Member Reviews

I only got to read a small sample of this book, but I liked it quite a lot.. If I didn't already have such a long TBR, I would purchase another copy. It doesn't seem to be available at my library.

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33 rules for life are provided throughout the book in short format and an example given on each rule. The rules are ways to live a better life and include such things as gratitude and meditation.

For Someone who is unfamiliar with these topics this short book offers introductory thoughts to expand upon.

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33 Rules for Life provides 33 pearls of wisdom, followed by explanation and examples of real-world application. While some of the quotes were interesting and provided food for thought and opportunities for reflection, overall the book had a somewhat aloof air to me, and I wasn’t able to fully immerse myself in the teachings. Maybe part of the issue is in fact that the “rules” came across as “teachings”…

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Oh Wow! This book is excellent... I love the approach the author takes... It is like 33 vignettes with a unique focus on each... I finished this book in two days straight and have kept going back to it since... Must read for all! It's literally Life Lessons explained via simple thoughts

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This book focuses heavily on wisdom being the key to everything. Don't get me wrong, wisdom is wonderful, but the third eye isn't the key to true enlightenment - the heart is. The answer is always - love.

This book also has an air that perhaps it now knows everything there is to know, when it definitely doesn't. If we had all the answers, we wouldn't still be here.

The layout is good but the lack of colour and visuals made it difficult for me to want to continue reading.

Overall, this book does have some good lessons and I can see it helping beginners and being a nice stepping stone, on an ever-evolving journey.

*Needs editing - there are many typos.

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This profound self-help book helps you to find inner wisdom, because wisdom is the highest attainment that everyone should seek for in life.

The author invites us to explore these 33 rules for mastering our emotions and enriching our life. The book is in a form of short chapters as guides to explore both the dark and light places in your understanding of the world.

We are always pursuing or running from something, so it is even more essential to take time to self-reflect, to understand, find inner peace and path to the wisdom. All that is possible if we just open our hearts and minds.

This wisdom is only accessible when we are willing to observe the world from a detached yet compassionate perspective.

True happiness does not reside in the pursuit of the things that we believe will make us happy. We do not achieve peace by avoiding the things that make life difficult.
Happiness and peace come from the acceptance of life as it happens. It comes from our recognition that life is ever-changing and we simply occupy a form in this space.

Every existence is created uniquely but equally, however the tricks of the eyes and the mind viewed them as being different. It is simply a test of our moral virtue and acceptance. Everything is created by 'The One' - in one core-form, and, in due time, everything returns to 'The One'.

By practicing mindfulness and acceptance, we can experience peace. One way we achieve this is through the practice of gratitude.

When we value the journey more than the destination, we can embrace an enjoyment of life that has no limit. We do not constantly pursue a goal, we simply pursue the experience of improvement.

Celebrate happiness in your experiences, and learn about the wisdom of living happily, and compassionately.

Essential guide for life.

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As one who is currently trying to live from my soul rather than my ego, I found this book to be impeccably timed! Very thought provoking and just what I needed right now. We need to see the interconnectedness of the Universe in such trying times. Well done, Leslie! Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This was a weird and inconsistent in writing and message. Absolutely not what I expected, could have maybe done with an editor.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC for an exchange for an honest review.

Excellent book, great information.

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33 Rules For Life is a self-help book by Leslie Leong. Each rule includes an example to further convey Leong’s message. Leong expresses the importance of gratitude, connection, inner peace, and more. These rules are about 1 1/2 pages long and leave room for the reader’s interpretation. Although I would have liked for each rule to be more in depth/longer, I still enjoyed this format. Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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