Member Reviews

STARRY-EYED LOVE – Helena Hunting
St. Martin’s Griffin
ISBN: 978-1-250-62472-7
May 10, 2022
Romantic Comedy

Colorado Springs, Colorado – Present Day

London Spark had recently broken up with her boyfriend and was in a bar with her sisters, Avery and Harley, when a stranger offers to buy her a drink. He also asks her out on a date, but she informs him sternly that she has a boyfriend. London thinks nothing more about the incident until months later a company contacts her about providing help to publicize the event hotel she runs with her sisters. Meeting the company team in Denver, she is shocked to learn that the company is owned by the man who hit on her in the bar—Jackson Holt.

Jackson had no idea that his company was considering working with London and her sisters for promoting their event hotel. But now that he does, he decides to get personally involved. His staff is shocked at his involvement, mainly because as the head of a multi-million-dollar company he is kept busy. The sparks fly hot and heavy between them, but London wants to keep things strictly business between them, and after Jackson’s business partner warns him to not get involved with her while they are working together, he backs off. But once the event is over, he plans to pursue London.

The romantic relationship between Jackson and London moves slowly in STARRY-EYED LOVE by Helena Hunting. As the story opens, London is bent on celebrating with her sisters the breakup from her cheating ex. She wasn’t in the mood (or looking for) to date any man at that moment. Once London learns months later that she turned down a millionaire business owner like Jackson, she has an oh-my-God moment. Despite the brush-off by London, Jackson continues to support his company’s involvement in promoting the Spark Event Hotel. Of course, this means spending time together—which only increases their mutual attraction for each other.

STARRY-EYED LOVE takes place over several weeks. London and her sisters welcome the publicity provided by Jackson’s company, but it soon overwhelms them as the business heats up, leading to a few tense moments. Meanwhile, London and Jackson develop a friendship. She is curious about his relationship with his assistant and head of social media, Selene, but he insists that they are only good friends. While the friendship between London and Jackson soon turns romantic, there are enough outside forces that aren’t happy with their romance. Will it cause them to break up? Jackson’s life is in New York City, though his company has now established a location in Colorado. But soon he will need to return to New York City permanently. Will London be okay once she can no longer see him? It doesn’t help that the event hotel is busier than ever. Add in that Avery’s wedding is around the corner and it’s all hands-on deck. London should be concentrating on what is happening within her family, and not the cute rich guy who is wooing her.

STARRY-EYED LOVE is an enjoyable tale with several scenes that will make you laugh and have you commiserating with London and Jackson’s problems. Be sure to put this on your book shopping list.

Patti Fischer

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The last man London expected to see walking into a bussiness meeting that can help her family's b&b is the man who asked her on a date months ago and who she turned down. Him being the CEO of the company that can help them is quite unexpected as well.

London is stretching herself thin while she is working for the b&b, which isn't something she always enjoy, trying to keep her etsy shop running and taking over the new initiative that can her their business. Working with her sisters was always the dream but not her exactly the way she imagined it.

Being close to Jackson is making her reconsider how her life is going and how she could make time for a relationship.

Jackson was immediately intrigued by her in that bar and now that he found her again he plans to make something about their attraction but not while they are working together. The anticipation makes their attraction grow by the minute.

The tension between those two were unbelievable, their chemistry overflowed the pages and the minute they gave into their attraction it was well worth the wait.

I really liked Jackson, he was patient and gave London space and time to consider her feelings. London grew through the book so that she could stand up for herself.

The confict wasn't my favourite because it was a result of miscommunication and half truths. I think that being honest from the beginning it would have saved them a lot of pain.

* I received an ARC and this is my honest opinion.

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London is out with her sisters after just having broken up with her boyfriend when a handsome stranger approaches them and asks London out - she turns him down but three months later they reconnect when she realizes Jackson Hold - the CEO currently grilling her in a business meeting - is the same man who she turned down. From there things get complicated as they start a business relationship but also clearly have the hots for one another. Even after the business relationship changes and Jackson and London start dating it's still not smooth sailing for their relationship.

