Member Reviews

I devoured this book. Having already ready Avery's book I was excited for London's story. Or, should I say, I was excited to see if "Fun London" could stay Fun London in a relationship or if she would fall back into "Serious London" as usual. Jackson's character was well written and believable. I was wondering how the "conflict" necessary for a HEA would come about and I managed to call it just pages before it went down. Good incorporation of the foreshadowing without being too transparent.

I was a little bit surprised to see how self absorbed Avery got, but based on her story in the first book it was a continuation of the behavior she fell into after her accident.

I can't wait for Harley's story!

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I really liked this book. I enjoyed the relationship and how it blossomed, and the friendships and family that come along with a lot of love and sacrifice. I appreciated how the author showed the reality of what it means to be in business with people you love and even though it can be hard and scary you have to remember to stand up for yourself and your dreams. It was an easy read that left me feeling glad I read it.

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From the first paragraph, I knew this book would be a good one. I immersed myself into the book from the first chapter and I cannot say enough good things about this book! Honestly amazing! The writing is incredible and the plot is just one to die for. I am absolutely obsessed with this book. My favorite part would have to be the character development throughout the book. Character development is something I look forward to and this book did not disappoint.

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I really enjoy Helena Hunting's work and this was a sweet addition. This book is the second in the Spark House series but could be read as a standalone. London is the middle Spark sister. She's running Spark House with her sisters and also running an Etsy store as a side business. Into this crazy lifestyle comes Jackson-a handsome CEO who likes London immediately. Both are concerned about how their mutual attraction is going to impact their work relationship. They have to learn to balance pursuing their dreams and pursuing each other. I loved how vulnerable they both were.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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**4.5 stars**
Ok this was super cute! Starry Eyed Love is the second book with the Spark sisters. First book was about Avery and this is London’s book. London and Jackson meet at a bar in an interesting way. Jackson made a bold move that you don’t often see from heroes in other books. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work out the way he planned. However, months later, his chance comes again. London had just come out of a long term relationship and is not looking for another relationship at this point. Months later, she is pitching her family’s Spark House venue to a company and as fate would have it, Jackson happens to be the CEO at. Their second meet was super awkward. Unfortunately, with them now working together, they cannot pursue a relationship. What follows is some entertaining texts, emails, phone calls and meets with some major sexual tension. You couldn’t help but root for them to be together. There is some drama in here but it gets resolved fairly quickly. The ending was so cute too! This was such a joy to read with wonderful characters, sweet romance, and a great storyline. I would recommend this one.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Spark House #2

It’s great to be back at Spark House again. London Spark has finally broken up with her boyfriend. And now fun London has come out to play with her sisters, Avery and Harley. Celebrating out on the town. When a handsome stranger walks up to the table with eyes only for London, she tells him she has a boyfriend.

London doesn’t even have time for love. She handles the business aspect of Spark House and isn’t so keen on it, but it’s been a family business for a long time. London really enjoys the creative side of things. And with her Etsy shop going strong she already barely gets any sleep.

Luck or fate? When London takes a meeting with a huge media company that wants to sponsor them and their green ineciatives. But London isn’t big on meetings. Her anxiety overwhelms her to the point that she is nervously making origami stars again. All the time. So going to meet with these people has her in a state. But once she gets going, it’s not so bad.

Until a gorgeous man in a gorgeous suit walks in looking stunned. London thinks he looks familiar but can’t place him. He, however, has no problem placing her.

When Jackson takes over the account so he can spend more time with London, his team is shocked. This is not the Jackson they know. He doesn’t have relationships or work directly with the client.

But oh the spark between these two. What’s the answer to not mixing business with pleasure? Put someone else in charge. But these two have painful past experiences and aren’t exactly spilling them all at once.

There was so much stress going on for London. Her anxiety, her sisters whom she loves but isn’t happy with Avery not willing to hire help. Jackson comes with his own baggage and a woman who thinks he belongs to her. Sparks will fly in all directions.

I loved the first book and I loved this one too. It’s nice once in a while to read a love story.

NetGalley/ May 10th, 2022 by St. Martin’s Griffin

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This was such a sweet slow burn romance! I really loved London in When Sparks Fly, so I was super excited for Starry Eyed Love.⁣

I love how creative London is and how devoted to her sisters she is. I also just love how honest she is, with herself and with others. ⁣

Jackson is so sweet and sexy. He can go from rugged lumbarjack to sexy businessman in the blink of an eye. ⁣

The chemistry between these two is off the charts and I just feel the attraction. They both quickly become friends and bond in a way over the grief and loss of their parents at a young age.⁣

These two have some truly beautiful moments that at times brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t wait for them to break the tension.⁣

Cannot wait for Harley to hopefully get her HEA!⁣
Thank you for the gifted ARC @smpromance !

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Very charming with some humour and some work in time for love to flourish. Always well written.

I had some fun and I’m looking for the next amusement Helena Hunting provides for me to read :)

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I didn’t think I could love any story more than Declan and Avery but London and Jackson proved me wrong! London is the middle sister of the Spark sisters who own and run Spark House. London and her sisters get an opportunity to work with a large company to help grow their company. Enter Jackson who owns the company and had been turned down by London a few months prior at the bar. Initially London doesn’t recognize Jackson but she quickly recalls turning him down. They work together on an event so they need to keep things platonic which confuses London to no end. Eventually they are able to cave to their attraction and the ride these two takes you on is amazing!! This a definite must read!!! I could not put it down!

