Member Reviews

I absolutely adored When Sparks Fly, so I was super excited to receive this arc! What made it even better was that I completely forgot about the hobby horses!!! This made me laugh out loud again and brought me back to memories of googling this during the first book. This book has the perfect amount of build up, and I loved every minute of it. I cannot wait to see Harley’s happily ever after next!

Thank you St Martin Press for my early copy!

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These sisters, although family, are very close. As Spark House expands, their jobs are getting more hectic and the romance department is building up too. Can the sisters find balance? Can London find her happy place? Will raw emotions ruin everything?

Gosh I loved this book. It’s a slow build with no angst. It’s perfect and it always amazes me that Helena’s writing has me feeling like I’m a character watching from the sidelines. It’s definitely a must read!

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I am really bummed out that I’m not enjoying this series. I love Helena Hunting, but this series is not doing it for me. This story is technically dual POV; however, we only get Jackson’s POV for 6 of the 28 chapters. I would have liked to have more of his side. I also think the author missed some huge opportunities for character development. Both MC’s have tragic back stories, but I don’t think they are explored enough. I also found London to be very naïve. The last thing I’d like to mention is that even though she’s only a side character in this book, Avery is incredibly selfish. To the point of making her unlikeable. It wasn’t something I anticipated after getting to know Avery in the first book.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for inviting me to read an ARC of this book.

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London is having a night out with her sisters and trying to get over a recently failed relationship. She is determined to just focus on business for Spark House and not interested in the flirting from a man at a table nearby. Her sisters try to convince her he is looking at her, but she is in denial. When he asks her out, she turns him down.
Not long after, fate steps in when London is at a very important business meeting for an account she wants to land and low and behold, in walks Jackson Holt! Oh will this go when she realizes he's the guy she turned down at the bar. Let the fun begin!
This is an entertaining and easy read. I enjoy the sister bonding and business they are in. It's a slow burn romance that quickly turns steamy. It is a nice blend of humorous moments, touching moments and romance.

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Helena Hunting is one of my favorite authors. This books has eve I love about her writing. Make sure you one click this one on release day!

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I received this ARC for an honest review. I really enjoyed this story. I finished it in one day!
This story is about London and Jackson. This is the second book about the Spark sisters. They inherited Spark House which is a hotel that runs events from team building to anniversaries. Even though you can read this as a stand a lone, I highly suggest to read When Sparks Fly. Spark house tries to be as Green as possible which is why it caught the attention of Holt Media who is owned by Jackson Holt.
They first met at a restaurant just after London just broke up with someone. Jackson paid for the sister’s bill and then walked over to talk to London. They never exchanged names, but London turned him down. She thought he was very good looking, but she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to date anyone. London didn’t realize the gentleman, who asked her out, was Jackson Holt from Holt Media until the meeting with Holt Media. I’m going to stop here because I don’t want to spoil what comes next.
I highly recommend reading this story. I love Helena Hunting’s stories because her characters are always multidimensional.

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I absolutely loved this follow up to the book " When Sparks Fly"! This story concentrated mostly on London, the middle sister. Between helping with Spark House and running her Etsy store, London isn't looking for love but love still finds her in gorgeous mogul Jackson. A fun story of falling in love and her coming to terms with there is more to life than work. I love the sisters and can't wait for book 3, hopefully!

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second installment of the Spark House series by Helena Hunting.

When London Spark first meets Jackson Holt, he has a 2-week old beard and is wearing a recycle t-shirt. He pays for the three sisters' drinks and trys to give her his number, but she is not interested. The second time London meets Jackson, she realizes he is the CEO of a multi-million-dollar company with whom she is trying to get a sponsorship with.

As they begin to spend more time together, their working relationship crosses into something more, even though neither is willing it admit it. Can these two keep their hands off each other while working together? And what about after the work commitments are finished, can they become something more? Or will everything become too much to keep a handle on?

London and Jackson seem perfect together. They are both so considerate, compassionate and they are even both very well spoken! She knows her stuff, including what is required to run Spark House (despite her constantly second guessing herself) as does Jackson (obviously if he can run a very successful company). They just seem to complete each other, you know?

I probably enjoyed this one more than the first in the series, however I must admit I did find Avery rather annoying in this installment because she seemed rather bossy and stubborn. In general, it was a cute and quick read. Although, I probably could have done without quite so much business talk. Could likely be read as a stand alone, if you so choose.

Overall, 3.5 / 5 stars, rounded up to 4.

