Member Reviews

This is great and I will definitely be using this in my library program I plan. There's so much that is thrown away that can be used to create new things.

Didn’t had the opportunity to finish to read it before it was archived. I would love to still have access to it once approved to be able to read it again… I guess that was a useless comment, but can’t review a book without fully reading it.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
Recycle and Play is a great activity and ideas book for reusing materials at home to create art with almost zero waste. Most of the materials within this book most people already have or can find at home and the main idea of this book is to re-use what we already have such as cardboard, plastics, lids, tubes etc. I did find the zero waste wording in the title to be misleading as many items that you reuse such as plastic bags, stick on googly eyes, plastic lids etc do still end up being thrown away when the project is finished and gotten rid of so I had to mark this down one star for this.
The ideas and projects within the book are great for all ages and can be adjusted or adapted to meet your needs and materials too. There's approximately 50 projects in this book and children will definitely find something to make and create within it! Perfect for bonding and quality time with your children and rainy day activities too.

This is a fun book and even if it says for little kids it is a fun family project book. Your older kids might enjoy helping the little ones with their bubble wrap or egg carton recycling projects. There are fun and creative projects in this book that also helps with important skill development. You even learn about reducing waste along the way, which is a nice way to help our Earth. We enjoyed it and recommend it.

Let's do the cons of this book first: you will never throw anything away again. Ever.
Pros: you can use everything! Keep those toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, and amazon boxes and use them for projects with your young kids! I always have craft supplies around, like pom poms and googly eyes, but I hate having to buy more and more craft stuff and I'm trying to cut down. This is a great way to use what you already have or what you have coming in. So raid that recycling bin at work for water bottles. Save that empty paper towel roll! Make some crafts!

Very neat book with tons of cool arts and crafts projects for kids! All of the projects use household and easy to find items. I would definitely recommend this for budding artists age 3 and up.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC.

Some brilliant ideas of things to do with your kids at home using recycles.
My kids are home schooled so a resource like this is invaluable for those days where you need a break from academics.
Great book.

A totally brilliant book that keeps you and the kids entertained, them by doing something and you by getting them to reuse something and knowing they're not up to no good!
Super fun with colourful art and creative projects to get stuck into and this book uses easy to follow instructions for the children to make something they're proud of!
If you have egg cartons, milk cartons, plastic packaging trays etc then you already have most of the things you need to create something home made, something they might treasure and something you might for a keepsake too! Very good idea as we've been exploring the importance of looking after nature, our planet and recycling too.
With thanks to Netgalley for this wonderful and educational, creative free ARC in return for this review, top marks!

Fun projects for rainy days with lots of photos and a variety of projects. This would be a nice one to have on the craft shelf. Not my favorite of the genre, but a great addition.

There is far too much packaging in the world today, most of which can be used y children to make wonderful toy, games and craft works. This book takes the simple items such as lids, cardboard food boxes, paper tubes, bubble wrap, milk carton and much more. With a little imagination and the help of this book, some amazing and fun items can be made. Not only will the making keep the kids busy, but the end results can entertain, be played with and shared as gifts and things that are useful.
I like this book it is fun but it also teaches children that good things can be made from previously thought of waste product.

My 5-year-old once told a family friend I let him play with trash. Although it was a proud moment to know my kids are happily on board with reducing waste, a sense of dread entered me as I’m sure they were picturing my kids rummaging through our garbage can… But I assured them that we use our garbage as little as possible. I was excited for the opportunity to read & review Recycle and Play, and of course, put it to use.
This activity book is targeted at kids between the ages of 3 and 6. Having two kids within this age range I often find myself tired and brain dead (there isn’t enough coffee in the world to combat parenting young children). So when I’m armed with a recycling bin full of crafting materials and two kids that need ideas I would suggest the same three things over and over again. But NOW we sit on the iPad and thumb through this activity book until we find a project everyone can agree on.
Each project is fun, easy, and presented in a way that even kids can follow the directions. Not only has it helped get our creative juices flowing, but it has helped encourage active recycling as the kids are excited to acquire more materials for a particular project.
From one mom, 5-year-old, and 3-year-old that have scrolled through more than their fair share of Pinterest ideas coming up empty we highly recommend this book for a fun, creative, and sustainable good time. This is great for parents, teachers, grandparents, preschools, you name it – in any setting where there are young kids this should be on the shelf.

This book features crafts for the little ones. I appreciated that it was made from recycled stuff that you would normally throw away, such as a toilet paper roll. Appropriate for a younger child (like kindergarten or before). Good photos.

What a delightful book. There are 50 projects that can be created with items found around the house. From pom poms, pizza boxes, egg cartons, and even bubble wrap, there are endless learning opportunities for creative play.
As a Pre-K educator, I am thrilled that Agnes provided the learning skills and ways to extend the learning for each project.
Detailed colorful photos accompany each project. The text and layout is easy-to-follow.
Thank you to Agnes, the publisher, and NetGalley for this advance readers copy.

this book is great for preschool on a budget. Every game and craft is designed to teach them an important skill without breaking the budget.

This is a book full of fun activities and crafts for kids using recycled objects! I think patrons at my library would enjoy this title and will definitely be getting!

Book: Recycle and Play: Awesome DIY Zero-Waste Projects to Make for Kids - 50 Fun Learning Activities for Ages 3-6
Author: Agnes Hsu
Publication Info: January 11, 2022
Genres: Nonfiction, DIY, Hobby/Home, Lifestyle, Parenting, Environment, Crafting
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for honest feedback. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NG.
This book is comprised of 50 ideas for hands on activities for kids and diy projects which utilize things you probably already have around the house. Furthermore, this book centers on the idea of “zero-waste” and other environmentally conscious choices. While each of the projects includes clear step-by-step instructions and materials lists, you can feel free to adjust to your child’s interests and the materials you have on hand.
The book has ten chapters full of ideas. The range of categories include 1) using food boxes, 2) cardboard creations, 3) paper tube projects, 4) bubble wrap play, 5) lid and cap, 6) bottles, 7) egg cartons, 8) milk cartons and jugs, 9) sensory bags, 10) wipe lids.
The projects themselves remind me of what the really creative and in-tune grannies and mothers did with us in Sunday School or day camp. It’s like… certain people just have that knack of turning junk into something fun. If you need a little springboard to become that person, this book would be a good fit for you. There are clear, straight forward step-by-step instructions and photos of the instructions. This helps people like me who are not very artsy. I need to have the steps shown to me in order to really “get it” if it’s something that requires more than coloring or painting. LOL.
In sum, a cool idea. Cute projects. Good idea that they are utilizing things that are cheap or commonly had around the house. Can inspire kids to look at things differently.

One of those easy guidebooks on how to recycle things lying around the house, specially cardboards/card boxes.
Love the real pictures and the easy how-to-do for each project.
Very visual and minimalistic presentation which I really appreciate.
A good one.
Thank you, Quarto Publishing Group USA, for the advance reading copy.

This book is brilliant if you and your children love crafts and activities. Full of amazing ideas of things to make from your recycling box, give those boxes, bottles and lids a new life. Broken down in to 10 sections there is a craft for everything you would normally recycle. I love the real photos and the easy to follow instructions. Definitely a fabulous addition to the book shelf. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Wonderful, sustainable, crafty, creative, fun, informative, welcoming! I loved it.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me access an advance copy of this book in exchange for my feedback.

The idea of this was cool but I’m not sure I’d do these projects as a parent. Recycled projects to me mean I’ll probably end up throwing them out when all is said and done. I didn’t see any that warranted keeping them around long term. If you want ideas to keep you busy while quarantining though, this might help.