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This is the 2nd book I've read by Janna MacGregor, the first being the book that precedes this one in The Widow Rules series. I'm a huge fan of historical romance novels, but I tend to be fairly picky about my authors, with my favorites standbys being Eloisa James, Julia Quinn, Tessa Dare, Sabrina Jeffries, and Sarah MacLean.

With all that being said, while this book was a relatively enjoyable read with a strong romance between the 2 main characters, the writing was not quite up to my usual tastes. Several points in the novel there are trite and overly dramatic phrasings used that simply put, made my eyes roll.

The main "villain" of the novel coincidentally harasses both Constance and Jonathon about 2 separate issues, and made for the whole thing to feel very contrived. I did appreciate the character development of Jonathon due to his own emotional and physical scars from being at war, and did feel that it was overall well done, and did lend to it's own conflict with the couple.

The love scenes, with Constance being the main aggressor, were enjoyable, but at the same time it felt slightly implausible that she had the level of sexual knowledge that she did after living with her first husband for only 1 month. And as with the first book, the very fact that she married Meri felt off key for her character and wasn't really fully fleshed out or explained, especially if we are to believe that the entire time she was in love with Jonathon from a young age.

Overall, this is why I chose to rate this book 3 stars, it was not a bad read, but it wasn't quite up to my tastes. But as I said, this is an author I have not previously read and perhaps those who do read her more often will not find as many faults as I did in my reading.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the electronic ARC copy of this novel for review.

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Constance Lysander is best friends with Jonathan Eaton, the Earl of Sykeston. She is heartbroken when he goes off to war. He comes back after being shot in the leg and considers himself a cripple. In the meantime, Constance has married a man who has shamed her and left her widowed. Of course, Johnathan comes to Constance's rescue and marries her. While reading this book, it reminded me exactly why I love historical romance. You experience the highs and lows of the characters falling in love as well as the things they overcome while trying to achieve their happily ever after. This book was very well written with a unique plot and a heroine that made you cheer for her every step of the way. Of course, I was cheering just as much for Johnathan to become the man he needed to be for Constance and her daughter, Aurelia. I loved that I could imagine myself watching this happening before my very eyes as if I were there with the characters.

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I hadn't read the first book in this series, but enough backstory was given that I didn't feel lost or like I couldn't enjoy this book. And I did enjoy it! It had a great mix of love, intrigue, growth, and steaminess. I plan on reading the others in the series.

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

After discovering that her husband had two other wives, and that her unborn child might be illegitimate, it would be understandable if Constance Lysander broke down. But she didn't. Okay, she might not have any money after her husband squandered it all, and society might judge her, but she knows that her fellow wives are there to support her, and her aunt would do anything too. But, giving into claims she 'needs' a husband, she begs her former best friend, Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston, to come and marry her, give her and the child his name, and she will be forever greatly. However, she doesn't realise that while she's always cared for him, he's loved her since they were children, and the wounds and scars he carries from war run deep. He'll do anything Constance asks, even marrying her, but as soon as the I do's are said, he's gone. Constance won't take this lying down, so when she arrives at their estate, and demands they spend time together, she has some rules for Jonathan to follow.

I, like most other people, couldn't wait to find out what the story was between Jonathan and Constance when we saw the final pages of book 1, A Duke in Time. And no matter what I expected, this book was so much more! I've loved Constance since we first met her, and she just grew stronger and stronger throughout this book. Now a mother, she will do anything for the people she loves, including Jonathan. She can see that he's hiding something, that his time in the military has affected him more than he says, and though it'll be hard, she won't stop until she finds out the truth, and show's him love. Jonathan, understandably I'd say, was difficult to warm to initially, but when we learn more about his actions in the war, and how the Marquess of Faladen has pushed him out and questioned his ability. He truly needed someone to talk to, but he was so strung up, it was hard for his walls to crack. This was such a good continuation of the series, and there's lovely scenes with all three 'wives' - I can't wait for Beth's book, she really needs her happy ending!

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This book will give you all the feels. Constance has been widowed from her lying trigamist husband and is now lost to find her way back to trusting those around her. Her best friend left to fight in the war 10 years ago, but her flame for him never died. Throughout this book we read the ups and downs of a beautiful relationship and all that being friends has to offer a relationship.

This book was incredibly well written. MacGregor is able to convey the intimacy of the characters’ relationship in a way that makes you long to be there. It is a story that truly grasps at your heartstrings and makes you want more of the love these characters share.