This premise was really not my cup of tea. I found it hard to like either character or the storyline, which felt very contrived to me. Jackson is a billionaire who cares about the environment but flies a private jet cross country on a whim to see London whenever he wants? They have both lost their parents at a young age? I understand that billionaire romance is a subgenre that a lot of people enjoy, but I am apparently not among them. The sex scenes were pretty steamy (even if the dialogue or description was occasionally distractingly awkward), but otherwise... it just did not work for me. However, I am happy to see I am in the minority with my opinions - every book has it's people! Please give it a try yourself and make your own decisions.

Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Starry-Eyed Love early in exchange for an honest review!

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This book comes out Tuesday, May 10 and is the second book in The Spark House series! Thanks to @stmartinspress for a copy to read and review.

London has just broken up with her boyfriend so when a mysterious stranger pays for their drinks and tries to give her his number, she says no thanks. A few months later, a multi million dollar company is trying to partner up with the Spark sisters event hotel. London attends the meeting and in walks Jackson Holt the CEO. Jackson also happens to be the man she turned down at the bar. Jackson and London spend more time together but put their feelings on hold while they are working together. Soon secrets emerge that may threaten those feelings.

I really enjoyed this book! I liked it even more than the first one in the series. These can be read as stand alone books if you don’t want to invest in a series. I loved how Jackson fell first in this one!

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Helena Hunting returns to her Spark House series with STARRY-EYED LOVE, a fun and touching story that will warm your heart.

When London Spark went out to celebrate her singledom with her sisters she wasn’t in the mindset to accept dating invitations from handsome lumberjack strangers.

Few months later when she’s in a meeting with a multi-million-dollar potential partner she has no choice but to present her business proposal to the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, the same man who’d paid for her drinks and had asked her out a few months back.

Acknowledging their working relationship, the two are forced to put their attraction no the back burner. But as they spend time together, their connection strengthens and when their professional dealings are over, sparks explode.

Jackson had swoon worthy alpha-male tendencies he had to curve while they were working together. London was a vibrant and determined heroine who wanted to do right by her sisters while trying to balance her own wants.

Together, Jackson and London, not only shared wonderful banter, and intense chemistry, they also knew grief and found common ground in their loss of a family member.

Helena Hunting writes with a warmth that makes me want to snuggle under a cozy blanket and get lost in a world that feels good and comforting. I can’t wait to read the next instalment .

Finally, I can’t say enough about the narrators Jason Clarke and Stella Bloom whose performance pulled me into the story and never let go until the very end.

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Starry-Eyed Love was an entertaining story filled with heartfelt and sweet moments and I really enjoyed reading it. I loved watching the spark grow between London and Jackson and turn into so much more. I liked their fun dialogue, all their ups and downs, and their wonderful HEA.

London and Jackson were both wonderful characters. I liked them meeting and loved them reconnecting. There were a lot of witty scenes that had me smiling. They had great chemistry from the start. I liked learning about their personal histories and why they made the decisions they did. I enjoyed the conflict that was created with them working together and where Jackson stood with that. They had a lot of back and forth going on with their feelings because of some miscommunication and lack of sharing, but it's those ups and downs and building details as everything unfolded that helped make for an engaging story. I loved them spending time together and getting to know each other and watching their feelings grow. They had such an ease together that could be playful and charming. I liked when barriers started to break down and they really opened up. There were some really good emotional moments involved. There's a bit of drama happening as more is learned about Jackson’s past but I liked how it all played out.

I really loved the character connections to the Shacking Up series, that was an awesome addition that thrilled me. I love the bonds that London has with her sisters and how they’re there for one another. They had their own issues with Spark house they were dealing with and it added a bit of angst and tension to the mix.

