Member Reviews

3.5 Stars - while I did find this book super cute I did feel like it was missing something, especially towards the end of the story. I felt like things wrapped up abruptly without much of an explanation. I also was not a fan of the way Avery was portrayed in this book and really ended up hating her which was tough because I LOVED her in book one, When Sparks Fly. Overall I did enjoy this story and thought the beginning of the book was fantastic and immediately pulled me in but I just wish there was more towards the end of the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review of Starry Eyed Love.

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This book wasn’t anything exceptional. It is a run of the mill romance with crazy exes and an environmentally conscience millionaire with a jet. I found myself bored and skimming through this bland premise and bland characters. I usually really enjoy Helena Hunting, but this one was a drag.

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I really enjoyed revisiting this setting and the three Spark sisters. London was such a great protagonist and I was rooting for her every step of the way throughout this story. I enjoyed the way that she and Jackson had a mismatched beginning, followed be a secret identity revealed and a forbidden romance with lots of forced proximity mixed in. I really enjoyed the tension between these two characters and the attraction that was blossoming between them despite their best efforts not to acknowledge it. While the main conflict of the story wasn’t my favorite, I did get swept in the story and invested in this romance as well as Spark sisters’ family run business. It was great to see how Avery and Harley were doing in this story. I’m eager to see what is next in store for Harley in the future! On a side note - I absolutely love this charming cover design, especially the origami stars! Now I want a tutorial so that I can make my own! 😉⭐️

Many thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book, all thoughts are my own.

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I knew that I was going to like this book by the time I finished the first chapter. I think I liked it almost as much as Jackson likes charcuterie boards.

In Starry-Eyed Love we get to hear London Sparks story of how she finds love while managing a budding career and the busy lives of her and her sisters. Enter Jackson, a cazillionaire who (without knowing) enters into a business arrangement with Spark House, London's family company. Did I mention that London and Jackson have met before where she turned him down? I didn't? Well now I did. Fast forward a couple of months, Jackson and London have to work together but they can't have any sort of relationship because of their companies. Tension ensues...

My opinions on the characters: I ended up really liking London, I thought she was very relatable and I took her side with a majority of things that ended up happening in the book. Jackson is a likable hero as well, I liked that he really cared about London and put her feelings first not just in their relationship, but he also pushed her to want more for herself with her career and to stick up for herself with her sisters. Now, this is the first Spark sister novel I have read, so I have nothing to compare it to, but Avery got on my nerves SO BAD. I suppose we did get some resolution in the end there so I can't be too mad but, girl, cmon. I LOVE Harley though, and will gladly read her book, pleaseee.

As a fan of Helena Hunting, I will say that this book was very different to her other books that I have read. This is your typical, traditional romance novel, not so much of a comedy, but there are a few comedic moments. Now the question you're all waiting for.... is it spicy?? Not really, maaaybe a 1/5. I would definitely recommend her "Pucked" series if you want more of that. But if you want a cute, quick read, pick this one up!!

**Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for sending me the arc!!

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Starry-Eyed Love is London's story in Helena Hunting's series about three sisters and their family hotel. She is a very relatable character, charming and kind but also a ball of stress because she takes on too much and has trouble saying no. Jackson, the savvy millionaire businessman, adds to opposite spectrum of London's Cinderella story: she brings the down-to-earth relatability, he brings the fantasy. It's a fun book to read when you're in the mood for a swept-away, insta-love type of romance, with a good dose of angst. I'm looking forward to Haley's story!

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This is a great book for when you want a sweet, slow-burn romance that just so happens to have a sexy billionaire MC!

This book was very cute. I honestly didn't know it was part of a series with When Sparks Fly being the first book, but when I found out, I was super excited to see another one of the Spark sister's get their HEA! Jackson was my absolute favorite, he's a billionaire but was also super compassionate and trusting! Excellent book boyfriend material👌 I also loved how London had an Etsy shop, I would LOVE to actually see what she sold!!

I can't wait for Henley's book!😍

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the earc in return for an honest review.

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I received this book complimentary from NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

Oh, I was waiting for this. I should have reread Avery and Declan’s story before delving into London and Jackson’s but this was good. I really love the Spark sisters and the plot. It was well-written and fun. Definitely some agonizing moments but overall a quick fun read.

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Loved London & Jackson's story! This could have easily become a silly Pretty Woman type book, but it was a very believable premise and had a lot of heart! I was definitely pulling for these two and loved the character of London with her loveable quirks. Sweetly satisfying love story.