#macgregor #romance #RulesForEngagingTheEarl

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The Plot
The story was very well written and the little side stories/drama played in with the main love story wonderfully. I couldn’t handle it in every book, but I loved the dramatic rise and fall of the plot line. From the moment they married and he left, then when she joined him at Sykeston Gardens to the climax of her realizing his lies, I could feel the fall coming and I couldn’t put the book down. Then, of course, as everything between them gets sorted out, I had to read to make sure Constance was going to be okay!

The Heroine
Constance Lysander had her heart broken when Jonathan left for war, then her husband left her without a word leaving her pregnant and with a family business to run! My heart broke several time thought the book for her, but she is incredibly strong and resilient. She was a wonderful character to follow along with as she overcame the betrayals and the heartache she was dealt. I have a soft spot for Constance!

The Hero
Jonathan was a good man, but he bothered me because he couldn’t seem to read the writing on the wall as it were. He left Constance to go to war even though she clearly had feelings for him. Then, when reunited, he just seem to get past himself. He wasn’t too bad a suppose but I usually cringe when characters just can’t seem to do the right thing that seems so obvious to everyone else. I suppose I should go easy on him, he’s been through a lot, but marrying her and then disappearing for a year!?!?

The Steam
Not a whole lot in this story, but, as in the previous book in the series, PLENTY of swooning! Surprisingly, Jonathan can be very sweet when he wants to be.

Stand Out Moment
Probably the scene where she confronts him about the letters and leaves him. It definitely had tears in my eyes.

Who Would Like This
Someone looking for a good, sweet second-Chance love story!

Final Thoughts
This was a great continuation of the saga Lord Meriweather left behind. I can’t wait to read Beth’s story!

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4 stars

The third book in the series.

In the previous books the scene was set. Constance was married and her husband left within a month and she found he went off and became a bigamist.. Constance made friends with the other wives as they tried to sort out who was the real wife especially important n Constances case as she was pregnant. Constance had married Merri knowing that he wasn't the love of her life. That had been Jonathan her best friend who had gone out to war. To ensure that her baby is legitimate she asks Jonathan to marry her.

Jonathan was badly scarred from war. He was crippled and though he'd come back with good ideas of setting up a school for sharp shooters he'd been black mailed by his commanding office. I'm not a big fan of Jeopardy and this villain attacks both Jonathan and Constance..

Jonathan lets Constance down and eventually becomes the man she needs once pushed to the edge. A good read,

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Rules for Engaging the Earl by Janna MacGregor is a solid read. After the death of her husband brings out his scandalous past, Constance needs a husband to legitimize her unborn child. Enter Jonathon, her long time best friend and the love of her life. After being on the war front for 10 years and surviving a terrible injury, Jonathan agrees to marry Constance, even though he has his own demons to work through.

This book was a quick read that was a lot of fun. Yes, you knew exactly what was going to happen in the end, but it did not take away from the story itself. The author tackles issues such as trauma through her characters’ experiences with accessibility needs and loss of trust. I absolutely loved that Constance was a proud business owner who was respected by her employees, and made it a priority to make sure the company survived.

Some minor things in the story could be fixed with some quick editing. I felt that there were a few instances of modern phrasing that took me out of the time period for a brief moment. I do not think it was a huge issue, but something to think about when reading. The story was predictable, but I will be honest, I did not go into this book wanting some crazy twist. I wanted to read it for the guaranteed happily ever after and a good story of two people finding themselves. I also found some of the time jumps at the beginning of the story a little disorienting, and could have been made clearer with a little more background information to make us care more about this couple.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this second entry in The Widow Rules series. Constance and Jonathan are childhood best friends who get a second chance at love. But their road is not easy and filled with angst, especially for Jonathan, who carries war wounds both physical and psychological. This is an emotional read, and I cannot wait for the next installment in this series featuring three strong women who unknowingly were married to the same unscrupulous man, only discovering the truth upon his passing.

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Beautifully written. A delightful romp with fully realized characters. Not formulaic but such a pleasure. I laughed and even got teary. A strong supporting cast of characters who held their own in the story. And a great dog.

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Rules for Engaging the Earl is MacGregor's second book in The Widow Rules series, and follows the story of Constance, the pregnant widow in the first book, and her childhood sweetheart, Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston. Jonathan has some demons from his war years that he's not doing a very good job of exorcising, and spends the majority of the book being a grumpy and paranoid pain in the neck. Thankfully for him, Constance is way more patient and understanding with him than I was as the reader. I struggled with him being rude and hurtful and for refusing to get assistance for the problem he was dealing with instead of hiding himself away and ignoring the world. In contrast, Constance almost seems a little too saintly, and her responsibility for running a shipbuilding company is sadly underutilized as she works to undo the damage Jonathan has faced. The romance between the pair felt underwhelming for a majority of the book and my favorite character was North, the butler, whose tenure with the Sykeston family means he's not afraid to talk back to the lord or take steps to integrate him back into society. Hopefully the last book in the series will feel like a better balance between the two protagonists, because it was hard for me to ever feel truly committed to this one. A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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When Jonathan comes home from war he is a depressed war hero. He agrees to marry Constance, his childhood sweetheart, to save her from scandal. He retreats to the countryside leaving his new wife right after the wedding. When Constance figures out he is hiding from her and life in general, she sets about to get him to include her in his life. I received an ARC from NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my honest review.

