Member Reviews

If you enjoy the historical romance tropes about needing a husband because you already have a kid on the way or reluctant lovers, this book is for you. There is a mystery surrounding the male main character's wartime shenanigans that must be solved, connected to an antagonist to the female main character's business.
Good points include female autonomy in that she owns her business and makes many of her own decisions. She has female friends (though they don't make many appearances in the book).

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Rules for Engaging the Earl speaks to the heart as it recounts the story of Constance Lysander and Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston once childhood friends, dare I say sweethearts, and if fate had been kind perhaps they would have been much more, until the day 10 years later when Constance summons Jonathan to her after learning her deceased husband was a polygamist and she now due to have their child at any moment needs Jonathan to marry her so the child will be legitimate.
Of course, Jonathan rushes to her side but he also has vulnerabilities needed to be overcome and the story that follows unfolds in such rich detail and immersive prose as the reader enters into the lives of these two exceptionally crafted characters while they re-discover the love that never left them for each other and navigate the many obstacles that will soon impede their journey in life together, both from outside and within.
I dare the reader to have a dry eye reading this story with its mesmerizing narrative and riveting tale of lost love, found love. This is a story that should not be missed for any lover of Historical Romance!

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This was an enjoyable follow up to the first in the series. Actually, it was much better than I'd anticipated having read the prequel and being so disappointed that I had no intention of reading the next book. Now I'm going to have to go back and read the first full book. (If you've not read either the prequel or first book, you won't be lost in the slightest.)

As to the story itself, the author weaves and engaging and gripping tale of second chance love between former friends. The characters and setting are superbly drawn, even (or especially) the second and minor characters.

I loved how strong and independent Constance was, and was thrilled that the story didn't get bogged down in "women can't hold such positions", when we know this is an historical fact. Jonathan was such a heartbreaking characters, wounded in both body and mind in the war. I loved how he was able to help Constance heal too, in a way.

The one problem I had was that much was made about Jonathan not trusting Constance, when he'd actually shared with her the outline of the threat hanging over him. Then it was that he didn't tell her a truth, all the while she kept the threat against her company from him. Even after he shared the threat and his secret came to light, she STILL didn't reciprocate. Such a missed opportunity.

Overall this was a very enjoyable story, that I completed in two days (thought I had to stay up past my bedtime on the second night to finish). I'm looking forward to reading the first in the series, and eagerly anticipating the next.

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I love a good marriage for convenience, if it’s done right, and this book did it well. This is the second book, and I assume you don’t have to read the first to read this one because I haven’t read that, but I still followed along well.

Constance is in the hunt for a husband, especially because she about to give birth. Her late husband is no longer around and she doesn’t want society to look down on her for being a single mother, with her stature. But she learns her husband left her no mother, as he had two other wives, so that’s why she needs a husband. So as a last desperation, she writes her childhood friend Jonathan, the Earl of Sykeston. She asks him to help her so she doesn’t have to return to society as a stain. Jonathan hasn’t been around society since he was injured in war, so he decides what can go wrong. Well what supposed to be a friendship marriage of help turns into more.

I love a second chance of love novel and best friends to lover as well. This book has it all. The author took two characters who were best friends that had feeling at a young age and reunited them. There’s also war PTSD and feelings of abandonment and brought together into a steamy romance. I also love the added side characters Kat and Beth.

All in all, I loved this time period love story!

