Member Reviews

Dystopian girlies, listen up! This caught my eye since it was a feature on the Bad on Paper podcast as a monthly book clip read. The novel provides an interesting look at what would happen if you knew how long your life will be. Eye opening look at how we treat each other, especially in the US.
I recommend for folks looking for a dystopian lite option or just some thought provoking prose; bonus: the audiobook is read by Julia Whalen which is always a treat!

I can't believe I waited so long to read this book. It absorbed me immediately and was so thought provoking.

I read this book almost four months ago and still think about it at least once a week. This book hooked me and I could not put it down. What a stunning debut. I hope to see more from Erlick.

Came highly recommended and is a hit at my library. Unfortunately, just like The Midnight Library, these philosophical, second chance books make me a bit anxious so I had to stop reading.

Thank you to NetGalley, BookClubGirl, William Morrow, and Harper Collins for this copy of "The Measure."
One of my all-time favorite books! I couldn't stop talking about it and recommended it to everyone!
It was so insightful into how we're so quick to label people and then divide into "us versus them." But it was also very hopeful as people make choices about what gives their lives meaning.

There’s nothing I appreciate more than a book that can completely change my perspective on life. THE MEASURE was absolutely mind-blowing and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I finished it.
I loved that we got to follow multiple characters and POVs as the implications of the strings begin to take root around the world. As their lives began to intertwine, we as the reader got a moving portrait of what LIFE really means - how we choose to live it and what we choose to do with our time.
I cried several times reading this book and just thinking about it now brings tears to my eyes again. This story is such a poignant journey that forces you to examine your own life and choices as you’re becoming invested in the lives of its characters. I felt like I went on a deeply emotional journey, and I already can’t wait to reread and find more connections I may have missed on this first read.
I think every reader will get something different out of this book depending on where they are in life and the specific circumstances they’re surrounded by, but I think that’s what makes this one so incredibly special. It was so thought-provoking and deeply moving - this would be a great book club read because there is SO MUCH to discuss!
Officially adding THE MEASURE to my favorites shelf!

What a thought provoking read! One of the best book club reads I have read in a long time. IT was so easy to spark discussion and have great conversation of the writing style and premise of the book. The world's response to short string and long strings was fascinating and felt so accurately portrayed. I love the way the story weaved through various character arcs and storylines while still covering the overall theme. It was truly a unique fantastic read.

Such a thought provoking novel with such an interesting premise. No wonder everyone is talking about this book. Really makes you see thru new eyes the problems that discrimination makes.

Thank you Netgalley and William Morrow for the advance copy for my honest review. 3 s0lid stars. This book is not the typical genre I normally delve in, but the topic is thought-provoking and I heard a lot of buzz about the content, so I was curious. The book begins with everyone suddenly receiving a box on their doorstep on some random day. In this box is an indestructible string that tells you the length of your life. Some strings are short, some are medium, and some are long. After the shock wears off and the dust settles, the main characters of the book begin accepting their string length. Some begin group therapy, some take a chance on romance, and others create scandal within their family and the military.
My favorite part of this book is how the main characters somehow end up connected by the end of the book. My least favorite part is that some of the story drug on and I had a difficult time remaining focused. There are some politics within the novel, which I use books to escape from. With this, all in all it is an interesting perspective and I feel like there will be future books that parallel similar topics. I recommend this book for anyone curious about how you would spend your days knowing how many you had left. It can drive some anxiety.
Quote from the book: Sure, it's pointing to the string inside, but maybe that's not the only measure we have. Maybe there are thousands of other ways we could measure our lives- the true quality of our lives- that lie within us, not within some box. And, by your own measure, you can still be happy. You can live well.

One day each person in the world 22 or older receives a small wooden box containing a piece of string showing the measure of their life (exactly how long they will live). Some decide not to open their boxes, while those who do deal with the consequences of their knowledge. The novel follows several characters with short and long strings as their decisions intertwine. Society copes by diving the short from the long strings and discriminating against those with less time to live. There is never any attempt to explain where the strings came from or why. The novel is thought provoking and made me think about what I would do if I had the opportunity to know my fate.

I give this book 3.5 stars. I feel like the storyline had a lot of promise, a box gets dropped on your doorstep and inside is a piece of string that shows how long you have left to live. The book just wasn't all there for me. Maybe because I'm a mood reader and this isn't what I'm feeling at the moment. It just went in a different direction than what I thought.

