Member Reviews

this checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read. Historical fiction oh yeah. Love me some of this. yummy yummy stuff

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Grantham has had nothing but trouble since being crowned King. Ophelia is a feisty woman determined to bring him down a peg or two as she thinks he's grumpy and arrogant. Grantham is disturbed by Olivia and finds her frustrating because he doesn't want to admit his attraction to her. The couple will have to deal with revolution and taking a chance on love. A truly great read with plenty of steaminess.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley.

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This is the fourth book in the Regency Royals series, and the final book about the royal siblings (the last book in the series is about their mother, the Queen). I have been looking forward to Grantham (King of Athawick, a small island country along strategic British trade routes) and Ophelia, the sister of the Duke of Gilmore, an ally and friend of King Grantham (also the H in the last book of The Three Mrs series that precedes this series). While it is not strictly necessary to have read the previous books in this series, I do strongly recommend it as the siblings whose stories occur before this one are present in this book, and there are some underlying story lines that have built over the course of the series that are resumed in this one.

When Grantham first encountered Ophelia during a recent visit to England, he was struck immediately by her beauty and charm. This reaction inexplicably evoked a response in him of irritation, and since that first meeting, Grantham and Ophelia have been at odds. Grantham tread lightly at first because of the relationship he was cultivating with her brother as an ally for his country, but he believed that he would only be in Ophelia's limited company for a short period of time. When one of his sisters falls in love with a member of the British peerage, the Duke of Gilmore and his family are invited, Ophelia and her friend Priscilla included. Both Grantham and Ophelia steered clear of each other and believed that time to be finite, but then Priscilla and Remington, Grantham's brother, fell in love and decided to marry, and as her closest friend, Ophelia was offered an extended stay invitation that she felt she had to accept at Priscilla's insistence that she was needed. Will the infuriatingly opinionated woman ever leave him in peace?!

Ophelia has no idea what she did to offend His Highness, but his hostile temperament in her presence has led her to approach him similarly. And sometimes even in an overly friendly way because she knows her outgoing personality and friendliness seem to bother him even more, so she lays it on him extra thick to goad him further. But as she is around him more often, she starts to see behind the wall that Grantham puts up as a king and recognizes the need in the man for someone he can trust, confide in, and be his true self with. And Ophelia sees more than most, which rattles Grantham further. When circumstances continue to push them together, the underlying tension leads to unleashed passion that neither can no longer deny. But Grantham has a country to run, people whose trust he needs to gain, and a rebellion to peacefully quell. He does not have time for anything else, and when he does marry, it must to be to a fellow Athwickian to solidify the connections in the country he needs to establish a new reign. Ophelia is no naive miss, nor is she under any expectation that she could have a future with the king, but it isn't the king she wants... it's the man. The man she has come to understand and care for.

As Grantham and Ophelia's relationship deepens, the threat of the rebellion comes increasingly closer to the king and those he loves. Can Grantham keep his family safe? Will he be able to establish a peaceful reign in his country? And is there any way for him to be with the woman that he loves without giving up everything else?

Plot --- 4/5
Main Characters --- 4/5
Supporting Cast --- 4/5
Steam Level* --- 4/5
Violence --- nothing graphic or of a domestic nature
Language --- some, not egregious
POV --- 3rd

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all

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This author succeeds in telling a well paced story with great chemistry between main characters….. enjoyed read

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Finally we get to read the story of the tightly controlled and uptight King of Athawick, Grantham. We have seen him in the prevous books of the series, encouraging his siblings to marry startegically, and withdrawing from them. In this book we get to see behind his royal mask. He has been cruelly 'trained' by his father to be tightly controlled and emotionless, and with unrest and political dissent rife in his small kingdom, he is struggling against his own instincts and the contrary advice of his father's former advisor. He definetly has the world on his shoulders, and no one to confide in or share his burden with.

When Lady Ophelia and Grantham met each other, there was an instant spark - of animosity. Grantham resents the pull he feels towards her, and reacts coldly and curtly, Lady Ophelia, initially attracted to the handsome king, isnt one to take poor behaviour lying down, and the battle of wits is on!

