Member Reviews

Fabulous book, definitely a beachy read. Love the cover and blurb but what really brought me to this book was the author.

What did I like? Swoon worthy book. Very little angst but a fun and delightful story. I love devouring books like this because they’re just so fun and flirty. It’s also the second in a series but easily a stand alone. A Cinderella type story who is swept away by a handsome prince. Five huge stars!

Would I recommend or buy? Definitely will be buying a copy! I really enjoyed the first book in this series as well. Romance done well. You won’t want to put it down!

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher to read and voluntarily left a review!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It is a very sweet story, well thought through and satisfying to read.. London is the middle one of three sisters, who took over the ownership and running of a boutique hotel , Spark House, when their grandmother decided to retire. Their parents died in a road accident when the girls were young, and they have clung together ever since. They are each responsible for different areas of the business, have made the hotel as green as they can, and have started to gain a reputation for excellence. One evening the girls go out to a bar together, and a good-looking man comes over to ask them to have a drink with him, although it is clear that his eye is on London. She turns him down. Months later they are contacted by a large company who have started a new initiative to work with green companies to help them achieve their goals and connect them with other like-minded companies. London goes to the interview with them, and discovers that their CEO, Jackson Holt is the man she had refused to have a drink with ages before.

And so begins their relationship. It blows a bit hot and cold at first because Jackson will not mix business and pleasure, so he needs to stand down from the business initiative so they can properly get together. In the meantime he arranges dinners and meeting that provide London with useful business contacts. Jackson lost both his parents to cancer when he was a young boy, so they have a lot in common. Theirs is a long-distance relationship and there are inevitably twist and turns, and a break-up before they can finally settle down to their happy-ever-after. A good read.

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This is London's story. When the sister's are out planning up coming events at Spark House and London's recent breakup with her boyfriend, a handsome stranger asks her out. She turns him down, much to both her and her sisters' surprise. While the girls are especially busy this summer, with Avery's wedding coming up, they team up with Holt media. While giving the presentation, none other than Jackson Holt walks in and London is shocked to learn that he is the man that she turned down in the bar.

This is fun story, with ups and downs that keep you reading until the end. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

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Whoa. Starry Eyed Love gives new meaning to a slow burn romance. I was beginning to wonder if they’d ever kiss. But no worries, Helena Hunting finally gives us readers what we want about 65% in. ⁣

I really like the dynamic between the sisters - one minute it’s all sisterly love and in the next, one or more of them annoy the other. It almost makes me wish I had sisters. Almost. ⁣

This is the second in the Spark House series. I enjoyed this book more than book 1 even with the extreme slow burn. Because it starts out with London and Jackson’s working together for a big event, much of the first half is spent on business matters with them secretly pining for the other. I found the details of the event planning interesting (although some may not). But once that is out of the way, their relationship really develops and sparks fly. ⁣

Starry-Eyed Love has a little something for everyone. It’s funny, charming, and has some angst/emotional moments in the second half. There is steam, but not as much as in her indie series. ⁣

And for fans of this author, there are Easter eggs from the Shacking Up series to be on the lookout for.

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London is out celebrating her new singleness with her sisters when an attractive man passes her his number. She is not in the mood for romance and passes it right back to him. She is more focused on bringing in new clients for their family business Spark House. When a few months later a multi-million-dollar company calls and asks for a meeting, London does not expect the same gentleman to walk into the meeting. Jackson, the CEO, develops a working relationship with London that begins to bloom into more.

I thought that Starry-Eyed Love was just as bingeable and fun as When Sparks Fly. I loved London, particularly her relationship with her sister Harley. I thought that Jackson came across as a jerk at first, especially since his money makes him a bit out of touch with how much things cost and how "normal" people live, but I think his character was developed well over the second half of the book.

I enjoyed Starry-Eyed Love even more than book one! I loved getting to see more of Spark House and the events that they put on. I hope we'll see even more Spark House in Harley's book. I have my fingers crossed that Harley's story will be a single parent romance since she wants a family so badly.

I'm glad that Avery's story came first, because I don't know that I'd want to read an entire book about her after the way she treats her sisters in Starry-Eyed Love. I'm hoping we see more growth from her in book three!

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Really loved this slow burn romance!

This book has such a great meet cute. I absolutely love meet cutes and I really like how this one worked out.

I also love books with workplace type romance and long distance because the long distance ones always have really good digital communication (texts/emails) and this one used Google docs too!

Actually now that I'm writing this review I realize this book also has the shared past experiences trope too. In this book it isn't a fun one but it definitely helps London and Jackson relate to each other.

I will admit the issues the sisters have with running their business kept me from loving this book more, but I really loved London and was glad that she knew what she wanted and needed in life.

Jackson overwhelmed me at times as the wealthy men usually do. But, he was really good for London and I loved that about him.

