Member Reviews

Another great book by Kris Bryant. The relationship between the main characters was a bit insta love but I think the backstory helped in making the fast paced relationship believable. I love Kris Bryant’s writing style. There’s enough description so you feel immersed in the story and it’s balanced well with the story’s pacing so you feel like your get the whole story in about 250 pages without being bogged down by small details. I really enjoyed this book. I would definitely recommend giving it a read.

Whenever I think I have Kris Bryant figured out, she throws me for another loop. For me it's impossible to leave a detailed review for Always because there are so many opportunities for spoilers, and every reader deserves to start this one with a clear head not knowing where the story is going. Always is an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers romance that takes place mostly in Italy, so both MCs know that there is really no future for them. But then there's a side of historical romance that had me reaching for Kleenex in several places. And because it's Kris Bryant, you know it will be a master class in first person POV.
Always is sweet, funny, charming, and sexy as hell. I know it will sit at the top of my personal favorite books list of 2022. And also? Best. Epilogue. Ever.