Member Reviews

I read the first book in the series when it came out and was excited to read this one. I am generally not a romance reader but this author is slowly converting me. I loved the book and hope the author plans to add a few installments. The story is a pretty much a rags to riches fairytale but it’s original and fresh in how the story unfolds. Truly enjoyable and I have been telling everyone to read the book. It’s that good!the only beef I had with the book was the ridiculous obsession with centerpieces. I guess that’s pretty minor and easily overlooked. A big thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC.

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LOVED IT! The love story was so organic, the 11th hour complication was surprisingly and maturely handled, and the familial relationship was not all smooth sailing, but was also dealt with realistically and maturely. I can’t wait to see what’s next with Harley’s story.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Too slow 🐢 & not very emotionally engaging for me!

2.5-3 🌟 stars
I had great hope for this romance but, in the end, it just was not fulfilled. I found it too long, it did not engage me in the couple's romantic journey and it tried to cram too many elements into the plot.

Jackson, the billionaire male lead, was a problem for me.
He was always flaunting his connections and wealth for London Spark, the woman he wanted. Why? when he and his friends feared London might be attracted to him only for his wealth and influence. If he was testing her, he went to extremes. He also repeatedly manipulated situations, withheld information, and passed them off as surprises for London's benefit. And, buddy, is a present of fancy lingerie to your new lover REALLY a gift for her pleasure? London's just a pushover for his charm and justifications for his behavior. And it was never clear to me how this orphan from a regular family with depleted resources due to illness and medical bills made his fortune so quickly; inquiring minds want to know!

There were weird and inconsistent elements in the story (who carries a clutch in their own wedding?). London's age at the time of her parents' death changes from a junior in high school to fourteen.

And the romantic relationship was very slow build (first kiss well past the middle of the story and their dates were a bit ho-hum, notwithstanding the intimate scenes). I like a romance that has more focus on the romance, not business, meetings and social events. And the whole Selene subplot just did not work for me, from the social media firestorm after she first visits the Spark sisters' hotel/event venue right down to the neat bow tied on her situation in the epilogue.

Overall, this was a miss for me.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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I loved it! Funny, sweet and spicy! This is a great read to take you away from everything! London and Jackson are wonderful characters and mesh so well. I absolutely adore them. It gave me all the feels and left me happy and content! I couldn't have asked for a better read!

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4/5 ⭐️

Helena has solidly stamped herself as a one click author for me. I kid you not I have read every single one of her books and they almost never disappoint!

This book was really no different, it was good! It has Huntings typical writing
full of charm and an easy plot to follow. I do have to say that the middle of this book dragged and the relationship between Jackson and London was a little odd and was missing some spark - pun intended - that book one had (I”m literally obsessed with book one). Clearly that did not deter me in the least because I am a Helena Hunting die hard fan, but I can see how this might deter someone who is new to this author.

I think my other big thing about this book is that Jackson’s POV (male MC) was not in this book as much as I would have liked! It would have levelled up this book for sure! Yes, I know this book is definitely supposed to be London’s book but like there are so many moments that I was like “I wonder what Jackson is thinking/doing right now”

All and all I still liked this book! Please pick this one up when it comes out! I know I’ll be running to get myself a physical copy!

Big thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Griffin for giving me this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

Always love to support my Canadian authors 🇨🇦

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London and Jackson's story was heartwarming and sweet. These two were attracted to each other from the very beginning but timing was bad - they couldn't mix business with pleasure. But, of course, their romance was undeniable. I loved watching them figure out how to make their relationship work and I enjoyed seeing them come to terms with the fact that they couldn't live without each other. This story made me happy - a strong, creative woman who loves her family and has big dreams for her future and a sexy CEO with a kind heart, a charming smile and a love for the planet...sigh! This book had a bit of family drama and some obstacles for London and Jackson to overcome but it was also fun, sweet and a quick read. This is the second book in this series and it's my favorite so far. I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment!

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This book is the second in a series and I definitely liked it better than the first. London’s anxiety and challenges with her work resonated with me. I liked how prominent a role the family business and sisterly dynamics played in the book. As far as heroes go, Jackson was fairly good. Did he need some major improvements in communication skills? Absolutely. But enough else was good to keep me from being too annoyed.

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Helena Hunting does it again, I'm so in love with this story. Starry-Eyed Love is the second installment of the Spark House series, and I loved it, it is sexy and cute, I swooned so hard, a slow burn romance that will fascinate you from start to finish.

London is fresh out of a relationship and now wants to be alone for a while, but when she runs into Jackson again, a guy who once asked her out and she refused, sparks fly between them, however they decide not to act on it because they have a professional relationship now, but the more time they spend together the harder it is to resist the attraction. I loved the chemistry between them so much, it jumps off the pages, it's epic, their scenes together made my heart skip a beat, and the slow burn, gahhh almost set my tablet on fire.

This story is so good, the perfect combination of steamy chemistry,funny and sweet, it made me laugh, cry and sigh, highly recommended for fans of slow burn romances

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4.5 stars

This book was so hard to put down!!

