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This book was requested by a previous Lesbrary reviewer who did not finish or review it. In order to keep my Netgalley feedback up to date, I am submitting this review marking it as a DNF, though it was another reviewer who requested this.

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I honestly don't know how I feel about this one...i like the paranormal side, but so many parts of this book feel flat that it's hard to call it enjoyable. I didn't care for the characters, while different they sounded so alike it was a bit annoying. there's some humor and tom-foolery afoot, but some over the top drama that just doesn't sit well

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The ARC of this book was provided for the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review: Thank you so much!

Ok… I honestly don't know how to start this review as I have a lot of mixed feelings but here I go ✌🏻.

The story centers on Renee, a gemophobic teacher who, thanks to her best friend Ellen, finds herself in a sticky situation: she's being stalked by a ghost. The spirit in question is a beautiful redhead named Katherine who claims that she and Renee love each other and should be together forever, now Renee and Ellen must figure out a way to break the connection between Renee and Katherine and convince her to go back to where she came from.

The premise is very interesting! I love stories where there are soulmates and ghosts and when I read the synopsis I couldn't help but get totally hyped by the story.
Unfortunately, although I read the entire book in one day, it was not to my liking.

During the book Renee tells us that Ellen is her best friend and that she appreciates her too much, but also that she has a crush on her. Ellen in turn has rejected her several times when Renee has offered to be something more but although that sounds normal, what I did not like about their relationship was that 1) Renee makes many moves towards Ellen in an attempt to seduce her, although Ellen in Several times she has told her no but Renee keeps insisting and won't take “No” for an answer. That made me uncomfortable to begin with because I like books where the couple respects the limits of their partner.

2) Ellen is a very bossy person who knowingly and deliberately crosses Renee's boundaries without question and expects Renee to forgive her for everything.
A small example is that in the first chapters Ellen offers Renee a drink without telling her that it has peyote, literally she drugged her without Renee's consent, and while she is under the influence of that drug Ellen decides to perform a secret ritual on her that, again, Renee did not consent.

Also, when Renee starts seeing Katherine and looking to her for help, she decides to pretend she doesn't know what's going on and let Renee think she's crazy.
I'm sorry but I don't like that kind of attitude and during the book, more than feeling intrigued, I felt uncomfortable.
I understand Renee is like the introverted friend and Ellen is trying, in her own way, to get Renee out of her comfort zone but that's not the way. Also, it sounds like Ellen has drugged Renee on more than one occasion without her consent to force her to do things she doesn't want to do (for example, the drag show).

I consider myself an introvert, most of my friends are extroverts and they always try to take me out of my comfort zone so I can have fun like them so I understand the position Renee is in but none of my friends has ever done what Ellen did to Renee, they have never tried to drug me or force me to do things I don't want to, if they did it I think I would feel angry and betrayed, so the fact that Renee easily "forgives" her and forgets all this was... uncomfortable and extremely confusing for me .

On the other hand the plot, while interesting, I feel like it could have been handled differently. Maybe extend the time of this whole adventure because the whole book happens in a matter of days, in less than a week. Maybe it would have been great to extend the time from when Ellen does that secret ritual until they start to figure out who Katherine is and why she's tied to Renee.

Honestly, although the idea is very interesting, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Mind you, the story has potential, if executed differently, but unfortunately this book wasn't for me and honestly I don't think I would recommend it unless it was for a very quick read (even then i think i would doubt it) because the pacing is very good and this book is easy to read, you can read it in less than a day.

That said, I want to thank the publisher again for providing me with the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review, thank you very much!

0.5 stars

El ARC de este libro fue proporcionado por la editorial a través de NetGalley a cambio de una reseña honesta: Muchas gracias!

Bien… Honestamente no sé cómo empezar esta reseña pues tengo muchos sentimientos encontrados pero, aquí voy ✌🏻.

La historia se centra en Renee, una maestra gemofobica que, gracias a su mejor amiga Ellen, se encuentra en una situación difícil: Está siendo acosada por un fantasma. El espíritu en cuestión es una pelirroja hermosa llamada Katherine que afirma que Renee y ella se aman y deben estar juntas para siempre, ahora Renee y Ellen deben descubrir la manera de romper la conexión que hay entre Renee y Katherine y convencerla de volver a donde antes estaba.

¡La premisa es muy interesante! Amo las historias donde hay almas gemelas y fantasmas y cuando leí la sinopsis no pude evitar engancharme por completo en la historia.
Desgraciadamente, aunque la leí todo el libro en un día, no fue de mi agrado.

