Member Reviews

Loved reading this book and series. If you haven't read it yet I highly recommend doing so. I love a variety of books

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A Wedding At Sandy Cove (Part One Always The Bridesmaid) by Bella Osborne, a NetGalley Review. Ella is always the bridesmaid, this will be her eighth time. Ella is a very talented seamstress in a bridal shop, she loves her job but as with people in her life she lets her boss walk all over her, she doesn’t like confrontation. Ella’s one stability she relies upon is her parents however after a chance meeting in a pub this all changes and she meets a stranger called Kit. I really enjoyed the first half of this story and can’t wait to see where the other parts takes the characters Ella and Kit, though I can guess it’s somewhat predictable! Ella is a great character who’s lacking in confidence and lets people bully and put her down. Her boss being a prime example who takes advantage of her talent as a seamstress, however we do see in this first part of the story that Ella does start to stick up for herself but this happens very slowly. Ella is also scared to tell people who she really is and what she really wants, like not wanting children. Even from this first part of the story you can see its potential, it’s an easy read, ideal for the start of the year and after my previous read is just what I needed. I would definitely like to see what happens between Ella and Kit, I think Kit has the potential to bring the really Ella forward, the one to believe in her without question, the one that will make her to believe in herself, the one to allow her to shine and the one that will give her the ability to let her confidence come forward. I believe it won’t be an easy ride and there will be a lot of changes but I think it’s inevitable how the story will unfold. I will be recommending this book, if you’re a fan of the author, then there is no doubt you will enjoy it and it’s a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me to begin with.

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I do enjoy reading Bellas books and this was no exception. Lovely starting to a 4 part series all fitting together perfectly. This had a great storyline and the characters were believable and likeable. Looking forward to reading the additional books in the series.
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion

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I loved this story, and I always pick up any books by Bella because her characters and plots are just wonderful ,I love how she weaves the tale between characters , just a joy to read

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide me review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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Bella Osborne has written a romantic comedy book which is part of a series. A great vacation read. Light and fast reading. Throughly enjoyable.

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Really enjoyed part one of this book . Found the main characters likeable and believable, can’t wait to read the next part

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I have read the whole book, and loved it. A story of people gaining confidence and enjoying new challenges, I highly recommend it.

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A good read but a very short part 1. I would have preferred to read the whole lot in one go, rather than wait for the next installment.

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A brilliant read and one I really enjoyed. The characters are loveable and varied, the plot is one that is engaging and medium paced. I found myself completely drawn into the story and enjoyed the writing style.

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This is the first part of the Wedding at Sandy Cove series. I’ve since gone on to read the complete series. A joy to read, a lovely bit of escapism. One to recommend

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It is a lovely book. The main character Ella works in a wedding dress shop as a seamstress. She loves her job, but doesn't like her boss very much. Ella goes on a blind date, who doesn't turn up. She meets Kit, who is trying to find out who his mother is dating. It happens to be Ella's dad, who is married. Ella and Kit are trying to come up with a plan to separate them.

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Cracking first installment of the book. Loving the characters - quite a fiesta lot. Looking g forward to part 2.

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I didn't enjoy this book unfortunately at 9% in to it I lost interest.

****************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from NetGalley.*************************

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I've really enjoyed Part 1 and am intrigued to see where it goes. The author shares my sense of humour and never fails to make me giggle, along with some great storytelling and relatable characters. Can't wait for Part 2.

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What a lovely read by Bella Osborne! I have really enjoyed every page of this 1st part of "A wedding at Sandy Cove". Can't wait to read the rest of the book!!! This book is so much fun and very well written!!! 4 stars out of 5 for me!

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I actually really liked the fact that the four distinct sections or parts to the story were kept, as each one propels the story forward but also allows us to pause and reflect on the story’s development.

Throughout each section, what definitely shines through, is Ella’s development as a person. She goes from a woman with a safe, secure job, happily tolerating her horrible boss and looking up to her parents’ relationship as a lifetime goal. As the story develops, Ella finds her inner strength, and what her friends describe as her ‘self esteem’, as well as discovering that all is not as it seems when it comes to her parents’ relationship.

Kit and Ella are thrown together in unique and unusual circumstances, but Bella ensures that the development of their relationship is organic, believable and most of all touching. Kit is the kind-hearted, hard-working, reliable soul that Ella deserves, but can she put her hurt to one side and trust him?

Something else that shines through in this story is the importance of family and friends. As they discover more about each other, it is clear that both Ella and Kit are not willing to embark on any sort of relationship that requires them to compromise on the fact that family and friends are priorities to them.

Overall, this is a gorgeous and uplifting read. It was also really refreshing to read a book with the word ‘wedding’ in the title that was not solely focused on the preparations for a wedding. Though, of course, that is still integral to the story, mainly due to Ella’s job…

I would highly recommend this book and author to fans of Milly Johnson, Sandy Barker, Holly Martin and Cathy Lake.

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A Wedding at Sandy Grove Part 1 by Bella Osborne was a great start to this four book series. Read in one sitting I loved it. We meet Ella who works as a seamstress in a wedding dress shop but she has a boss from hell, Wanda who belittles her at every opportunity. A great start to this series.

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Thank you to Rachel for letting me be part of this tour. I really like Bella’s writing style so I was excited to read another of her books.

Our main character here is Ella. She is a bit of a wallflower at the beginning, but she does start to stand up for herself. Ella is a likeable character, and you want her to not be such a pushover. Ella’s boss, Wanda, was absolutely awful and I don’t know how she put up with her for so long. I was so happy to see her stand up for herself. <br>I really liked Lucy too. She has such a cynical view of love but I think deep down she wants to be loved.

This is a beautiful story of love, friendship and family. If you are looking for a funny escapist read for the summer then I’d definitely recommend this one!

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I do like Bella Osborne! I found her on Netgalley a few years ago, just looking for a nice easy read as I was feeling wretched. I read the book and then ordered another online and I thoroughly enjoyed that one, so when this book became a available on Netgalley I requested it immediately!

It is only part 1 of a series (not sure of how many) which was a clever concept, as now I am bound to buy the next parts! it is a nice easy read, but the thing with Bella Osbourne is that it is always real, so there will be drama, upset but also some lovely feelgood moments and humour.. It would be a lovely read for someone going on holiday or just wanting to sit and have a nice easy read.

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