If you live for hot kisses then you'll love this book!

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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London is out celebrating being single after a bad break up. The last thing she wants is to be hit on by a guy. After refusing drinks and a pass by a guy, things go on. A few months later, a company calls wanting to discuss a business proposition with London's family hotel business. Jackson is the head of a multi-billion dollar company. He also turns out to be the guy that was hitting on London. The two end up in a hot and heavy relationship. London is questioning her place in her family and with Jackson's past their relationship.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley.

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I loved the first in this series and this one did not disappoint!

I loved having the sisters back together and into the same shenanigans. They're such a central part to the story and it always works!

And the romance was sexyyyy. We love a rich man and this dude did it. There was tension, steam and we were here for it!

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This is the second book in the series, but could stand on it's own.

I enjoyed this book, although not as much as the first one. This time around London Spark is the sister with her heart on the line, and it takes Jackson Holt - the CEO of one of their vendors - to help her find love.

The story was pretty predictable, and I would have enjoyed it more if there was less about the older sister's wedding. Whenever the story line switched away from London & Jackson, it just became boring, and at points enraging due to her sister's incredible selfishness. However, when the story had nothing to do with the wedding, it was very well done - the pacing was fast, but not too fast that you couldn't believe them falling for one another, and both characters grew in ways that made them better - both as a couple and separately in their individual lives. Those moments made up for the others, for sure.

Overall, the book is well worth the read as London & Jackson's relationship is a delight to watch blossom.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Starry-Eyed Love is the second installment within the Spark House series. In this, we follow Avery's sister, London, and watch her fall in love with Mr. Right. Now I really liked London and Jackson being together. From the very beginning, you could see a tiny spark being created but the timing just wasn't right. Mostly because she was fresh out of a relationship and didn't want to jump into rebound mode.

Luckily, for them both, they ended up crossing paths once again. Their chemistry was so easy to devour. I seriously couldn't help myself from shipping them. The only downside to their relationship was always dreading the drama or for the other shoe to drop. This time around, though, I feel like the drama between them was less dramatic than it was between Avery and Declan. Still, I enjoyed them and was very happy when they reunited.

In the end, I'm happy that we finally got to see Avery and Declan get married. I'm also happy that the girls finally talked about their work life balance and how they really need to hire on more people. It just makes sense and I hope to see some improvement in the next book. Which I really hope we get to watch Harley fall in love.

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Such a cute romance!
Just like the first book it was so sweet and cute and funny.
I love the whole setting of this series. The family hotel - which they took over from their grandma.
And it's so cute how they try to not start anything as long as they're in business together.
It a real adorable cinderella kind of love story with him being this ultra rich guy flying her to New York for a night ...
They should've probably talked a bit more about things. It was really cute but I kinda hate that we had so many unnecessary misunderstandings or omissions that could've just been cleared with some talking.
But still - I loved reading it. I love the sisters - even though I wanted to throw Avery out every single window with the way she was acting all through the book! Jeez!

Can't wait to read the final book!

STARRY-EYED LOVE was an adorable + sparky + cinderella-y + sweet love story! I loved reading it! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Jackson - he'll be sold out in no time!

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What a great story! I just love the idea of the Spark House event hotel. 3 sisters working together..I admit I would never want to work with my sisters. So it is a fantasy to me. Avery is getting married and slacking on her share of the work. The other 2 are at their wits end on carrying the load. London meets and starts dating a high profile guy. And through his company the connections help increase the business of the events center. The book is fun to read with a steady bit of steamy. I totally enjoyed the book.

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I can honestly say this series is hit or miss for me. The miscommunication trope kinda gets old but Hunting gives her own spin on it. There is a lot of back and forth in this book between London and Jackson with some moments of drama that add to the depth of the story. While not my fave, still a great read by Hunting.

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I have loved Helena Hunting's books for a while now. This wasn't my favourite books but I found it entertaining enough.

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Helena Hunting’s Starry-Eyed Love continues her Spark House series about three sisters who run their family’s event hotel Spark House. Hunting excels at writing stories about people unexpectedly drawn into intensely emotional sexual/romantic relationships that capture hold of your imagination and heart. Her vibrant description, complex and deftly developed characters, lively dialogue, and deeply emotional and steamy story make the novel a page-turner, investing you in the characters and their lives. Jackson’s and London’s first meeting is one of my favorite scenes, revealing their characters and the stirrings of their shared magnetic attraction. That scene is well written and genuine, flowing with electricity, ease, and a sense of rightness between Jackson and London throughout their relationship and in all their sweet, funny, sexy, poignant interactions—founded upon a profoundly emotional and sexual connection. I love their relationship, bond, and chemistry. While there is a strong attraction between them, I love how they become friends bonding over shared experiences before becoming sexually/romantically involved. They’re perfectly matched—each brings balance into the other’s life. London helps him open up and loosen his reins to connect with his emotions and a woman beyond casual hookups. He encourages her to relax and have fun, and with him, she experiences sparks.