This enemies to lovers, class difference story is deftly handled, and once they lean into their true feeling for each other. Ophelia's strong but sensible character supports and Grantham and eases his burdens, and broadens his understanding of his siblings, himself and his subjects. As Grantham thaws and relaxes, their connection is fire, with Jess Michaels trademark sexiness.

Lovely glimpses of the previous 3 Mrs series and foresahowing of book 5 which features the gracious and strong Queen of Athawick, Grantham's mother, and hrusted right hand man. Really looking forward to a older lovers romance.

Highly recommended - read them all!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book and all opinions are my own.

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I recieved a free copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was my favorite book in the series so far. With the third one being a close second.
Grantham is king and as such he must do what is best for his people. He cannot marry for love as all of his siblings have. Yet he cannot get Opheila out of his mind. Besides he needs to focus of the rebellion that is brewing and that has already put his sister's life in danger.
Ophelia has remained, even after her brother and his wife left, so she could attend Priscilla's wedding but now she must return home soon. If only teasing Grantham wasn't so fun.
I liked the relationship between Ophelia and Grantham. It felt organic and grew steadily. The rebellion plays a small background role but the plot that has continued for the series wraps up here.
I can't wait for Dash and the Queen's story finally.

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I wasn't as impressed with this book as I have with other or even from other series. I found the pace slow and the ending mediocre. All that build up of two books for nothing. The physical chemistry between characters was okay but Granthams inability to communicate or let others in felt weak

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I’ve got to say that I’m not a fan of royal romances but there was just something about this one that gripped me from the start.

Ophelia is a guest in Grantham’s castle and he is a grumpy king who doesn’t like what Ophelia does to his senses. He knows he shouldn’t entangle with her but it’s just so hard to resist.

I love these two as a couple! I feel like this definitely wouldn’t be my last read by this author because I couldn’t stop reading it.

I love that she’s sunshine and he’s grumpy and I love how he wasn’t as cold as he portrayed to the world. He was funny and charming once they got together and she completed him so well.

However, while the chemistry was hot I feel like the ending was a bit meh. I mean, they go through all this trouble of hiding only to realize that there’s nothing wrong with them being together.

4 stars.


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To Kiss A King is the fourth in a series about the royals of the fictitious Athawick finding their ones and only. In this installment, we finally get to see King Grantham meet his match in Lady Ophelia. Ophelia is in Athawick with her family to celebrate a royal wedding, and she stays on after her family returns to London so she can be there when her best friend Priscilla marries Prince Remington.

Ophelia finds the royal family to be very warm and loving, with the exception of the king. She feels like he disapproves of her, so she sets out to be as charming and bright as possible if only to tweak him. Grantham, however, is more befuddled than disapproving, and it's her brightness that draws him. The two slowly find their way toward each other, although a future is never in the cards. The king has too many weighty responsibilities, and Ophelia knows that at some point she must return to London.

One of the biggest challenges facing the king is a contingent of citizens who have been expressing their desire to become a democracy. Grantham is not against the possibility--in fact he sees merit in the idea--but his father had practically beaten into him that the monarchy was the most important thing. The only time Grantham feels more like a man than a king is the time that he spends with Ophelia. She is remarkably intuitive, and she's determined to do what she can to support him in the short time that they have together.

I really adored the main characters in this story. Though he may not have come across as particularly warm in previous books, Grantham is clearly shown as a really great guy just trying to do the best for the people of his country, as well as for the people that he loves. Ophelia is intelligent and wise, and she seems to know exactly when she needs to step forward and when it's better if she steps aside and lets the royal family be royal. From the book's description, I was a little worried that she would come across as flighting and annoying she does not come across that way at all. She's a perfect match for the king.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thanks!

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This was an enjoyable book. I liked the characters and the fact that they had a little growth throughout the story. Many romance novels have very little plot it seems these days. Despite being part of a series, I was able to understand the relationship between characters and their past stories. I am not sure if I will continue on with this series due to the plot still being a bit too thin for my liking.

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To Kiss a King is the fourth book in the steamy Regency Royals series by Jess Michaels. The romance stands alone, but you'll enjoy this story more if you've followed the couples in the previous volumes and also the family relationships as the series progressed. This has been my favorite so far!