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I loved Helena Hunting's "When Sparks Fly" and like that book I finished "Starry-Eyed Love" in a day. I love Hunting's characters. She makes them so vulnerable and realistic. London Spark and Jackson Holt were delightful and the plot moved quickly. I cannot wait to see what Hunting does with Hayley's love life, but for now, I highly recommend this heartwarming romance.

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Well Helena Hunting has done it again. This year is definitely my year to read all her backlog, and this one was exactly what I wanted.

I loved going back into Spark House and being with the Spark Sisters again! Can I just say the beginning of this book?!?! I loved the first interaction with London and Jackson. I love that they understood each other and couldn’t stop spending time together while trying to keep it professional. I will say, I knew exactly what the conflict would be, and didn’t always like that London didn’t know where she stood. But I love the relationship the sisters have, and that they always know they have each other and can own up to their own mistakes. I read this in one day and I cannot wait for Harley’s story!!

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Solid 4 stars!

The meat and bones of this story is about three sisters running a small family hotel/event space and Jackson the CEO of a green partnership company who is basically perfect and rich enough he has people who turns his lights off if he forgets. What do you know - sparks fly between him and London.

I would have enjoyed seeing their relationship bloom some outside of the work setting, and Jackson seemed a little controlling or stilted for me personally.

But the two of them are great together and the book especially shines the last third with the conflict and resolution. You really start to love London then and root for her.

Helena Hunting fans will not be disappointed.

Thank you St. Martin’s Griffin for the eARC!

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London and Jackson are hands down the cutest! Loved slow build up! Sweet and funny read. Highly recommend this to anyone who wants to feel good!

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Starry-Eyed Love is another delightful, fun, contemporary romance winner from Helena Hunting . In fact, I'll go as far to say that if you've enjoyed Helena Hunting's writing in the past, I guarantee that you'll adore this book.
London is a wonderful lead character and Jackson is also complex and well-written.
This book is filled with funny moments and engagingly flawed characters. Basically what I’m saying is such a great read from a great author!

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press & Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Devoured this story in one day! Jackson will have you swooning, and London will have you cheering her on as these two try to work together and keep their feelings out of the equation! 5 starry stars for this one!
London, fresh out of relationship she saw going no where, is hit on by one Jackson Holt. She's not ready for this yet so she flat out turns him down! Fast forward and their company, The Spark House is approached for a meeting with Holt Media, the sisters send London in prepped for the meeting, this will open up so many doors for them. When presenting at the meeting, Jackson walks in, and London knows he looks familiar, but isn't sure from where, when it hits her, she turned him down, well this should make this meeting interesting!
Jackson can't believe his eyes when he walks by the meeting room and spots the one girl that turned him down. He decides to sit in on the meeting and he's even more taken with her after this. He likes her a lot, but he needs to keep this one business as usual, but there is just something about her that he can't let go.
Can these two keep their relationship strictly business? Grab this one and find out! I love this series by Helena, and this one didn't disappoint!

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An unforgettable love story! Jackson and London are so dreamy! I’m in love with the Sparks and the whole extended universe that HH has created. I can’t wait to read more books about Spark House.

I’d read anything of Helena’s. If she wrote weather reports, I’d read them. But I’m so glad that she writes romance!

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced readers' copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Starry Eyed Love was a cute, fun, and quick read by Helena Hunting. I have enjoyed many of Hunting's books over the years and this is the second in the Spark House series. I can honestly say I enjoyed this book more than When Sparks Fly. 
I think Helena did a great job giving each sister a unique personality, and especially London. I felt like London's character was authentic and definitely not far-fetched in her reactions, and I enjoyed that she didn't just swoon for Jackson. The story moved at a good pace, I did not feel like the relationship was crammed down my throat and I loved the way that London and Jackson's relationship develops. 
What I really appreciated was the way that London handled the auction in New York. She didn't scream, she maturely looked at the situation from the other woman's perspective, and did what she needed to do at the time. 
I did get pretty frustrated with Avery in this book, her book wasn't my favorite, but she was so selfish and would not reason with her sisters when they cried for help. Even with the ending, this book made me hugely dislike Avery. 
I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read Harley's book.

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(3.8 Stars)
London Spark meets her match in Jackson Holt when he makes a deal she can’t resist. London owns Spark House with her sisters. When a deal to work with Holt Media she never imagined the hottie from the bar would be their CEO! Can they find a happy medium between work & play? See the inner runnings of a family run hotel. This is the second book in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. A little on the slower side for me but still entertaining. If you enjoy quirky characters with an easy & sweet storyline you will love this romance. Told in dual POV

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

So cute. Loved reading London and Jackson’s story. Things didn’t go exactly how I thought they would but I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed this story.

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