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Constance Lysander needs a husband. She’s about to give birth to her late husband’s child, a man who left her with zero money, and two other wives she didn’t know about. Thankfully, she has her Aunt by her side, and the two other wives have become close friends. But still—with a baby on the way, her shipping business to run, and an enemy skulking about, she has no time to find the perfect match. Enter Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston. Returned war hero and Constance’s childhood best friend. Maligned for an injury he received in the line of duty, Jonathan prefers to stay out of sight. But when a missive from Constance requests his presence—to their marriage ceremony—Jonathan is on board. His feelings for Constance run deep, and he’ll do anything to make her happy, though it means risking his already bruised heart.
The second book in the series but it could easily be read on its own. I loved both Jonathan & Constance but both carried such a lot of baggage. They were best friends a decade ago but then he left & became a marksman in the army, now he’s returned injured & with a threat hanging over him. Constance not only has to cope with a new baby but also legal action concerning her boat building business. I was drawn into this captivating read from the start & devoured it in a all afternoon, an engrossing second chance romance with a delightful baby & a faithful dog. Their road to a HEA wasn't easy & there was angst but also humour, which all added to my enjoyment. I now look forward to Beth’s story
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Constance and Jonathon relationship was one that had to withstand the passage of time and the inevitable change time brings. Childhood friends reunite for a second chance at happiness, but nothing is ever picture perfect.

I laughed, I cried, I smiled. Watching the change, the growth and maturity was refreshing and having an earl seek to be the man Constance deserved was truly heartwarming. I finished this book content with it, and eagerly awaiting the next couple's story.

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Rules for Engaging the Earl
The Widow Rules Series - Book 2
By Janna MacGregor

St Martin's - May 2022

Historical Romance

Constance Lysander had needed a husband. She, and two other women, were all widows of the same man. Or at least the same man had claimed their dowries, staged weddings, and then died. She had been in the precarious position of also being pregnant. Luckily, she had a dear childhood friend who she had trusted would come and save her and her child by accepting her as his bride.

Jonathan Eaton, Earl of Sykeston, didn't want a wife. He had no need for society. He simply wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately for him, he had meddlesome staff who along with his new wife seemed to think things needed to change. He needed to change. But he had changed. He was no longer the earnest lad who had once loved Constance. War changed a man, and he knew it was best to keep his new wife at a distance.

Best for her. Best for him. Luckily, Constance was a woman who wouldn't let a man dictate what he thought was best for her.

Rules for Engaging the Earl is a best friends reunion story full of healing and romance. I enjoyed Jonathan's staff and their attempts to assist. Both Jonathan and Constance have challenges they need to face, and must learn that only together are they stronger. Now the second of Meriwether Vareck's three wives has found a husband. I am eager to see the last find her own Happily Ever After.

Kathy Andrico -

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This is a story of a damaged man hurting from every aspect of his life and the woman who loves him enough to help him find his way. Right from the prologue, I found myself wanting Jonathon and Constance to find their happy ever after, so much so that I couldn’t put it down until the end. Jonathon’s list, Constance’s strength, their friends, and of course, North all combine to make this a must read. My only regret is that I’m done reading it.

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Jonathan and Constance knew each other as children and before their feelings could develop into anything romantic they were forced to separate due to circumstance - Jonathan went to join the British Army as a sharpshooter leaving Constance behind. When they meet again 10 years later, Jonathan is a physically wounded man who doesn’t believe he has much worth, and Constance is an emotionally wounded woman who is a widow with a newborn baby.

The story is full of humour that had me laughing out loud at times and chuckling at other. Some of the secondary characters added warmth and humour to the story. I enjoyed Jonathan and his journey to find his self-worth again. Constance is strong and independent and a good foil for Jonathan. Their connection is palpable. One of my favourite scenes is towards the end of the book when Jonathan defends the woman he loves.

There are parts of the story that I had difficulty connecting with – why the characters behaved the way did/took certain actions. But overall, I enjoyed the story and am glad that I read it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Constance Lysander, needs a husband and fast. With the situation that Merriweather left her in, she needed a father for her unborn child. So who does she turn to but her childhood friend and deepest love.

Jonathan Eaton, the Earl of Sykeston, is a broken man after his injury in the war. Called upon due to his marksmanship with firearms, he return limp and defeated. He becomes a recluse with desertion charges hanging over him. He still uphold honor and justice but can not see how to prove his innocence.

