Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and SMP for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

CW: war injury, cheating (past relationship)

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)

-m/f historical romance
-marriage of convenience
-second chance romance elements
-single parent
-meddling staff

This was a low angst, quick read. I really enjoyed the main couple and honestly wished we saw more of them. I would have loved to have seen them more in the past knowing they were childhood friends and the moments they were on page were my favorite of the book. They had such chemistry as they both tried to find love again after hurt. An adorable dog as well.

Steam: 3

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Beautiful tale of childhood friendship on the verge of becoming more was interrupted by circumstances. But their bond is imply cannot be broken. They are there for each other, no matter their circumstances. Characters in this book are likeable and detestable as needed.

I received an ARC of this book and leaving a review voluntarily.

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This is the second book in the Widow Rules series but can be read as a standalone! I really liked the first book, so I was excited to delve into Constance's story in the second! Constance is the late Merriweather's second wife and is about to give birth to his child when she calls her childhood friend Jonathan for help. Jonathan was injured in the war and suffers from both the physical pain of the injury as well as the psychological damage that accompanied his circumstances. When Constance writes to Jonathan, asking him to be her husband and a father to her child, her friend reluctantly agrees due the affection he held for her when they were younger that he harbors still.

I liked Constance and her optimistic, sweet disposition. Her love for Jonathan and her desire to see him happy were some of my favorite aspects of the relationship and the book in general. But there were times when she was simply too composed. I found myself frustrated at her lack of passion at times. Jonathan himself also wasn't my favorite character. He was very withdrawn and taciturn and it took almost the entire book for him to really show some growth. He was very snappish and unkind for much of the story and despite the reasons behind his behavior, it was a bit annoying. I will say that I liked his attitude towards the end however, and was happy with the conclusion to both their relationship and the book.

Overall, I found that the book got off to a very slow start. Despite there being a few different arcs to read through (the growth of their relationship, the difficulties Jonathan must overcome, a villain hanging over both of their heads), the whole story seemed to just meander along. There weren't really any points where I felt the need to read quicker, or stay up later to get through more. But that being said, there was a decent plot and very enjoyable side characters - we get to see Katherine and Beth for a little bit, and I loved the butler, Mr. North. I will continue to read this series as I am curious to see what happens with the third wife, Beth. I have a feeling I will love the story!

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Rules for Engaging the Earl is the second book in the Widow Rules series by Janna MacGregor. I didn't read the first book in the series but there is enough background sprinkled throughout so it's not at all confusing. It was sort of a unique spin on a beauty and the beast retelling. I'm definitely interested in checking out the first book with Kat's story.

The story starts out with childhood best friends, Jonathan and Constance, reuniting after ten years apart. He has rushed to meet and marry her just hours after she gave birth with her dead disgraced husband's baby. The story was really unique in that the characters are literally together and married from the very start. They had love for each other and chemistry from page one. Jonathan was a tortured hero. War and a serious injury on the battlefield has caused him to not trust people and hide himself away from society. Seeing him with Aurelia was so endearing and really helped his character have so much depth. I loved how strong minded and confident Constance was. She, like a lot of women, tried to take on too many things at once. Jonathan allowed her the space to be the business woman she is and never tried to push his way into her business dealings.

This was a sweet and spicy romance that felt fresh. I can't wait to see Beth's (with hopefully Greyson's) story next. I've only previously read novella's by MacGregor and look forward to reading more of her full length novels.

Tropes include: grumpy/sunshine, widow, friends to lovers, tortured hero, second chance, bluestocking heroine, beauty and the beast

Thank you to NetGalley, St Martin's Press, and Janna MacGregor for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own. #netgalley #jannamacgregor #rulesforengagingtheearl

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This is the story of Constance, the widow that is pregnant. She asks her long time friend to marry her and claim the child. But what a broody man! He is not at all the same person she remembers. War injuries and disillusionment has robbed him of the will to mingle with humanity. Can he change and does he want to? To make the marriage work will take effort. With his household staff helping her Constance gives it a try. The story was a good one. And Janna MacGregor makes the book entertaining. A super author! Looking forward to the next book in this series.

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Rules for Engaging the Earl was a delightful read featuring a marriage of convenience romance between childhood friends.

