Member Reviews

This is my first read by Karen Cleveland but won't be my last. I really enjoyed the New Neighbor. Now I am looking at all my neighbors wondering what secrets they have.

The book was well written, with plots twists, irrelevant information to through the reader off the trail of who The Neighbor really was. I was surprised at the ending, not guessing who it really was.

Thank you Karen Cleveland, the publisher and Netgalley for an advance copy to read and review.

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I wasn't expecting to like this one as much as I did! I requested it on a whim and am so glad I did! lots of twists and intrigue! Definitely recommend picking up this fast paced read.

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I enjoyed this book a lot, got me invested right from the start. Beth has devoted her life to her family and her mission at the CIA of finding The Neighbor. She loses access to the case and does her own investigation, in particular of her friends in her old neighborhood. People whose lives seem together, people she has known for years and trusts. But can she trust anyone? Esp with our national security on the line against Iran. Fast moving and interesting 4.5

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How well does anyone know their neighbors? It’s the nagging question Beth Bradford has after receiving coded CIA intel that a pressing threat to national security may be secretly lurking in her cul-de-sac.

Beth’s hunch turns into a full-on investigation . . . a rogue mission to uncover spies, espionage, and Intrigue tucked into the quiet corners of her cozy neighborhood. This novel was so entertaining and I highly recommend it to fans of cozy mysteries and domestic thrillers!

I'd like to thank NetGalley and Ballantine Books for an advanced copy of The New Neighbor for my unbiased evaluation. 4 stars

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This was super super good. Really had me paranoid and spooked. Saying that I don't read this without a light on at night. I like the writing style and really love the flow of this author. The only thing I would change or wished happened for me is that I would feel more connected to the character but that is me nit picking. Truly recommend this.

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I haven't read a book this good in over a year. Its suspenseful and keeps you guessing through every page, very well written. I could see this easily being made into a movie or series for TV. Run, do not walk!

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This wasn’t the mystery thriller I was hoping for, but it will be the right book for other readers. The ending was completely unsatisfying, abrupt, and felt ridiculous to me. I found this to be slow moving because of how the main character’s midlife crisis and personal problems used as a device to create the question about her competence as a CIA agent. Yet, I think other readers will enjoy trying to figure out who The Neighbor is and the plot twists.

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This was my first book by Karen Cleveland, but it won't be my last. From the start of the story there are twists and turns, things that don't make sense as Beth struggles alone to find out why she lost her position and who the new neighbors really are. Is Beth going crazy or is someone working against her? A must read!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a copy of this book. In the beginning i almost stopped reading this book just because I don’t like these kinds of books normally but I pushed on and kept reading and I was extremely surprised! I wanna read more from the author!

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This had such an interesting premise and I was intrigued right away. I think this story was well told and there were some twists I didn’t see coming, however I did find it a bit confusing. I also struggled at times connecting with the book as a whole. It was still an enjoyable thriller!

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Nothing seems to be going right for CIA analyst Beth Bradford... she's suffering from empty nest syndrome, her husband wants a divorce, she's moving out of the home she raised her family in, and now she's been removed from her case tracking an elusive Iranian intelligence agent known as "The Neighbor".
Madeline Sterling has everything...she's moving into Beth's old home with her husband and three young children, she's making friends with Beth's neighbors in the cul-de-sac, and Beth can't seem to stop watching her...certain she is the key to finding "The Neighbor".

The New Neighbor is a domestic thriller/spy fiction novel with plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing. This was a novel that was recommended to me based on my reading preferences and while the plot seemed intriguing it just wasn't a good fit for me. The novel follows Beth, a CIA analyst, who is having a pretty horrible week. She is obsessed with a case she has been working involving Iranian intelligence which she has just been removed from. All of her neighbors have ties to the CIA as well and although they are secretive, they have all raised their families together as friends. As Beth investigates the new woman moving into her home, despite being taken off the case, she discovers a dangerous web of deceit amongst those closest to her. Although this wasn't a good fit for me, other readers may enjoy this spy based whodunit.

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So many twists and turns, it was honestly hard to keep up with! I was excited for this having read the plot preview, but it may have been a little bit too confusing for me. I did like that it was a change form my normal thriller read, but you need to be really paying attention!

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The New Neighbor by Karen Cleveland is a strange book. There was so much going on – who was who and what was what – I got very confused. By the time I finished the story I did not care of anyone.
Beth Bradford is a CIA analyst who has for 10 years been searching for an Iranian spy call the Neighbor.
When her last child leaves home, Beth loses it all. Facing a broken marriage and a move to a different position at the CIA, she is sure the Neighbor in living in her neighborhood.
The story points to several different people and Beth is obsessed with finding him or her.
The story is professionally written and moves this way and that – I was invested in the story.
This is my honest opinion on an advance copy. you might try it – many people really enjoyed it.