When Constance asks her favor he agrees on one condition. She misunderstands him and thinks it a real marriage. Then North, Jonathan's butler does the unthinkable and cause Constance to return from London where Jonathan left her. As she tries to make her marriage real Jonathan gets more adamant that it not be until he suffers a fall which Constance is the one to come help him.

When truths start being revealed, havoc insues. Then the last person Jonathan expects brings him the evidence he needs to end his exile and makes the marriage of his dreams real. But can he? Is it too late? Does Constance want that now? Will all the truths correct the past and bring a bright future?

To find the answers you will need to read this captivating story that will have you pounding your fists, cheering, and crying as the mysteries unfold before your eyes.

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In the second installment of this series we do a deep dive into Constance. Constance thought she was happily married and she expecting her first baby! Little did she know she was one of a Duke’s three wives! When her “husband” dies, she finds herself in a new sisterhood of her husband’s other wives. Enter Constance’s childhood friend Jonathan to marry her and save the day. Jonathan has been in love with Constance forever. Together with Constance’s new baby they begin to grow closer and maybe have a happy ending together.

I loved Constance and her aunt in the first book. I was so happy for her to get her happy ending. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

*thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the ARC!

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Very smart title. I love it. It had all of the things I like in a book. A grumpy, scarred ex-soldier and a strong woman. Unfortunately, I did not feel this story worked. While it had all of the requisites for a good story for me, I felt that Constance was way too perfect and even though there is angst (perfection in my mind) it is not enough for me. I think a lot of people will love this story. The characters were fine. I did love the ending. I am so sorry Janna as I really love your stories.

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An intresting plot but the authors style of writing was a bit hard for me to read.

I throughly enjoyed reading this book, mostly because of Constance. I loved her personality and it was nice to see a regency heroine who gets s&#t done. I have a bit of a harder time with Jonathan and often found him frustrating, but I had to keep reminding myself that he is a war vet with PTSD and to be patient. A solid read, I give it a 4/5

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I loved being back in this world and getting Constance and Jonathan's story.
He's injured and a grump. She's a single mom determined to make this marriage work.

Constance is just about ready to give birth to her child and she needs to find a husband. He left her with no money and two other wives. Thankfully the women have all become friends and along with her aunt have formed a little family

With time running out she gets word to Jonathan, her childhood best friend, and the Earl of Sykeston, requesting his presence at their marriage ceremony. There's nothing he wants more but his life hasn't been easy since his return from war. He was injured and mostly prefers keeping to himself. But he can't bring himself to deny her this request.

He immediately leaves her after the marriage ceremony with a promise to send for her. But when he bumps into a pair of former soldiers/colleagues he learns that a program he was developing has been taken out from under him. When he goes to confront that person he's threatened into walking away and ridiculed for his injury.

So Jonathan figures it best to just stay away from Constance and the baby, figuring he has nothing to offer them. Until Constance finally shows up ready to take her place at his side and begin their married life.

Thank you so much to the author and St.Martin's for this ARC to review.

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Totally enthralled by the whole story, beginning to end.
The characters, especially Constance and Jonathan were awesome, and their chemistry dripped off the pages.

He is her knight in shining armour.
The man who saves her reputation, but he can’t be with her, not properly, he’s damaged both physically and emotionally.
Can the woman of his dreams and his past, be the saviour of his sanity and his future.

I loved this book, as always with Janna, she never fails to give everything of herself in her books, guaranteeing complete perfection in her stories.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

Sent from my iPhone

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Rules for Engaging the Earl by Janna MacGregor
The Widow Rules #2

Second chance romance that sees injured war veteran and his childhood friend married…and then a whole lot of hurdles are put in their path to overcome.