Constance Lysander needs a husband and quick. About to give birth to her late husband's child, Constance has no way to provide for her child as her husband left behind no money and two other wives. Desperate, Constance writes to her childhood friend, the Earl of Sykeston, asking him to marry her. Jonathan has avoided society since returning home from the war with an injury, but he finds he can't ignore Constance in her hour of need. But what was supposed to be a marriage of convenience becomes so much more as Constance and Jonathan spend time together in his country home.

I really enjoy marriage of convenience romances as well as second chance romances so I was looking forward to reading Rules for Engaging the Earl as it has elements of both. Constance and Jonathan had feelings for each other in their youth before Jonathan went off to war. Before he left though, Jonathan made Constance promise not to wait for him despite their feelings for each other as they had no idea if he would make it home. When the pair meet again, there's an immediate spark between them showing those long ago feelings never really went away. Initially after the marriage, Constance remains in London to recover from giving birth before eventually joining Jonathan at his country estate. I enjoyed the scenes after Constance arrived and how she put her mark on the home. The tension between these two is great and I loved when their relationship progresses beyond the convenience aspect. I will say that Jonathan did frustrate me at times as he had a tendency to keep things bottled up rather than talking to Constance. Thankfully he does overcome that in the end but there were several moments throughout the book that I wanted to shake him.

Overall Rules for Engaging the Earl was a fantastic read and I will definitely be continuing on with the series when the third book releases.

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I loved this book, it was so cute and I loved that the main characters were childhood sweethearts.

There was so much hidden tenderness between our main characters Constance and Jonathan and because they tried to keep it hidden from each other there were moments of missed connections between them. It was cute but so bittersweet all at the same time and it made my heart squee and ache.

Having Aurelia and Regina as kind supporting characters to Constance and Jonathan really helped their relationship shift from that of childhood sweethearts to develop into a more mature relationship. It didn’t hurt having North the butler as a supporting character either, because he is the ultimate meddling goals.

This book was a great 4/5 ⭐️ for me.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for giving me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I didn't read the first book, but I didn't feel that I miss any back story. Janna does a great job of giving us the background of the story.
I enjoyed this book and the love story behind it. The story grew on me and Janna's writings make us involved through the end. Constance Lysander and Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston are childhood friends who have always been in love and got separated until Constance reaches out to Jonathan and ask him to marry her (it is not a spoiler since they get married in the 2nd chapter). I love the characters, Constance is strong and she knows what she wants. Jonathan is more like the recluse beast (from beauty and the beast), and I think Janna portrayed him as a war veteran very well (fears, self-doubts after the war, etc). I enjoyed the first chapter, but I feel that we could have had more to the background story, like, why she never look for him after he came back from war, not even a letter? I also think that there should have been a connection from the first chapter to the wedding, like reminding the promises that he made to help her at any time. And why did he decide to help her if he never look for her after he came back from the war? This is just my opinion, but nothing that made me stop reading the book.
The best character for me is North. He has been with the Earl's family forever, and he is the comic relief of this story. I love outspoken butlers. I recommend this book.

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Jonathan and Constance were on the opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to confessing ones love for the other. I thought for such a serious plot the characters moved through the book in a light hearted sort of way. Constance I found really didn’t march to the regal lady beat. Jonathan was so ice cold, maybe to much. I understand that this was part of his character, but I wanted it to melt around the baby. I was hoping earlier in the book that, Jonathan would have been caught holding the baby, whispering sentimental things to her. The writer did keep me entertained with exciting story.

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This was another great book in this series! Reading about Constance and Jonathan finding their way back to each other was wonderful, and I loved the epilogue! Overall, I would definitely recommend this novel!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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3.5/5 (rounded to 4) for Rules for Engaging the Earl by Janna MacGregor

Constance Lysander is in trouble. A lot of trouble. Currently pregnant with her dead husband's child; said husband wasn't exactly the smartest, leaving no fortune and two other wives. But with a supportive Aunt and the two wives who have quickly become her closest friends, Constance has all the support she need. However, society deems that she must have a husband.

Solution: Johnathan, Earl of Sykeston. Once Constance's best friend and now an injured war hero. Johnathan has a hard time integrating back into the high society of England. When Constance asks a favor- marriage- Johnathan whole-heartedly agrees, even if it means he will have to keep his true feelings for her hidden.

