Member Reviews

I enjoyed this romance. The main character (London) is extremely creative, but most of her time is spent doing administrative work for the family business, Spark House. The smoldering romance between London and Jackson is fun to watch, and I especially liked their google docs communications :). I also liked London's relationship with her sisters and the idea behind Spark House.

Although this is book 2 of the series, it is fine to read first.

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Second book in the series is another good one by this author.

If one is looking for a slow-burn romance then I highly recommend it. Jackson and London have a chemistry but they do take their time to get it together. But that pesky work relationship keeps rearing its head up.

There is a lot of emotions at play in this book. Between them together and individually. Not to mention from her sisters who at least one needs a knock upside the head. Avery is a control freak.

* I received this book as an ARC for an honest review.

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I actually liked this one a lot. So much better than book 1. Jackson and London’s story was great. The audiobook narration was amazing, Jason Clarke and Stella Bloom did a great job! Can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

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Such an enjoyable read from start to finish. Helena Hunting and her Spark sisters continue to delight this reader! London is the queen of multi-tasking and all things crafting. As much as she’d love to make her Etsy crafting business her full time gig, she also loves her sisters and working with them. She’d also love to find her forever, but who has time? Jackson Holt is just some guy in a bar until he walks into a pitch meeting London is in and she finds out he’s CEO of the company. Watching the sparks fly, while navigating their obstacles made this such a good read. I’ve truly enjoyed this world and look forward to more from the Sparks Sisters.

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There are jars of stars around my house now. If nothing else, I learned a new skill because of this book. London Spark has a lot going on at all times. She helps run an event hotel called SPark House with her sisters. This is actually book 2, I don’t think you necessarily have to read When Sparks Fly before you read this one but you may want to in order to understand one of the sisters. Avery was straight-up unlikable in this installment. It almost took me out of the story because she was so over the top and not understanding at all. She put London and their other sister, Harley, through it. London falls in love with Jackson in a cute slow-burn way. There is a bit of technical jargon in this book but it fits the characters, they flirt via charts on Excel 😂. They are incredibly cute, the fluff is strong in this one. Can’t wait for the next one!

Tropes: slow-burn, millionaire CEO,

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I was happy to spend some more time in the world of the Sparks' sisters with London. Helena Hunting does it again!

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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I did not realize when requesting this book that it was part of a series. I hadn't read the first one but gave this one a shot anyways and although a few things here and there didn't make sense I enjoyed this one overall. I need to go back and read the first one so I can truly appreciate this one! Helena Hunting delivers a fantastic romance with characters who you love! Always enjoy her writing!

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This is book two of the Spark House series, but can be read as a standalone.

London is the middle Spark sister. She’s down to earth, creative and handles the business administration side of Spark House, the family business. She’s so busy with work and has no time for romance until Jackson Holt comes into the picture.

Jackson is a very successful businessman. He wants to work with Spark House but the more he spends time with London, the more he falls in love with her.

It was a fun read filled with romance along with family drama among the three Spark sisters. London and Jackson had amazing chemistry and some spicy scenes. Jackson was caring, swoon worthy, and he treated London like a princess. I loved seeing the two of them fall in love.

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This may be because I didn't read book 1 and didn't get the introduction to the family. It may also be because I've read a few romance books lately - but this one just fell flat for me.

I was not a fan of Jackson. I thought London was okay but I just wasn't feeling their spark. I liked the family but I wish there'd been more there. Ugh, I hate I didn't love this one.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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Sometimes I love a slow burn... this was not one of those times unfortunately. I wanted so much more.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second book in the series, and I would recommend that you read them in order, as the story is ongoing.

London and her sisters, Avery and Harley, run their family hotel business now that their grandmother has retired. Whilst this was Avery's lifelong ambition, London had a completely different dream that she has put on hold to support her much loved offspring. As the business manager a lot of responsibility lies with her and is keen to partner with an organisation which will guarantee their long-term future.

By a twist of fate, a group who offers support to environmentally friendly businesses happens to have at its head the very man who asked London out months earlier. So now London must weigh up the value to the business with the chemistry that she feels for someone who she should not date due to the conflict of interest. Jackson, as the head of Holt Media, is also aware of the optics, but his feelings for London are so unexpected and so strong that he knows he has to get the deal done sooner, leaving him free to enjoy her company. It cleverly adds the frisson of illicit romance without it really being wrong, which I found fun. Their relationship feels very genuine, and it is impossible not to want them to work out the issues which they face.

I enjoyed the sisters' interactions as they work together and manage the competing demands on their time. I wish we could see what London's craft creations look like, but I can certainly see her sitting making tiny stars!

I am already looking forward to the next installment, as we will get to see more of this new romance, and also see whether Harley can find her happily ever after too.

