Member Reviews

4 stars

I love Helena Hunting and her books. This one was no different, London and Jackson were such a swoonworthy couple. London is such a hard working and kind character. I loved getting to know her more and Jackson is just so well written. I loved getting to read their story and the oragami stars... *heart eyes* just really enjoyed the whole thing. I look forward to reading her next book!

Thanks Netgalley and St Martin's Griffin for an eARC of this in exchange for an honest review...

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Another great read in the Spark House series. I adored the first book in this series and couldn’t wait to jump into London’s story. She was such a force in the first book, and a character I wanted to read more about.

When London and Jackson meet at a bar, she is not in the mood to be hit on and shuts him down thinking she’ll never see him again. She’s shocked to come face to face with him several months later as the CEO of a company that could change everything for Spark House’s business. Jackson insists on working with London directly on the project between their companies, and their attraction quickly escalates from there. While I really loved London in the first book, I was a bit surprised by her choices at times. She seemed like such a confident character, but had quite a lot of self-doubt which wasn’t consistent with how I initially pictured her. Having that disconnect made it difficult for me to get into this story at first but by the end I really loved the relationship between London and Jackson. Now, I’ll just be impatiently waiting to read Harley’s story.

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I love this series, The Spark sisters have overcome a lot in their life, and one by one all their dreams are coming true. This is London's story, after a breakup she is on the mend. She puts herself into her work and is determined to fulfill her dreams while she helps with the family business.

This story has all the feels i laughed, became mad, and cried. I really enjoyed it.

** i received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**

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Loved this second book. I thought that London was a great character as was Jackson. This book was steady in the characters' relationship and though it did have some good drama as the climax it all resolved itself for the better. Both of the protagonists had significant growth and were funny and quirky which made the storyline move quickly. I can't wait to read the third book. It's gonna be good!

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Starry-Eyed Love was a funny and enjoyable quick read. A little steamy, sweet romance, fun characters and a relatable main character made for a nice little escape. The dating a billionaire thing is really not my favorite trope, but I found this book to be enjoyable if not a little forgettable. I would still recommend it to all my romance loving friends.

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I'm so glad I was able to go right into this one after finishing When Sparks Fly. London is such a fun character and it was nice getting to see her let her hair down a bit. I thought the meet cute between London and Jackson was a nice little start to the story. Jackson is a bit Christian Grey minus the red room. I thought he was a good balance to London and enjoyed their romance.

I'm bummed I'll have to wait six months until the next Spark House book but I know it'll be a good one! I definitely recommend the audiobook format if you have the option for these.

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SOOOO cute. I love a billionaire (rich person) and "normal" person romance - so fun! This was great & very swoony. Great chemistry. Can't wait for book 3!

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Starry Eyed Love is the second book by Helena Hunting about the three sisters who run Spark House. This is London's book, the origami star-maker, queen of the wildly creative centerpieces, and maven of her Etsy store. London is a bit of a square peg in a round hole; she's operating outside her passion because her love for her sisters far outweighs her desire to seek fulfillment through her crafting. And she is excelling because that is who London is, attention detailed and willing to do the work to make Spark House look the best.

We first saw her meet Jackson at the end of Sparks Fly when he asked her on a date, and she turned him down. She didn't know who he was and now she's found out, much to her surprise. They are drawn to each other but resist because of the working relationship; their story is a tantalizing slow burn that leaves you in a cold sweat. What makes it even sweeter is they like and respect each other, and as they get to know each other, the tension only increases. Oh, but where would we be without some angst? And we get angst. There is tension and angst from Avery from Sparks Fly as she prepares for her wedding and somewhat bullies her two sisters trying to keep up. Then there is some angst from those in Jackson's world. It's all well written and not overwrought with a delicious make-up scene and even better HEA. I cannot wait to read the final story about the third sister; she's bubbly, feisty, and a great cook! What will her HEA look like?

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The second book in the Spark House sisters series follows, London, as she begins a working relationship with Holt Media only to discover that Jackson Holt was the same man who she shot down at the bar a few months ago. I love the dynamics of the sisters in this series as they navigate being business owners, family, and relationships. It was a sweet story and I loved the strong women characters.

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Thank you to NetGalley, St Martin’s Press and Helena Hunting for the free e-book in exchange for an honest review.

I love the Spark sisters and I was so excited to see another novel coming out that I had to have it. This one didn’t disappoint! I like that we still get a fair bit of the three sisters relationship with one another, but also lots of romance and swoon moments. Who doesn’t love an almost forbidden romance between two amazing people! It’s fast paced and so sweet - you need this !

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***3 Stars***

I really liked the first book in the series, really liked it, and was looking forward to the next in series, but this one didn’t grab a hold of me like I wanted it to. I liked both London and Jackson well enough, but it was just hard for me to truly get into their relationship, though I did like them together once they were together. The drama towards the end, one I saw coming and I gotta admit that it actually had me re-evaluating how I felt about a character I actually adored. The other bit of drama…I got it, but it was a bit OTT for me, or at least where my head is at with that kind of drama at the moment.

Regardless of how this book hit me, I’m still looking forward to Harley’s book and seeing who she ends up with and how all the relationships are doing.

~ Copy provided by NetGalley & voluntarily reviewed ~

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OK this is what I’m talking about. I wasn’t a huge fan of book 1 but this one - this one is for the win.

