Member Reviews

This book was a fun read that holds your attention from the first page until the last. It will make you laugh, cry and feel every emotion in between.
I received a complimentary copy from St. Martin's Press via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I was so happy to jump back into the world of the Spark sisters with London's story. Helena Hunting knocked it out of the park again. London is fresh off a breakup when she is hit on by a gorgeous man in a bar. Even though he is drop-dead gorgeous, she refuses his advances because she just wasn't ready. Little does she know she will be right back in front of the handsome man, but this time at his company, where she is promoting her family business. When she finds out he is the multi-millionaire Jackson Holt, her world takes one heck of a spin. It was so fun to get to know London and step back into the Spark family world and their family business. I loved this storyline and the characters. Definitely had some Pretty Woman vibes that I loved. Now I just have to wait for Harley's story to complete the family. Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for the eARC. I loved it. 5 stars.

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Actual rating: 3.5 stars

This story follows one of the Spark sisters, London, and what happens when fresh out of a break up, she gets hit on at the bar and turns down the cute mystery guy only to find out a few months later that he is the owner of the multi-million dollar company they are pitching the event hotel, Spark House, to for a charity event. Jackson doesn't seem like he is interested in a relationship and even though there seems to be a spark (pun intended), he turns down London's advances. But then flies her to New York to meet his friends as a business opportunity that really doesn't appear to be solely business.

This installment was a little harder for me to get through as it seemed like Jackson was just perfect and there wasn't much conflict. He thought of everything, had an answer for everything, and it was smooth sailing. When the conflict did arise, it was an all or nothing situation and was resolved quickly and again too perfectly. The plot itself was a little slow and it did take me almost a month to read and get through. I feel like this book painted out the sister from the first book, Avery, to be a total witch. She was wholly unlikeable in every scene she was in. I am hopeful and looking forward to Harvey's story (the youngest sister) and I think she may end up being my favorite sister.

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Helena Hunting can do no wrong in my eyes. When I first read the synopsis I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I'm obsessed with the trope of bad first impressions coming back to bite you in the butt. Our Lead London Sparks, is over men. Turning down men left and right. One sorry guy offers to pay for her drink and slips her his number for her to hand it back saying "no thanks"!!!
On top of all that, London is trying to prove to her family she can make it on her own. So when a multi-million dollar company calls to offer her a partnership, she jumps at the opportunity. On the day of her meeting, who walks in as the CEO of the company she is wishing to join forces with? None other than Mr. No Thanks.

This book is super sweet, and a really fun time. Perfect for sunning out at the beach, or cuddling on a rainy day. All of the characters were really thought out, and carry their story arc with humor and relatability. I'm excited to see what the rest of this series brings.

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Helena Hunting has me in love again with her second book in the Spark House series. It’s a slow burn workplace romance that has a funny meet cute before they realize they will be working together. London finally gets the healing her character needs after suffering the loss of her parents as a teen. Jackson is #mangoals billionaire, cares about the environment, loves to spoil his girl… oh and mossy green eyes. Hunting proves yet again why she’s a one-click buy the second she announces a book for me.

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"I'd hate for karma to pass judgement on me and get in the way of our future together, so I'm just going to hope I run into you again when you're single. Have a lovely night, ladies." he nods to my sisters and gives me one final lingering glance before he winks. "Thank you for existing."
And then he walks away.

That's how she meets Jackson Holt for the first time. He definitely took her breath away the first time. Now that she is meeting him in the real world, everything has turned upside down. He is handsome, charming and everything she should stay away from. Now, with an amazing work opportunity, they'll be spending way too much time together.

Jackson knew London was special all those months ago when he saw her across the bar. After getting shot down, he really didn't expect to see her again. But here she is. In his office. Apparently for a meeting with his assistant that he immediately invites himself to join. From there on, he knows he is hooked. Unfortunately, now that they are working together, he knows they can't have a personal relationship. Well, not yet anyway.

London and Jackson's chemistry is fantastic! I love the story and their journey to get to their happily ever after.

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I preferred the first one in this series. This one was a kind of coworkers to lovers/boss/employee trope book. The FMC spent a lot of time worrying about it up front and so did the guy which made me enjoy it less. I also thought the guy did too much up front (buying an apartment where she lives when she hasnt expressed interest yet?) its weird.