With a baby on it's way, Constance's risky business ventures and someone who wants her gone, Johnathan signed up for more than just a lively household. Will the two of them heal their past wounds and create a true family, or are the wounds too deep that they will forever remain a marriage of connivence?


What I really enjoyed was the plot, like, it was GOOD.

The best part was honestly the focus on mental health issues (mainly PTSD and abandonment). Most historical books have characters, especially male ones, that a little emotionally unavailable. It depicts toxic masculinity, and will it is great to read "about strong men," I still want people to experience real emotion/turmoil. That's what makes someone human.

The side characters was the best part of the whole book. I loved them more than the main ones. They are just amazing, smart, and beautiful. How can you NOT love them is the real question!

My biggest miss was the time skips and flashbacks. It was sometimes hard to follow and gave me a little whiplash.

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I don't usually like stories where one of the couple decides that they "aren't worthy" or refuses to profess or admit to themselves their love for the other, but I got really interested in this story. I think I enjoyed that Constance and Jonathan were best friends as children, so Constance had more of a reason to stay with him even as he consistently pushed her away. Constance was a bit *too* optimistic to the expense of her own happiness but it was nice that she ended up having a limit as to how much she was going to take from him and at some point decided she had tried hard enough. There might have been a better way for their two issues with the Marquess to be discovered but ultimately it all worked out and Jonathan changed (quite a bit) for the better. Ultimately I read this book in 2 days and it was enjoyable. I'll go back and read the previous book in the series too. The connection between the three women" that they all married the same man is interesting and I'd like to hear more about where their dowries went.

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The second book in The Widow Rules series is even better than the first, especially if like the second-chance romance. Constance and Jonathan were undeclared childhood sweethearts who would have been married had circumstances not transpired against them. Instead, she was swept off her feet by a rogue who made her one of his three wives. As it turns out, she was the only one who was pregnant and in need of a legitimate husband to avoid having her child born illegitmate so, in her hour of need, she calls on her friend who immediately rides to her rescue.

Still fighting off the pains of war, both mental and physical, Jonathan believes he has nothing to offer the only woman he has ever loved and refuses to consider otherwise. He is willing to marry her, however, even when she learns that she was the one legitimate wife and the urgency of their marriage has passed. The wedding ceremony does not begin their happily ever after. In fact, it is the beginning of their struggle as Jonathan’s thoughts of uselessness continue to weigh him down while Constance wants nothing more than to offer her love.

With the help of interfering staff and friends, the two are finally brought together and begin to fight their way towards a love that lasts. The story reveals the ravages of war, the constancy of true friendship, and the benefits of meddling by those who truly care. The story is sweet and passionate filled with humor and hope despite the turmoil the characters face. It’s a must-read and can be enjoyed even without having read the first book in the series, although I highly recommend that one as well.

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Constance refuses to give up on Jonathan. She not only believes in him she has come to depend on him. It's because of her patience that their future has a happy ending. Jonathan takes quite a while to come around. I enjoyed reading, Rules for Engaging the Earl.

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I really enjoyed reading this book which is about a widower who just gave birth and decides to marry her childhood friend who is struggling after the war and doesn’t think he will be a good husband. This is the second book in the series and I recommend you read the first book just to get background information of what is going on. I honestly love MacGregor’s writing. She is talented when it comes to historical romance and knows how to capture the reader's attention. I was hooked from the first chapter and couldn't stop reading until my eyes were starting to burn. This book was so much better than book one as it features healing, trust, and past trauma. The pacing was fast and I loved how the story flowed with the two povs. There is also a lot of background information about the characters which was very much appreciated.

The two characters in this book are Constance and Jonathan. Constance just gave birth and wants to marry her childhood friend, Jonathan, after her ex-husband left her. Jonathan is an earl who used to be a good shooter until his leg got messed up and doesn't think Constance deserves him. I love how Constance was a confident woman and knew what she wanted. Both characters I enjoyed reading about and I loved their character development. I also loved the side characters like Mr. North who was hilarious and made the book so much better. Now comes the romance which was the best part of the book. It's a very slow burn romance with childhood friends and a kind of forbidden romance trope.

