Member Reviews

I'm very late in getting to this one, and it was a good book. I wasn't offended by anything in it, but it was good. Not a new favorite like I hoped it might be, but I'm not mad at it. Im just sad that it was just a book I read.

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A small town, second chance romance with an abundance of literary references and I'm sure I didn't catch them all. Paying homage to those classic romances,

There is witty banter sometimes bordering on sarcastic with almost anyone Athena interacts with. Unfortunately I waffled with whether I liked Athena which is hard in a romance.

But if you are a fan of classic romances, you should give this one a try.

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I finished this book two days ago and I cannot remember anything about the book. All I can remember is that the FMC liked to read and there were a lot of references to that. Oh and I remember his triumphant P. I even took a picture of that page. I think I might have just not been in the mood to read this. That or I was getting over a cold. Really, if you are reading this review, don't just not read this book solely based off this because you might end up liking it. It was just a wrong time sort of read for me I feel like.

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Blame It on the Brontes by Annie Sereno is a perfect fit for readers who adore slow-burning, small-town romances with a strong focus on bookish themes, second chances, and the complexities of academia, as well as those who appreciate a swoon-worthy, Brontë-inspired love story that explores the power of forgiveness and the magic of finding a second chance at love.

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So, Athena hightails it back home after college drama and decides to write a book about this mysterious author, CL Garland. Cool premise, right? But guess who she bumps into? Yep, her ex-boyfriend Thorne, conveniently occupying the job she thought she had. Awkward!

They end up working together to uncover Garland's secrets, which sounds steamy, but hold on. There's a lot of will-they-won't-they with Thorne keeping his distance, even though there's obvious chemistry. Plus, their whole "friends with benefits" thing felt weird considering their past engagement. Like, come on, commit or quit!

The book's got some fun literary references, and I gotta admit, Thorne's pining was kinda cute. But overall, it left me wanting more. The mystery around CL Garland was interesting, and the reveal was okay, but some things just felt unresolved. It wasn't a bad read, but maybe a solid 2 out of 5 stars.

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Good book. I enjoyed Reading it. The characters and plot were interesting life like and easy to connect with.

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Funny, charming, and enjoyable romance full of witty characters, even those of us who don't love the Bronte's can love this book!

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This was a cute, if slightly convoluted clean romance novel. It had a great premise but I think it suffered from being a little too scattered and introducing too many elements. Never quite kept my attention but overall an enjoyable read.

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This is a very interesting book which really does take its hits from Brontë. It’s cute and fun to read from start to finish.

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the intro was confusing as was the progression of the story. after a certain point I just couldn't finish it because I was struggling.

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I enjoyed all the parallels and nods to classic literature throughout. I found this book to be too long and felt the story could have been wrapped up earlier. Thank you Forever and Netgalley for my copy.

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"Blame it on the Brontës" unfolds a tale of academia, love, and literary intrigue. Athena Murphy, an expert in Brontë novels, faces a career dilemma, leading her to write a biography on the elusive C.L. Garland. Returning to her hometown, she encounters her ex-boyfriend Thorne Kent, sparking old emotions. The narrative expertly weaves between Athena and Thorne's past and present, mirroring Brontë-esque romances. While the storyline is engaging, it occasionally succumbs to predictability. The characters, though well-developed, lack certain nuances. Despite these drawbacks, the novel captures the essence of Brontëan love, offering a nostalgic nod to classic literature enthusiasts.

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I went into this book with the hopes of an entertaining rom com, and I am pleased to report that I have found just that in this story. However I wish there was more to the story, more substance to the characters. I liked the idea behind the novel but the execution left something to be desired. I think. that when I am reading a romance, I want there to eventually be INSANE chemistry between the characters. Unfortunately I never felt like they liked each other. In my mind there is a difference between hot and cold in a romance. and these characters were either hot or cold, never fully in one field or the other.

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Athena Murphy moves back to her hometown in the midwest with the goal of finding out who writes the steamy retellings of classic literature under C.L. Garland. She needs to find out show that she can save her career in California and to write the telling of the secret author. In order to investigate and find out she gets a job at the local cafe that her mom's friend owns only to find out that it's now owned by her ex-boyfriend, Thorne Kent. Athena and Thorne must set aside their differences to work together. However, there may be some steam that starts up with them.

I enjoyed the telling of Athena and Thorne's story along with the family drama that went along with it. Also, Athena's investigative skills to find the author was at times a bit funny.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advance read

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Unfortunately this one was just not for me. I wasn't a fan of the writing and was not able to motivate myself to finish it. When I wasn't reading this one I was not thinking about it and I had no desire to read it. Sadly it just did not work for me.

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3.5 stars

Dragged on a bit in the first 50%. Not a huge Brontë fan myself so didn’t quite care for the consistent mentions.

Second chance romance, coworkers. Closed door. Writing was quite piece-y at times, secrets obviously not shared to keep the plot going between main characters.

Guessed who Garland was immediately.

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Thank you to the publisher for allowing me advance access to this title. I really enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading more from this author. As a reader, I am really motivated by character driven stories and I found myself quickly becoming immersed in these characters’ lives. Full review to come.

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The blurb for this book immediately grabbed me. I love when we get fresh takes / incorporate some of the beloved classics into modern fiction. I adored all the literary reference sprinkled throughout!

The biggest issue with this book is its length. It is too long and my interest truly waned by about 70%. Athena also grows more and more unlikeable the longer you read, I did enjoy the dual perspective though and think it helped keep you feel a little more of the spark and get to know Thorne better.

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It was a cute read and occupied my time as a passenger on a road trip. The banter between Athena and Thorne was cute. I did enjoy the food content and for Athena to start working in the diner to try to figure out who the erotic writer is, but something about the book just didn't grab me. Maybe the length, not sure.

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Great characters, good banter. Just a bit long and slow paced. Athena returns home to work on a book to help save her job. Surprised by her ex living now in town and owner of the cafe she’s working in part time

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