Member Reviews

So much art and science fun! These projects are perfect mini-science lessons with hands-on creativity. I loved the wide variety of concepts, materials, and techniques. It would be easy to add on some science and art history to give a deeper understanding. Most of these projects seem like they would be best for small groups or individual families, especially the ones that require special or unique supplies. I plan on doing the Neuron Blow Paintings with my third grade class of 26 students and can't wait to see the colors and patterns they make! There are only a couple ideas that I would consider games though, most of them are projects or activities.
Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

My son is always looking for fun art and science activities and this book certainly delivered! I remember before the days of Pinterest, my gran always had these craft books with projects and ideas to do with kids; they made up a huge chunk of my childhood and were how I learnt to draw and even write. It was really fun to go through this book with my eldest son, and complete some of the activities together - nostalgic for me, engaging for him and bonding for the both of us. This is an especially great learning resource for children in Montessori environments, who are encouraged to follow their interests by researching and presenting to their peers. This is definitely one we will revisit.

This is a great book for any child interested in science. The glossary in the front of the book is very helpful to go through before starting the projects so the terminology is understood. From the Spin Art Machine, Balancing Monsters and Climbing Monkey Toy in Energy and Motion section, on to Sound Wave Art in Electricity and Magnetism, to Tiny Terrariums in Living Science, to Crystal Flower Garden in Chemical Reactions, to Solar Print in Color and Light there are lots of experiments for any budding scientist. I found the directions easy and clear as well as the photos. Also the supplies needed don’t cost a fortune. This book would be good to add to a school library as well as a personal library. Recommend this book for ages 5-9.

Some interesting experiments, unfortunately I was hoping for more using just household items and less of the specialty items. My daughter (9) did enjoy completing some of the art projects towards the end of the book which required things that we already had at home. Thank you Netgalley.

Some great activities to use in the Science Classroom. I think my students will love doing them. I like how the book divides the activities into categories based on the area of science it relates to.

This is a fun science book for kids. Each project is well illustrated with color photos and the science is explained. It is not a book to give kids to occupy themselves -- parents will need to gather supplies (often ones you need to go buy, like small motors) and help with the construction and teaching. It would be great for homeschool science and craft time.

Science Art and Drawing Games for Kids is a new STE(A)M heavy activity book for younger readers by Karyn Tripp. Released 8th Feb 2022 by Quarto on their Quarry imprint, it's 112 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.
This is a well arranged and accessibly written guide with lots of tutorials and exercises to illustrate interesting phenomena in science and art learning. The introduction includes a list of tools and supplies (most will already be available in the home/classroom, the rest can be easily and inexpensively sourced online or at local stores).
The tutorials contain tools and supplies listed in bullet lists in a sidebar followed by step-by-step instructions. Materials measurements are listed in American standard with metric measures in parentheses (yay!). The tutorials contain salient background information and simple explanations for the scientific points they're illustrating. The lessons are not all easy or trivial and the author explains things in a fun and accessible way - even relatively complex concepts such as sound waves, magnetism, setting up Punnett squares and more. I was impressed by the complexity of some of them. A highlighted text bar clearly gives the salient concepts in a short list. The book's introduction includes a handy glossary to help readers keep the vocabulary straight.
The photography and illustrations are colorful and appealing. The tutorial photos are clear, illustrative, and easy to follow. Finding fun ways to keep a learner's interest is key. The activities included in this book are interesting and entertaining and will provide hours of enriching fun.
This would be a superlative choice for classroom or homeschool library, public library activity day, or a gift for a young person.
5 stars, accessible and appealing.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

Science Art and Drawing Games for Kids: 35+ Fun Art Projects to Build Amazing Science Skills by Karyn Tripp is currently scheduled for release on February 8 2022. This book guides children ages 8 and up through hands-on activities that explore an engaging variety of art and craft techniques and science concepts. Make special light-up greeting cards, and use magnets to create abstract paintings and solve mazes. Craft tiny terrariums, create plantable seed paper, and make your own paints using natural materials. Create exploding paintballs, grow a garden of crystal flowers, and learn to make plastic out of milk. Combine shaving cream and food coloring to make marbled paper, use the sun to print on paper and fabric, and make an awesome kaleidoscope from scratch.
Science Art and Drawing Games for Kids is a well organized and easy to follow book of projects. I like that the projects are divided into five different science concepts, so that projects on a particular subject are together. I thought the instructions were concise and easy to follow and that the accompanying images were well chosen and did a good job of illustrating those instructions. I was glad to see that the majority of supplies were things likely to be already in the home, with a few exceptions. I think this would be a great addition to home, school, and public library collections.

With the same premise as the first one, the book is divided into different science activities, all inspired by the likes of Da Vinci, who made experimentation beautiful to watch and make.
The Energy & Motion section helped us to make a recycled helicopter and try out some sculptures that move and spin, made with simple materials (I love posts about craft supplies, you have to be a bit of a hoarder, saving bottle caps, or having in stock colorful cleaning pies, rubber bands, and the like around the house).
The Electricity & Magnetism section does require a bit of more advanced materials, such as copper tape, which I did not know was a thing.
The Living Science section has a ton of good ideas; you can check out below the seed paper you can make at home.
Lastly, I felt that the most known part for me, probably because I obsess over art books, was the Chemical Reactions and Color & Light sections. If there is something my kid keeps doing consistently is color mixing potions, spinning art, and throwing bicarbonate soda over acid whilst adding color, time and around, we love it.
I do want to make spinning sand bottles to create mandalas and exploding paintballs, (and hope for the space someday, as I live in an apartment with no garden or back yard), they are both creative and challenging ideas, you will find many like these in the book.

What a fabulous book this is! Who says art and science can't go together! What a fun way for kids (and adult to learn about various science concepts!
The book is separated into five chapter, each cover projects to do to cover some aspect of science. They are Energy and Motion, Electricity and Magnetism, Living Science, Chemical and Reaction, and lastly Cold and Light.
The projects are really fun to do and they go a long way to explain why things happen - perfect for some one that has trouble grasping science. Some project require adult supervision and assistance, but all in all the book is really great fun - which will be used again and again.
Great instructions, photographs and presentation

Perfect book for indoor activities! There are so many different projects included that every child is bound to find something to try. I love that the instructions are clear and there are pictures to help along the way. Great book for any child so there are no more boring days!

I appreciated the clear instructions and accompanying pictures! The activities are equal parts art and science, which is a valuable combination. For science-loving kids, this can be how they connect to their creative side. For artistic kids, this can be how they discover they are also good at science. I loved it, and will certainly be recommending for my library to purchase.

This book has some lovely activities to make with kids, it is a great source of ideas to make family time rewarding and fun for all involved! I'd guess 7 to early teens would be the target demographic.
It is divided into sections, and generally the materials needed for each activity are basic, 'likely to have at home already' type of stuff!
The book is divided into 5 sections, each exploring a different theme, 'colour and light' being a personal favourite!
I really enjoyed this book and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
My thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

As a librarian who programs for youth and teens, I found this book to be a great resource for STEAM projects. Many of the projects were unique and would suit a wide variety of ages. I especially liked the paintball splatter activity and the cake baking experiments. The instructions were clear and concise. The photos are bright and inviting.
This will be a hit with all ages!