Member Reviews

3-in-1 Bible Guide is what the title says. This book includes brief dictionary definitions, concordance, and commentary. I love the concept behind this. While many study Bibles already include this information I would enjoy having this at my fingertips during my Bible studying everyday.
All that being said reviewing this book from a NetGalley format proved challenging. I hope the finalized eBook version includes a table of contents or at least a way to jump forward to a specific topic/word/map. There is a lot of cross-referencing throughout due to the concordance nature but I was unable to jump to something that was referenced for further study or investigation. Since I'm not editing this title just reviewing it I would have loved to be able to use it like it's intended. I would recommend a physical copy of this title to those considering it. Then you would be free to flip back and forth to what you're studying.
I often find my memory about certain people and places are quickly fuzzy, especially when reading passages with words I cannot pronounce. I think this would be a great resource to help jog my memory about specific people groups mentioned throughtout the Bible. I would LOVE if this also included phonetical pronounciations. :)
This is defintely a layman's resource, not intended for scholars.
All in all I would recommend this book.
Thank you Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for this opportunity to review this book. All opinions are my own.

Great for those who are either new to studying the Bible and need a resource to assist in Bible study and those who are new to the faith entirely and need a bit of context found in the maps. Also great for students. The maps are in full color which is always a plus as well.

This book blew me away! I was unable to but it down. Perfect, dazzlingly, very well written. The details the author described throughout the book was so amazing. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

If you are looking for a simple resource for basic biblical information to help guide your study or point you to more in-depth information, this is the reference guide you need.
It includes basic definitions for major biblical words/ideas and people/places, all in an easy to look up alphabetical format. In between definitions, the book also includes a concordance for basic words, so you can easily find where those words are used in the Bible, to see them in context. And the full-color maps at the back of the book are beautiful and contain a wealth of information to aid in biblical study.
Having the digital ARC of the 3-in-1 Bible Guide, I’m not sure how the final format will look. I do hope that they have included a table of contents or a search function that would allow the reader to jump to a particular letter of the alphabet or topic easily. If not, then I’d recommend purchasing a print copy of this handy reference for ease of use. It would be a nice resource to keep with your Bible study gear to help you grow in the Word.
I’d give the 3-in-1 Bible Guide 4 out of 5 stars for content.
Many thanks to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for the digital ARC of this reference book for review purposes. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are my very own! 🙂

The 3-in-1 Bible Guide is a must buy for public libraries. It is a easy to use reference book that functions as a dictionary, concordance, and atlas. The conciseness makes the book approachable, and the price point is great.

Use this guide while doing a Bible study. It was very easy to use. It had everything all in one book to use. It was easy access. I recommend this book. I just reviewed 3-in-1 Bible Guide by George W. Knight; Compiled by Barbour Staff.

A basic Bible Study Help
The "3-in-1 Bible Guide. A dictionary, Concordance, and Atlas for Everyday Study" was written b George W. Knight, compiled by Barbour Staff and printed by Barbour Publishing. As goal of the one-volume resource which combines dictionary, concordance, and maps, the author states: "The 3-in-1 Bible Guide is designed for everyday Bible students rather than scholars. It is intended to be handy, concise, and easy to understand. We hope you will find insight and clarity into God’s Word as you use this guide" (p. 3). The articles are short and precise, but nevertheless include the some of the cross-references in the Bible as well as references to the maps for the locations that are presented in the dictionary part of the book. It is good to note that the book presents only short information. For more extensive details about a topic reference works (such as Bible Dictionaries, Concordances, and Bible Atlases) need to be consulted. I appreciate that, even such, the book includes variant readings for key words, persons, and places, which is helpful. A list of abbreviations and a list of maps are also included at the beginning of the book. I recommend this handy tool for personal use, for Bible students, and for Bible study groups, especially for people who do not (yet) own a study Bible or other Bible study resources.
The complimentary copy of this book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley free of charge. I was under no obligation to offer a positive review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#3in1BibleGuide #NetGalley

Are you interested in studying the Bible? Are you tired of having to carry around multiple books when you can carry one? Well this 3-in-1 Bible Guide by George W Knight might be the right fit for you. It has a dictionary, concordance and atlases to help guide you through studying your Bible.