Grantham, recently crowned King of Athawick after the death of his father, is not having an easy time of it. His family never does what he demands of them, and there are also rumblings and rumors of an uprising against the Crown. Who wouldn't be grumpy? To top it all off, a guest of the newest Princess of Athawick seems determined to vex him at every possible opportunity! Lady Ophelia doesn't know why she's attracted to the prickly Grantham. One moment he sends her scorching glances, and the next he's frowning and rude to her. She is determined to bring him down a notch, but fiery passion soon overtakes them both. Will Grantham be able to protect his Kingdom AND get the girl, or will he lose everything?

I adored all the heroes in the first three books of the series, but Grantham is my man! He has a wonderful and supportive family - though they defied him to obtain true love - but growing up as the heir to the king was miserable. His father was never happy with Grantham, and would punish him in cruel ways when displeased. Grantham was always close to his siblings, especially brother Remi, but the past treatment by his father and now with the weight of the world on his shoulders, he is a gruff and grumpy man and has pulled away from them. With the threat of an uprising things were tense; he then had to dismiss Blairford, the courtier he inherited from his father, due to disloyalty. He didn't have time to be distracted by the beguiling Lady Ophelia! Yet she would not be ignored. She responded to Grantham's grouchiness with sunshine to irritate him. She knew from past experience that romance for her didn't end well, yet still she wanted Grantham. When they decided to become lovers things were scorching! It was obvious they needed each other. Love scenes were graphic but not crude; I needed to wear oven mitts to hold my Kindle! My favorite relationship in the story, however, was the one between Grantham and Remi when they finally reconnected as brothers. There was a twist to the uprising storyline that was a shocker. This was a great story, but I'm even more excited about the next book: Queen Giabella and Dash. I can't wait!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book. This is my freely given review.

This has been a fun series to read so far, about the royals of Athawick and their various relationships with British aristocracy during the Regency period. So far, we had the love stories of the younger siblings, Ilaria, Sasha, and Remi. This fourth book is about Grantham, the eldest and the reigning King of Athawick.

I am glad that he has his own story, and readers are able to read a bit into his background and get to know him on a more personal level, than as a supporting character in the previous three. He obviously loves his family, but is the King and takes his role as the King and his and his family's representation of Athawick very seriously. Too seriously at times, to where it has built walls around him and affected his relationships with his family, especially his brother. He also seems to feel that he has to bear the burden alone, even when there are difficulties, such as the signs of rebellion in his nation, and seems overwhelmed. As a leader, he has not learned the value of delegation, and different perspectives/shared knowledge. It does not help that there are long-term agents of dissent who are working against him and the family, as well as having had a rather cold, selfish bastard of a father, who was also his primary mentor on how to run the nation and be king.

Because of his burdens and choices, he is very tightly controlled, very isolated, and very lonely. This story gives us more of the man underneath, his anxieties, fears, and his love for his country, his people, and his family.

Lady Ophelia, the best friend to Priscilla, from the third book, appears to be his opposite. They appear to antagonize each other, but deep down are quite attracted to each other, and in the end that is what comes through.

I enjoyed this story, in the grander context of the series, as I did like the build of the character of Grantham and his motivations and conflicts. I especially enjoyed how he was working on opening up and sharing his concerns, and his renewal of his relationship with Remi. I like the build up to the mom's story as well, and the introduction of other characters that have a link to the Royal family's past. Would that be a lead up to another spin off story? Just wondering.

This was a 3.5 stars out of 5 for me.

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This is the 4th book in this series but it can be read as a standalone. Grantham has not had an easy go of it since becoming King of Athawick. Lady Ophelia is a special guest of Abigail, who happens to be marrying into the family. Sparks fly between Ophelia and Grantham will they find a way to be together or will something destroy their budding relationship? Fast-paced read with plenty of drama and intense chemistry. I was hooked from beginning to end. I loved it.

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Wonderful story of Grantham, King of Athawick, a man with many troubles and worries on his mind, and Lady Ophelia, a friend of Abigail who is going to marry Grantham's brother Remi (from Princes are Wild, Regency Royals #3). Ophelia is a bright spark in Grantham's life, but to protect her, he pushes her away. You can't help but feel for Grantham and root for their feelings to blossom. This book is part of a series, but can be read as a standalone, as all is well explained. Love Ms Michaels' writing style and storylines. Highly recommend.

