Member Reviews

Thank you so much to NetGalley for sending me a copy of this audiobook! It was super good and super interesting to read. I would definitely recommend!

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It took some time to get in the book and understand what was going on but in the end I enjoyed it very much. The narrator did a great job.
I think I liked the AI's (books) the most from the characters.

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An fun science fantasy advetuer romp about a time traveler with a secert past named Red Dorakeen who travels a mystical road between centuries. When an old associate, Chadwick, hires a hit on him, it is up to Red to come to terms with his past.

I never liked the way Zelazny handles exposition in his stories He starts out with dialog that only the speakers have a frame of refernce for, and then explains everything in later chapters. This is to keep the reader reading, but the way he does it can leave some people (like me) confused.

There is a side plot where Red's son is looking for him, but that just appears added in to flesh the story out to novel length. While there is a satifiying conclusion to the side plot, it seems unecessary to the overall plot. of the novel.

The reader is very good, however there are a quite a few characters, and he doen't make distinct voices for each. If the charcters have dialog together they have disctinct voices, but their are many minor characters that he uses the same voice for.

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This is such a great book. Zelazny is a classic sci fi author, and I feel like he should be more well known. I wouldn’t have read anything by him if a good friend hadn’t introduced me to his work. I have to admit that I read this years ago, so when I saw that it was being rereleased I jumped at the chance to listen to it. The narrator, Matt Godfrey, is fantastic. He does different voices and brings the characters to life.

Red is traveling an infinite road through time. Exits off the highway lead to different time periods, and only certain people have access to the road. He’s trying to figure out his past while avoiding being killed by assassins. A Black Decade has been called, and whoever did it has ten chances to take a shot at him.

It helps to know about the narrative structure of the book before you read it/listen. It alternates between chapters One and Two. One is Red’s story told in a linear fashion; Two is mainly secondary characters, told out of order. In many audiobooks, they don’t mention the chapter breaks. This one does, so it’s clear for the listener which timeline it is. It’s easier to get used to than you may think.

It’s funny and satisfying and I absolutely enjoyed the ride along with Red. And two of the characters are sentient books–a bibliophile’s dream!

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media/Recorded Books for my copy of this audiobook.

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A very disjointed story about a road that takes you back and forth in time. It takes about a third of the book before it starts to explain what is going on, and it still gets side tracked. The main human characters do not really interest me, but Leaves and Flowers, as books with computer brains have real appeal and have the best developed characters in the whole book.

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This audiobook was given to me via NetGalley free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

Content notes for this novel include violence.

Roadmarks is a speculative fiction novel about various people and creatures traveling on a road that has exits to the past, present, and alternate realities. Just like its setting, the plot itself doesn't move very linearly.

What I loved about this book is the amazing AI characters as well as all the historical references. There's magic but also dinosaurs and killer alien robots -- what more could a reader want? It's also not easy to have a non-linear plot but I didn't have much difficulty enjoying the way things progressed.

What I didn't love is many of the human characters weren't very developed, which I guess for the length of this book is to be expected. There were so many characters and some of them didn't really need to exist at all. The female characters in particular had very little "air time" so to speak and contributed almost nothing to the story (save for the AIs that had female voices, if you can even count those as "female characters"). The novel could have benefited from being longer to really flesh out at least some of the characters introduced.

Overall, I enjoyed Roadmarks. Matt Godrey is an amazing narrator, and the journey was pretty... magical (pun intended).

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Format: audiobook.
Author: Roger Zelazny ~ Title: Roadmarks ~ Narrator: Matt Godfrey
Content: 3.5 stars ~ Narration: 4.5 stars

I didn’t read anything by Roger Zelazny before. So I didn’t know what to expect. The premise of this book is promising: time travelers, so count me in. But I saw quite early in the book that this is not a novel all sci-fi fans would like. The story is very good and highly imaginative, but different.

There is a road that leads anywhere or better anytime. So you can travel anywhere in time: past, future, and even in alternative versions of history. All you have to do is find the right exit.

A wild set of characters: from humans, and AI, to dragons. All the chapters are named two and one. And we start with chapter two. This is the first confusing thing, and there’s more. For most of the book, you don’t know what is going on. There are pieces of the story, same people in different timelines. Only towards the end, things become clear.

There is one narrator for the entire audiobook. He changes his voice and tone to suit the story.

I think this novel could be better if it was longer. 3.5 rounded to 4.

Thanks to Recorded Books for the ARC and the opportunity to listen to this! All opinions are my own.

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Good premise and well-written. Enjoyed the idea and the characters. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook

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by Roger Zelazny

This is a remarkable audible edition of this old story. I saw the connections between the road and Zelazny's contribution to the Wild Cards stories. I found the convocation of of science fiction and fantasy, as the warring computers, and Ai, with the dragons of the road to be amazing. I like how the book presented the road as a time travel book, with the road weary drivers being able to go up and down the road, or time and history. The mystery at the core of the story, the dark decade, is masterfully done, with many side roads as much as the road has. The idea of changing the path changes the roads path, beginning and ending new branches. Its a masterful artistic endeavor a great contribution to the Golden age of science fiction writing.

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I requested this one because it might be an upcoming title I would like to review on my Youtube Channel. However, after reading the first several chapters I have determined that this book does not suit my tastes. So I decided to DNF this one.

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Like much of Zelazny's work, Roadmarks is a bit mystifying, more intriguing than entertaining. A puzzle with the clues scattered about haphazardly. While a deliberately opaque narrative can be frustrating I didn't get the sense that Zelazny was attempting to keep the reader in the dark for its own sake so much as he was trying to put one in the shoes of the protagonist, wandering the road that stretches through time on a journey of self discovery, with its shifting on and off ramps and forks representing alterations in the fabric of time and history. It's a journey filled with quirky characters and unexpected twists.

The narration on the recently produced audiobook version I listened to was truly excellent as well. Highly recommended.

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and RB Media! All opinions are my own!

I'm not sure where to start with my thoughts on this book, and I feel like that fits the vibes of this book pretty well! I really enjoyed how unique this was and the way that it showcased time travel in a different light. It made it even more enjoyable because it was unlike any time travel-related book I've read before, and that made me want to engage with it and find out where it would go next!

I will say that I was very confused for a lot of the book, and then I felt like it all came together right at the end. There were a lot of characters who were, naturally, in a lot of different times, and I feel like they ran together very easily.

I really enjoyed the plot twists and the way the story came together at the end! If you're looking for a sci-fi book with a unique take on time travel, this is the book for you!

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