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I'm really enjoying these Spark sisters and their sweet romances. In Starry-Eyed Love, we get to know London a little better; we get to see that her creative side is where her heart really is, despite her being the main business/finance person in the trio of sisters. We also discover that that role is a major stressor and one that she no longer wants to really be a part of; but before she can walk away she has to get Avery to agree--seemingly mission impossible. While trying to figure that out, she's offered a fantastic opportunity to pitch to partner their boutique hotel with a huge media company that seems to have the same vision for a greener, more sustainable future. Cue lots of anxious hours of prep for London and a meeting in which a man she turned down at the bar turns out to be the CEO of the company. One pitch later, and may the romance begin! These two could not be more perfectly matched. Their chemistry is immediately evident and it was fun to see the natural evolution of their relationship; to see them both move outside of their comfort zones and allow themselves to finally let someone 'in'. Of course there are some hiccups along the way, some painful moments, but thankfully, those moments were short and led us to a sweet happily ever after.

In addition to the love story, I really appreciated the exploration of the family business and the stressors it can cause. I also enjoyed the exploration of London's anxiety and her creativity and how those things worked in her life. Rather than sugarcoat everything, Hunting shows us conflict and resolution and how challenging family business can be.

I'm enjoying this series and am really looking forward to Harley finding her HEA.

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I enjoyed When Sparks Fly so I was excited to read more about the Spark sisters! This one’s about London Spark, the middle sister, and her slow burn relationship with Jackson, a multimillionaire looking to invest in green companies like the Spark House. The two share a brief past where London turns him down for a date, so it’s quite awkward when they reconnect at a business meeting but quickly they find they share a spark (lol) they can’t ignore.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t just a slow burn, it was also just slow. The conflict is also pretty much my very least favorite kind of conflict so I was disappointed there as well but that’s obviously just personal preference. Also, what happened to Avery? She was like a completely different person, a one dimensional selfish brat in this book. I was very confused by her role.

It’s not to say it was all bad, I liked Jackson quite a bit even when I was a little annoyed with him. London definitely had her good moments and I liked when they finally realized their true feelings for each other. If you loved When Sparks Fly, I definitely think you’ll enjoy this! I look forward to Harley’s story.

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I really enjoyed the first book of this series and jumped at the chance to read this one. I really like London, but was a bit put out with Avery. Jackson sounds like a dream. Looking forward to Harleys story.

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3,5 stars

Overall really enjoyable, fast paced and the right amount of sexy and romantic. Love these characters a lot but the writing was from time to time quite repetitive I think which is the reason I won’t rate it any higher. But still a fun in between read non the less :)

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Super cute rom-com. Loved it! I really enjoyed this author's book that came out last fall "When Sparks Fly" so I knew I would probably enjoy this one as well. Going to keep my eye out now for more from this author. Fun read!

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Another phenomenal read that had me completely captivated. London & Jackson are a couple no one will ever forget. The chemistry between London & Jackson is off the charts. The book will definitely give you all the feels. Another unputdownable read that everyone must read.

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I freaking loved this book!!! Seriously, London and Jackson are my new favorite couple, they are passionate, driven, hysterical, and both have suffered tremendous loss in their pasts. This author out did herself on this story, The Spark sisters are back in this well written page turner, and this time it’s London’s turn at love. This story flowed from one page to the next, very difficult to put down, but the relationship between these three sisters is heartwarming. Jackson is the billionaire that captures Londons heart, and how they meet and remeet was pretty memorable and funny. Loved Mitchell and Trent, and of course London’s puffy stars. I found myself laughing my through this entire book, I love it when a story puts you through all the emotions, and this certainly does. Favorite parts had to be the charity ball and of course the romantic ending, definitely sigh worthy. Loved it, can’t wait for book three!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

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I give up!
I used to love this author - now I can’t even get into another story by her. This one is written well, it just simply didn’t capture my attention.

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While I did like London and Jackson together the story wasn't anything exceptional. I had high hopes in the beginning because their banter was fantastic but it faded away as the book went along. Typical story of a jealous ex was part of the focus but also the business side of Spark House and green living was in there.

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Having just broken up with her boyfriend, London Spark is not in the mood to be hit on. Especially not when she’s out celebrating her single status with her sisters. So when a very attractive man pays for their drinks and then slips her his number, she passes it right back to him with a ‘thanks, but no thanks’. As the business administrator for their family’s event hotel, the Spark House, London has more important things to worry about, like bringing in new clientele.

As luck would have it, a multi-million-dollar company calls a few months later asking for a meeting to discuss a potential partnership, and London is eager to prove to her sisters, and herself, that she can land this deal. Just when she thinks she has nailed her presentation, the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in and inserts himself into the meeting. Not only that, but he also happens to be the same guy she turned down at the bar a few months ago.

Funny, emotional, and true, this romance has all the elements that make for great reading. This one is pretty high on the enjoyment meter! Recommended. #Starry-EyedLove #NetGalley #SaltMarshAuthors

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I really enjoyed this second installment of the Spark sisters. Man meets woman. Man gets shot down by woman. Man is billionaire. Ohhhh intriguing! lol. Avery drove me NUTS in this book and I liked her in When Sparks Fly! Holy annoying. Hopefully Avery gets over herself in the third book. Or is even less of a side character please. London and Jackson were great together. It was cute and fun and just this side of steamy. I definitely need to visit Helena Hunting's backlog while waiting for Harley's book!!

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