Member Reviews

I will probably be in the minority here, but I just couldn't love this, it's fun, a little over the top and a little romance with likeable cute characters everything that a contemporary romance reader and it will tick all of the boxes for any other reader and yet I couldn't get into.
It felt as though there was something missing, I can't explain what but something missing. There was passion and chemistry, laughter and fun and yet it didn't quite hit the mark which is very disappointing, maybe it's just me and when I read it I wasn't in the right mood for this story at the time? Who knows, I really wanted to love it, it honestly had all the ingredients I usually love about this genre, but it felt a little off to me.
It's a real shame, but it won't put me off reading more about this author though.

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This was charming, with Gilmore Girls meets Hallmark movie meets typical billionaire romance vibes. Would recommend for poolside or picnic-side reading. It's light and fluffy, though I found the third act conflict to be overwrought and a little absurd.

Reading this made me want to read the first book about this sister trio, however, and I hope to read the inevitable book about the third sister, too!

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This book was SO much better than the first in the series - I ver nearly didn’t read it because I was so disappointed with Avery’s book. However, London was much more likable than Avery (something that continued in this book!). It was better written and the plot was more fully formed than the previous. I’d recommend this to friends!

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After a recent breakup, London Spark threw herself into Spark House, the boutique hotel she and her sisters Avery and Harley owned and operated. In an effort to attract new business, the sisters decided to become more eco-friendly, and towards that end, wanted to involve larger corporations as sponsors. London was presenting a pitch to a new organization, and to everyone’s surprise, the CEO, Jackson Holt, sat in on her presentation and decided to become more involved with the event planned at Spark House.

Jackson Holt wasn’t used to being turned down, and when he saw the beautiful woman who had rejected him at the bar several months earlier standing in the conference room, he just had to see what was going on. As Jackson believed in sustainability and curtailing waste, he decided to schedule an event at Spark House, in an effort to spend more time getting to know London. Soon he realized he had made an error, that becoming involved with London during the planning of the event was mixing business with his personal life, so he quickly backed off from anything romantic.

This second book in the series is easily read as a stand-alone, as the past is referenced so the reader is aware of the sisters’ circumstances. The Spark sisters might argue between themselves, but they present a united front to the world. The characters are well-developed and realistic, and I loved the loyalty and close bond of the sisters. This is a fun book to read, and I enjoyed the descriptions of the Spark House events, both the glamour of the event itself and the hard work behind the scenes.

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I’m trying to catch up on my NetGalley reviews that I’m behind on, and I’m starting with this one.

I’m going to keep it simple: I’m calling it quits on Helena Hunting books now. I think this is the fifth of her books I’ve read and I’ve only really enjoyed one of them 😅.

I think this book was slightly better than the first in the series, When Sparks Fly. I found I didn’t really care about the two MCs and then there was very out of left field, third act sister drama that was unnecessary and just put me over the edge on my decision.

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This is the second book in the Spark House series, but can be read as a standalone. Following the developing romance between down-to-earth London and multimillionaire CEO Jackson, this is quick and fun read. Pick this one up if you’re looking for a charming contemporary romance with a bit of humor.

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Helena Hunting writes stories that just warm my heart, make me laugh, and feel joy all at once. This was a simple story that used a trope I am mush for: a millionaire sweeps the girl off her feet. Every character had heart and it was nice to revisit the Spark House world again. I am looking forward to the next book!

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Helena Hunting does it again! I loved Jackson and London’s story so much. It was coworkers to lovers and I just loved how they grew together. The book had little tidbits From previous books so it was great to see characters from other series. I am so looking forward to the last book in this series!

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I loved this book so much. This is the second book in the Spark House series. This book was just as good as the first one! Helena Hunting is my go to author whenever I am looking for a good romance to read. I seriously love all her books.

I love the billionaire romance trope in this book. I haven’t read many from that trope, but it was so good! I enjoyed the romance between London and Jackson. It felt very real and believable. It is a slow burn romance, but it picks up in the end! I also really liked the bond between the sisters in this book. It reminded me of my own sisters. Overall, I thought it was such a good book and I loved continuing the series. If you’re looking for just a good and easy romance book to read, I highly recommend checking this series out!

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I freaking loved this book. What a beautiful and sweet story. I honestly have never gone wrong reading a book by Helena Hunting. I love the ways these characters developed together but also on their own.

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I think I need to take a break from Helena Hunting books. I really enjoyed her earliest books, but lately I find myself not enjoying her newest books. Something is missing. Don't know what, but something is. And don't get me started on the characters in the books. I don't like them at all. I find them irritating and annoying how they act with each other.

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I definitely like this one more than book 1, and it gave me total Shacking Up Series vibes. Which was kismet, because we get a guest appearance from the Mills boys! I loved that. I enjoyed the relationship between London & Jackson. This was a sloooow burn and I kind of wanted to shake both of them, but they finally got there! This was a cute read and I'm glad I picked it up.

