Member Reviews

Love love love this book. You will think your getting nothing but a sex story but it's so much more. I fell in love with the main characters both had their own ways to pull you in. I guarantee you will love this book also.

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I try to keep an open mind when it comes to love and relationships because everyone is within their right to do what they want, however. I dont see any love in this book !.
The story was ok at first, writing wise, around 73% I wanted to stop reading. Dani was horrible, such a selfish person, she's also manipulative as hell. and honestly sometimes they were repeating the same idea over and over again !. Furthermore, I could not see their chemistry as partners or otherwise, I did not understand why Dani wanted to come back when the other person was not important to her (Ryan or otherwise). originally, she wanted to try and she did so what stopped her from actually trying to date someone ! it made no sense to me ! she also did not have the money..anyway while i'm at the money point ...they have not discussed how Ryan was reducing her fees each time even if she wants a different person !!
I can believe Ryan wants more but that's just it, I think she wants "more" from anyone not dani in particular. she only wants the idea of settling and so she got obsessed with Dani

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Escorted has an interesting premise - 'straight' Dani decides to use an escort agency to experience sex with another woman. What begins as a simple endeavour leads her on a journey of self-exploration where she meets Ryan, the CEO of the agency. I absolutely love sex positive novels and its one aspect of Renee Roman's novels that always wins me over.

However, I will admit that this book barely develops the romantic entanglement between Ryan and Dani. The chemistry at times was undeniable, but then in others it feels awkward between them. When we hit the big feelings chat later on in the novel, I felt really sceptical as they barely had any relationship development outside of the physical side of it. I wanted to feel their big feelings towards each other too, but I just didn't quite believe it.

Overall though, it's an enjoyable novel to read and I'd love to see more from Drake. Fingers crossed she'll get her own story.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. for providing me with this Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!*

**This review is intended for readers 18 and over**

Sum It Up:
Clichés and clunky sentences abound in this Women Loving Women (WLW) Erotica novel from Renee Roman. Ryan Lewis is every characteristic from the “toxic male CEO” crammed into a tall brunette woman who runs an agency for intimate escorts. Ryan is a workaholic that doesn’t believe in love or getting attached, but wait– here comes character #2 who will magically change her mind! Dani, a self-proclaimed virgin-with-women who is a hardworking hairstylist and “not like other girls” contacts The Agency to schedule an appointment for the “full lesbian experience.” The story begins when Dani unknowingly chooses Ryan as her escort for the evening. BDSM, kink, instalove, and an excessive use of the word “straining” ensues.

Rate the Story: (Spoiler Warning)
As soon as I started this story I felt like I was not a member of the intended audience. This feels like a story written for older folks, or those with an outdated view of how women function in romantic or intimate relationships with each other. Ignoring that this story is viewing “women” in the binary (vs including queer, nonbinary, and trans women), it still doesn’t do a super great job of having the women stand out as anything other than a series of clichés.

The story failed to provide adequate character development for Ryan, our hyper-masculine CEO, leaving her connection to Dani feeling possessive and shallow much like the dynamic in 50 Shades of Gray. The reader is given 2 sides of Ryan: the way she behaves alone or at work and the way she behaves when she’s with Dani. Over the chapters, this flip flop with no real change or integration of growth prevents the reader from believing in the “love” that is claimed by the end. While Dani is granted a decent character arc, she seems to be more of a foil to the characters around her vs. commanding the page or advancing her own storyline.

Rate the Spice: (Explicit descriptions below 18+)
Oh man, this was a grocery-store smut novel at its peak. Imagine every word you dislike when reading erotica, and then imagine them used in every scene throughout the novel. No spoilers, but get excited for lots of slick folds, straining, roaring, buds, nubs, and more of your favorites. There’s even a moment where someone spills their essence– I’ll let you guess where.

Not only did the descriptions feel outdated, but so did the way Roman had her characters interact in intimate scenes. I felt she recycled a lot of stereotypical male descriptions or characteristics and just relabeled them with female genitalia to “convert” the smut from hetero to sapphic. In addition, there was a strong focus on penetrative intimacy vs exploring all the ways that women can pleasure each other without relying solely on a phallic appendage.

Who Should Read This:
Folks who love Harlequin Romance, grocery store smut novels, and ask lesbian couples “who’s the man and who’s the woman?”

