Don't miss out on this great read

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From their meet cute, with a failed pick up in a bar, to the friendship they develop throughout this book, the chemistry and banter between Jackson and London is on point!

London and Jackson are Everything! I love book 2 in the Spark House series more than book 1. I identify hard with London, especially these last 2 years. London pushes herself to take on everything thrown at her, and her imposter syndrome is strong! I found her extremely relatable, and there were many moments where I wondered if Helena Hunting was secretly spying on me (j/k). Jackson is the best kind of book boyfriend! He is rich, attentive, and puts London first trying to do things that make her happy. That said, he is still a man and he doesn't get it right all the time.

We get more time with Avery and Harley in this novel, and I loved Harley, she is the peace keeper and care taker for her older siblings, but I disliked Avery throughout the book. She came across as selfish and controlling throughout the book. I loved her so much in book 1, but that love has been diminished following her actions in this book.

As with all of Helena's books there are some Easter eggs, we get to spend some time with the Mills brothers and their wives as well as Lincoln Moorhead (Shacking up series). Getting to see what is happening to characters from other books is one of my favorite things ever!

For fans of Helena Hunting, this is one of her traditionally published books, which is slightly less explicit than her indie published books. This is also a slow burn, but I barely noticed because the chemistry and tension was so good I had tingles!

I highly recommend Starry Eyed Love by Helena Hunting!!

I received and arc of this book and voluntarily give my review.

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Charming little book. I appreciate that it gave enough backstory to not feel as though I needed to read the first. Although if made me want to go back to read the first one.

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This book has all the emotions! I cried, laughed, was angry and then so happy! London is such a relatable character. I have a serious crush on Jackson. I loved how the relationship between London and Jackson evolved. The dynamics between the sisters felt very realistic. The book was just so much fun. I think I liked this one better than the first book in the series. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the next book! I received an advance copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Starry-Eyed Love (Stark House #2) is London Spark and Jackson Holt’s captivating journey and I’m sure like me it will tick all your boxes.
London and Jackson have a history, the first time they met she turned him down so imagine the shock when she comes face to face with him again, only this time she needs his help. Determined to push through a business deal for her family hotel she never expected to be pitching her presentation to Jackson Holt……
Will working together bring this couple closer or will it ruin any future they could have before it has a chance to begin. You will need to read the book to find that out….
London and Jackson’s story is a beautifully written, sweet yet steamy romance and it will appeal to all romance lovers. I fell hard and fast for Jackson and London is the sassy girl I would love in my corner but honestly together they become a couple that stayed with long after reading the final word. Can’t wait to see what’s next in the wonderful Spark House Series.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.

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This is the second book in the series 9f the Spark sisters. It was hot, a little forbidden, and a lot fun to read. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second of what I assume will be three Spark House novels about the three sisters who run Spark House, a boutique hotel and event center. In this book, we see London working with the CEO of Holt Media, Jackson, to build the business. But at the same time she's getting closer to Jackson, Spark House's business is expanding beyond what the sisters can manage, but Avery (our book one lead) refuses to hire outside help, fearing it would no longer be a family business. Between Spark House, her Etsy shop, and her burgeoning connection with Jackson, London is about to reach her limit...

I really enjoyed this book, as I did the first in the series. The sisters are all a joy (even if Avery is a pain in the @$$ in this book), and I love seeing what new, exciting thing Spark House is doing. This book takes the billionaire CEO trope and makes it palatable and believable, and it's fun to see London get her own Cinderella story. It's not supremely original, but is immensely enjoyable. It's not as steamy as other Helena Hunting books at all, but is definitely open door. I can't wait for Harley's own book!

Thanks to St. Martin's Press for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 9/10

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I absolutely adored this book! London and Jackson were completely swoon-worthy. I loved the progression of this story from business associates, to friends, to so much more. Jackson and London are utterly made for each other. They just click on every level and the chemistry and comfortableness comes with such ease. A perfect match.

From beginning to end it was perfect with some much to love in between!

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I really loved London and Jackson! This book had all that wonderful yearny goodness that I just love from a slow burn.
London and Jackson star of as a business relationship but you can feel the sparks between them almost instantly.
London is working herself so hard for her sister and their business. I completely connected with her feeling like she needed to do all the things, regardless of what it cost her. She is such a great character you just can't help but sympathize and empathize with her.
Jackson is such a great male lead. He's not perfect and makes mistakes, but it’s never done with malice. His excitement over his relationship with London is palpable and infectious. And I loved how much faith he has in her both personally and professionally.
Avery was exasperating at times in this book. I loved her so much in the first book of the series but here I just wanted to shake her sometimes. As for Harley, I'm very excited to see more from her.
Great couple, great book can't wait for more.

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London Spark is busy managing Spark House with her two sisters. Having just come off of a serious relationship, London isn't looking for her next boyfriend. So when she gets hit on at the bar by a handsome stranger, London politely declines.