I thought this was a fast-paced, easy read. It had great scenes and humor, a nice amount of emotion and heat, and likable characters. I felt pulled into the story and was rooting for Jackson and London the entire time. It was a really good addition to the series!

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So good

Going into this book I didn't realize it was the 2nd in the series....I usually don't read books when I haven't read the first but I really did like this book.

I found the book quite refreshing and wonderfully written. The characters were well thought out even though I found Avery quite annoying when she left London and Harley to run the business while she did things for her wedding but when London has things to do and kind of drops the ball Avery went ballistic on London. I just found Avery as too much of me, me, me...
Such a great romance story well written with laughter and love...what's not to like.
London will do anything for anyone even when it puts her life on hold. I know that feeling. I saw a lot of myself in London except I didn't have a millionaire hitting on me...things like that don't happen to often in real life. Not doing what you would like to do tends to eat at you but London has her sister Harley to help her see that she has to concentrate on herself.

I'm not one to give away the story in a reveiw...I concentrate on the writing and characters...
Read the synopsis of the book and look at the ratings to determine if this book is for you.
Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Griffin for allowing me to read an advanced digital copy of this book for an honest review. These words are mine and mine alone

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Great continuation of the series! Avery has found her true love and is getting married, but London has just gotten out of a relationship and isn't ready to date yet. A few months later the sisters get an offer to join a partnership with a media company and meets Jackson Holt. Sparks fly and as they work through past relationship issues, they fall in love. Great story, quick to read, I cannot wait to see who Harley falls in love with!

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Second chance romance, sort of. See, London turned down a handsome man when she was out with her sisters Avery and Harley having drinks and celebrating the death of her most recent romantic relationship. She didn't think about him again until the day he walked into a meeting to discuss a business relationship between his corporation and her family event hotel space. Wow. The sparks don't fly immediately here, especially since Jackson has his own concerns, but the warmth between them will turn to heat. I really enjoyed the first book in this series- it was Avery's story- but don't worry if you missed it because this is fine as a standalone. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. The storytelling is good, It's light. it's fun, the sisters are terrific and now I want Haley's story!

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Oh Helena Hunting, you did it again. Brought us some more Spark sisters love. I loved Avery in the first book, I had no idea I would end up loving London even more. This book is packed with amazing characters, funny, because Harley was making me laugh all the time, especially when it pertained to Jackson and London, and also very inspirational. In this book we get to know more about Spark house, and the sisters that run it, I get to know what it is that London, this Jane of many trades, really does. This woman is a powerhouse, she knows she is, but we don't realize that sometimes people come into your life to make you realize your true purpose and I feel that's what Jackson helped do.

Jackson is the CEO of a huge media company, his company hires Spark House, and brings them into a new business initiative, its all based on social media, and growing companies, and getting sponsorships, its pretty awesome work, and being that Spark House is growing and pretty fast, the company also realizes how amazing they are. The biggest surprise is when fate intervenes and Jackson sees London again. When they first met London was not in a great place, and now that they meet again, there is a lot of hotness bouncing off of each other in this book that I had to yell at it a few times and say "can y'all KISS ALREADY!!!!!!"

And of course they go all the way! (with some drama sprinkled on the side, and some pampering and adoration from Jackson.)

Thank you netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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This was adorable!
I highly enjoyed this, with the exception of the obligatory misunderstanding 75% in.
Much love to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my DRC.

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I just finished Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting and loved it! The Spark sisters are my favorite, so I was excited to read this second story following London Spark. She is very relatable, mainly because I can empathize with her about the joy and stress of having an Etsy shop. London and Jackson are so adorable! This book was enjoyable and gave me the romantic feelings and some steamy moments I wanted.

Thank you, St. Martin's Griffin and Macmillan Audio, for my gifted copies for my honest review.