Durante el libro Renee nos cuenta que Ellen es su mejor amiga y que la aprecia demasiado, pero también que tiene un crush en ella. Ellen a su vez la ha rechazado varias veces cuando Renee le ha ofrecido ser algo más pero aunque eso suena normal, lo que no me gustó de su relación fue que 1) Renee hace muchos movimientos hacia Ellen en un intento de seducirla, aunque Ellen en varias ocasiones le ha dicho que no pero Renee sigue insistiendo y no acepta un “No” como respuesta. Eso para empezar me puso incómoda pues me gustan los libros donde la pareja respete los límites de su compañero.

2) Ellen es una persona muy mandona que consciente y deliberadamente cruza los limites de Renee sin cuestionarlo y espera que esta la perdone por todo.
Un pequeño ejemplo es que en los primeros capítulos Ellen le ofrece una bebida a Renee sin decirle que tiene peyote, literalmente la droga sin el consentimiento de Renee, y mientras ella está bajo los efectos de esa droga decide hacer un ritual secreto en ella que, de nuevo, Renee no consintió.

Además, cuando Renee empieza a ver a Katherine y busca ayuda en ella, decide fingir que no sabe lo que pasa y dejar que Renee crea que está loca.
Lo siento pero ese tipo de actitudes no me gustan y durante el libro, más que sentirme intrigada, me sentí incómoda.
Entiendo que Renee sea como la amiga introvertida y que Ellen intente, a su manera, sacar a Renee de su forma de confort pero esa no es la manera. Además, suena a que Ellen ha drogado en más de una ocasión a Renee sin su consentimiento para obligarla a hacer cosas que no quiere hacer (ejemplo, el show de drags).

Me considero una persona introvertida, la mayoría de mis amigos son extrovertidos y siempre intentan sacarme de mi zona de comfort para que pueda divertirme como ellos así que entiendo la posición en la que está Renee pero ningún amigo mío ha hecho lo que Ellen le hizo a Renee, jamás han intentado drogarme o obligarme a hacer cosas que no quiero, si lo hicieran creo que me sentiría enojada y traicionada, así que el hecho de que Renee la “perdone” facilmente y olvide todo esto fue… incómodo y sumamente confuso para mí.

Por otro lado el plot, aunque interesante, siento que pudo haber sido manejado de otra manera. Quizá extender el tiempo de toda esta aventura porque todo el libro pasa en cuestión de días, en menos de una semana. Quizá habría sido excelente extender el tiempo desde que Ellen hace ese ritual secreto hasta que empiezan a resolver quién es Katherine y por qué está atada a Renee.

Honestamente, aunque la idea está muy bien encaminada, la ejecución deja mucho que desear. Eso sí, la historia tiene potencial, si se ejecuta de otra forma, pero desgraciadamente este libro no fue para mí y honestamente no creo que lo recomendaría a menos que fuera para una lectura muy rápida porque el ritmo es muy bueno y este libro facilmente se puede leer en menos de un día (aunque incluso en ese caso lo dudaría).

Dicho eso, quiero agradecer otra vez a la editorial por proporcionarme el ARC de este libro a cambio de una reseña honesta, muchisimas gracias!

0.5 ⭐️

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Renee has a fear of germs and teaching school full of kids does not help that.
She decides its time for something new. Her best friend is Ellen who is a psychic and seems to get Renee in to peculiar situations. Unfortunately Ellen accidentally uses her powers which causes a ghost named Katherine to attach herself to Renee. Now they have to figure out how to unattach them. Problem is Katherine has love on the brain.

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This book was definitely a trip to read. It's odd to say a story involving ghosts really wasn't spooky at all, and that's not bad! The Ghost's Host was more a rom com and at times was deeply introspective, and that lead to a really creative way to tell a story.

The Ghost's Host follows Renee Chambers who is on a bit of bad luck recently, she needs a new job and is very afraid of the world around her with germs. After her psychic best friend Ellen urges her to apply at a bookshop, that leads her down a whirlwind of events leading her to be constantly followed by a ghost named Katherine who thinks they are soul mates. But to figure out how she is tied to Katherine Renee might have to examine herself in ways she didn't anticipate.

This book can be a little tricky to describe without going into too many spoilers. And while also the blurb does reference many plot points it doesn't spoil the main emotional parts of the book which is good.

This book is really funny! Renee and Ellen are a perfect match for each other both in witticisms as well as pushing each other to try things. I was grinning though a large portion of the story. But more than that this story does get a little emotionally heavy towards the end but Collins finds a way to make it work pretty well and have it all thematically compatible.

My main issue with the book, especially in the last third of it was when Renee got deeply introspective the tone of the book got a lot more "tell" as opposed to "show" in explaining it's events. And it wasn't bad necessarily but it did kinda take me out of the immersion.