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I loved this book. I can so see it as a movie. Jackson just oozed charm, sex, and confidence. It was fun watching London go toe to toe with him. Great chemistry. Who should we cast?

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I really enjoyed London and Jackson and their first meeting in the bar, when she had no idea who he was. They had instant chemistry, but the timing wasn’t right. I love the idea of Spark House and the sisters working together. They have a great business that is growing fast. It was so frustrating how stubborn Avery was about not hiring extra help. They were putting all of their time and energy into the business, with nothing left for themselves. I was anxious for that to come to a head and get resolved. The relationship between Jackson and London grew slowly, due to working together, but I really enjoyed it that way. It built the tension to max levels, so when they finally got together, sparks were flying. I liked the way their story unfolded and how they handled any issues that came up. I look forward to Harley’s story next.

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This woman cannot write a bad book. Honestly, if you pick any of the titles you won't be disappointed!!! And Starry-Eyed Love was one of those books.

The story was a slow burn romance and I think I outgrew them a while back, but Helena managed to keep me engaged the whole way through. I absolutely loved London and her character's development. It was amazing that the story was not purely focused on the main couple but also cultivated secondary plotlines that enriched the characters that much more. The struggles that London faced with her sisters and the family business was raw and felt like real life, not just fiction. London's internal turmoil, the sacrifices she had to make and the courage she found to fight for what she wanted (be it in her romantic relationship or her career) felt too real.

And I love how both London and Jackson started opening up, sharing themselves with each other, building a strong foundation that could make a relationship work.

I was also extremely grateful that the 'conflict' was handled the way it was. I wish I could expand on this but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. You just have to read the book.

All in all, This was a sweet and very enjoyable story, that had just the right amount of angst to make it even better. And I love that the sisters' relationship was like another character, it was so powerful.

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Starry-Eyed Love is a fun rom-com read. This is book two but can be read a stand alone but you will want to go back and read Avery’s story, London Spark along with her sisters Avery and Harley run their family’s event hotel the Spark House. Jackson Holt owns and is CEO of a multi million dollar company. His company want to go into a partnership with the Spark House. As time goes on their working relationship evolves into a romantic relationship with a few misunderstandings and bumps along the way. I enjoyed this book very much. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the E-ARC. This is my own opinion.

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Cute rom-com with likeable characters and of course a Cinderella vibe. Great quick read for travel or vacation, or just some positive vibes on the weekend.

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I loved Book One in the Spark House Series When Sparks Fly!
Starry-Eyed Love by the amazing Helena Hunting was just as fabulous as the first one.
Much thanks to St. Martin's Griffin, for the widget in was able to read book two.

The Spark Sisters are funny, sweet, independent and trying to find love.
London I absolutely loved her character in this book.
And with vivid descriptions it was honestly like watching it unfold before my eyes.
The characters had me hooked from the first page.
The chemistry was there and I enjoyed the build up. 
I can never get enough of Helena’s words.
And will read anything this lady writes.
I read this book in three sittings, its that good.
If you read When Sparks Fly and enjoyed it... You'll love this one more!
I can't wait for book three, hopefully there is a third....

St. Martin's Griffin,
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!
I will post my review closer to pub date.

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I'm terribly sorry for the poor review, but I cannot finish this book. I've struggled through to the 25% point, and I quit.

If this book is funny or romantic... when does that part start?

On what strange planet is it considered fun to read a book that is so full of business plan minutiae that it makes you feel like you're still at the office reading the darn thing? I signed up for a romance, not a business handbook! I've sat through her business goals, corporate plans, the small details of planning an upcoming charity auction and the description of the property grounds. Blah, blah, blah... Is there ever going to be any story?

Oh... they do like a good charcuterie board now and then. No variety there either unfortunately. And they also like some really great corporate jargon that set my teeth on edge. Teamology?! Ugh.

I'm not trying to be mean, truly. But this book is not worth reading- so far at least. An editor should have politely told the author to cut out all of the unnecessary detail that no one cares about and get down to writing the story.

I basically have no opinion about the H because he's barely said anything of substance, and the h seems like a neurotic mess. I'll pass on the rest of this. My sincere apologies to the author, but I know you can do better than this.

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is a fantastic sisterly tale about Avery, London, and Harley Spark. They own and operate The Spark House in Denver, Colorado. The first introduction to the Spark family in When Sparks Fly, published in September 2021. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it.