I loved how London and Jackson initially met, and everything that followed. They had such amazing chemistry! Sparks were definitely there 😉 and the way they interacted in every little way was just wonderful.

I loved getting both POV’s. The problems that build and the way they are handled was great and frustrating (which is meant to happen 😆)

London is crafty and lovely and I totally sympathised with her on some of her struggles and I loved how Jackson helped as well, he was seriously such a sweetie.

It was a sweet read and I loved reading every bit of it.

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Starry-Eyed Love is a delightful, slow burn romance. Helena Hunting does a great job creating realistic characters who readers want to hang out with again and again.


Jackson and London first meet at a bar, when London turns down Jackson’s dinner date. She’s fresh off a meh relationship and isn’t ready for anything else. Months later, she headlines a sponsorship presentation for Spark House, the family event hotel she runs with her sisters. Only, it turns out it’s with Jackson’s company. The two have an immediate connection, but can they act on it if they are working together?

I really enjoyed this story, much more than the first one in this series. I identified with London’s anxiety, and her inability to say no to to her sisters’ demands. Her sister Avery isn’t particularly likable in this book, but her motivations seemed realistic.

It was nice that Jackson and London take their time getting to know each other too. Clearly they have chemistry that’s visible to everyone around them, but both take their work too seriously to mess with their professional relationship. They are adorable together, and I was thrilled when they finally acted on their feelings. And, if you are a longtime Helena Hunting reader, there are plenty of entertaining cameos too.

Starry-Eyed Love was a great slow burn romance that I didn’t want to put down. I’m ready to go back to Spark House for Harley’s story!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Starry-Eyed Love follows middle sister London as she struggles to find a work life balance once the Spark House takes off after Jackson Holt and his company’s partnership. London loves her sisters and the Spark House but her role there is not fulfilling her and draining her creativeness which is something she absolutely loves. The complication that is Jackson has London wanting more for herself and their relationship but is it too many changes happening all at once?

I really like the gradual evolution of London and Jackson’s relationships. They started out with a strictly business partnership that evolved into a friendship that lead to their romantic relationship. London and Jackson have both suffered great losses that have effected their outlook on relationships whether they realized it or not. Seeing them grow and open up to each other was really well done.

This is the second book in the Spark House series by @helenahunting following the Spark sisters and each of the books so far have had really well developed characters and real struggles that make them so relatable.

Thank you @stmartinspress , @helenahunting , & @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback!

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If you recall, I did not finish book #1 in this series, When Sparks Fly. So naturally, I was a little skeptical about Starry-Eyed Love. Well, I am happy to announce that all my fears were for naught—Starry-Eyed Love won me over.

This was a bit of a slow burn. London and Jackson have a chance meeting at a bar where London turns him down for a date as she had just gotten out of a relationship. Months later they meet again, but this time they meet in a professional situation and while their attraction is still heavily present, they both do their best to stay on the side of business. Instead, their friendship continues to grow until their work commitments are done and they can finally act on their growing feelings.

I loved that both London and Jackson weren’t perfect—they both had flaws. Admittedly, I loved London more than Jackson. I felt that Jackson toed the line of “an omission is still a lie” and that just turned me off of him.

Lastly, reading Starry-Eyed Love confirmed to me that I was right in not finishing When Sparks Fly. I didn’t like Avery or Declan in their first book, and I continued to not like them here. So….justifiable did-not-finish-icide?

I’m super ready for the third sister, Harley’s story.

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I thought it was good with London Sparks and Jackson Holt only one more Spark sister story to go. London is holding down the fort and administrative side of the business which isn't her forte, but she loves her sisters and will do anything to make the family business a success. Just out of a relationship she is asked out by a guy at a bar who three months later is the CEO of the company who reached out to her family bed and breakfast on their green initiative. So easy to see where Jackson and London were going while the two were fighting their attraction because of their work history. Jackson telling London half truths and omissions she needed to know blows up in his face. Turned out well, but was shocked with his bestfriend Trent and what was revealed at the end with him.

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“So This is Chemistry”

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💛🖤💜💚❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌍🌎
Character development: 🫣🤭🫠😮🥰

The heroine: London Spark - she works with her two sisters at their family hotel and event facility. She got stuck in the role where she handles all the business and financial side of things, but is not very comfortable with it so she spends a lot of time preparing for meetings and talks with clients that wouldn’t be needed by someone more familiar with that sort of work. She also has an Etsy store on the side where she gets to be creative.

The Hero: Jackson Holt - The billionaire founder of Holt Media. Prior to that he became wealthy as an app developer. He is famous for developing a few social media apps, including a dating app. His company is very green focused puts together small green businesses and wants to work with Spark House on some events.

The Story: London is just getting over of a relationship when she first meets Jackson at a bar, where he pays their tab and approaches her. She rebuffs him by telling him she is in a relationship and thinks she will never see him again. Fast forward three months and she meets Jackson while she is doing a presentation and he immediately puts her on the spot. She thinks he is disgruntled at her for turning him down three months ago.

