Member Reviews

It’s London’s turn to find love in the second book about the Spark sisters. London meets a cute guy at a bar but turns him down because she’s not ready…cue a random work meeting that happens to involve cute bar guy and a potential partnership with his company. London was a spitfire during the first book but her character is built out well in this book and Jackson is a sweet guy. The only drawback for me in this book was that Jackson and London’s dialogue felt too formal and stiff at times.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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Thank you to the publisher for my review copy. All opinions are my own.

Enter book 2 of the Spark House series. This one was HIGHLY anticipated for me. Did I set myself up a little too much? Yes, I did. Sadly. I wanted to love this one so much. I enjoyed it. But I was not over the moon about London's story. The sexual chemistry was fantastic. The buildup. Chef's kiss.... the story ran a smidge long for me. I was ready to move on...before the actual story ended. Overall. I think if you are invested in this series, pick it up. If you want to read this one as a stand-alone. Don't ok lol. Start at Book 1.

Now, I will be sitting over here waiting for Harley's story.

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From the opening paragraph, Helena Hunting’s Starry-Eyed Love, had me hooked…Jackson and London’s attraction to each other drew me in and quickly created an emotional connection to their story…not to mention that their chemistry was palpable and set the tone for just how enjoyable the journey to their HEA was going to be. The complexities and dynamics of the characters was captivating, their vulnerabilities and struggles identifiable which made this engrossing story a page turner.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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I absolutely loved this sequel!! It was so much fun. I thought it would be difficult to top the first book and was delightfully surprised to say that I may have liked this book a bit more. I absolutely adored this whole story. The storyline is very interesting and I like that the sisters are really starting to come together as people both in their own books and together as adults. I am anxiously awaiting the third sister's book and am super happy that Ms. Hunting decided to continue the story of the sisters.

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Helena Hunting knows how to write romance books. This is book #2 in the Spark House series about three sisters. They are all in this one, but we are getting London's story this time around. When sparks fly with a charming CEO, London and Jackson's working together creates this slow-to-build romance. This story is about finding that balance in life that makes you happy. The story brought out the emotions. Family and business created a background current for this romance to work through. I like these sisters and the business that they have created. I am looking forward to getting Harley's story next. Sweet romance, funny moments, and two characters that I couldn't help rooting for make this a great read for me.

Thank you, NetGalley and St Martin's Griffin for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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Ok, so first off, I had lots of issues with book 1, but nothing problematic was in this one. Though I did get annoyed every time Declan's name was mentioned.

Overall, this was fairly standard and consistent all the way through. I personally never connected with the characters. The attraction between London / Jackson veered towards instalove and it never really seemed to develop beyond that initial attraction. I wasn't a huge fan of the third act conflict, as it was fairly typical, but the characters seemed to mostly handle the situation in a mature way, which I appreciated.

This is technically a sequel, but you don't need to read the first book to understand the plot here.

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This was another sweet and emotional love story in this great series. I've enjoyed each sister's journey in finding love and look forward to the next one.

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Helena Hunting does it again, a great storyline, great book.

London Spark who recently broke up with her boyfriend is working with her sisters and running a hotel when Mr. Jackson Holt provided his number and she just rejected him.

Well low and behold they run into each other again, he's the millionaire CEO of a company they're trying to get to work with their hotel.

I loved the chemistry between London and Jackson from the moment they meet, even though she initially turns him down.

A love story, an enjoyable read, never disappoints. Cinderella style. :)

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This is the second in the Spark House trilogy, with the middle sister, London, finding her match with a business associate. She's introverted and creative, which made her easy to relate to, though I'm not as fussy with appearances. I thought her character was well-developed, but this story didn't have as many H viewpoint chapters as the first in the series, so I never felt like I really knew much about what was going on in Jackson's head. He didn't have too much personality, tbh.

And Avery, the sister from the previous book, seemed to have an entire personality transplant. I don't know if it was mainly supposed to be assumed it was Bridezilla tendencies; either way; she was completely unrecognizable here and incredibly annoying. The OW is also incredibly predictable by the first scene with her, and that whole business almost made Jackson irredeemable to me. At least London makes him work for his apology, unlike the first book.

