Member Reviews

Wow........ what a thrilling roller coaster of a read I enjoyed the twists and turns and the edge of your seat moments this was a fantastic thriller

How well do you know the man you love?
Ali and Matthew are celebrating their third wedding anniversary with a party, where they both have had a lot to drink and it's raining heavily.
Matthew is driving too fast when the car loses control and ends up in the river. Ali is seriously injured and Matthew was never found. Dead or alive. She refuses to believe Matthew is gone.
Whilst she is recovering from the accident she learns that Matthew has kept secrets from her. Using Facebook sightings to help her, she enlists her friends husband to try and find Matthew. She refuses to believe Matthew is dead.
This is an engaging read. I found myself second guessing how this would end. I will definitely be looking out for this author's next book.
Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

On the basis of the haunting cover design and the well-written synopsis, this sounded like it would be the perfect thriller. It didn't live up to my expectations - the characters were unlikeable and the plot was fairly slow and struggled to keep my interest.
It's worth a read if you want a short, quick finish but it wasn't anything ground-breaking

Aly begins to discover her husband’s secrets as she hunts for clues following a bad car accident that left her badly injured and her husband missing, but presumed dead. As she starts to recover she begins looking into his past and uncovers a lot of lies and deceptions. She realizes that she did not know her husband as well as she thought and she no longer knows who to trust. This was a good suspense story that keeps your interest with some twists and turns.

My Husband’s Secrets tells the story of Ali, who three months after a horrific car accident that (maybe?) took her husband’s life, is still recovering. Ali used to be a take no shit boss bitch, but now spends her days wallowing around the house and screaming to everyone that her husband is still alive.
In case you couldn’t tell, I didn’t particularly care for this one. I thought every single character was more horrible than the last which made it hard to root for anyone. I didn’t agree with any of the choices Ali or anyone around her made. I did read this quickly because I wanted to find out what happened, but the end didn’t make up for the lackluster story. If you’re looking for a quick mystery/thriller, this one is worth the read as it’s pretty short and fast, but it’s certainly not groundbreaking! Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Wow. That was a breath of fresh air. This was a slow-burn and you really have to be patient to see the big picture. When you get into the story, there is no going back.
Cheers to Netgalley for the copy!

I feel as though authors are getting better at writing synopsis' or they are having someone else write them. This book sounded amazing, thrilling and all around something I wanted to read immediately. It did not turn out to be that way in the end. Ali wasn't a character I could get involved or attached to. She ended up being repetitive, slightly annoying and not anything worth while.
The ending for this book was wildly lack luster and fairly uninteresting for something that could have had such an amazing ending.

I really tried to read this book but I was bored. I don’t like any of the characters and seems repetitive. I got to the 40% mark before I gave up

This was a twisty story with ambiguity surrounding Ali’s husband, Matthew. After a terrifying car accident that left Ali seriously injured, her husband was never found. Alive or dead? Ali is convinced that with no body, Matthew must be alive. What follows is Ali’s hunt for clues about his whereabouts, leading her looking closer to home with her suspicions.
Ali’s devotion to Matthew is very solid in this story. In my opinion, it was too loyal, especially when evidence comes to light of Matthew’s indiscretions. Despite clues that Matthew has not been honest and deceived Ali where it would hurt the most, she remains determined to find her husband and confront him over his disappearance. Using Facebook sightings to help her, she enlists her friend to try and locate Matthew. I found this element to be quite far-fetched: relying on Facebook comments that could be a load of rubbish, but sincerely believing this proved Matthew to be alive. On the other hand, it does reflect Ali’s love for her husband and how convinced he is alive, albeit in hiding.
There is a large web of deceit uncovered as the novel progresses. I guessed some of the plot developments bur was still curious about the final revelations. In my opinion, I thought Ali to be rather naïve, meaning she was easily hoodwinked by those around her. Even when the odds are stacked against her, Ali continues to think the best of her husband and friends, and I think this does not help with her quest for the truth.
I think Ali’s determination to believe that Matthew is alive is a big hindrance to her. This is mirrored by her injuries. Still recovering from the car accident, Ali has limited mobility and it is only when she starts to accept some of the facts about her husband does she seem to be more in control. I think this symbolises the break that Ali makes away from the accident, not letting it rule her life and moving forwards once more. When she returns back to work full-time, I think this was the point where Ali’s character became literally and metaphorically stronger.
There were not many characters in this book which meant there were few suspects to believe in. However, the list of reasons for Ali to mistrust these people did grow to be rather long. This added to the intrigue of the story, especially the ultimate question of where Matthew might be hiding. Like Ali, I was determined to find out why Matthew had disappeared, as well as unlocking the memories that Ali cannot access from the night of the accident.
I quite enjoyed this book and following Ali’s character. She is determined but frustratingly naïve. She clearly loves her husband but I think she would have benefitted from being a bit more insightful, especially considering she knew so much about Matthew’s past.
With thanks to Avon books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