Directed at Christian readers, the "3-in-1 Bible Guide" covers the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Even this old Jewish reviewer found some informative entries, and there are some very nice maps.

This is a great resource for studying the Bible. It is easy to use and has a good amount of information that is helpful for the beginner or advanced student of the Bible!

Everything you need for your bible study
I found this guide very helpful and plan on getting one for myself once it's released

3-in-1 Bible Guide: A Dictionary, Concordance, and Atlas for Everyday Study
If reading and studying the Bible is part of your New Years resolutions this guide can help. As the book title says it is a dictionary, concordance, and atlas. Many traditional Bibles have these included by I am fiinding the newer journaling Bibles often do not. The information included is very concise and to the point, it isn’t aimed at children but my tween kids could understand most of the definitions. I received an advance copy of the ebook but a printed book would be so handy. In terms of studying the Bible, it is nice not to be connected to technology while doing it. I like all my “paper” or hardcover books in hand rather than hopping on google for a quick answer. If you are like me you can get bogged down or distracted when searching for answers online. The guide is written alphabeticaly so it encompasses people, phrases and repeated terms. It was very easy to find answers in the book,, some references gave only words definitions while other listed all the related Bible references .This is another great tool for the “toolbox”.I would recommend this guide to anyone who wants to study the Bible and grow in Gods word.

3-in-1 Bible Guide: A Dictionary, Concordance, and Atlas for Everyday Study
I love tools for reading my Bible, so I jumped at the opportunity to get this book. I love how all of the references are together and color coded in this book, taking the guess work out of it, and making looking up words/people/locations in the Bible quick and easy, which is great for a beginner who is new to Bible study and may be overwhelmed. It’s also great because you don’t have to have multiple books to flip through to find the information you are looking for. I did have a digital version which made it a little difficult to get to the maps, so it may be a book you would want a physical copy of for ease of use (unless the Kindle version has links to the maps, which would be great). I also liked that it’s based off the KJV Bible.
Thank you to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book!

3-in-1 Bible Guide: A Dictionary, Concordance, and Atlas for Everyday Study
by George W. Knight; Compiled by Barbour Staff
Barbour Publishing
Back of the Book: “Are you looking for basic Bible information?
Don’t want to wade through long, technical explanations of people, places, things, or ideas?
The 3-in-1 Bible Guide is your go-to resource for everyday use!
For many people, a simple explanation is much more helpful than a long, theological treatise ever would be. That’s the philosophy behind the 3-in-1 Bible Guide: A Dictionary, Concordance, and Atlas for Everyday Study.
This compact, beautifully designed reference book offers the most important details on Bible people, places, things, and ideas, along with key references you can look up for additional information. And, when appropriate, related entries are cross-referenced and keyed to some three dozen informative maps.
The 3-in-1 Bible Guide is perfect if you’re unfamiliar with the depths of scripture, but it’s also useful if you’re a Bible veteran who just wants a quick refresher on God’s Word.”
Impressions: I’ll get right to the point. A study Bible has the same information this book offers. I prefer my study Bible with everything in one place rather than having multiple books to carry and spread out to read. If you don’t have a study Bible this book would be a great addition to your bookshelf. I have this book as an ebook and this version was challenging to utilize. I found it difficult to jump around reading which is why I would recommend a hard copy for any use of this book. I also found the maps to be difficult to view. I wanted to zoom in or change the orientation but I couldn’t. Additionally, there were no references to go with the maps. I love looking at historical context while reading my Bible but it is helpful to know what you are looking at when viewing and not having to search. I can’t deny that this book offers all that it says in its book blurb. I personally did not find it helpful and think that it is useless as an ebook. I do hope that if you decide to purchase this book, that it brings you closer to the Lord in your study of His word.
I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review shared here.