This is a slow burn, which I didn't mind romantically, though the extra dose of business talk kind of bogged things down. It was an OK read for me.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in Helena Hunting's Spark House series. The story line is unique and very enjoyable. The characters are well developed and likable.

Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.

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I received an advanced reader copy of this book to leave an honest review. I have read many of Helena Hunting's books and this one did not disappoint! I loved it! Such a fun romantic comedy. It was an easy read that kept you invested in the character's and their lives. I also love that she incorporates characters from her other books into these new series in minor roles. It makes me want to go back and reread her previous works.

This is the second book in the series and follows London Spark, the middle sister who helps run the Spark boutique hotel, and Jackson, the CEO of a large media company. When London gets a chance to present to Holt Media for a teaming effort, little does she know that the man she turned down for a date 3 months ago would be the CEO of the company. So starts a working relationship between them even though they both feel a major connection to each other. But nothing can happen while they work together so it is stressful on both ends. And of course there has to be some drama thrown in when a big wig like Jackson is seen with a new woman when he rarely dates.

This is just a fun, fast read that I would definitely recommend. Such a cute story and I cannot wait for the third book in the series!

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What a fun and engaging story to read! I love how fleshed out London and Jackson are as our two lead characters. They had real ups and downs along with a believable relationship together. I enjoyed reading about their friendships as they were also authentic. I often struggle with first person POV novels but I love the way this one was written in the changing perspectives of Jackson and London. It was very clear to me who was speaking but more than that, I feel like I got to them better as individuals and not just in a couple. The plot development was well done in my opinion. I enjoyed the pace of the different scenes that all added together. I am very interested in reading book 1 now that I have read my first Helena Hunting novel. I also really want to know what happens next!

I received an arc via Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first book by Helena Hunting and I wish I had read one before. She is a gifted story teller! This book has great characters, is so easy to read and I really enjoyed it. It's the second book in a series about three sisters. This is London's story. She meets Jackson for the first time while having dinner with her sisters. It's a sweet, emotional story with the usual twists and turns to keep it interesting. I highly recommend this author and this book!

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What a wonderful and charming read from Helena Hunting, the second book in The Spark House series is a hit!

London Spark is coming off a failed relationship, the last thing she needs is another man in her life. But of course that’s exactly what happens, in comes Jackson Holt. The sparks fly between these two although not from the start, London wants nothing to do with him.

I loved London’s quirky personality, it seems to blend effortlessly with Jackson. And, don’t get me started on their sexy times, their chemistry is off the charts hot. With lot’s of laughs and some sweet feel good moments, I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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This was a great second installment in a series. I enjoyed the characters and the continuation of learning about family. I thought the plot was fabulous and I would recommend to others.

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Das zweite Buch um die drei Spark-Schwestern ließ sich aufgrund des lockeren, angenehmen Schreibstils der Autorin gut lesen. Ich bin von Anfang an in einen guten Lesefluss gekommen und das änderte sich im Verlauf der Geschichte auch nicht.

Gut gefallen hat mir auch, dass man das Knistern zwischen den beiden Hauptfiguren sehr gut spüren konnte. Auch hatten ihre Dialoge eine gute Energie und fühlten sich natürlich an.

Das alles hört sich soweit ja sehr gut an, beim Lesen gab es für mich trotzdem ein paar Probleme mit der Geschichte. Primär war das, dass ich die Hauptcharaktere und auch die Nebencharaktere nicht so interessant fand, wie erhofft. Dadurch fiel es mir schwer zu ihnen eine gute Beziehung aufzubauen. Infolgedessen war mein Interesse an der sich entwickelnden Liebesgeschichte und auch der Beziehung zwischen den drei Schwestern eher mäßig stark ausgeprägt, was natürlich beim Lesen eines Liebesromans nicht ideal ist.

Eine Zeit lang habe ich die Bücher von Helena Hunting sehr gerne gelesen, mittlerweile funktionieren sie für mich als kurzweilige, ganz nette Unterhaltung meist noch recht gut, aber leider begeistern sie mich nicht mehr. 🖤🖤🖤1/4

Für wen?

Schaut in eine Leseprobe rein, wenn ihr diese mögt, könnte diese kurzweilige Liebesgeschichte gut für euch funktionieren.