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Thank you to Helena Hunting, Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

This was an okay romance read. I read the first book in the series and thought it was quite cheesy, but when I was given the opportunity to try this one, thought why not. It was just okay. It was quite cheesy, there wasn’t really much of a plot line, and to be honest, London, the main character, was a bit annoying. Jackson, the romantic lead, was fine, but there wasn’t a lot of depth to him. I also really don’t like romance stories where the “problem” is solved by an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend…. And that’s exactly what happened here. I found myself skimming this a lot, and that really isn’t a sign of a great novel.

All in all, this was fine. But there are definitely better books, and romance books, out there.

This book releases on May 10, 2022. Thank you again for the opportunity to read this book.

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This is the second book in the Spark House series and follows middle sister London and Jackson. After breaking up with her latest boyfriend, a tall, dark, and handsome stranger pays for her drinks at a bar and asks her out. She declines, and he decides to leave it up to fate if they'll meet again. London never expected to see him again, much less as the CEO of the media company looking to partner with Spark House - the B&B she runs with her two sisters. Now the two are working together and managing, barely, to keep things professional. But with a love like theirs, it won't be long before they're giving into their hearts and trying to find a way to make it all work. I really enjoyed this office romance and found London and Jackson to be just about perfect for each other. Jackson is my favorite type of billionaire MMC where he certainly spoils the FMC, but not to impress her, just because what else is he going to do with all that money and spoiling her makes him happy. The two connected on such a deep emotional level with the common losses as well as outlook on business/romance/life that they really do feel like they're meant to be together. We get a ton of the Spark sisters together - way more than the first book - so I enjoyed seeing that dynamic grow on page as well. This was a bit of a slow burn since they don't cross the line until after their professional relationship is over but the tension build up was fantastic. I also found the conflict to be very believable and I loved the conversation London and Jackson had afterward to really explain how they felt, what they recognized they could do better with, and what steps they're going to take in the future to avoid similar situations. A+ communication!

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I enjoyed the second book in the Spark House series. And a back to back read with a protagonist named London! I like how multidimensional the characters are. London, our leading lady, deals with uncertainty and self-doubt. Jackson, our leading man, also has family issues he is working through. I love the family dynamic between the Spark sisters and the focus on being green. Another great read from one of my favorite authors.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Starry-eyed Love follows the middle Spark sister, London. Readers met her older sister, Avery Spark in the first novel, When Sparks Fly, although each story could be read as a standalone. The three Spark sisters, Avery, London, and Harley, run the family-owned event hotel, Spark House in Colorado. Their business keeps them very busy as there just never seems to be enough time in a day. London is also busy as she has her own Etsy shop that sells floral arrangements and fits her passion more. After a recent break-up, the sisters go to a bar to help London move-on. A man hits on London, but she is not interested. Fast-forward a few months and this man ends up being the CEO, Jackson Holt, of Holt Media who London is trying to impress during a business presentation.

As London works as the business administrator of Spark House and Jackson’s company is reaching out to small businesses to raise eco-awareness, it was a very fun way to bring the two characters together after their initial bar meeting. As there is business opportunities on the line, the two of them should no longer act on their attraction to each other. The two characters work together over the next few months with multiple interactions, but Jackson is determined to keep the relationship professional for the time-being. In their minds they both want to move forward with a potential relationship once their business deal is complete, but there are added obstacles as Jackson’s mysterious past and London’s internal struggles play a part. London’s struggles are more apparent in the beginning of the story as she is torn between her life at Spark House and her pursuing her passions with her Etsy shop. On the other hand, Jackson’s past is more secretive and is revealed over time. I liked this balance as it helped spread out the drama for the reader.

As Jackson and London begin as business partners, who happen to be attracted to each other, their relationship is a very slow burn. Most of the initial interactions surround the “green” way of Spark House, which can bog down the flow a little for some readers. For me, I enjoyed the environmental discussions between them, but I do wish the business jargon was reduced slightly as I am a sucker for romances blooming slightly earlier in the story. No matter what the two characters are discussing, they had great banter and chemistry and I enjoyed their journeys as individuals and as a couple. Overall, this was a very sweet story and I cannot wait to read Harley’s story!