The ending was amazing and I can't believe this book ended. It was just so good. I'm excited to read the next book in the series because I know MacGregor is going to write another good story. I totally recommend this book especially if you love a spicy slow burn historical romance!

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Rules for Engaging the Earl is delicious and endearing! Constance and Jonathan were best friends when they were younger, and settle into a marriage of convenience. Jonathan has returned from war with both external injuries and even worse, the torment of internal injuries. Constance was abandoned by her first husband, and upon his death, found out that he’d been married to two other women. The scoundrel also left her pregnant, and so she and Jonathan marry to give her child a father. I loved the growing affection between the two as I was charmed by them both. But their future happiness is in threatened by lies and the wall and solitude that Jonathan has built around him to protect his heart. I was mesmerized by both of the main characters, enraptured but their story.

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Book 2 in "The Widow Rules" series and I was glued to my kindle from the very beginning of this friends to lovers story that just drew me right in as the story developed between Constance and Jonathan. This book was so worth the read and a very enjoyable story!

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So much love for this beautiful book and its masterful author, Janna MacGregor! I did not want to part from this unputdownable book for even a second. The characters drew me in and took me hostage. And I loved every single moment. When second chance romance meets Beauty and the Beast, fireworks explode. The cover captivated me but the tenderly raw words and complicated feelings kept me devouring the pages. This is one of my favorite Regency Romances of all time and I cannot wait to reread it. My heart was heavily invested and isn't ready to let this story go.

Constance does her best to breeze into any situation with grace and determination. But when she's faced with the reality of a beast of a husband, she questions herself and her marriage. She's been hurt before and the one who holds her heart has the power to either bring her endless joy or heartbreaking sorrow.

Jonathan is worthless, or so he believes. He's come to accept a life without love or joy. He's not content but he accepts that he is doomed to exist in solitude. He has pushed everyone away. But the one woman who has always been his constant is in need of his aid and he's willing to save the day, but with rules in place that are unreasonable. Can they scale the walls that he's built to create their own happiness?

If Regency Romance thrills you, pick this beautiful book up! You're heart will thank you endlessly. Janna MacGregor is one incredibly talented lady who always steals a bit of my heart away.

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Engaging story, Constance is a gem. Their second chance is more like another chance to get to know the person's they've now grown into based on their circumstance and experiences. No doubt that they love one another but Jonathan's heart is an icicle. I felt that Constance had really been through more than enough martial drama to have to have repeat performances with her new marriage. She's strong and optimistic with a truckload of patience which is what Jonathan is in desperate need of in order to come to terms with his baggage. They are perfect for one another.

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Cassandra Lysander pregnant and alone is now a widow. Cassandra decides to ask the one guy who she has always loved, Johnathan Eaton, Earl of Sykston. Cassandra doesn’t know if he will accept because Johnathan doesn’t know how much she has changed. Cassandra and Johnathan knew each other years ago. In fact, they were childhood best friends then Johnathan leaves to fight a war and Cassandra marries a guy that deceived her. Johnathan agrees to marry Cassandra in name only as long as she can look past his disability. Cassandra doesn’t see Johnathan like this. In fact, she sees a hero even though Johnathan does not want her. Until supposedly Johnathan invites her his home in Portsmouth, Sykston Gardens. So, Cassandra comes and changes everything, pretty much turning Johnathan’s world upside down. Johnathan finds out that he really can’t live without Cassandra. Still there are many things that he must overcome and find his heart without losing it entirely.
What a beautiful tender sorrowful Regency that definitely has all the feels! Yes, it is a beauty and beast trope that isn’t dull due to many unique differences. The story moves fluidly even with some heavy weighty issues that are happening. The three-dimensional characters whether they be major or minor sparkle with originality and charm. There is even an adorable mastiff that manages to be troublesome but totally endearing. Of course, this isn’t a light-hearted romance because many issues are touched on. Johnathan the post traumatized hurt hero is not such a nice guy. He treats Constance rudely even though he does care for her. At times you just want to shake him and tell him that despite his supposed shortcomings, he is a champion. A true knight in shining armor even with what he has suffered. Luckily, Constance is the saving grace in the novel. She looks past Johnathan’s problems and loves him for who he is on the inside. Both of them together is explosive yet sweet. They both manage to find common ground and true love prevails. The book had many hard situations yet was still a joy to read!

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