Starry-Eyed Love is about London Spark; she was at a local pub celebrating with her sisters on her recent breakup when a man paid their bill and asked her out. She lied about being in a relationship. Months later, she happens to be in an important meeting when she meets the man again, Jackson Holt, CEO of Holt Media. With Spark House gaining popularity, Avery's wedding, and London's Esty side business, things get a little hairy, and the sister's struggle to maintain it all. Not to mention a hot CEO who not only has a business interest but perhaps a romantic one as well.

I loved this story; it was relatable, honest, and a slow build without angst. The writing is impeccable, and I didn't want it to end. I hope that Helene will write Harley's story soon.

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Book two in the Spark House series - is really great. The backdrop of the sisters and their business takes a back seat to the love story of London and Jackson. Their chemistry is felt from the moment they meet. You’ll smile and laugh and want this kind of relationship for yourself. Thanks Netgalley for the ARC. Preorder as soon as you can!

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I enjoyed this story. It's a quick, lighthearted, and fun read. The main characters are both great, and I was rooting for them to be together the entire book. I loved how genuine the romance between Jackson and London felt. It was nice to see them take the time to get to know each other while trying their best to ignore the obvious attraction between them. I liked that Jackson was extremely supportive of London as she tried to navigate things with her family and career. The only thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the miscommunication towards the end, but that didn't take away from me caring about London and Jackson's relationship or the Spark sisters and their family business. I think Helena Hunting did a great job in giving all of the characters a personality. London was an extremely relatable, realistic main character, and I couldn't help but hope everything worked out for her. This is the first book in the series that I have read so I appreciated that you get to see the other Spark sisters, Harley and Avery , and I look forward to reading Harley's story.

3.5 stars

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“… It seems we’ve both had curveballs thrown at us. Like recognizes like sometimes, I think.”

Starry-Eyed Love is a charming, effervescent, breath of fresh air. It’s the kind of book to read if you want to be wooed… by both its romance and by its humor.

Fresh out of a lackluster relationship, London Spark wants a break from dating, and figures she should probably focus more on her work at the Spark House, the hotel she runs with her two sisters. Which is why she politely turns down the incredibly handsome, super-forward man who approaches her at a bar. Things get awkward a few months later, however, when London finds herself in the same room with the handsome stranger, who happens to be the CEO of a company looking to partner with the Spark house for an event. That means that the enticing Jackson Holt must stay firmly in the client zone. Until the event is over, that is. Then all bets are off.

Starry-Eyed Love brings readers all of the delightful hallmarks that make a Helena Hunting book a Helena Hunting book. There’s hilarious, razor-sharp dialogue that will make you laugh and blush and smirk all at the same time. There’s impeccable world building filled with brilliantly sketched characters. (Plus a few fun cameos from Hunting’s Shacking Up series as an added bonus.) And there’s delicious, incendiary chemistry that explodes off the page like a firecracker.

Beyond their romantic connection, I also thoroughly enjoyed the friendship dynamic between London and Jackson, and how it constantly surprised me. The development of all iterations of their relationship and its accompanying conflicts felt very mature and realistic, whilst still embodying the elements of genre romance that I love. Also, London’s conflict and relationship with her sisters is one of the most deftly handled elements of the book. Hunting is an expert at creating stories where you can see yourself or parts of yourself in every single character.

If you’re looking for a slow-burn romance with a steamy payoff and lots of laughs, this book is going to tick all those boxes and then some.

Thank you to the author, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for generously providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is a contemporary romance. It's the second book from the Spark House series.

London Spark was the creative middle sister who worked at Spark House but also had an Etsy store. She had recently broken up with her boyfriend and had gone for a drink with Avery and Harley. There a guy flirted with her but she turned him down. Three months later Holt Media & Consulting was interesting in working with them. London was the one who went to the meeting and to her surprise, the CEO was Jackson Holt, the guy from the bar. At first, she was nervous he was going to ruin it for her. On the contrary, he was
happy to work with her. The next two months were incredible for the Spark House and her. The two of them were working perfectly together and started developing feelings. Unfortunately, the work overload was too much for her and a misunderstanding almost cost her happiness. In the end, she had to set some priorities and fix what was broken.

It's such a wonderful story, filled with cute romantic moments and some quite emotional ones. It's well-written and told by a dual pov. The plot is steady-paced but the romance evolves quickly. The chemistry between Jackson and London is unreal. They were the perfect fit from the beginning and their relationship came so naturally. I liked that the family vibe was strong here as well. I was happy that we got to know Harley a bit more here and see Avery's wedding. Those three girls are sibling goals. My favorite part was their first official date.

I loved reading this book and I will rate it with 4,5 stars.

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