I absolutely loved London and Jackson. She was such a great sister. She devoted her time to their business despite it not being her dream job. Her love for her sisters is something to strive to achieve. The way she was spread thin was hard to read, but I loved the way she stood up for herself when the time came for it. Now let’s talk about Jackson for a bit. I loved him from the beginning. He was charming and funny, and was so infatuated with London. But the more time they spent together I could just feel he wasn’t completely honest with her. And here's where it got a bit tricky for me. When the whole truth blew up in his face, I was so angry with him.
I could understand how he reasoned his actions but still… if this was real life and I was in her shoes I don’t think I could forget about it. But fortunately, this is all fiction and I could appreciate how the ending turned out. He did love her and wanted nothing more than to stand in her presence and let her shine.

Now I’m ready to see who will catch the eye of the youngest sister. I have a feeling Helena Hunting is saving the best for last.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***

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I really enjoyed London story! Her and Jackson has great chemistry, and I like how they evolved. Avery got on my nerves a bit, but another great book in the series!

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The sweet, HEA read I needed in my life! Starry-Eyed Love follows middle sister London Spark, of the Spark House sisters. She is the creative of the three and she manages the business side of their boutique hotel and event center. Like her sister Harley, the two have given their all to Spark House and followed in their eldest sister, Avery's, lead to maintain the family business. They're stretched thin though and when a man that just might sweep London off her feet enters her life, she has to figure out how to do it all.

Angst. Romance. Humor. Helena Hunting continues on the fun from Spark House #1, When Sparks Fly, with this charming story about mixing business with pleasure and how the stars align. I really enjoyed Starry-Eyed Love, it was the escape read I needed that felt good every single page. Sure, it's dramatic, I teared up, but you know what you're going to get in the end and it's the journey that makes it so fun. Helena captures the stressors of siblings and working relationships so perfectly, but even more so she captures the heightened drama and butterflies of that big, one true love. I loved London interacting with her sisters and I fell head over heels for her and Jackson as they stumbled through love together.

Starry-Eyed Love is a spectacular second in a series novel and a standalone that will have you smiling and feeling the butterflies of love, too.

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Starry-Eyed Love by Helena Hunting is the second in the Spark House series. The series focuses on the three Spark sisters with each one getting a book. The first book focused on Avery and Declan, this one has London and Jackson, the final will have Harley as the main character. I enjoyed the first story immensely and Starry-Eyed Love was even better: I can't wait for the third. London works in her family's hotel/event center and Jackson's incredibly successful company approaches Spark House for a collaboration. London realizes that the two of them have met before and it makes for an awkward situation. They have crazy chemistry, but due to them working together it's not possible for them to date. The story flows really well, and due to it being part of a series there is plenty of backstory on the characters.

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This is the second in the series and it only gets better learning more about the Spark sisters and Spark House. London and Jackson have such great chemistry and I devoured this book. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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This is the second book in a series but is fine to read as a standalone. I loved that this book is about a strong independent businesswoman. London’s company partners with another company and she is stunned when she meets the CEO. He is the man she recently turned down in a bar. These two characters are great together and the secondary characters are also interesting. I enjoyed this storyline that highlights woman in business. I’m looking forward to the next book in this series.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in the Spark House series by Helena Hunting. I love Helena and her books and Jackson Holt is one of my favorite heroes of hers. (And let's be serious, that's saying a lot!) The first time London meets Jackson is in a bar when he hits on her. She declines his number since she just got out of relationship. The second time she meets him, she’s giving a presentation to his company and realizes he’s the billionaire CEO. Yikes! All of a sudden he wants to be involved in business at a level he never has been before. Jackson never thought he’d see the gorgeous blonde again, but he can’t believe his luck. Now he’s working with her and helping her make business connections. He believes in her family business and wants her to succeed. Only now he can’t date her until his involvement is over. It's two months of hell. But fun and exciting. He introduces her to people, spends time chatting with her, texting her and finding reasons to be in Colorado. London is having a hard time balancing the business at Spark House and doing what she loves, her Etsy store creations. And spending time with Jackson is getting to be one of her favorite things. She can’t get a read on him all the time, but when he finally admits he wants to date her as soon as the auction they are working on together is over, he’s not kidding. At the end of the night he asks her out and gives her the best kiss of her life. Their chemistry was off the charts before, now it’s just fire! They can deal with the long distance, but when his past comes up London isn’t sure she can trust him. Will Jackson be able to convince her to give him another chance? Oh boy! I really loved London and Jackson. London is so talented and funny and smart. She’s doing things that don’t come naturally to her for her sisters and the business but she loves them that much. Jackson is sexy and fun and swoony! He treats her as an equal and says the most meaningful and sweet things to her. Overall, I laughed, cried, cheered and smiled a lot! I enjoyed it more than the first book! I loved seeing Linc and Griffin again too! Looking forward to Harley’s story.

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This is the second book in the Spark House series and it was just as fun as the first! This is one of those companion series where you don’t need to read them in order or even all of the books, but it’s better if you do.

London runs Spark House with her sisters, Avery and Harley, and has just broken up with her boyfriend when Jackson Holt asks her out. She declines and they go their separate ways. A few months later they meet again and end up working together. London and Jackson still have feelings for each other and this becomes a sweet, slow burn romance.

Besides focusing on the romance the story also focuses on the relationship the sisters have with each other. I flew through this one and it’s the perfect summer read!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A story with a old fashion feel with a current modern twist to it, Helena created the perfect slow burn love story. It’s hard not to get so caught up in a story with a man who falls hard for his lady, it’s one of them stories that makes you feel like it’s a friend of yours . Helena really makes you fall in love with her characters . It’s hard not to fall in love with Landon and Jackson . I can’t wait for book three of this series ..

The first two are the perfect summer reads !

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