DNF at 32%
This book is being advertised as dystopian/ science fiction and I feel that is extremely incorrect. The Measure is oversaturated in politics and heavy on ideas of philosophy versus true scifi....

What would you go if you knew how long your life might be? On a single day everyone on the planet receives a box with a string which, when measured, tells you the length of your life. Subsequently, anyone reaching the age of 22 will likewise receive a similar box. The response to the "short stringers" and "long stringers" doesn't feel that different from the discrimination and limitations so many people face today but that only makes it more compelling. How to live your best life, regardless of the duration, was the message I took from this. It will be a good book club read sparking conversations.

4.5 stars. The first 70% or so was really propulsive and unique, then it started to fizzle a little. The last 5% recovered and was really thoughtful. Overall it gave me a lot to think about and I’m sure will make for good bookclub discussion.

So many people seem to love this book, but I found it so close to reality and depressing. I loved the premise of the book, the question of what would happen if everyone suddenly found out how long they would live. In this case, we meet a few individuals/couples who are each tied to someone with a short string. The world immediately begins a prejudice against short stringers, and we see how these individual’s lives are affected.
So much of the book focuses on all of the difficulties of what happens in this situation. (Mass suicide, shooting, bombings, hospital issues) So many things reminded me of the parts of life that hurt right now - politicians and political processes that hurt people and have to be the right way while taking away freedom from other people. A few years ago, I would have thought people would rise above bad news and chose kindness, but right now, maybe this is closer to the truth. Not to say, there are a few examples of kindness and the idea that kindness keeps trudging forward and making progress (while evil is enjoying the win).
Nonetheless, there is a lot to discuss.

The Measure.
A fiction story about how could humankind behave if they knew the measure of their days.
Would you want to know how many years you had left before you die?
The story felt false and impossible to believe, but the book is different, crafty, creative and thought provoking. It was also depressing at times and It think that didn’t present much hope.
The book has many characters and its about the many decisions they take after knowing the measure of their days, the book is slow at the beginning and I felt the end was very rushed.
In our days after surviving a pandemic, the book feels incomplete, where did the boxes came from? Is there a way to handle them? No closed borders ? No one really investigated the origen ? And, not surprisingly. in the story, Humanity found yet another
way to divide itself between themselves.
I read the book for enjoyment and for a book club.
Quotes that I did like from the book:
* “Live like your string is short”
* “people will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you make them feel”,
* “But the middle had always been left undetermined, to be woven and shaped by us”
* Loved the song “ Que será, será”

Honestly I don't know how to rate this book. I liked it. I wanted to finish it and I wanted to see what was going to happen. But the middle seemed a bit... dragged out. The eight characters were interesting and connected, so it wasn't like there were too many storylines to follow. Everyone is obsessed with their strings, obviously. And I loved the concept. The whole idea is original (much better done than The Immortalists) and the fact that this fictional event happened in March 2020 can't be a coincidence.
The whole world changed in March 2020 and while this book is clearly different than COVID, it is interesting to try to see the comparison.
I think this would make a good book club book. What would you do? Would you open your box? What happens if you were in a relationship with someone that had a longer/shorter string than yours? Do you decide to have kids if you have a short string?
There was one line in the book - and now I want to go back and find it - but saying something along the lines of people did all of these things knowing the risks before the strings... why does it make a difference?
Because once you know something, you can't unknow it.

What a ride! Not my typical genre and I normally don’t like any politics in books but this one hit it out of the ballpark for me! I do love books that make me think and ask myself what I would do in situations and this book delivered in spades! Make sure to have the tissues nearby!

The Measure follows multiple characters as they deal with the knowledge of the length of their life remaining. One day everyone worldwide over the age of 22 receives a box with a string showing the length of their life and from his point people are separated into two groups the short strings and long strings. The book was emotional and really made you think.

I always judge a book by it's cover and title (to be honest) so when I started to read this book, I had no idea what it would be about. However, Ms. Ertick quickly drew me in to this story about everyone being sent a piece of rope. It's so interesting to see what people would do if they knew they would be around for another 40 years or only 10 years. Would you live your life differently? Travel more if you knew you didn't have more time? Such a thought-provoking book that will make you sit back and think about your life and where it is going.