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The New Neighbor by Karen Cleveland is a thrilling adrenaline rush as a long-employed and loyal CIA agent, Beth, tries to thwart a terrorist cell that uses “connected” neighbors to break into the United States' highly classified internet system through the use of blackmail. This is not a genre I usually gravitate to read, but it held my attention for two days, and I couldn’t put it down. The story is fast-paced and tense as Beth has to break through security barriers when she is deemed “unstable.” Personally, I thought she was bat-sh%t crazy risking life and limb to solve the riddle of who was The Neighbor. I figured out some of it, but the end has a good twist. Don’t read ahead! #spythriller #espionage #CIA #FBI #langley #terrorism #BallantineBooks #netgalley @netgalley @ballantinecorp #ballantinepress #counterterrorism #karencleveland @karenclevelandwriter
I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Press for the opportunity to read this book. Pub Date: July 26, 2022.

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When Beth and Mike moved into the cul-de-sac it was an ideal location to raise their family. Evenings were spent with the neighbors on lawn chairs watching the children play. The kids are grown now and they are in the process of selling their house. After dropping their youngest at college, Beth thought they would be working to bring their marriage back to life. Mike surprises her with the announcement that he would be moving into his own apartment. This is Beth’s second surprise. She works at the CIA, where she has been looking for the Neighbor, a recruiter for Iranian intelligence controlled by Reza Karimi. The investigation has been on-going for fifteen years but now her access has been denied and she is being transferred to a training facility to instruct new analysts. With her house sold, her husband gone and a demotion, she is determined not to give up on her search for The Neighbor.

Madeline and Josh are the new owners of Beth’s home. They are a young family with three children who fit right in with the neighborhood. One of the communications picked up from Karimi mentioned that his recruit had found a new cul-de-sac. Her first thought is that it refers to Madeline. She becomes obsessed with looking into her background. There is no presence on social media and even though she mentioned that she was a former teacher, Beth can find no record of her employment. Without the resources that were previously available to her, she uses her students and a former co-worker to access files.. What she finds make her question who the residents of the cul-de-sac that she always considered friends really were. Many of them had ties to the CIA, but now she considers them all suspects. Her desperation to find answers has her former supervisor and friends questioning her stability.

Karen Cleveland’s The New Neighbor opens in an idyllic location but she constantly increases the tension as you question the involvement of each of the cul-de-sac’s residents. Karimi’s ultimate goal is to gain access to a worldwide intelligence system. Unless his agent can be found the system could be compromised. Even after the final showdown, Cleveland’s revelation of the newest Neighbor is a stunning twist. I would like to thank NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine for providing this book for my review.

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3.5 rounded up, I guess - if 3 is average, it's a little better than average.

When Beth is removed from her job at the CIA she goes into a bit of a tailspin. Her husband leaves, her last child goes off to college, and she's demoted to a boring job she doesn't want. Instead, she decides to keep looking for "the neighbor" - a deeply placed spy trying to infiltrate the CIA network. Well.

I guess I can understand not wanting to give up on a project you've spent 10 years working on. And I can appreciate a thriller with twists and turns. However, almost every page felt like a new twist. Being inside Beth's brain was exhausting! As we follow her reasoning from suspect to suspect, each time she's certain she's right as she bends the facts to fit her new suspect, it becomes a bit monotonous and the twists become less effective.

I found myself thinking she was a very unreliable narrator and I began to wonder if the final twist was going to be that it was all a dream, or she was looney tunes. But no, she eventually figures it out. Or does she?

The writing was fine, the characters generally superficial with minor back stories, but there's plenty of action to keep the pages turning. It could be an enjoyable weekend thriller if you're looking for something super twisty that might put your brain in knots. (ha)

Thanks so much to #netgalley and #randomhouseBallantine for the free ARC - the opinions expressed are my own.

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New Neighbor
Genre: Thriller
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 7/26/22
Author: Karen Cleveland
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Pages: 320
Goodreads Rating: 3.83

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Ballantine Books and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: Beth is moving from the cul-de-sac she’s long called home, and the CIA is removing her from the case that’s long been hers: tracking an elusive Iranian intelligence agent known as The Neighbor. Madeline Sterling moves into Beth’s old house. Beth—who can’t stop watching the woman stepping in to her old life—thinks the new neighbor has something else too: ties to Iranian intelligence. Is Beth just jealous? Paranoid? Or is something more at play? Most of the families on the cul-de-sac are keeping secrets. And they all know more about their neighbors than they should. It would be the perfect place to insert a spy—unless one was there all along.

My Thoughts: This is a slow burn novel, which is not a bad thing, it actually works well for this story. I do not typically like espionage type stories, but I did like this one. Our MC, Beth is unreliable narrator and has flaws, and her suspicions of who the “neighbor” constantly grows, making her hard to establish a relationship with. The characters are well developed and have depth, are mysterious, have emotion, and are creative. The author’s writing style is complex, suspenseful, tense twists at every corner, an element of a spy novel, fast paced at times, and really worked well for this story. I have read other books by Cleveland, so I am a fan. While the conclusion did not work me, overall, I did enjoy this book and would recommend you pick up this Tuesday when it publishes.