Creative, responsible, supportive, and sensitive, London’s the middle sister who sacrifices her dreams, staying home with her younger sister, Harley, while Avery goes away to college to pursue hers after their parents’ sudden deaths in a car crash. London manages the business side of Spark House, focusing on bringing in new clients. After breaking up with her boyfriend, London takes time off from dating. While out with her sisters at a restaurant, a handsome stranger pays for their dinner and asks her out, giving her his number. She says no, returning it. A few months later, a multi-million-dollar company wants to discuss a potential partnership with Spark House. Unexpectedly, Jackson Holt, the company’s CEO, enters the meeting during London’s presentation, only for her to realize suddenly that he’s the man who asked her out that night. Jackson’s and London’s fiery chemistry grows stronger as they spend time together planning a charity auction for their corporate partnership. They become friends, verging on a deeper, intimate relationship, put on hold until it won’t interfere with their professional collaboration. Once they’re free to pursue a romantic relationship, London struggles with finding her place in Jackson’s life—especially because of his secretiveness about his past—and where she stands with Spark House in light of their increasing workloads and personal endeavors and commitments.

It’s easier for me to believe Jackson’s 100% worthy of London than Declan initially was for Avery in #1. After a traumatizing past loss, he closed himself off from his emotions, allowing only a select few close. And, even in those relationships, he’s closed off, so the error in judgment he makes with London, while ridiculous, foreseeable, and unnecessary, is understandable, though no less devastating for her.

Hunting brilliantly explores the difficulty of working with family, particularly siblings—even when you’re close. I love seeing the sisters interacting more and can’t wait for Harley’s book. She’s a sweetheart and so encouraging and supportive of London. On the other hand, Avery frustrated me to no end.

Starry-Eyed Love is sweet, funny, steamy, and angsty perfection with an emotional, poignant love story about finding the person with whom you can be your true self, share your fears and dreams, and reach for the stars knowing they’ll be by your side.

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Starry-Eyed Love is the second book in the Spark House series by Helena Hunting. Here we are brought back to Spark House and reunited with the trio who are the Spark sisters, but in particular we get the story of the middle sister, London Spark.
London runs Spark House with her two sisters where she is the business savy one of the trio, meeting clients and preparing for other potential ventures to expand Spark House.
A business collaboration with Spark House and Holt Media sees London bumping into the familiar face of Jackson Holt, the company's CEO, who also happens to be the same man who she turned down a few months prior at the bar.
The partnership between the two companies has these two working closely together, and while the sparks between them are flying high, will it only be business between these two or will there also be pleasure?
Starry-Eyed Love is a slow-burn, friends to lovers, workplace romance that is told in dual perspectives and can be read as a standalone. With a combination of humor and romance, this story was absolutely charming, emotional and swoony. I absolutely loved the chemistry and connection between London and Jackson. The way their characters were written was so sweet and I felt that although there were a few obstacles in the way, these two were clearly meant to be. I can't wait to see what Ms Hunting does for the third Spark sister Harley but I bet it's bound to be epic.

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Wow! I loved London's romance story while adoring the complicated relationship with her sisters.

It was charming, spicy and emotionally beautiful.. The family's event hotel in Colorado was such a sweet locale and I thought it brought a down-to-earth feel.

I truly enjoyed the writing, the character development and will read more Helena Hunting's books.

Well done.

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A fantastic addition to the Spark House Sisters series. This was such a fun read. Though about all of the sisters, this one focuses on London. She’s recovering from heartbreak and has less than zero interest in romance of any sort. She and all the sisters have their hands full trying to save and grow their family business. It’s their legacy and means the world to them, but at times have different views on what is best and how to achieve it. Also, who better to both love you and push your buttons than your siblings! It’s about love, family, learning to balance familial responsibility and a personal life with and letting go of old hurts to finding love and letting it in. It’s a wonderfully fun, light, HEA romance that will make you smile.

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I love the setting of this series so decided to give the second one a chance. It was so easy to read and I enjoyed the slow burn. I loved the emphasis on family and those relationships in contrast to the romance building. Great summer read!

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This booooook y'all. This was a great follow up to the first book and I think it even surpassed it in execution!

One of my issues with the first book was that I wanted more of the relationship with the sisters and we definitely got that here. There was a lot going on between the girls in this book and it definitely all comes to a head at the end of this one.

I loooooved the romance here, even if it was a bit rushed to me, it still felt very real. The drama was drama, a typical romance plot thing. You always see them from a mile away but I guess we never really expect them to be too surprising do we?

Loved this, waiting impatiently for the third!

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