This is a really good and creative debut from Cathleen Collins and I'm looking forward to what she has next! 4/5

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Renee Chambers has had a bad run lately. She has quit the job she spent years in college training for and is still paying off the loans, her best friend who she she’s been in love with for years refuses to talk about a potential future together, and she has gained a ghost stalker who thinks they are soul mates. As Renee and best friend Ellen try to get rid of the ghost their are endless shenanigans. This was a very cute shorter novel and I’ll be on the lookout for future books by this author! The dialogue was witty and had me laughing out loud. If you want a fun read to take your mind off life this fits the bill!

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An intriguing tale!

Renee finds herself in some strange company after a job interview and spending time with Ellen, her best friend who dabbles in psychic practices. Katherine, a ghost who is convinced Renee is her soul mate, joins them on a journey of fun and madness, whilst borrowing the odd body here and there alone the way. To discover the past and settle Katherine’s unruly spirit, Renee must uncover the truth, no matter what.

This was a lot of fun, a little crazy and mad, but that really suited Katherine’s spirited existence in Renee and Ellen’s world. The more I read, the more intrigued by everything I became and in the end had a lot of fun trying to piece everything together to get the truth with Renee and Ellen. It was very exciting and filled with moments that made me smile and laugh.

Cathleen has produced a short tale that encompasses comedy and a little humour with something a little paranormal and dark natured. The mix of characters, from Renee and Ellen as best friends, to Adrianne, Renee’s new boss, made for great dynamic and the relationships between them all held such importance in getting all the facts and uncovering Katherine’s true reasons for existing and making the assumptions about them that she did.

I really enjoyed reading the story and am excited to know what Cathleen will write next. Hopefully, some future stories might also include Ellen, Renee and Adrianne, as I would love the chance to get to know them all even better.

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𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁.

This is oddly entertaining. It's a fun paranormal novel and I like it. Renee's psychic best friend Ellen, accidentally summons a spirit who latches onto Renee and comes on to her thinking they are soulmates and the pair have to figure out a way to get rid of her. The storyline with the ghost, Katherine, is bizarre but I was entertained because Cathleen Collins is just so good at the humour.

I also really love the dynamics between Renee and Ellen. They are best friends but it's not completely platonic. Renee never hides the fact that she's been in love with Ellen since forever but the feelings appear not to be mutual. Ellen is hard to read and she side-steps all of Renee's advances, but the odd part is that it's not awkward at all. They still engage in playful banter and they flirt, and it's so fun when they interact.

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I was quite apprehensive about this book. However, the story was well written, fun and quite witty. The characters were eccentric but loveable. Well done! I recommend. 4.5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for this ARC in exchange for my review.

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Witty, irreverent and irresistible! I haven’t had this much fun reading a novel in quite some time. Collins’ humorous story about past lives, ghosts and psychics had me laughing out loud more times than I can count.

Renee is a wise cracking, end of the pandemic but refusing to live unencumbered best friend of Ellen. They have been friends since childhood with Renee being not so secretly in love with Ellen since the seventh grade. In an attempt to free Renee from her self imposed constraints Ellen accidentally manifests a ghost who believes Renee is her soulmate.

Collins has a gift for creating eccentric characters and I am not sure which one I love more. They are all so vastly different yet equally appealing. Being a novice writer Collins has mastered her craft of storytelling. You are invested in Renee from the opening chapter and your interest never wavers throughout.

Although the novel is shorter than is normal it is perfectly written and edited to be a full and complete read. You are not left wanting by any measure. The Ghost’s Host is a must read novel for 2022 sure to engage and entertain all.

I received a free advance review copy from BSB and NetGalley. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Renee and Ellen are best friends when Ellen uses her psychic skills on caught off guard Renee which results with a ghost Katherine attached to Renee as they try to find out to get unattached by Katherine who has love on her mind. Things become more complicated when Renee’s new boss Adrianne is called on for help.

This was a short read it has funny moments I wouldn’t mind a series with theses characters.

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The ghosts host is a little odd. But the more I read, the curious I got, which made me read more. It has its really funny moments, I did find myself laughing out loud a fair bit. The story is different, it's ok, but it is lacking something. It is a very short book, which I would normally pass on, but I'm glad I didn't with this one. I would love to see maybe a series with these characters in.

I've given The Ghosts host a 3 star

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So I hated this book! We’re gonna talk about why. Also, I received this ARC at no cost in exchange for my honest opinion.

