Member Reviews

Thank you @macmillianaudio @netgalley for ALC of Starry-Eyed Love. I wasn't a huge fan of When Sparks Fly from a romance book perspective but really enjoyed the sister dynamics and was happy we got to see that in this book.

I love the theme of stars though out the book and remember making those puffy stars growing up. I enjoyed the dual POV and narration. The book was a little slow In parts but overall enjoyable.

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The hero of this novel is just too good to be true. Jackson is a handsome, charming self-made billionaire whose passion is fighting climate change. In fact, he’s so devoted to going green that he regularly flies cross country to visit the heroine, London Sparks, in his private plane. Why worry about wasting energy when true love is on the line.

I was never quite sure what his business was. There was some talk of a dating app, but now he’s starting some initiative for his company to mentor random businesses that follow the green program. So that’s how he connects with London when his business offers this opportunity to the small event-hotel that London and her sisters run. This all seems so random and unclear what the program is and what his company gets out of that and how their hotel got chosen.

I liked the relationship among the three sisters, but I didn’t buy that the oldest sister refused to hire anyone to help out when the other sisters are so stressed out and overworked.

These quibbles interrupted my appreciation of the romance between Jackson and London.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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What book place would you visit if you could? I would do anything to visit Spark House if it was a real hotel!
Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting
If you haven’t read Sparks Fly 100% start there, you totally don’t have to read it first but it definitely helps! Starry-Eyed Love focuses on London Spark the middle sister and lover of all things crafty and cute. When Jackson Holt slips into her life for the first time at not the right moment she turns him down…only to find him crashing a meeting she has several weeks later. Through some wild moments these two form a new connection of friendship, until they can really deny the attraction no more.
I really love Hunting’s way of writing and how she always bring about magical moments that focus on love, family, and following your own path. London Spark is a spunky and fun lead who keeps me yearning for another book in this series!!

Review will be posted on Instagram @literarylu_ on May 9

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Even though sparks didn’t fly between me and the first book, I definitely felt more of a spark with Starry Eyed Love!

There’s not much to say for fear of spoiling anything but I adored London and Jackson and their chemistry was wonderful! I loved their relationship and their mutual pining and adoration for the other. It was also nice to see the relationship between the 3 sisters grow. We got a lot more Harley in this one and I cannot wait for her story because she deserves her time to shine!

Helena never disappoints and continues to be my favorite romance author!

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I loved catching up with the Spark sisters!! I just love their dynamic, business, and loves lives! London is such a wonderful character and I loved getting to read her love story!

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in Helena Hunting’s Spark House series and is filled with everything you expect in a Helena Hunting romcom: hilarious antics, an awesome hard-working heroine, and a swoon-worthy hero. In Starry-Eyed Love, anxious middle sister London is struggling to keep up with the work at Spark House and her Etsy shop when she meets Jackson, the CEO of a company looking to partner with Spark House. Despite the fact that their relationship needs to remain professional, sparks fly between these two. I really loved Jackson and London together. He is so honest with her and willing to admit when he messed up and I appreciate how cognizant he is of their financial differences. London is a great heroine and I think all readers will find her pretty relatable. All in all, this was a great love story and a quick read! I was a little hesitant to read this one because I couldn’t finish When Sparks Fly, the first book in the series, because I couldn’t stand the female main character, Avery. While she still annoyed me a lot in this book, I love London a lot more and enjoyed reading her story. My advice to readers: skip the first book and just pick this one up! Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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London and her sisters run the family event hotel when she meets a man in a bar who picks up their check and asks her out. She declines. Then they meet up again.

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London Sparks is the middle Sparks sisters. She is the peacemaker and caregiver in the family. London is out with her sisters celebrating her breakup with her boyfriend when a handsome man pays for the sisters tab and asks London out. London rejects his request. Fast forward several months, and Holt Media contacts Spark House about a partnership. Of course, the guy she rejected happens to be the CEO of Holt Media, Jackson Holt. Jackson is a self made Billionaire who is thrilled that he is working with London, but that means she is off limits. I loved Jackson, he is a loyal friend, a nice guy and is principled. London was a little less easy to warm up too. She is neurotic and a bit of a doormat when it comes to her family. I also loved that you had cameo appearances from characters of the Shacking Up series. I had a similar issue with this book that I had with the first book. There is the inevitable issue that threatens the happily ever after of the couple in the story, I want the issue to not be solved too quickly, or take too long, but the Goldilocks’ just right amount of time. In both of these books, I thought that it belabored this issue. Overall, this is an enjoyable book and I cannot wait for the third sister, Harley’s book. I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley and the author for my honest review.