After losing her first husband Ali never thought she would find love again so ploughed all her energies into raising her daughter, Emma and building up her company, Dartmoor properties. However, a set up date by her best friends Liz and Dane means she meets Matthew who she instantly falls for and after a whirlwind romance they marry. Following a celebratory party for their 3 year anniversary, whilst on their way home, unfortunately Ali and Matthew are involved in a fatal car crash which severely injuries Ali and it seems, kills Matthew, although a body is never found. Ali is determined that Matthew is still alive as no body has been found and as she starts to recover, she begins a Facebook campaign to find him and get answers about his disappearance but soon it becomes very clear that Matthew wasn’t the person Ali thought he was, and he was hiding many secrets from her. Will Ali get the answers she so sorely needs to move on with her life?
Unfortunately, this one was a bit of a disappointment for me. I found it really hard to care for any of the characters even Ali the main one, it grated how, for most of the story, Ali made out that Matthew was a saint despite the things she was finding out about him. I quite liked the flashback bits; however, without them it would have been really difficult to understand the story. I am also not really a figures and accountancy kind of person, so I found those parts difficult to understand, I finished the book to find out what happened at the end, but I definitely would not describe this as gripping or a psychological thriller, maybe a domestic drama perhaps. I am sure this would appeal to other readers however sadly it was a miss for me.
Thank you to NetGalley, Louise Sharland and Avon for my advanced reading copy. Out now.

Im giving this a 3 as I felt that I failed to connect to the characters, and it was repetitive in some parts. Lots of swearing that actually put me off.

Ali and her husband are driving home from a dinner party when they crash down an embankment by the river. Ali is seriously injured and husband Matthew is thrown into the river and presumed dead. As the months pass she starts looking into his life and their business and she finds there are a lot of secrets in his past. With his past exposed can she even be certain he's really dead? Friends and business partners try to get her to let the past go but she's determined to find out the truth. A good story with a few twists and turns.

Unexpected storyline which is different from anything I have read before. It was also good to read a book with such a strong female lead character who took ownership of her own situation. Easy to read and I finished quickly.

Louise Sharland does it again. Read this book
in one sitting. A dark domestic thriller that
reeled you in instantly and kept you guessing
with unpredictable plot twists. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC

A brilliant read
Loved it from the start to the finish
Will have you hooked
And it will keep you guessing right from the start
Thanks NetGalley

Louise Sharland’s My Husband’s Secrets is the story of Ali who searches for answers to questions after her husband, Matthew, goes missing. As she struggles with the loss of her husband, she starts to realize that she didn’t even really know the man she married. I voluntarily read a complimentary copy of this suspenseful, well-written book full of secrets. The main question of the book—do we really know the ones we love?

Despite what I felt it lacked, it was still a quick read with lots of secrets and twists. A perfect beach read.

Thank it for the opportunity to read this book. It has almost the same title as another book, and I thought I had downloaded the same book twice, so deleted this from my library before reading it. I have just realised my mistake, and very much regret that I am now unable to obtain it again and leave a fair review.
Please accept my sincere apologies. If you are able to send it to me again I will read and review it as a matte of urgency.

This is a good thriller but didn’t grip me in its storyline as I had hoped that it would.
Friends and family that go into business together start out well intentioned but greed, lies and blackmail cause death and suspicion.
Some great bits but short of the mark for me.
Thanks for the opportunity to read and review this book Netgalley, the publisher and the author.

A brilliant read. I loved all the twists and turns throughout and had no idea where the story was headed until the end. I really enjoyed and got through it in one sitting