Wer wie ich mit den letzten Büchern der Autorin Probleme hatte bzw. wessen sich Begeisterung sich in Grenzen hielt, kann das Buch lesen, es ist aber sicherlich keine Geschichte, dir ihr unbedingt lesen müsst.

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second book in the Spark House contemporary romance series. This one combines romance and humor in an engaging and fun story. London Spark has just broken up with her latest boyfriend and is out celebrating her single status with her sisters Avery and Harley. When an attractive man pays for their food and drink and slips her his number, she turns him down. A few months later, a multi-million-dollar company calls and asks for a meeting to learn more about Spark House, the event hotel owned and managed by the three sisters, and see if it would be a good addition to their network. During the meeting, the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in soon after London starts her presentation. She eventually realizes that he is the man she had rejected at the bar a few months ago.

London and Jackson are both well-developed characters with a lot of depth. Both also have flaws which make them seem even more realistic. The secondary characters have varying degrees of depth that is applicable for their roles in this story line.

The author provides a look at a love that blooms slowly between the two main characters. The prose is well-written, touching at times, and humorous at other times. There is a lot of focus on family, friendship, hard work, and communication with a few romantic scenes in the last third of the novel. While there is an immediate attraction, they maintain a more professional relationship until after an event where Jackson takes an active role rather than members of his team. This is a romance that takes time to develop and flourish. There are several other serious themes that play a role in this story as well. These include grief, work/life balance, lack of transparency, dreams, goals, loss of a relationship, and listening to others.

Overall, this was an entertaining, appealing, and delightful novel with some humor. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

St. Martin’s Press – St. Martin’s Griffin and Helena Hunting provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. This is my honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way. Publication date is currently set for May 10, 2022.

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This is book two (of a series of standalones) featuring the three Spark sisters who run a small specialty hotel...which caters to various types of events. It's been in the family for three generations and the sisters strive to keep it in the family, no matter how much it grows. And grow it does. This book features the middle sister, London. The one who is least comfortable with her role in the company. She wants to be more involved in the creative side of the business, but with only the three of them to do all the work, it gives her little time to do what she loves. No time for what she loves to do, let alone time for any sort of relationship, but that doesn't stop her from trying when she meets a handsome man who runs a company wanting to take on small 'green' businesses and help them grow. With London being in charge of the business/administrative end of things, she's the liaison for their hotel to work with this new company, and the boss takes a keen interest in her, taking a more hands on approach than he's ever had before. The characters are perfect for each other. He is confidant and generous and patient. She has doubts, is stressed out and running on fumes. Ying and yang. There are some sweet moments, some teary eye moments, some swoony moments and of course, some sexy moments. ;) It's got some fun times but also a lot of stress inducing times. It's easy to read, and the story flows nicely. It alternates POVs. While each book is a stand alone (featuring a different sister) there may be some spoilers of book one if you haven't read that one yet.)

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.

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Starry Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second in a series of novels about the Spark sisters. This time London Spark is in the spotlight. London is working at Spark House, working behind the scenes with the financial end of the business and also designing the floral arrangements for events held there, which is her true passion. When she goes out for the first time in a long time, she turns down a man who just didn't seem to be her type. Later on, at a financial meeting with a green company who wants to partner with Spark House, the CEO of the company sits down, unexpectedly in the meeting and it's the same man she turned down at the bar, Jackson Holt. London is beside herself, will that turn down ruin any chance of working with his company?

As things progress, London and Jackson become very close and, well I don't want to ruin the book for anyone! This is a fast paced, enjoyable novel, as are all of Ms. Hunting's novels. Thank you to the author, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review. If you enjoy Hunting's novels, don't miss this one!

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These two had off-the-charts chemistry and it just smoldered forever! An immediate attraction that isn’t acted on and then once it could be, had to be delayed because, reasons. That just made it all the sweeter to resist, and then when it didn’t have to be denied anymore, it imploded and took them both down with it. And through it all, I just wanted to hug both of these characters all the time. They were both so genuine and thoughtful and kind, and it made me dislike almost all the other side characters because they weren’t as nice to them as they were. Except Harley and Mitchell, I really liked them because they were always on London and Jackson’s side. Anyhow, London and Jackson had their moments, but they just fit, they worked so wonderfully together, and they made me so happy that they worked things out and in a way that was perfect for them <3

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