Jackson Holt is a multi-millionaire and too busy currently to think about anything besides growing his business. He was fascinated by the woman at the bar a few months ago, but expects to never see her again. So he is equally shocked when he finds London pitching her event hotel to partner with his business. Sparks fly between these two almost immediately. Will they be able to keep their hands to themselves while they work together in a more official business capacity?

Starry-Eyed Love was a cute romance that I ended up enjoying. I liked the bond that London had with her sisters and how they always had each others back. I'll be honest - Avery was getting super annoying, but I think that was the intention here.

I enjoyed the romance between London and Jackson. I liked their second chance "meet cute" and their awkwardness around one another. While I did enjoy their relationship - I do feel like it was a really slow start to warm up to them. But once the book picked up speed, I was flying through it.

If you're looking for a cute romance with a strong sense of family ties woven throughout I would suggest picking up Starry-Eyed Love! I am so looking forward to Harley's story.

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The ongoing premise of this series has been very entertaining! I really enjoy seeing more sides of the Spark sisters, though my feelings of the oldest, Avery has shifted a bit after finishing the second book.

It definitely took me a while to feel the connection between London and Jackson. But when it clicked, it REALLY clicked. There’s definitely some emotional angst in this one, so be prepared!

I’m definitely looking forward to the last book in this series, the author gave us some great background on her personality, which could set up a really fun final book!

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A cute funny romance!

This is the second book in the Spark House series and it's just as cute and funny as the first one. London is just so sweet and wants nothing but the best for her sisters and Spark House. Even if it means she has no time for her Esty Store or any personal time at all. I love how Jackson goes all out to try and win London over. He's not used to any roadblocks as he has had a long-standing friends-with-benefits relationship and that's just the way he's always wanted it in the past ... no complications. That is until London. I was kinda hoping for a book on Jackson's best friend Trent ... but I can see that won't be in the cards ... for this series anyway. I can't wait for Harley's book and to see who her love interest will be.

London meets Jackson a few days after she ended a long-time relationship. She didn't really know who he was until a few months later when she's giving sales pitch to Holt Media and Jackson joins the meeting unexpectedly. At first, she doesn't recognize him as today he's clean shaven, in a suit and looks like the powerful man he is. When he asked her out in a bar a few months ago, he was in jeans and a T-shirt, had a beard and looked like he belonged in the wild. Jackson can't believe his luck to have a second shot at getting London to go out with him, only to realize he can't date a client. But the sparks fly between them and it doesn't take long for them to realize they can't fight the pull they have with one another. But will his past and her present prevent them from taking it to the next level?

I received an early copy courtesy of St. Martin's Press through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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Starry-Eyed Love
(Spark House #2)
by Helena Hunting

Thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinsgriffin for the ebook ARC in exchange for my review

The three Spark sisters Avery, London and Harley run the Colorado event venue/boutique hotel that was once managed and owned by their now retired Grandmother. In the first book, When Sparks Fly, we meet Avery and Declan who are now planning their wedding. The second installment focuses on London, who meets Jackson - a self made, wealthy business owner whose company is expanding to Denver.

This is the second book in the Spark House series and I ended up enjoying it as much as the first. I was let down a little at first because I was thinking ‘Spark House and Spark sisters, but for the first 50% of the book, where are the sparks?!’

The first half of the book took patience to get through. Once the halfway point hit, it progressed at a better pace. Finally, there’s a definite spark between London and Jackson! Then lots of sparks, then more sparks, plenty o’ sparks!

Now we’ll just need Spark House #3 to find out what romantic relationship lands on the third sister, Harley. After all, she catches the bouquet at the wedding!

If you’re a romance fan who enjoys a quick read, ⚡️sparks⚡️and happily ever afters, put this on your TBR. It’s a series, but can easily be read as a stand alone.

Available May 10, 2022

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In the second installment of the Spark House series, Starry-Eyed Love follows middle sister, London, and her relationship with billionaire Jackson. I enjoyed how the two met in a bar, but nothing happened until several months later when they reconnect over a business deal. This is a slow-burn, open door romance with medium steam. Even though this is the second book in the series, it can also be read as a standalone.

I liked the first book just okay and did like this one a little bit more, but it just didn't really wow me like I had hoped. The beginning was a slower start, which focused heavily on the Spark House B&B and all the business happenings between the hotel and Jackson's company. There was good tension build between London and Jackson due to their mutually invested business ventures together, and the book seemed to pick up for me around the 65% mark once the pair got together and the story focused more on their relationship, rather than business. I found it a little annoying all the fighting throughout the book between the set of sisters and at times, Avery seemed over the top stubborn and unhinged. I don't have a ton of complaints about the book; I just wasn't super vested in the relationship and the way things just fell into the sister's laps at every turn seemed a little too good to be true.

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I really liked this book. It felt genuine and smooth. Feels even coquette while you read how they get to know each other. Love the contrast between characters. Although London is a very capable sweet understanding woman she is a ball of anxiety. In contrast with Jackson who is charming, straight to the point, a go getter. He is also thoughtful and a gentleman so you can't help but get swooned while reading. But even with those differences, they definitely have that spark. Like they found their better half. This is a very enjoyable read.

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