As usual, Helena Hunting does an awesome job at creating a world and characters that are engaging and entertaining. The book is told in dual points of view and I like that London and Jackson can’t seem to stay away from each other despite both of them insisting on having a professional relationship. London is endearing in that she is so unsure of herself but really has no reason to be. Jackson is a take charge kind of guy who really sees her inside and out. The book has plenty of romance, steam, jealousy, great characters and more.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.

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STARRY-EYED LOVE is a cute romance, the second in a series about three sisters, each one prettier and more capable than than the others. The sisters work in a family hotel and manage their love lives with enthusiasm. In this book, middle sister London has just ended one relationship in time to meet a handsome, fabulously wealthy businessman with excellent connections for her family. There are the requisite ups and downs, amazing dates, money spent to impress and woo and the obstacle at the last moment that keeps London guessing about whether this love is real. I received my copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second book in the Spark House contemporary romance series. A story that combines romance and humor in an engaging fast-paced read. This slow-burn romance between the main characters is well-written and pulls you in from the beginning with sweet, tender moments and lots of humor. There is a focus on family, friendship, hard work, and communication, with a few romantic scenes. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

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Solid 4 1/2 stars. I read the first book of the series, but you don't need to, but you would get more of the back story of Spark House if you do. I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I like the slow build. The sex scenes weren't overly graphic, but they're there. I am definitely looking forward to the next book, hoping to see not only more of Jackson and London, but Avery and Declan too.

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I really, really enjoyed this dual perspective, second chance at love-ish workplace romance that gave me lots of Cinderella vibes. The second book in the Spark House series focuses on London, a crafty woman who has just broken up with her boyfriend and isn't looking for another relationship.

Enter Jackson, a super swooney guy who asks her out in a bar one night only to get turned down. Fast forward a few months and the two meet again through work, fighting their sizzling chemistry in order to stay professional. I loved that these two characters could bond over their shared grief of losing parents at a young age. They also had a lot of shared career interests.

Highly recommended if you enjoy strong sister relationships, open door romances and subtle fairy tale retellings. Perfect for fans of Ashely Winstead's Fool me twice (very similar eco-conscious vibes) or Talia Hibbert's Brown sister's series. Much thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my advance review copies!

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*Swoon Alert* As a woman with brothers, I have always envied those with sisters. I always imagined having a built in best friend and I love reading about sister relationships. While the 1st book in Sparks House is the story of Avery Spark, book #2, Starry- Eyed Love, features London Spark. (Starry Eyed Love can be read as a stand-alone but best enjoyed after reading When Sparks Fly). I'll be honest and say London was not my favorite character in book 1, but she comes out of nowhere and redeems herself. The Spark sisters, London, Avery and Harley, inherited and now run hotel/event space, The Spark House. Enter Jackson Holt, CEO of Holt Media. Sparks fly (get it, elbow nudge) between London and Jackson, however they maintain a mostly professional working relationship throughout the first third or so of the book. They have great banter and better chemistry. Jackson is what book boyfriends are made of. Hes perfectly imperfect and incredibly attuned to London's needs. Go ahead and put this one on your TBR, releasing May 10.

Helena Hunting is a one click author for me and her latest pen further solidifies this. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the arc in exchange for my honest review. Can't wait for Harley's story!

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I’m a big fan of Helena Hunting’s books, especially when I want a lighter, sweet romance with dual POVs. Starry-Eyed Girl was the perfect sequel to When Sparks Fly (though can be read as a standalone) and was exactly the book I needed.

The Spark sisters- London, Avery and Harley- own and run a boutique hotel in Colorado that has been in the family for generations. This story focuses on London who takes care of the business and administration side of the hotel but also sells centerpieces on the side on her successful Etsy page. After a totally awkward meet cute, London runs into Jackson Holt, a guy she rejected once, months later when pitching a deal on behalf of the hotel. What starts off as strictly business turns into something more as the two get to know each other and bring out their best sides.

This story was really sweet! The characters were flawed in all the right ways and easy to connect with. I loved how Jackson pushed London outside her comfort zone and encouraged her to do things that made her happy and not just her sisters. Having two sisters myself, I love stories that stress sibling dynamics and potential conflicts that may arise when you are so close to your family. I liked the chapters that focused on the inner workings of the boutique hotel and all that the Spark sisters do to make it run successful as well as the side plot where the hotel business was booming and they had to figure out what to do to find a work/ life balance. Also, I really enjoyed how the conflict was handled. The main characters acted maturely and communicated with each other rather than listen to outside influences, which was tempting. This perspective felt fresh. On the flip side, I will say that Avery really bothered me in this book. I know she was just a side character and understand where she was coming from but it irked me at times.

I did a read/audio combo for this one and enjoyed the narration.

Read if you like:
🏨 Workplace romance
💸Millionaire hero
👯‍♀️ Sisterhood
🎤Event planning
📚Series that follow siblings
📖Helena Hunting books

Thanks St. Martins Press for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Pub date 5/10/22

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