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Gentle and sweet, Millionaire falls for the heroine ❤️ a slow burn, cute romance for days when we need a warm hug

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STARRY-EYED LOVE - Helena Hunting

#2 in the Spark House romance series


Plot - 4 stars - After turning down a random stranger in a bar, London meets him again. Unfortunately, this time he's the CEO of a company she's wooing, and she needs his approval. They inevitably fall in love, but she finds she can't trust him and their relationship struggles.

Writing - 4 stars - I was caught up in the story right from the first page, probably because many of the characters are the same as the first book in the series, and I enjoyed getting to know them all over again. Hunting has created a warm and friendly world that I would definitely love to visit in person.

Characters - 4 stars - This is where the story shone for me. London Spark is one of the trio of sisters who runs Spark House. She is professional and friendly, but she's riddled with anxiety and needs to have a plan. With their business growing by leaps and bounds, London finds herself and her passion for creating things to keep being pushed aside. But she's loyal to her family and perseveres. Falling in love with Jackson is unexpected, and she is nervous about it, understandably, since she feels out of her depth. Jackson is the perfect hero--tall, dark, handsome, and rich. But he's a guy and doesn't understand the past relationship he had and that he hasn't exactly ended it before falling for London. They make a great pair under the surface, but their emotions get in the way of their success as a couple. Avery and Harley (London's sisters) were great in the previous book, but now Avery is being stubborn and unreasonable, in my opinion. Although this doesn't really cause any problems between the sisters, I found her to be annoying this time.

Title - 4 stars - This is partly based on the origami stars that London always makes when she's nervous, which is practically all the time. The other starry situation is the love relationship between London and Jackson.

Cover - 5 stars - Beautiful cover, with sparkles and bright and attractive color to draw the eye.

Overall - 4 stars - This was a very enjoyable romance. I liked getting back into the Spark House venue, revisiting with all the characters from the previous book, but this time focusing on London's story. I admire her for her professionalism even when dealing with a heavy workload thanks to sister Avery, as well as struggling with an emotional roller coaster with Jackson. Although this is a typical romance with second-chance overtones, it was a quick read, with friendly characters, and a strong story line.

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I feel like Helena Hunting is an institution, but I've never been able to get into any of her books so when I saw this I was excited to give her a shot. The characters were fun enough, the premise while not novel, entertaining enough, but probably not a top favorite of mine.

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Another delightful book from Helena Hunting. STARRY-EYED LOVE gives the reader everything we expect from the author and romantic comedy.

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A delightful story about three sisters running the family business, Starry Eyed Love is the second book in a three part series. It works as a stand alone; however, I didn’t know it was a trilogy and there are spoilers regarding the first sister. London is trying to get her business and personal lives on track, when she meets a handsome stranger who unexpected becomes involved in both, a few months later. As she navigates her feelings towards him, as well as with the business, she learns more about herself in the process. I thought this book was a bit deeper than most rom coms, and I look forward to reading the third installment,

I received a copy of this book from Net Galley and have written an objective review.

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Highly entertaining, emotionally thrilling, sweetly sexy and action-packed adventure filled with witty and engaging charters, heart racing twists and thrilling passion. An edge of your seat exciting journey from beginning to end.

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I actually enjoyed this book more than the previous one (When Sparks Fly). It starts off very fun and promising: London Spark was in a bar with her sisters celebrating her new single status, Jackson Holt happened to be in the same bar with his friend, he approached her and asked her to go on a date with him, and of course she turned him down! Fast forward a couple months later, Spark House (run by the Spark sisters) got an amazing opportunity to work with a big name media company to help expand their hotel/event venue business to a much bigger scope than what it was now. And of course the CEO of this media company was none other than the man whom London turned down at the bar!

While it had a very exciting start, I felt the middle was a bit dragging because it was purely business interactions between them. I could understand why Jackson didn't want to blur the line between feelings and business, but their initial sparks seemed to be dimmed because of this. I do like both London and Jackson. She's a hard working woman, sweet and caring and considerate. He's a multi-millionaire but down to earth and generous. Their conflict towards the end could have been easily avoided with transparent communication, but thankfully, it didn't drag on for long. I also love the sisters' bond, especially how Harley is very protective and supportive of London (I did want to strangle Avery a few times, she wasn't this bad in her own book).

Overall, it's a light-hearted, low angst story with special connection between the couple through their shared past experiences and their genuine personalities. I really look forward to Harley's story next!

*Special thanks to SMP Romance for gifting me this book in exchange for my honest review.

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It was a nice follow-up to the first book, nothing too excited and a usual plot but Helena Hunting's writing can stand on its own against any plot.

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This is the second book in the series focused on London. She’s put her life on hold to keep the Spark house running smoothly. She really doesn’t have much of a choice since her sister Avery, from the first book, is completely consumed with planning her wedding while she neglects her work responsibilities.

This book was a cute romance with some steamy times with great characters that fit together so well even when they tried to ignore it. I really loved their banter and the mix of romance and business.

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