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It's an absolute rule that I will read EVERYTHING that Helena Hunting puts out there. I just must!!

I squealed when I got an advanced copy of this book!!

Landon was so much fun in the first book with those amazing Spark sisters. I was looking forward to her story.

She has just broken up with her book friend and is celebrating with her sisters at a bar. She is hit on by a mighty fine specimen, but she is just not ready.

Fast forward a bit on time and we meet these characters again! And sparks start a flying. Literally, since she is Landon Spark. Haha! Yes, I did that.

Per typical opinion of my own I hate the errors of communication. This is solely my issue. I know many readers love this.

Thank you so much to the publisher for this copy!!!

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Unfortunately like the first book in this series I found it lacking any real depth. The characters made decisions that just didn't make sense. Especially Jackson. It was dual perspective but there were actually very few chapters from Jackson's point of view. That may have helped me to understand his actions more if I knew his thoughts. I did really like London. She's a very realistic level headed character who knew when to walk away but also knew when it was time to confront the situation, at least with Jackson anyway. Her relationship with Avery is another story. Overall an ok read. It's a decent romance with some good steamy bits of that's what you like.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in the Spark House series. I did not read the first book in the series and I thought it was fine as a stand-alone, although I loved the Spark sisters so much that now I can't wait to go back and read the first book!

This is London's story. She is the middle child of the Spark sisters and when she is out one night with her sisters, fresh off a breakup, she gets hit on by a scruffy guy, who buys their drinks. She turns him down, thinking she will never see him again. As luck would have it, their paths cross again and the story takes off.

I really enjoyed this book! It had humor, romance, steam and I though the main characters had a lot of chemistry. I really liked Jackson, the man MC/CEO. This was a slow burn but I really enjoyed it.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy. Opinions are my own.

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Starry-Eyed Love, book two in the Spark House series is one read you don’t want to miss! I’d already established that I am a glutton for Hunting’s storytelling a while back, so when the first line grabbed my attention, that was it. I was all in! If you haven’t read When Sparks Fly, don’t get your knickers in a twist! Both books can be read and enjoyed as standalones. Now it’s the Spark middle sister’s turn, London.

If there were ever a more endearing encounter, it has to be London and Jackson Holt’s. But my curiosity wasn’t just piqued by the way she graciously turned him down, it was her fidgetiness. I adored how she put her energy to good use; however, bringing in events for the family-run hotel keeps her a little too busy to dedicate the time to her side business cum-hobby.

Although the girls get on well together, there’s a certain amount of friction regarding decision making. And I liked this a lot because working alongside family isn’t always what it is made out to be. London’s determined to pull off a deal, but when the least expected person presents themselves at the negotiating table, I wasn’t the only one left aghast. Guess who’s all suited up and ready to listen to London’s ideas for Spark House’s future?

Jackson’s strategic way of thinking delighted me, but would London be able to cope with all the business jargon? Wow, you could have cut their chemistry with a knife too, but hold on—Hunting reveals his reasons for not mixing business with pleasure at an enjoyable reading pace. So, not only did I learn what made him tick, but also London’s doubts.

Once again, Hunting has seamlessly delivered a romance packed full of emotions. Her plot and characters have depth, the banter is off the charts, and the setting is so life-like that you’d wish you were there. Now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Hunting gives us Harley’s story. Bravo!

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*3 Stars*

ARC kindly received for an honest review.

I liked this book, but it didn't wow me in the same way some of Helena's other books have. I liked the characters, I didn't mind the story. I was not surprised with some things that came out. But I just didn't love it the way I do with some books.

I found the family connection of the sisters to be lovely, and the friendships developing as well. Maybe I'm not just in the right frame of mind lately either, my reading has slowed down a lot as of late. I'd still read more from this world, it's just not one of my faves.

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This is the second book in a romantic comedy series, but I hadn’t read the first book and still greatly enjoyed the second one. London has just ended a lackluster relationship and is with her sisters celebrating her new single status when a strange man buys their drinks and asks her out. She politely declines and slides his number back to him. Fast forward a few months and London is doing an important presentation to help grow the family event hotel business and the CEO stops in to join the meeting and London realizes it’s the man from the bar - super rich and successful Jackson Holt. Of course sparks instantly fly but they are doing business together and both are remaining professional. It has some nice humor, sweet scenes and of course some fairly predictable bumps in their relationship, but overall it was an enjoyable book.