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I recieved an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The CEO of an escort's company, Ryan can have all the pleasure she wishes but she chooses to have it while keeping her heart safe by not bonding to the women she beds. That posture is about to be challenged when Dani, who is on a quest to explore her sexuality, contacts the Agency. There's something about Dani that just challenges Ryan's convictions and beliefs. Can they both give in to their mutual attraction?

A love story that sets the scenery to eroticism, this book is a nice read with likable characters and sweet moments. I give it 3 stars because I feel like the sex scenes could be a lot more explicit for an erotic book and the characters' stories could have been more explore. Overall a nice and light read

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I was very interested I this book from the blurb, but unfortunately this was a miss for me. DNF at 60%. The story was just sex with a few “conversations” at the bar in between. The talking in between the sex scenes was all about sex. I mean I get this is erotica, but I need a little more plot than that. I maybe could have stuck it out and finish if I was into the scenes, but even those slightly irritated me. This was a lesbian book, but it felt like the author was trying to force hetero terms into the scene and it kept throwing me off. Sentences like “Her clit surged” and “She entered her”, but she was talking about fingers and not a strap. I feel like that may be a target audience that would appreciate that, but it wasn’t me. I hate to not finish a book when its and ARC from NetGalley, but I gave it all I could give it.

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A couple of initial thoughts…. First, the story wasn’t nearly as BDSM’y as I had originally thought. For me, that’s a good thing. It was actually a sweet story about two women who needed to find balance as adults, due to drastically different, but equally as unfair, childhoods. Second, as someone who came out later in life, it was almost nice to watch someone come to the realization of why heterosexual dating wasn’t working for them.

It starts out with Dani, the woman coming out later in life, looking for a way to explore her budding sexuality. In comes Ryan, the owner of an escort agency (because, duh!). Dani makes an appointment with Ryan and over time, the two hit it off, but neither seems to be able to understand their feelings for what they really are. There was lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of steamy sex. I mean, a lot!!! The two main characters develop a great connection and we are progressing right along til about the middle where the story seemed to slow slightly. Don’t worry, there was still lots of sex, but there wasn’t much new brought to the story line, well, except for the vast variety of sexual scenarios. When we finally get to the critical point, I had to stop and really try to figure out why there was a problem. I just wish there was more build up and investment in their emotional insecurities. I feel like I would have been better prepared for their reactions if I better understood where they were coming from.

All and all, it was a pleasant read. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

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For starters, I wasn’t sure I was in the right mood to enjoy this kind of book. It sounded interesting enough so I dived in anyway. When I found out it was based around a lesbian relationship, I was a bit more interested. For the record, I’m straight, but as far as books I’ve read goes, this was going to be a first which did raise my hopes a bit more, and it ended up playing a big part in why I liked Escorted. I’d just read a smutty novella before starting Escorted so the idea of something new was appealing since I hadn't read anything like it before.

Some sentences confused me due to how they were phrased and even rereading didn’t help me understand what it was supposed to mean any better. The switching between POVs (though all in third person) was sometimes quite abrupt. It broke my focus a bit but you could generally piece it together.

Before we get too far into the details of this review, let me preface what this book is actually about because, as with all erotica novels, it will only suit a specific audience. The story follows Ryan Lewis, the CEO of the Agency that provides sexual experiences of all sorts to their clients (specialising in intense kink such as BDSM and power play), involving said client and a hired escort. We also have Dani, who is desperate to experience sex with another women after growing up with unsupportive parents. Escorted is definitely a book intended only for mature, adult audiences.

I like Ryan. She’s very private and has built up almost impenetrable walls to keep others out. She’s a hard worker, good at what she does and can be a bit snarky, but in a good, humorous way. The concept of the Agency also intrigued me. Again, different from any other erotica novella I’ve read. The sex was still the main focus, but it was intertwined into an actual purpose and plot of sorts. I shouldn’t be so invested in how a sex business works but I was.

One not-so-good thing I'll point out about Escorted is the fact Dani and Ryan went through so much mental turmoil, trying to deny their feelings and agonising other what the other was thinking and whether they were on the same page or not for what they wanted when they could have simply talked like mature adults and saved themselves that emotional pain. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine, when the solution is so obvious yet the characters choose to torture themselves instead. It causes the story to go in circles for a while. Repetitively. While this was happening, I admit I was a bit bored and wanted to skip over all of it. When they finally sat down and talked, it was a relief.

