Member Reviews

A lovely children's book sure to be a great addition to any library's collection. Accompanied by beautiful illustrations, this is a book that can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. Highly recommend!

When a class heads to the library to exchange their books, they end up running into an unexpected guest. The illustrations were bright and vibrant. They are captivating and eye-catching, which is great for young readers because the book was a little on the longer side for a picture book.
A delightful tale about taking care of animals, especially spiders, Petr has crafted a light-hearted and fun story that is also a little silly at times. It is a charming read, and school librarians will love to have it on the shelves for story-time.
The children are scared of the spider, but ever patient and caring, the librarian places the spider outside in the garden, only to have the little spider come right back inside again. After placing the spider outside week after week, just for him to come back, the children decide to make the spider a permeant home in the library since he loves it so much. A great lesson about compassion and empathy for all creatures, and that killing a spider is not the best choice.

Spider in the Library is a children's book about a class of children who love going to the school library each week to exchange their books. One week when they go they find a spider in the library. At first they are all afraid an scream. Their teacher explains that the spider is so small that he is more afraid of them than they are of it. They take it out to the garden and let it go on a flower. children scream and are scared of the spider, until their teacher shows them how the small spider is actually more scared of them. They take it into the school garden and release it on a flower. The next week they return to the library and the spider is there again. They return it to the garden, but each week it returns. The children decide that the spider must love the library as much as they do, so they make an environment for him to live in.
It's not surprising that the children were initially afraid of the spider as everyone always seems to squash them when they see them. I loved how the teacher spoke to the class and explained about the spider and that they didn't need to be afraid. My grandkids always leave spiders alone and call them all "Mr. Skinny Legs". There was also great problem solving and sharing ideas as well as working cooperatively. The illustrations are great. The images are large and detailed with a lot of things to look for. The spider was so cute, definitely not scary at all, and fun to look for him on each page. A great book to teach about leaving spiders alone, working together and problem solving in a fun way.

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. Cute book about a spider in the library and why you shouldn't kill it. A little bit on the long side.

This book had a great storyline, but even better illustrations. They were bold and bright and really brought the whole story to life!

This was such a cute read. My son is very into bugs right now and he loved this. The illustrations in this are so amazing!

This is a delightful look at some of the things that can frighten young people and even adults. When the class see a spider in the school library, they want to get ride of it, either by removing or by killing it. The librarian helps them to understand that the spider has a right to be alive and to have space. Over several encounters they learn to understand the creature and to gain empathy with it. There are so many lessons to be learnt from this story and it is told in a fun and very cheerful way. the illustrations are bright and exciting and it is a great read for the very young reader.

Spider in the Library is a cute story by Kristen Petr. Spider in the Library tells the story of a class that goes to the library and each week they find a spider. And each week they take the spider outside to safety until they come up with a more permanent solution. It is beautifully written and illustrated. I believe this book would be perfect for any type of story time. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. (My review is also on Goodreads.)

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
Spider in the Library is a beautifully illustrated children's book about a class of children who love going to the school library once a week to exchange their books. One week when they go they get a surprise when they fund a spider in the library. At first the children scream and are scared of the spider, until their teacher shows them how the small spider is actually more scared of them. They take it into the school garden and release it on a flower. The next week they return to the library and the spider returns again and again each week. The children decide the spider must enjoy the library as much as they do and they make a new environment for it to live in.
Firstly this is the cutest spider I've ever seen!! I wouldn't mind him coming in my house! And secondly I enjoyed the problem solving and ideas of the children in the book and the fact the book had repetition too. Each page is beautifully illustrated with fun things to see and it was great to spot the spider in the background on many pages too. Children will delight in this book for sure!

A cute little Children's book about a trip to the library. With a surprise visitor who just happens to be a spider. I forget just how cute children's picture books can be.

Spider in the Library is very cute. There is repetition that can make it fun for children that like to help you, “fill in the blanks”. My younger children tended to get a little antsy with this part.
I love children’s stories that teach acceptance, and this is one of those. With it being about a SPIDER (eeek!), it’s a good leeway into discussing fears.
In the story the children must come together and make a decision! What kind of solution is needed? How will they go about implementing it? Read this story to find out!
Thank you to #NetGalley for the advanced copy and to #Kristen Petr for the sweet story.

Spider in the Library
by Kristen Petr
5 stars
Thank you NetGalley and Matador for giving me this opportunity to read this arc and give an honest review.
Super cute kids' book, my daughter loved this book we read it about 4 times in one day. The illustration is fascinating, showing kids that even the smallest things should live and how to make them a home was great. Also, having the kids be super excited about visiting the library was so great.

Sweet story about the library. The illustrations are so wonderful and bright. Would be a terrific edition to a school library and home library alike.

Thankyou so much to Netgalley and Matador for approving my request.
A spider in the library. Have you ever noticed one?
This book I feel is a great book on acceptance, that not everyone is the same. Spiders more afraid of you than you are of it.
Everytime the children see the spider they scream and run, but eventually the teacher helps the children understand that people go to a library to learn and the spider is there to learn to. She explains that the spider sees the library as his home, they come up with an idea to create a nice safe environment for it.
I liked the illustrations of the spider, with its huge, cute eyes and tiny body, and all the little details in it. The only thing I will say I feel like the big eyes on the children was abit of putting.
This is a children's book but I thought it was a great read which did make me giggle.
I have to say Libraries are great.

Cute illustrations, the story itself self was drawn out a bit and kind of silly, the font wasn't very reader friendly especially for beginner readers who I think would enjoy a book like this

Spider in the Library. Have you found one? I have never noticed it but the children in Riddleham Primary School met one everytime they were in the library.
It was chaos at first. They screamed. They ran. One of them suggested to squish that peculiar spider with a book. I am glad they did not kill it. I like how they decided to do something with that tiny animal without hurt her.
I am not a big fan of the illustration but I like how she drew the spider and the color choices.
Thanks Matador, the publisher, who has approved my request

A big thank you to NetGalley and Matador for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is a children's book. I really liked the illustrations-the spider was adorable. I just questioned some of the ideas-what primary school does science experiments that require goggles? I realize that the book is British due to the head schoolteacher reference. I think that the second scream was overkill-and it was redundant. Cute ending. Libraries are great places! 3.5 stars

This was a sweet book and would make a great book for storytime at a library, particularly a school library. My main issue is that the book felt like it went on for too long. The second time the spider shows up, the story is nearly exactly the same as the first time and it feels unnecessarily repetitive. I loved the artwork- the kids had modern looking clothes and styles that real children could relate to. (I do question Mrs. Geesh's super high heels, though!)

I received this book for free for an honest review from netgalley
Very adorable and the illustrations were very eye catching.