Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this one! I should have read it so much sooner! But I don’t regret it. This maybe a new obsession! I love the characters, plot, etc.

I absolutely adore everything that Lyndall Clipstone writes. This has been an epic conclusion to one of my favorite series and I absolutely loved it.

This sampler made me CRAZY. So excited for this release! What a way to tease the rest of this book. Very happy to have received this from Owlcrate.

Being the sequel to Lakesedge, I had high hopes for Forestfall. If I could describe the book in three words it would be: Fantasy, romance, and thrilling. I loved the addition of the goddesses in the underworld, as I feel it gave stakes that we didn't understand were there in Lakesedge. I also feel like Clipstone mastered the idea of having a separate moral compass for mortals versus immortal without having either come off as fake. The world building is immaculate, and it kept me coming back for more. We see Leta going through her own personal turmoil of mourning herself as well as trying to fight to go back to the top. While I know this was set up to be a love triangle, I never fully got the picture of it. More so, I pictured Leta developing feelings for the Lord Under in the way you might a close friend who you can relate to, but in the end, she was always for Rowan. This is where one of my criticisms for the book comes from. I believe Clipstone tried to create a love triangle, but it felt more like she was telling us there was one without showing us. In the intimate scenes between Leta and the Lord Under, it still felt like he had feelings when she didn't, but she confused her feelings of platonic agreement with romantic, causing the scenes to be invigorating but overall unnecessary in my opinion, because I knew that they were not going to detract from her love of Rowan.
Forestfall came with "sequel-itis" in my opinion, because the first book was so good, I feel like I had expectations for the second that were not met. I kept reading because I wanted to know what happened, but there were times that it felt like so much information was packed into the book, however it was not a lot in the long run. I feel like this came because we spent the first book establishing relationships, stakes, and the world above. The second book, however, was spent establishing new relationships, new stakes, all the while creating the world below. Questions we had during the first book weren't really answered at all until the end of the second, which left it feeling like we were reading a whole new story, just with the same characters.
Overall, I still thoroughly enjoyed the book. Clipstone has a beautiful way of writing that I seldom find in teen fiction that kept me wanting to read simply to see how she chose to write the phrases. read this duology if you want an eery fantasy for YA. I can't wait to see what she comes out with next!

Thank you so much that galley for this ARC simpler of forest fall. I really enjoyed the sampler. I am so excited for forestfall and really can’t wait to finish the rest of it. This has gotten me so excited that I have requested the full one, and actually end up winning a contest so I got it. Full review to come. But the Sampler is fantastic, Lyndall has done it again!

An enticing glimpse of what is to come for the second in this gorgeous duology! It picks up right after the events of Lakesedge and I can't wait to read more!

I am thankful to have recieved this sampler. The shifts between perspectives and new character dynamics, such as Violeta and the Lord Under. The sample given to the audience about this dynamic is enough to make us eager to read more. The deeper world building and understanding of the World Below was also very interesting, because we only got a glimpse of it in the final chapters of "Lakesedge." Also, seeing how distraught Rowan was at the loss of Leta just tugged at my heart. I cannot wait to purchase the book and return to this lush gothic world of magic, mystery, and romance.

I absolutely loved Lakesedge (a five star read for me) and I can’t wait to read Forestfall. Just one chapter is not enough. LOL This looks like it’s going to be fantastic!

This sounds like it is going to be amazing. I can't wait to read. I think that it is going to be great. I also love books with dual POV so that's something else I am excited for.

Just finished the sampler chapter and I am so beyond excited to read this sequel once it is released !! I have missed Rowan and Leta dearly, and I know that having a dual POV this book will make the reading experience even more phenomenal!

Just a sampler, I've rated the whole book on here and Goodreads already. ♥️ But I have to write at least 100 words, so here goes. Read this book. First, read Lakesedge, it's phenomenal. Then read this one, it's even better than the first!

I loved loved her first book. Lakesedge. The plot and the gods and the mystery and the romance and the magic and sacrifice for family and for new family. This book and this one so far is amazing. I really don’t want to give anything away. It’s just so good. I got the first book in an Owlcrate box and fell in love. Out of all the books on here I am looking forward to hopefully being picked to read this book and review it. This book was definitely one in a million type fantasy novels for me and if you read these books I am sure you will feel the same. I really hope I get picked to read the whole book.

I read a chapter sampler of Forestfall right after reading Lakesedge. It was a short sample, but I’m excited by the possibility of the book moving forward with dual POV. I definitely intend to read this sequel.

Book 1 ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, so it was nice that this starts up right where book 1 left off.
I liked that this started off with Rowan's POV, and I'd be interested in knowing whether the book will continue to be 50/50 split POV or if it will continue to be mostly Violeta's POV.
Overall, this was a solid chapter sampler and it looks like fans of book 1 will be pleased with this.

I loved Lakesedge and I am super excited to see this jump right back into the story! I can’t wait to see what happens with Leta and Lord Under.
Is it September 27 yet?

Initially, when I started reading this I did not realize it was a sequel. My first reaction was I felt like I was picking up in the middle of a story and not a beginning. I was very lost and could not understand what was going on. I have a feeling I need to have read the first book to understand what is going on in these few chapters.
I received this sampler in my OwlCrate box. All opinions are 100% my own.

I just reviewed Forestfall Chapter Sampler by Lyndall Clipstone. #ForestfallChapterSampler #NetGalley in exchange for my honest review, Oh I cannot wait to see how this book progresses. And of course no spoilers here, but starting with Rowan almost touched my inner emo soul, a tortured handsome man left to his thoughts is always my favorite, the depth that I got from just that first chapter made me reread it again. My brave Leta ( I will not go into a lot of detail in case you have not read the first book), but her resilience is always astounding. A strong brave heroine always has me projecting myself in her situation. I love how Lyndall creates such relatable characters! I cannot wait until the conclusion to this dualogy is out.

Thanks to NetGalley for the sampler!
The sampler included the first 3 chapters of the book, and they definitely leave me wanting more! It doesn't pick up immediately after the ending of book 1, but we do get answers as to what happened after that cliffhanger ending. Leta is adjusting to her new situation, and Rowan is struggling with it. I look forward to reading the rest of the book when it releases (or if I manage to snag an ARC before then, finger crossed)!
I'm somehow rooting for Rowan and Lord Under???! Putting this at 5 stars now, but may change based on the rest of the book.

Yes, yes, and YES! This draws the reader right in with plaintive Rowan, struggling to accept the loss of Leta. The guy is hanging on by a thread. And Leta, for all her (understandable) crying, is plotting some resistance against the Lord Under. We love to see it!

I love this story and I loved getting to dive back into the world of Lakesedge! Even if this was just a sample, I loved every word of it and can’t wait to read the rest of the story!