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Danger and desire collide with explosive results. To Kiss a King is a mesmerizing journey into an unorthodox romance. Michaels thrust emotions into a haunting game of intrigue that keep the senses on full alert. Grantham and Ophelia are a swoon a minute, unpredictable, irresistibly breathtaking ride.

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Jess Michaels is favorite authors. She never disappoints. This book is the 4th book of the Regency Royals series. This book center around the King Grantham and Lady Ophelia. This is book has my favorite trope which are grumpy meet sunshine and enemies to lovers. This two radiate heat in this book. I kept loving their scene in the last book. It’s my favorite of this series. I can’t wait for the next one in the series.

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Another great book I absolutely enjoyed. Each and every book in this series is amazing.
Since being crowned King of Athawick after his father’s death, Grantham has been struggling. His kingdom may be on the verge of an uprising and now his palace has been invaded by a very frustrating woman who seems hell-bent on torturing him. Lady Ophelia may be the special guest of the newest Princess of Athawick, but her attention is all on the king. The rude, grumpy, forever-frowning king. He needs to be brought down a peg and she is just the woman to do it. If only she could stop kissing him…
I loved every story in this series. The second and the third ones were my favorites so far. Maybe this is the one I treasure less, but an amazing story, nevertheless.
Grantham is a king through and through: cold, regal and distant. Ophelia is a woman that can’t be ignored in any way. I liked her from the start. They spar a lot and it’s quite funny to see it. The dialogs are witty and fast. The tension right on the pages. The sex so hot!!
This is not as emotional as the previous ones, but it seemed the be the most powerful one. He may be a king, but he can´t freely love her, not like his siblings. Luckily we get to see the traitor in this story and the rebels that create conflicts in the other books.
I highly recommend to read this books in order. It will be a totally different experience and a really marvelous one.
I loved all the secondary character and I’ll be waiting restless for the queen and Dash’s story.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This regency romance also has a political aspect to it. A king trying his best for his country whilst dealing with an uprising, his partner Ophelia is the English miss that captures his heart and helps to calm his fears and settles his nerves. Very well written.

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In this fourth book of the amazing Regency Royals series, King Grantham is struggling with a rampaging rebellion who’s shaking his country and with an alluring young woman who’s shaking his life…
Lady Ophelia is a guest to the lively court of Athawick and she finds everyone quite friendly and kind toward her… everyone except the king. He’s forever frowning and surly and judging of her behaviour, or so it seems… So why should she find him so attractive?
I looked forward to the King’s story, because I love a grumpy, stern hero who comes undone by love (if you read my reviews you should know it quite well by now!) and Grantham was my favorite character of this series since the beginning. He’s the most tortured and troubled of the siblings because of his position and his responsibilities and because of his upbringing by his brutal father. Ophelia was a pleasant surprise because I don’t usually like “sunshine” heroines, but she has unexpected depths and she found the right way to bring out the man who was hiding behind the king. And of course we have the brilliant writing of Jess Michaels to thank for the fact that we talk about them as they were real people! She’s wonderful at creating lifelike characters, not to mention the incredibly romantic love scenes! And now I look forward to the long awaited story of the more mature couple of the series: Queen Giabella and her “Queen’s man”!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4.5 Stars
Since being crowned King of Athawick after his father’s death, Grantham has been struggling. His family defies his every order, his kingdom may be on the verge of an uprising and now his palace has been invaded by a woman who lights up a room. Lady Ophelia may be the special guest of the newest Princess of Athawick, but her attention is all on the king. The rude, grumpy, forever-frowning king. He needs to be brought down a peg and she is just the woman to do it. Sunshine meets grumpy in this clash of wits and passion, but when a revolution comes knocking this king may have to choose between his kingdom or love.
This is the fourth book in the series & to fully appreciate it I’d recommend reading from the start. I thoroughly enjoyed this well written steamy romance. I’m so glad that Ophelia had her HEA, we met her in the Three Mrs series & she deserved to find love. She’s intelligent, caring, feisty & no shrinking violet as well as being a ray of sunshine. I've loved Grantham throughout the series & this adorable man who had the world on his shoulders needed someone to ground him & let him be himself not the king. I loved how their relationship grew, changed & developed from dislike to lust to love. I also loved that Grantham found comfort with Ophelia & also, at last, opened up not only to her but to others as well.
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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