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I really enjoyed London and Jackson's romance. They started out with strong chemistry - even though due to working together they were avoiding that aspect. As their working relationship began to separate they got even stronger. I loved that Jackson was helping her make connections, but also wasn't trying to tell her how to do things.

My favorite aspect of the book is the three sisters. There is some turmoil for them in Starry-Eyed Love, but that turmoil makes them come out stronger. I also appreciated that London found her voice and advocated for her needs. You have to live your best life, and sometimes you have to fight for it.

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Starry Eyed love
By Helena Hunting

I loved and adored WHEN SPAKS FLY so I was really excited to read this second book of the Spark House Series, and did I love this oh so much!

Helena Hunting has always delivered in the romance genre and she is a go to auto-buy author for me for all things love, and the contemporary romance genre.

Starry Eyed Love is a billionaire romance between London Spark, one of the siblings that run the Spark House, a premier hotel/event space in Colorado Springs, and Jackson Holt, a media mogul known for his adaption of green earth friendly business. London wants to take Spark House to new heights and partnering with a multi-million dollar company may just be the answer, until a familiar face unsettles her – he is the same attractive man she turned down at the bar.

I just loved London and Jackson’s relationship arc, and how their relationship blossomed, in the most uplifting way. They both had each other to turn to, and despite them wanting to keep a professional relationship, it was clear their attraction and chemistry for each other is giving me butterflies all over.

Though Starry Eyed Love is a second book in the series, it worked well as a stand alone. I cannot wait for the next installment.

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4.25stars--STARRY-EYED LOVE is the second instalment in Helena Hunting’s contemporary, adult SPARK HOUSE romance series focusing on the Spark sisters: Avery, London and Harley. This is business and financial administrator, co-owner for the Spark House /Event hotel London Spark, and thirty-five year old, billionaire businessman CEO Jackson Holt’s story line. STARRY-EYED LOVE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (London and Jackson) STARRY-EYED LOVE follows the building romance and relationship between business and financial administrator, co-owner for the Spark House /Event hotel London Spark, and billionaire businessman CEO Jackson Holt. Several months earlier, following the break up of her most recent relationship, London spent the evening at a bar with her sisters where she would meet a stranger but with her break up still fresh in her mind, London rebuffed the handsome stranger never getting his name or details in the process. Several months would pass and a business opportunity for Spark House presents itself wherein London will come face to face with Jackson Holt, the CEO of Holt Media and Consulting, the man she met months before. Holt Media is hoping to liaison with Spark House for a business proposal, a proposal that will bring London and Jackson up close and personal but when London offers Jackson a second chance to take her out, our hero refuses, placing London on the sidelines with a potentially broken heart. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between London and Jackson, and the potential fall-out as Jackson’s past refuses to walk away, destroying London in the process.

Jackson Holt had no idea that London Spark would be the woman he met months before but working together meant the possiblity of a conflict of interest if either one pursued a romantic relationship together, therefore, Jackson had reluctantly set aside his need for London, a need upon which he knew was mutually wanted. London Spark was humiliated when Jackson rebuffed her romantic advance, and in this, London struggled going forward with Jackson Holt but the business opportunities afforded Spark House meant the potential for an enormous surge in bookings and popularity, if only the heart did not want something it could no longer have.

The relationship between Jackson and London is one of immediate attraction but London refused Jackson’s initial advances, and in the end, perhaps he wanted something she was unable to afford to give. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including London’s sisters Avery (Declan), and Harley. We are introduced to Jackson’s friends and business partners Trent, Lincoln and Griffin , as well as his assistant Mitchell, and Selene Angelis, Jackson’s social media and marketing advisor.

STARRY-EYED LOVE is a story of family, relationships, and acceptance; misunderstand and mistrust; romance, passion and love. The premise is captivating; the romance is seductive; the characters are strong-willed, determined and dynamic.