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Maybe I’ve read too many thrillers, because this one followed a similar pattern. Woman becomes suspicious of everyone, her friends start to worry about her thinking she’s gone crazy, stuff goes down. It would have been better if the stalking, suspicious thing hadnt been done millions of times.

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Absolutely loved this book. It sucked me in from the getgo and had me guessing all the way to the end. Did not want it to end at all.

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A fantastic suspense novel. Beth works for the CIA in one of its counter terrorism units. Someone is recruiting civilians and putting the country in danger. The author has done a marvelous job with the plot and characters. Figuring who to trust and who is telling the truth is tricky.

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In a neighborhood where all the families look perfect, the children all growing up to be stand out adults and the parents all have ties to the CIA, what could possibly be amiss?

Beth Bradford is living an idyllic life; her career is going strong as she works intelligence in the CIA getting close the target she's been working on for the past fifteen years, her children are all moving out, going to college and getting married and her marriage is going as well as she might expect. One by one however her world begins unraveling- she's demoted from the case she's working, her husbands is ready for a divorce and now being an empty-nester is the last thing she wants. She's so close to solving her case however that she begins risking it all to solve it. Her neighbors are all suspects and she needs to get to bottom of it, but shen the intel keeps leading her to the people she's known for years she begins tor reassess her life in a new light.

PROS: very propulsive read, lots of suspects and not usually something I would read (I love thrillers but anything with government I tend to not veer towards) though this was not as heavy handed as most conspiracy/government thrillers. The pace was also good, and it made for a quick read

CONS: there were parts that felt repetitive (lots of mention os sleepless nights, and some of the points were driven a little hard, and It was easy to figure out the culprit) non enough to make me want to stop reading this though.
Overall, really enjoyed this book, the setting, the pace, the angle and the juicy bits about never really knowing who your neighbors really are.

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3 1/2 stars for this read. This book had you going in many different directions. Beth lives in a house on a cul de sac. She has great friendly neighbors who she sits with, sips wine with and watches kids with. Beth is also in the CIA. She has been on a case looking for The Neighbor who is someone trying to break into the USA government. Beth is obsessive about this case but one day she is demoted. No longer on The Neighbor case but teaching classes for the CIA. She is still obsessive about the case but is she crazy??? Her fellow employees think she is. Her neighbors thinks she may be and her husband is not so sure. Are your neighbors who they portray to be or are they spies? All this keeps going through Beth's head and she really has no one she can trust. The book keeps you guessing until the bitter end and even then you are whiplashed!
Thanks to #netgalley, #ballentinebooks and @karecleve for an ARC of this page turner

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine Books for gifting me a copy of the latest novel by Karen Cleveland - 4 stars.

Beth seems to have it all - a job she loves as a CIA analyst, 3 children doing well, and the perfect house on a cul-de-sac with neighbors who have watched their children grow up. But when Beth and her husband, Mike, return from dropping their youngest off at college, Mike tells her he's moving out on his own rather than to the apartment they were planning to share after their house sold. Then at work, she's suddenly transferred from her long-time job to a teaching position. Beth has spent her career searching for The Neighbor, an Iranian intelligence threat, and now she feels that the woman who bought her house might be who she has been searching for. And her job change won't affect her search.

You kind of have to suspend belief as you read this book - Beth suddenly becomes suspicious of everyone and takes all kinds of chances to prove her changing theories. People are quick to dismiss her because of her sudden life changes and far-fetched thoughts. But with a cul-de-sac of suspects, it was still a good thriller with an ending that surprised me.

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The New Neighbor by Karen Cleveland is a thrilling story of Beth Bradford, a CIA analyst living in Virginia. Beth has spent years searching for a spy called The Neighbor who is recruiting other spies. With their children grown Beth and her husband decide to move from their beloved home and cul-de-sac. Beth's husband makes the decision to end their marriage just when Beth is demoted from her CIA position. Beth's life is full of turmoil and she knows that she won't rest until she solves the mystery of the neighbor. Beth initiates a rogue investigation that leads her down some shocking paths (and driveways!) in her former neighborhood. Cleveland's concise writing style and interesting characters are what make this novel a thrilling page turner.

Thank you to Ballantine Books for the ARC of this novel.

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Thank you to the publisher for a free copy.

Ok. The rating here will seem like I did not enjoy this book. I did. I devoured it in two sittings. I have truly enjoyed Cleveland as an author and love that her novels are more CIA based. I know little about it, as most of us peons do, but I enjoy reading her novels about them. I will also say her first novel was so damn good, I find myself constantly comparing all the others to that one, which is horrible of me. But I cannot help it. But will I read everything she writes-- 1000% yes.

I found this one to be better than her release, You Can Run, and I felt the pace of the story was perfect. Pages turned quick and I found myself wondering who the hell the neighbor was! While there a few too many twists, I really did enjoy how Cleveland concluded the story. No more will be said to not spoil!