I'll be honest: I didn't have the highest expectations for this book. But I'm surprised and pleased to say that I enjoyed it.

Thank you NetGallery for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Fun, sexy, erotic... It's an excellent read for the ones who want steamy stuff, especially for the lovers of butch femme dynamics.

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In Escorted, we join Dani Brown as she signs up to use the services of The Agency. She has fantasies that she would like fulfilled and The Agency is a safe answer to make them come true.
The CEO of The Agency, Ryan, seems to have it all but something is missing - true love.
Dani becomes a client of Ryan and we see them both exploring fantasies, dealing with their emotions and establishing the connections they both really need.

I really enjoyed this book. I liked the writing style, I liked the main story. It was predictable and cute but to be honest - that's what I was hoping for. The characters were written well and I liked the relationship between the main characters and their friends.

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This was the first work by Renee Roman that I have read, and overall I enjoyed the experience! Erotica is normally not my favorite genre, but I do love sapphic romances so I thought I would give this one a shot. The story follows Dani, a cosmetologist who wants to live out her long-time fantasy of sleeping with a woman, and Ryan, the CEO of The Agency, a service dedicated to providing female escorts for their exclusive clientele. The relationship between Ryan and Dani is a slow-build with plenty of sexual tension and self-discovery along the way. I did find that much of the inner-monologue was redundant, but it reiterated the miscommunication going on between the two leading ladies. The sex scenes were steamy, with an introduction to BDSM mixed in with the "vanilla". However, I found that several scenes were over too quickly, especially when it came to scenes were Dani was supposedly edged. Despite the few shortcomings, this was a solid work of lesbian romance/erotica! I would be happy to recommend this e-book to anyone seeking a pleasure-filled ride with a happy ending!

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Being the first book I have read from this author I wasn't sure what to expect. From the description it seemed more erotica driven rather than your traditional romance/love story-which I am just fine with, I have read my fair share of w/w erotica <smile>.

Getting started with the book it took me awhile to get into it, I found it a bit to slow for me at first, more around getting to know Dani and what she is looking for in her sexual desires. We meet Ryan, the owner of the establishment Dani wants to explore. As the MCs, Ryan and Dani, start to get 'involved' the story does start to move along at a better pace. I can't say I was fully into the chemistry of the MCs, I could see why they started to fall for each other (Ryan did seem a bit to stalker for me) but it was just not pull me in to get my full attention-I did put the book down a few times so it took me a couple of days to want to finish it as opposed to reading it in one sitting like I do if MCs really grab me. I am not saying this is a bad thing, just saying the MCs just seemed to superficial for me, maybe much more engagement beyond the sex...BUT as I say in my open paragraph, it is not a traditional romance.

This is a rather long book, my kindle had it a bit over 8 hours, I think there could have been some redundancy removed but that is just my opinion. I will say this author does write some pretty steamy sex scenes and does get into what I would say light BDSM. But again it just didn't feel like much connection between the MCs, it felt more like just a hook up at a kink establishment and than gone.

I know this review reads like I really didn't care for the book, it wasn't that I didn't care for it, it was just not realy engaging me enough to care about the characters and how they end up. I did finish the book and in my opinion if you are looking for just erotica verses an engaging love story with erotica, this book is for you.

I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.

To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Definitely steamy but very light on the romance

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I’m not sure why I didn’t gel very well with this book so I’ve rounded up from a probable 2.5 stars to a respectable 3.
The storyline is borderline on a little bit twee, Dani is keep to broaden her sexual experiences, notably with women and with BDSM and she starts out quite nervous and inexperienced and slowly her confidence grows. She decides to explore this side of herself by using an agency for escorts to show her the ropes, so to speak and the CEO becomes overly drawn to her and emotionally involved.
The story starts a little to slowly for me, but was interesting enough for me to persevere. To be fair it did pick up a little from the mid point but it still felt like a bit like a series of (slightly repetitive) racy scenes connected with a smidgen of story. I also didn’t really connect or like any of the characters enough to become entirely engaged. Overall it was reasonably well written and the sex scenes were just about the right side of cringe, which is a hard gig to pull off in this genre, it just wasn’t quite there for me.