One thing that was probably not this book’s fault:

It takes place during a time when the pandemic is ’mostly over’ but the protagonist is still kind of wary about it and is still wearing a mask, which you know, honestly, commendable! But everyone else in the novel is terrible to her about it! Honestly with the way the pandemic is going right now (Literally everyone I know has COVID and people are being pressured to go back to work before they’re well – by the CDC, so, you know, pretty bad) this is just kind of a weird nightmare to read about. But like, maybe when this was written it did not seem like this would be a problem that we would still be having in 2022!
I also hated the writing style, which was hyper-casual in a voice-y way, but also both of the main characters (Ellen and Renee) sound exactly the same in dialogue. There’s also a ghost character, Katharine, who is supposed to come off as hot via the narration, but she actually just comes off as incredibly creepy and weird. There’s a lot of detail about things that don’t really seem to matter – lots of details about how the protagonist’s cats threw up in the car on the way to their destination, and really I just could have done without that? These cats are just played off as kind of a joke and it’s not particularly funny?

There’s a lot of this book that is supposed to be played off as a joke and it just isn’t funny? Like, one of the first scenes has Renee drinking a cup of tea that her best friend Ellen makes her, and then she is super high because Ellen made her peyote tea without telling her. Like?? Excuse me?? People don’t do that! People shouldn’t do that! Are you friends? Is this what you do to your friends? What the fuck! Ellen signs Renee up for a drag show performance and Renee just really doesn’t want to do it and Ellen will not let up! This is not what friends do! This is my worst nightmare!

Look, I understand that it is supposed to be a thing about how like, Ellen drags Renee into things that she doesn’t want to do because Renee is a nervous person that needs some encouragement, but I really feel like Ellen is going about it in the worst possible way . There’s actually a point where Ellen is like “yeah I did this secret ritual and I attached this ghost to you in a weird magical way but I kind of fucked it up” and you know what! Maybe just don’t do rituals on your best friends without telling them about it! I don’t know, just a suggestion!

I kept reading this book in the hopes that it would get better, but reader, it did not get better! I would have abandoned it if it were not an ARC! And now I am done reading it! Thank you and good night! (One star.)

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a fun, short, light read. I love the banter between the main characters, Renee and Ellen. I felt that we were quite far into the book before it got really interesting though, which was quite a shame for such a short book; but when it good, it was good, just felt too rushed.

Overall an enjoyable read and a good debut book for the author, will be keeping her on my radar to see what she writes next (maybe a prequel).

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This paranormal novella is an adventure. Renee’s Chambers has come through the pandemic a bit of a germaphobe like many people I know. Her best friend is a psychic who helps get her out of the house by sending her to a strange bookstore for a new job and taking her out for a weekend of gambling and drinking. Somewhere along the way a ghost attaches to her.

I think I missed some of the humor as the story starts with serious tones in dealing with unemployed and crashing in a first career. To switch from that to the very light friend banter was jarring. Also I will add that I’m not a drinker so while I try not to judge books and characters because of it, I don’t always get the appeal or humor of continual drinking. I really couldn’t relate to any of the characters or their reactions to what they were experiencing. I can see others enjoying the book more than me. I would read more from the author in the future to see if I connect better. Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Ghost's Host is a fun read with a mixture of psychic encounter gone wrong and a childhood imaginary friend who may not have been so imaginary.
Rene has come to visit friend and psychic, Ellen she is given a drink that will take her on a journey from childhood to the present with some very questionable results. She'll learn things that have been kept from her her entire life that now bring comfort and a peace of mind.
This is entertaining read that with a great characters and enchanting story.

Thank you NetGalley and Bold Stroke Books for this advanced copy.

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4.5 Stars

Ghost Lite. A lot of humour mixed in with a pretty pissed off poltergeist. Reminded me of Lila Bruce’s Chasing Shadows not because the books are similar in any way, more because this is not a scary, horror filled novella, more it’s a humorous look at how some wayward lost soul/poltergeist tries her hardest to screw up an already screwed up woman and her best friend and how they deal with the (accidental) haunting.

I liked the silly and at times zany approach to life shared by best friends Renee and Ellen. A friendship for life. Little do they know when Ellen practices her psychic skills on an unsuspecting Renee that they would release a very determined spirit with love on her mind. I loved how the silliness changes into something deeper requiring Renee’s new boss Adrianne to be called on for help. Renee’s inner monologue sets the tone throughout and makes for an entertaining if off kilter read. This might not be to everyone’s taste but sometimes you just have to go with the flow and you will be rewarded.

Impressive debut and an author to watch. I will be happy to read another book by Cathleen Collins.

A copy of this book was received with thanks from the publisher via NetGalley for review.

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