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Beth works for true CIA. Most of the people in her neighborhood do. She has been tracking a sly known as “The Neighbor” for 15 years to no avail. When she is abruptly moved from her position with the CIA and her husband leaves her, she feels as though her life is falling apart. She can’t give up on the case that has consumed her life for so long and before long she is uncovering things about the people closest to her.

This book is a wild ride. Several times I was sure I had it all figured out and several times I was wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to my mystery loving friends!

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This is the 3rd book I have read from this author and I thoroughly enjoyed my first two, going into this one with high expectations. Ultimately, The New Neighbor was just ok for me. Beth is a CIA analyst that seems to be having a rough time in all aspects of her life - her kids have all left the nest, her husband is leaving too, she is moving and leaving her friends and is being taken off a case she has worked for over a decade. The biggest problem for me was the writing just didn't flow and was a a tad clunky. I also felt Beth's behavior wasn't believable at all for a long term CIA operative. The first half of the book was stronger than the last as I did get hooked and wanted to finish. There are some strong reviews out there, so maybe this one will be a better fit for you than it was for me. Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the early release copy in exchange for my honest opinion. The New Neighbor will be available on 7/26/22.

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Yes, there are twists and turns and an interesting premise. I guessed the ending (correctly) about half way through. None of the characters were memorable to me. The main character, Beth, should be an intelligent, level headed, CIA analyst. She is anything but. While reading, I either wanted to quit the book or speed read it to get to the end. Beth is the type of protagonist that drives me crazy with her stupidity. I really wanted to like this book. I am giving it 2 stars because the story the author tried to create was innovative.

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Beth Bradford is a middle-aged family woman that works for the Central Intelligence Agency in Virginia. She’s thrown herself into cracking the same case against Iranian enemy forces for the last fifteen years, trying to figure out who the so-called intelligence operative and recruiter they call “the Neighbor” really is before the Neighbor assists Iran in infiltrating the CIA, severely threatening national security. She will not let one thing will get in her way of figuring out this case. Not a divorce, not threats to her family, not souring all her relationships with her coworkers and neighbors, not the suspicious woman who took her house and her life — and not even Beth being removed from her position at the CIA, revoked access, and explicitly told not to touch the case, either. Beth will learn that “the Neighbor” is much closer to her own cul-de-sac than she ever thought possible.

Wow! I really enjoyed this one and breezed through it in one weekend. The action is jam packed from the first page and the twists keep coming all the way until the very last page! It kept me interested and guessing the entire time. The story also left off perfectly. Sequel please!!!!

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Ballantine, and the author for an advance reader’s e-galley in exchange for an honest review!

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I love a good CIA/FBI centered novel every once in a while and this book definitely gratified my craving for one. So much so that I finished it in one day!

Beth Bradford has it all: perfect home, friendly neighbors, happy family, and a job she loves. Until all of it is gone in an instant. Her youngest son just left for college, her husband is leaving her, and her house in the cul-de-sac sells in a few days. She thinks she can bury herself in work to distract her from all the change but when she gets there, she’s notified she’s been taken off a case she’s been working for over a decade. Not able to let it go and with limited resources, Beth does what she can to continue to investigate. Everything and everyone she knows becomes suspect as she comes closer to figuring out the true identity of “the one who got away” - The Neighbor.

Karen Cleveland was a CIA analyst for years before she started writing novels and she uses this experience to her advantage. Cleverly written, The New Neighbor will keep you on the edge of your seat until you reach the surprising conclusion!

I definitely recommend this novel to all thriller lovers but especially those who love police procedurals.

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What a crafty little story. I read this book in one afternoon because I couldn't put it down.
Everytime Beth unearthed a new clue it unravelled a few more. And of course each time Beth tries to warn her old colleagues or neighbors, concern for her well being is expressed. But Bethcan feel she's close to figuring out who The Neighbor is.

When she finally discovers who the Neighbor was, another has taken that person's place.

Beth Bradford's life is going through some major changes. She's just dropped off her youngest at college, becoming an empty nester, and is in the process of moving. When she's hit with other changes she wasn't expecting. When they return to their home her husband lets her know that their marriage is over. She heads into work to distract herself only to find out she's being removed from her case and office.

Beth is a CIA analyst and her case has been to find the elusive Iranian intelligence agent known as The Neighbor.
Madeline Sterling and her young family are moving into her old home and remind her of when she first arrived to the neighborhood.

One clue she manage to see before being ousted from her office leads Beth to believe that Madeline is The Neighbor. Everyone on that cul-de-sac has ties to the CIA and make prefect targets for the spy.

Thank you so much to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC to review.

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I struggled a bit with this one. I liked it but didn't love it. It grabbed me quickly but lost me quickly too. I didn't feel super connected with the characters. I liked the spy concept but this just wasn't it for me. It was a fast paced and fast read. Some of the twists were good. The end didn't do it for me. I needed more.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Random House Publishing/Ballantine Books for the gifted copy!

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Karen Cleveland sure knows how to make your heart race! Her latest spy thriller is no exception to her previous three. This is a pulse-pounding, twisty thriller mostly set on a lovely cul-de-sac. There are many suspects but you will be surprised by who the "New Neighbor" is! Riveting read!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for this ARC!

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