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Beth works in counterterrorism at the CIA. Life as she knows it is slowly unraveling. Her youngest child has just left for college. Her husband has told her that the marriage is over and he is leaving. And, probably the unkindest cut of all, she is unceremoniously removed from her team at work, and all her clearances are revoked. All of these changes occur early on in this book, and things do not slow down until the end. It is full of red herrings that keep the reader guessing. With all of the clues and things that may or may not be a coincidence, it is hard to know what to trust. Much like it would be in the real world, Beth does not know what is meaningful versus what is not. Neither does the reader. While I thought there were a couple of plot points that didn’t really ring true, the author is a former CIA counterterrorism analyst, so she would know. All in all, this was a propulsive and entertaining domestic thriller that I would definitely recommend.

I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. NetGalley neither asked for nor received any editorial input.

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Thanks so much to the publisher and Net Galley for a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Things aren’t going well for main character Beth- her youngest child has gone off to college without a backward glance, her husband is leaving her, the family home in a neighborhood full of friends has sold and she finds herself in an empty condo. Just when she thinks it can’t get worse- she is unexpectedly demoted from her CIA job of tracking a Iranian agent that had become her obsession for the last 15 years. She begins to obsess over the woman who bought her hime Madeline, who seems to be living the life Beth had.

While the story was interesting , I honestly found the people in the book completely shallow- after fifteen years of living in on the cul-de sac with the same families seems odd to me that the relationships are so weak. These Harvard/Yale educated professionals are very concerned with appearances, and living in neighborhoods none of them can afford. When presented with a moral choice, they do the wrong thing.
Beth is supposedly a terrific CIA agent but she jumps from wild guess to wild guess like a amateur, implicating the wrong people more than once. Beth’s co-workers turn on her suddenly and give her none of the benefit of the doubt or credit she deserves. Finally, I found the ending to be such a twist as to be random. A very unsatisfying ending.

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CIA analyst Beth Bradford is dropping her last kid off at college relishing in having more time to work on The Neighbor, a case she’s been trying to crack for over 15 years. Suddenly her world is turned upside down when she’s kicked off the case, selling the family home & her husband asks for a divorce. Beth is determined to still work this case from afar and becomes suspicious of Madeline Sterling who moves into Beth’s former home and cul-de-sac. Could Madeline be The Neighbor ?Beth will stop at nothing to solve this mystery, get back in her bosses good graces and save her longtime neighborhood friends.

This story took me on a roller coaster. I wasn’t captivated the first few chapters but once the “new neighbor” moved in the storyline took off. I couldn’t put it down and was eager to figure it out. Everytime I thgout I solved it a new twist emerged! At times it felt unlikely that Beth is a CIA Analyst as she appeared so naive and too trustworthy! I enjoyed the dual timeline and felt it all tied together within the storyline. The ending did feel a bit rushed but I’m hoping this means a sequel is in the cards ? Thank you Net Galley and Random House Ballantine Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Second favorite book of the year. I loved it so much and I will be picking this up once it comes out. In July I am having stomach surgery and this is going on my list of books I read while im in recovery.. So many good books coming out in July. Its going to be the best month. Thank you so much for this ARC.

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I’m a Karen Cleveland fan as she does not disappoint. The Neighbor is a twisted tale that will have you questioning your own neighbors, especially if you live in a cul-de-sac.

A great CIA mystery full of intrigue will have you reading until the end. There were times I was questioning thoughts and then I was questioning the thoughts of Beth and the other characters.

This is a story I found myself giving my husband a rundown every time I had to return to the real world.

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This was my first time reading a book by Karen Cleveland, but it definitely won't be my last!!!! This book will blow your mind in the best possible way! You'll think that you have it figured out many different times just to find out that you have no clue who is doing what!! I just loved this book so much and read it at breakneck speed. Set time aside if you start this book because you won't be able to put it down!

The book centers around Beth Bradford, a CIA analyst that has been working a case for 15 years! She's coming off of vacation when the book.begins and finds out when she returns work that she has been reassigned to a teaching position at a CIA training school. She's not happy at all as she is sure she's close to solving the case she's been working on for such a long time. Her life is in upheaval as her last child left for college, her other 2 children have been out of the house, and now her husband wants a divorce. They've also sold the family home and she's in a rental townhouse alone as her husband informed her he's rented his own apartment. Beth continues to try to work her old case in her spare time between her teaching gig and learns more than she wants to know about her neighbors. Specifically, how well does she really know them and are they all keeping secrets? Also, why are her coworkers from the CIA locking her out of information on the case she worked for so many years? Buckle up because you're in for quite a ride with this book!

I can't recommend this book enough! It was so much fun to read and my head is still spinning at the ending! Wow!! Get this book as soon as you can and enjoy! Thanks to Net Galley and Random House Publishing-Ballantine Books for allowing me to read this early!

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The New Neighbor is a thrilling espionage novel that will leave you guessing until the very end. The book starts off a little slow, but soon becomes a page turner. I like how the author built the story, layering in the clues so the ending, while surprising, didn’t come out of nowhere. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy a good spy novel. I also felt that the author had a lot of authority on the subject of the CIA. I learned quite a bit.

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