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London Spark, the second sister, is the focus of this book. She played the mediator between Avery and their younger sister Harley in the first book, and we see that being a peacekeeper is a role she plays in much of her life. Being averse to conflict means she doesn’t always stand up for herself. Additionally, she often puts other people first, setting aside her desires. I found her extremely relatable because of her personality. Her anxiety and her tendency to overprepare connected with me as well as her discomfort with conflict.

I thought Jackson was a positive influence on London’s life. I loved how he pushed her outside her comfort zone and continually encouraged her to do things she loved as well. He didn’t flaunt his b/millionaire status but was willing to use his reach to help her. Additionally, I appreciated his transparency about pursuing her, and it made me like him even more.

The romance was somewhat slow, which is explained by their complicated business and personal relationships, and the narration was good--I was sick so listened to the audiobook for most of it and switched back after I started feeling better. The book didn’t give me butterflies in my stomach like the first book’s friends-to-lovers romance with Avery and Declan. The conflicts were predictable; however, I didn't mind very much until the things that happen in the third act.

Pick up Starry-Eyed Love, if you’re a fan of Helena Hunting. If you’re looking for a straightforward romance with compatible leads, this one is a good choice. Stella Bloom and Jason Clarke are excellent narrators. I would recommend the audiobook as well if you’d prefer to listen to it. (3.5 stars rounded to 4 stars)

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I didn't realize this book was in a series and started here. I didn't adore this one as much as previous Helena Hunting books I've read, which was a pretty big let down. The title, cover and synopsis had me hooked, but I just didn't feel the starry-eyed spark, if I'm being honest. Maybe I wanted too much from it?

This could possibly have been a case of it's me, not the book. The slow burn, slow build up and anticipation might have lost me a bit, but. I didn't feel the raging chemistry from the main characters that I desperately wanted. The conflict in the book felt too cheesy and could have easily been solved with a simple conversation, so that lost a lot for me as well. I did enjoy the characters, they were sweet and lovable but I do think I got lost in the slow burn. Off to see if the other one in the series is better for me!

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Super cute characters that Author Helena Hunting has made to add your list of fav couples.
Told in dual POV, I liked how we get inside the heads of both characters.
This story was sweet and and quick read.
Cute romance to read.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the story of London and Jackson, and really, Jackson steals the show. He’s one of my more recent book boyfriends. He’s so sweet.

This book is a quick read. It’s the follow-up to When Sparks Fly, but I think it can be read as a stand-alone.

While the hero is an almost billionaire hottie that has a private jet and can get anything by simply asking, and the heroine is a 20-something that co-owns a super successful boutique hotel/event center with her sisters…. these characters were relatable. They had honest conversions. The tensions and struggles they went through felt realistic. They had real life experiences that we’ve all faced.

In Hunting’s recent books, she’s taken her spicy writing and added such an emotionally sweet depth to it. I found myself smiling with the characters, frustrated when they were frustrated, tense in particularly uncomfortable moments, and more. While I miss some of the spice of the Pucked and All In series, I find myself equally enjoying these sweeter, deeper, more meaningful stories… just don’t go into these with expectations of fire (except the play on words where London SPARK creates FIRE with her boo, Jackson).

I adored the relationship London has with her sisters, and equally, I enjoyed watching Jackson and his best friend Trent’s relationship shine. I came away wishing there was just a little, teensy bit MORE to the side characters. We didn’t get to know them, so I didn’t know who I could trust or who I should believe as the story unfolded, and therefore when the tension came to a head, it sort of fell a little flat for me, even though I WAS heartbroken on London’s behalf.

The reunion was sweet, and the happily ever after even sweeter.

This book gets 4 stars from me. There were some elements that were missing, but overall I enjoyed the story and consumed it quickly.

Rating: 4 stars

Note: I received an ARC of this book. These are my honest thoughts/feelings.

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This is the second book in the Spark House series about three sisters: Avery, London, and Harley.

This was a fun romance with more of a slow burn than I'm used to from Helena but nevertheless I enjoyed it! The relationship between Avery, London, and Harley is the perfect example of sisters who love each other while also sometimes annoying each other. It is one of my favorite parts of the series!
Jackson and London started off slow and through most of the book, keep things professional…until they don’t. Once they got together, I was so happy to see more of Jackson’s personality and feelings for London come out. Their chemistry really comes out in the second half of the book!