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She twirled the ice around in her glass full of tequila. She was hoping it would numb her a bit after the overwhelming amount of energy she had dedicated to making this event run smoothly. It was going well, everyone was happy. It made her happy to see all of the guests smiling. But she felt something missing behind her attempts at fake smiles. She needed a spark, something or someone to light the fire in her.

Starry-Eyed Love returns the reader to the lives of the Spark Sisters and their family-run hotel and events business. In this second book of the series, you get to know London, the middle sister, more. Always entering relationships she knows will be dead ends, she’s ready to find someone who could truly be part of her future.

I didn’t enjoy this book as much as book one. I wasn’t very attached to the male MC in this story. Jackson was overly polite for my taste and I didn’t like the omissions of past relationships. I did enjoy London’s character and I thought the overall story was cute, but I wish the book as a whole had hooked my attention a little more.

If you like workplace/forbidden romances and dual narratives, plus enjoyed book one of this series, then give this romance a read.

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My review (ARC provided)
Five stars!

From page one I just knew I was going to love this story. Jackson (H) and London’s (h) story pulled me right in and I loved everything about it, from their initial meeting to their second it had me smiling and swooning.

London has just broken up with her boyfriend and is not looking for any type of hookup or romance right now, so when the rugged and very attractive man at the bar she is at is giving her attention she wants nothing to do with him.

Jackson the ruggedly handsome man also happens to be the millionaire that wants to partner up with London and her sister's company and London has no idea. When they meet up to discuss the partnership they are taken by surprise as to who they are. Jackson knows immediately but it takes some time for London to figure it out, once she does she fears she made a mistake.

The chemistry between them is palpable but they won’t take it to the next level because they want to remain professional. There is a lot of push and pull and you are rooting for them to make it work. Throw in a secretive past and an ex and you get all kinds of angst too.

This book had it all, it is hot, funny, angsty, and sweet the perfect little package. I can’t wait for the next book in the Spark House series. And I loved how the title of this book played into the story!

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I'm really enjoying this series about the Spark sisters and their hotel. Spark House. For me, it started out a bit slowly, but quickly gained momentum and I didn't want to put it down! I love the wedding and I'm looking forward to Harley's story also.
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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After reading the first book in Helena’s Hunting’s Spark House series I was looking forward to 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗬-𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗗 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘.

When London and Jackson meet for the first time she shoots him down. Fast forward and the two meet again for business. While working together things heat up between them and the proverbial 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨 fly. But sparks are not always enough…. A lot happens before the two get their happily ever after and at times I was frustrated by the secondary characters in this story.

When London and Jackson finally get their much deserved happily ever I felt better about their journey. I’m giving 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗬-𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗗 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 the judy.ann.loves.books stamp of approval, TBR and Enjoy!

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I received the audiobook version via NetGalley but will leave my review here as well. Helena Hunting is another favorite of mine. These sweet rom-com style books are my favorite and Starry-Eyed Love was the cutest. I thoroughly enjoyed reading more about the Spark sisters. London and Jackson were the absolutely cutest - especially with their slow-burn relationship. Timing is a funny thing and I loved reading about these two finding their way to love.

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3.5 stars

This is a quick, fun romance that can easily be read in a day. It’s the second book in the Spark House series and it follows the story of London, the middle sister in the Spark family. London puts her own dreams on the back burner so she can help run Spark House, the hotel and event space that she owns with her sisters. When she meets Jackson through a work connection, she is attracted to him right away and realizes that she needs a better work/life balance.

I liked this book a lot more than When Sparks Fly. I think London is a fun, smart and easily relatable character. I enjoyed the family connection, the banter between London and Jackson and the atmosphere of Spark House. I am a sucker for a billionaire romance, so when I realized that sexy, bearded Jackson was the owner of Holt Media, the company Spark House was working with, I knew I was going to enjoy this one. Both London and Jackson have some past traumas that contribute to some of the angst in the story, but it all works out in the end. This book is much steamier than the first which I also really enjoyed.

I do have to say that I find the dialogue in this series to be very stiff and formal. The dialogue doesn’t seem to match the scenes, like when the characters are supposed to be doing something funny or sexy. Also, each conflict is wrapped up too easily where we go from someone storming off in a fit of rage to them coming back immediately with a contrite and too perfect apology. This might just be Hunting’s style, but I’ve only read this series so I’m not familiar with her writing style in other contexts.

Overall I enjoyed this book! If you like a slow burn, dual POV, billionaire romance then this is definitely the book for you!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC to read and review! Starry Eyed Love comes out on May 10th!

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