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When I think of romance, I think of books just like this one, that gives all the feels and satisfies every romance junkies' heart. This is a perfect book to snuggle up with on any day.

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The 2nd book in the Spark House series (could definitely be read as a stand alone, but would spoil the first if you haven’t read it), is an easy, charming read.

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Starry-Eyed Love was exactly what my “end-of-school-year” brain needed- a good, well-written predictable rom com. I loved getting to learn more about London and her sisters. As someone with two sisters, I can relate to the complicated dynamics with that type of relationship. Looking forward to future books about the Sparks sisters.

Thank you to Helena Hunting, St. Martin’s Press, St. Martin’s Press-Griffin, and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This story was so sweet. It made me swoon and fall in love. It left me starry-eyed just as the title suggests. I loved every minute of reading it and the characters were so charming and genuine. I loved their journey and seeing their relationship grow throughout the story. I love this series so far and I can't wait to see what Helena has in store for us next.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the second book as much as I enjoyed the first one. London and Jack have a fun romance complicated by outside forces, outside forces they both have to contend with. It has Helena Hunting's witty dialogue, great character arcs, and spicy romance. It's one you might have a hard time putting down.

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I was so excited to continue on with this series! I'm a big fan of this author and the characters they have come up with. Helena has a great talent for including so many aspects into what ends up being a great romance book. I love the serious tones, the sisterly love, and all of the rest that came along.

The Spark sisters are so wonderful to follow. London may be my favorite so far, even though Avery was an excellent start to the series. Jackson made me have a smile on my face throughout the whole book.

I'm so happy to see there is another book coming out in this series. I'm sure it will be even more loved by me than the two before. I will be adding Helena Hunting as an auto buy author. I have to add this series always makes me want to visit Colorado, because the descriptions sound stunning.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second novel in Helena Hunting’s Spark House series. In this book, we get to read about London, one of the three sisters the series focuses on. I was pleasantly surprised by the first book, When Sparks Fly (review here), and I think I enjoyed this one even more!

Here’s the book’s description:
Having just broken up with her boyfriend, London Spark is not in the mood to be hit on. Especially not when she’s out celebrating her single status with her sisters. So when a very attractive man pays for their drinks and then slips her his number, she passes it right back to him with a ‘thanks, but no thanks’. As the business administrator for their family’s event hotel, the Spark House, London has more important things to worry about, like bringing in new clientele.
As luck would have it, a multi-million-dollar company calls a few months later asking for a meeting to discuss a potential partnership, and London is eager to prove to her sisters, and herself, that she can land this deal. Just when she thinks she has nailed her presentation, the company’s CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in and inserts himself into the meeting. Not only that, but he also happens to be the same guy she turned down at the bar a few months ago.
As they begin to spend more time together, their working relationship blossoms into something more. It isn’t until their professional entanglements are finally over, that London and Jackson are finally ready to take the next step in their relationship. But between Jackson’s secretive past and London’s struggle with her sisters, London must question where she really stands - not just with Jackson, but with the Spark House, too.
I think this romance came along for me just at the right time. It’s been a little while since I actually read it (school really gets in the way of writing blog reviews!) so, thinking back, I’m not sure exactly what it was that made me bump up the rating for this book to 4 stars. You know me though – I’m all about how a book made me feel vs how “good” it is. I was all in for this romance and the fact that I was completely invested made me really enjoy my reading time.

There was a lot of miscommunication in this book. Neither London nor Jackson really share how they’re feeling as they’re both worried the other might not want the same things. Plus, London was hiding SO MUCH from her sisters. They have such a close relationship, but this novel showed that they weren’t really talking to each other. How did neither of her sisters realize how beaten down London was getting?

I really liked the romance – miscommunication aside – between London and Jackson. Normally I hate reading about billionaire heroes because there’s always a serious power imbalance between him and the heroine and that makes me feel icky. But Jackson was a solid dude and you could tell he respected London and truly wanted her and her family business to succeed. They had time to get to know each other as they worked as business partners before finally giving into the romantic feelings they had for each other. I think that allowed for a more solid foundation of a relationship.

I’m definitely looking forward to book three in the Spark House series after enjoying Starry-Eyed Love so much. When Helena Hunting does romance right, she does it right and this series is a great one to dive into this summer.

*An egalley of this novel was provided by the publisher, St. Martin’s Press, via NetGalley in exchange for review consideration. All opinions are honest and my own.*

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What's not to love about a book when you get to meet a charming billionaire hero. A sassy smart creative heroine and characters that you can relate and understand.
Starry-eyed love was a sweet and sexy book. I loved the chemistry between Jackson and London and really enjoyed reading how thier story developed.
I also liked how the book tackles the topic of running a family business along with it. It was an interesting side story for me.
So in short it's a must read if you are looking for a sweet sexy swoony romance.

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