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Dani is looking to explore her sexuality and chooses an escort agency. Ryan is the owner and CEO of The Agency and although she hasn’t been taking clients in quite a while she is intrigued by Dani. And so the story begins. While Dani struggles financially and wanting to experiment with more than one escort, Ryan seems more decisive on the course of their relasionship, This is decent erotica with light BDSM and decent erotica is hard to find more so where BDSM is involved so I’m giving this 3.5 stars.

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I'm so glad I read this book during the winter as going to sit outside in the snow was more beneficial than any cold shower could ever be. Wow. This author can write steamy scenes and love making scenes and BDSM scenes and all the scenes- keep the AC on or find yourself a nice patch of snow. I love these two chuckleheads that are the leading ladies. You can taste their imperfections on the page and they are delicious. The combination of one's naïveté and the others prowess is tantalizing and you route for them the entire book. Dani and Ryan have very intricate and exceedingly interesting story arcs that make you question your feelings on subjects I'm not entirely sure i ever pondered and that alone is worth the read. I adored the supporting characters with their silly antics that bolstered the MC's toward a healthy mind and everyone really needs a Mark and Drake in their life with a dash of Pam. I cannot wait to read more by this author.

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I felt this book needed a stronger plot. It was okay - the main character is on a journey of openness and awareness about herself, about being bold about what she wants and learning a lot along the way. But I found it a little repetitive without plot twist to keep it engaging. Not a bad book, but not my favorite.

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Dani, a "straight" woman wants to explore both her attraction to women and BDSM when she is given the opportunity to call the Agency and hire an escort to help her with her desires. She encounters the CEO Ryan who becomes obsessed with her for no particular reason than she's curious.

For a book about sex and featuring multiple sex scenes where the characters try different things it's very bland. I wrote down in my notes that I found the first couple sex scenes unsexy but I can't even remember them because of how little those scenes stood out. They felt very same-y and formulaic with the dialogue always being the same.

The worst offender of this book is the horrid sentence "Her clit surged" and associated sentences ("her clit rise", "her clit jump"). Writing sex scenes requires some balance otherwise it makes you cringe and I definitely cringed. (Also "Sheath me" please stop it's embarrassing). Outside of the sex scene the writing was very bland and the dialogues were stiff and awkward.

The characters have no chemistry or interesting dynamics. You don't know why the leads fall in love besides enjoying sex with each other. They (and us) barely know anything about them. Besides Ryan's creepy vibes when she shows up at Dani's work unannounced (an info she got out of Dani's file which is both unprofessional and stalkerish).

Overall, I was interested by a sex-positive lesbian book where a woman explores her sexuality but this wasn't good. I considered dnf this book several times and I can say that it improves a little after the 50% mark.

Thank you to Netgalley for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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I’ve seemingly been on a role with disorganized books lately.

This book wasn’t a terrible read. The grammar and language were fine and I imagine with the right content could turn into a mighty fine writer.

The prompt of this book, nothing that hasn’t been done before. Escort service CEO ice queen’s heart cracks at the sight of an inexperienced maiden. If anything this is a rather unoriginal and simple form of what I’ve seen before.

The chemistry, while delightful at some parts, was forced at most. Ryan magically feels her first connection to Dani over the phone. Like I’m all for the instant connection love at first sight thing but this was just unbelievable.

I did like the progression of Dani’s sex journey thought. It logically started off with her being awkward and stumbling all over the place to her being confident and demanding, very realistic.

Other than that I don’t know how I feel about recommending this book to be honest. It’s not fully developed.

There could have been so much more to these characters. I get that this is mostly supposed to be erotica but with 75% of the sexual scenes in this book being an awkward mess of inexperience what else other than background development was there to fall bad on.

So much potential with this writing…

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchanged for an honest review.

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This book was well written but it felt a tad repetitive. I do enjoy longer books over shorter books but this one could have been shaved down a couple chapters. The whole back and forth between the two mains was a little tiresome and I felt myself rolling my eyes and hoping they would just talk to each. The spiciness of the book made up for what I found lacking. Overall, it wasn’t a bad book. I just wish the mains got the the point a little quicker.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Dani wants to explore her fantasies but doesn’t trust anyone to tell them to or let alone will do with her with no strings attached. She decides to contact escort business called The Agency. Ryan has not had easy life but she made herself successful with owning The Agency when she meets Dani she decides to be the person who will help Dani with her fantasies because she intrigued by them and her. This was a good read but I was kinda baffle why Ryan was intrigue by Dani fantasies which to me was vanilla at best.

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