What I liked:
* Jonathan: marksman, inured in the war, childhood friend of Constance, in physical pain, emotionally distant, libeled, and there for Constance if not there for himself.
* Constance: business woman, widow of a bigamist, mother to Aurelia, friend to the two other wives of her deceased husband, hoping that she and Jonathan will have a “real” marriage
* The part the collection of essays and book of knots played in the romance
* Ginger: Jonathan’s dog…wily beast and good friend…eats at the dinner table with the people
* Aurelia: Constance’s daughter, charmer, unlocks some of Jonathan’s heart
* North: butler and good friend to Jonathan although a bit of a meddler
* Seeing the other people in the series
* The way Jonathan finally came out of his funk and dealt with issues that needed to be dealt with
* That the bad guy was found and dealt with

What I didn’t like:
* The bad guy and what he had gotten away with for too long
* Having to wait for the next book in the series

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Paperbacks for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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The second book in the series follows Constance Lysander, the only one of the three wives of a bigamist to find herself pregnant with his child. She had been waiting for years for her next door neighbor and best friend, Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston to come back form the war on the Continent, but when he did, he was suffering from painful bodily injuries, PTSD and betrayal by his superior offices. He had retreated to his home avoiding everyone, like the fairy tale beast, which is how he looks at himself. He even refused to see Constance, which is how she ended up with Meriwether in the first place. But before he had left her those many years ago , he had made a promise to aid her if she ever needed him. She needs him now and he comes, but is afraid that an association with him will be poison to her. It take his butler, turned fairy godfather, to get these two back together again, where they can learn to trust each other and then the rest of the world.

As always with a Janna MacGregor book, a well written tale, with engaging characters, an interesting story line and a villain of, course. I read an ARC provided by the publisher via This is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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AAAAAAAH I absolutely adored this book. The angst, the pining, the happy ending at the end. It's just precisely what I needed.

The writing style was so whimsical and angsty at times, it was perfect, perfect! I loved the second-chance aspect, especially since the characters returned to one another as different and jaded people. I love when stories center that we can fall for people and then fall for them again and again in all of their different shades.

I'm a sucker for over-protective dad/husband and this fit the measurements precisely!

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Oh, how I loved Jonathan and Constance’s romantic journey! This is a story of best friends finding each other again after tragedy. Both Jonathan and Constance have suffered greatly in the years they have been apart. Jonathan is a shell of the man he once was. Ravaged by war injuries, both emotional and physical, he barely exists. Jonathan’s journey to healing was hauntingly beautiful. His struggles were visceral, and at times he was horrible towards Constance, lashing out at those who loved him the most. But my, his redemption was beautiful to behold! With Constance’s help, Jonathan grows into a loving, resilient version of himself; he is still broken but is healing.

Constance has gone through heartache and deception. She is left with a daughter and the scandal of her late husband’s three wives. Constance turns to the one constant in her life – Jonathan. She feels she and Jonathan can find healing together. Constance is independent, fierce, and loyal. She fights for Jonathan when he refuses to fight for himself – until she can’t. I loved the moment when Constance realized only Jonathan could save himself, and she must do what is best for her and her daughter. That moment was heart-wrenching, and it took my breath.

The chemistry of these friends-to-lovers is sizzling. Their connection was held together by a single thread at times; however, love found a way through the pain. The plot was thoughtful and poignant. The pace flowed well, and the writing was sharp and unrelenting in telling the difficulties wounded soldiers face. The secondary characters were wonderfully written, giving depth and feeling to the novel. The last chapter and epilogue were mesmerizing. Rules For Engaging The Earl is the second book in The Widow Rules series. I enjoyed this book even more than the first. It took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Janna MacGregor weaves a gritty, starkly human romance full of angst, healing, and love. This book was captivating, hard to read at times, is so visceral, but well worth the journey.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Rules are meant to be broken in this gorgeous regency romance, it is well crafted and heart felt story. I loved the story, loved the romance and loved Constance and Jonathan. They get their second chance at a forever love, they both have wounds to heal and are both hesitant to grasp at love. Their journey to get there was emotional and passionate.

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