**I give a special thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, St. Martin’s Griffin, for the opportunity to read this enjoyable novel. The opinions expressed are completely my own.**

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Helena Hunting could probably write my shopping list and I would read it. I love her writing style and characters so much! Starry-Eyed Love is no exception. This was a great story with some fantastic characters.

Starry-Eyed love is the story of London Spark (one of the sisters we met in When Sparks Fly). London has just broken off the relationship with her boyfriend and is out with her sisters when a scruffy looking (but still handsome) man approaches her and asks her out. Having just gotten out of a long term relationship she turns him down. Not long after she is presenting a pitch for the Spark House to participate in a program with multimillion dollar company Holt Media when the Jackson Holt, the CEO sees her and stops in to watch her presentation. She quickly realizes that the man now in a suit and clean shaven is the same man who asked her out in the bar. She lands the opportunity with Holt Media and now has to work with Jackson on a charity event. Keeping things professional with Jackson is turns out to be more difficult that they had planned.

This book was fun and sweet. I loved the relationship between Jackson and London and the depth that we always get from Helena's characters. Seeing how Jackson has gotten to where he is and the difficult past he had to overcome to get there added so much depth. I also really liked getting to see more of London and how she was constantly taking on things for others and putting herself last.

As with, When Spark Fly the relationship between the sisters was prominent on this one and was such a great addition. The one thing that I wasn't a huge fan of was how Avery came across as almost unlikeable and hostile at times which I felt was a little out of character from the girl we met in When Sparks Fly. But overall, I really enjoyed all the interactions with the sisters.

I love Helena's writing and books and this one was definitely a great read that I will be recommending. Thank you to St. Martin's Press for providing me the EARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I'm happy to report that I enjoyed this book more than the first book in the series. I'm less happy to report that this one wasn't anything that blew me away. I enjoyed the book, I enjoyed the romance and the overall story, but there isn't anything in this book that is going to make me hold on to it and think about it later.

London is celebrating after ending another relationship, might she be commitment averse(um, yes)? Her sisters are excited for the return of "Fun London" in place of "Serious London" which is her default while in a relationship. While out she is approached by a handsome mountain man but turns him down.
Fast forward to a potential business partnership that could help Spark House in its green initiative and to drive traffic and she realizes the mountain man is none other than Jackson Holt, the CEO of the company they want to work it.
Of course now that they are in business together romance is off the table. But how long can they fight their mutual attraction. Can London finally make a commitment to someone other than her sisters? Can she stay "Fun London"? Will their baggage, histories and lifestyle differences be too much to overcome?

Things I liked:
The relationship in general
The main characters & Harley
The overall feel-goodness of the story

Things I didn't like:
Repetition- I get it London makes puffy stars when she's nervous which is constantly and I understand both companies are green-centered already

After debating on a rating I'm going with 3.5 stars rounded up.

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This fun, romantic comedy had me at the very beginning and definitely kept me engaged and reading all the way through the end. I The characters are great and the storyline was one that I thoroughly enjoyed.
I will note that you should read the first book in this series first.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for fair and honest review.

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Starry-Eyed Love is a phenomenal read. I just loved this one so much. I loved being back at Spark House with the Spark sisters again. I could not put this one down and was sucked in from the very start. This is London's book. She is the middle Spark sister and so creative. You are going to love the close relationship these sisters have as they grow their family business. London is not afraid to speak her mind and just has this way about her that you are going to love. Jackson is total swoon worthy and just does gooey things to your heart. I love the slow burn chemistry build between Jackson and London. There are some amazing feels when it comes to Jackson supporting London in every way and everything she is involved with. There is just something so beautiful and lovely about Jackson and London that you need to discover. My heart is so happy with after London's story in the best possible ways. I am in love with the Spark House series and cannot wait for the next book to come. You need to meet Jackson and London now.

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