As always Helenas signature humor and steam make this a perfect summer read!

**𝑨𝒏 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓, 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑺𝒕. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒆𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘**

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Helena Hunting delivers a charming workplace romance with Starry-Eyed Love.

The second novel in her Spark House contemporary romance series finds middle sister and Spark House event hotel administrator London Spark navigating a working relationship and possible more with Jackson Holt, the CEO of a multi-million-dollar company with the power to rapidly increase Spark House's cliente and also the same man she turned down at a bar a few months ago because she wasn't ready to date after her latest break up. As their attraction starts to turn into more, London and Jackson will need to decide if they're ready to take the next step in their relationship after the project ends or go their separate ways.

I really enjoyed falling back into step with the Spark sisters, each one has such a unique and vibrant personality. I also enjoyed getting to know more about London and meeting Jackson. I appreciated how introspective they both were, it felt very authentic.

Helena Hunting did a wonderful job balancing the romance with the personal journeys for both London and Jackson. The family and business sides of London's personal journey were especially well done.

I look forward to seeing what Helena Hunting comes up with for the next Spark House novel.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Helena Hunting for the chance to read this digital review copy.

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“Starry-Eyed Love” by Helena Hunting, is an unputdownable witty romance. It’s the second book in the Spark House series. It works as a stand-along read - in fact this is my first read of the series, but it won’t be my last. [Insert giant sigh] This book is dreamy.

London Spark is a hard worker and a great person. She loves her family and will do anything for them, sometimes even to her own detriment. She is a strong person, much stronger than she realizes. She, along with her sisters, runs the family business. She also has a side-hustle doing something that she truly loves. Her life is full, or so she thought - insert Jackson, the handsome dreamboat.

Will London survive the stress of running a business, find the delicate balance of fulfilling her life’s purpose and find happiness with The One? Through instant explosive chemistry (sometimes making me blush), several difficulties and lots of laughter, Hunting hits all the feels.

Thank you to NetGalley, Helena Hunting and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. ❤️️

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4.5 stars

When I first requested this on NetGalley I hadn't realized it was the second book in a series. Luckily, I've read the first book When Sparks Fly and loved it so once I realized this was the second book in this series, I was even more excited to read it.

The sister dynamic in the book is still amazing. Of course, they fight like all siblings but the love and support for each other is unconditional. I loved getting to see these sisters again and see what kind of hardships they had to make it through this time.

The romance was so cute. I loved Jackson and London together. This was a slow burn romance and the whole time I was thinking just get together already. The banter was on point. I love a book with some good banter between characters. I will say I totally saw the conflict coming but that didn't take away from how much I enjoyed it. I applaud London on how she handled it though.

What caused me to dock a half a star was the repetitiveness about how her parents died and Jacksons. It was constantly brought up and it became annoying pretty quickly. They talk about their parents' death in the first book, so I didn't need to be constantly reminded about it in this book. I can understand mentioning it a few times throughout the book but as much as it was brought up in this book was totally unneeded.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and only had the one minor complaint about it. I can't wait to read the final sister's book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with and ecopy in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this story with the Spark sisters. This time we have London Spark, she recently has broken up with her boyfriend and is at a bar celebrating her new single status. Across the room she sees an extremely handsome man that is eying her. As the sisters try to pay for their bill, they find out the handsome man payed for it and then slips a piece of paper with his phone number to London. Handing it right back to him, London explains she’s not 8n the market for meeting someone.

London’s job at Spark House, the family owned event hotel, is to bring in new business clientele. A few months later, a multi million dollar company contacts her to discuss the possibility for a joint partnership. London is delighted for this chance to prove to her sisters that she can bring in more revenue to their hotel. As she gives her presentation to the board, the CEO, Jackson Holt, walks in and she realizes it’s the same man she met at the bar two months.

Working together with Jackson, is becoming her favorite part of her job. Even thou, he has told her that they can’t get involved while his company is working with Spark House. As London falls for Jackson by the day, she faces problems with what she wants for her future.
Can they have a future together?

This was a beautiful love story!

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Helena Hunting always hits the mark for me and this one is no exception! Not my absolute favorite of her books but still what a joy this book is!

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