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What an incredibly swoony, spicy, and fun, second chance romance this one was!

I’m not usually drawn to “wounded warrior” type stories but while I wasn’t always crazy about the MMC’s actions, I understood the reasoning behind them and, ultimately, really enjoyed this highly readable novel.

The slow burn here was satisfying and the heat level was more explicit than I tend to read in historical romance (not a complaint).

This is the second of Ms. MacGregor’s works that I’ve read (and enjoyed), I’m planning on reading more of her back catalog, starting with the first book of this series, and look forward to her upcoming titles as well.

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Constance and Jonathan have been friends since childhood. A war and an injury have changed him. They are reignited when she needs help. Even though they had strong issues, their love won out. The other characters in the book are great. I loved how much the staff adored Jonathan and set out to help!

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This was a sweet romance between two characters who've loved each other since childhood. They've both gone through painful times in their lives, but when circumstances require a 'marriage of convenience' they are there for one another.

Jonathan, the Earl of Sykeston, was wounded in the war against Napoleon and has lost some use of his legs. Due to this he has become somewhat of a recluse, hiding in his country estate, and using the salon for target practice. When Constance, his best friend from childhood, finds herself in a predicament thanks to her late husband, she calls on Jonathan to help her out. He could never resist her, so despite his many misgivings they are married.

Constance eventually breaks through the thick walls surrounding Jonathan's heart, and they get their happyily ever after, but it is a bumpy ride. The journey is enjoyable, and the nights where they explore their undeniable attraction are super steamy. I highly recommend this book, as well as the first in the series.

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Overall, I enjoyed this book! I liked that we jumped right into our MCs present day and didn’t have to spend a ton of time on their time apart. There were a couple of really good “lol” moments, and I loved the strength that Constance shows throughout the book. It was fun to watch her and Jonathan rebuild their trust and friendship with each, and the spicy scenes were top notch! ;) Towards the end, I did grow a little frustrated with the miscommunication between the two, and wished Jonathan would just GET OVER IT, but I suppose that’s the whole point of creating and resolving conflict. Great side characters, especially Mr. North. I would definitely recommend for a light historical romance read, with a good plot, great spice, and HEA.

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I LOVED THIS. I didn’t love book 1. But now as I have read a lot of Janna’s other books, I am a huge fan. This book blew the other one out of the water. I loved how it was both a marriage of convenience and a marriage in crisis story. I cannot wait for book 3!

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Rules for Engging the Earl is a charming second chance historical romance. It has a strong heroine; nosey though well-intentioned servents, and a loyal, but downtrodden hero. It also has a bit of intrigue, a healthy dose of steam, and a common villain who is easy to hate.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"Thank you to St. Martins Press, Janna MacGregor and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

3.5 stars rounded up because I'm a sucker for childhood best friends getting together

When Rules for Engaging the Earl begins, Jonathan and Constance are the best of friends. Both orphans, they are each others' first love and dream of a future together. The war comes and they recruit Jonathan as a marksman. When Jonathan returns 10 years later, he is a shadow of his former self. He has been summoned to Constance's bedside, when her nefarious husband dies in a mud puddle, leaving her pregnant and alone. She had written Jonathan a desperate letter to come and marry her, to save her reputation so she and her baby would be respectable. While her late Husband was married to three woman, she learns she is the only true wife. What Constance doesn't know is Jonathan is broken. His leg is full of shrapnel and he can barely walk. Embarrassed of his predicament, and not able to return to the army, he wallows in self pity, isolating himself inside his study for a year after their marriage, pretending he is traveling.

Once Constance and Jonathan reunite, a year after their marriage, it is anything but a honeymoon. Jonathan is clear that he has no interest in a normal marriage and he sets up ground rules. Constance, not to be swayed, comes up with her own set of rules. I enjoyed reading how they eventually found common ground and could enjoy their marriage. There is surprising steam in this book and it was delightful to see a woman in that historic era, completely sex positive. I did not realize when I requested this, that it was a series and am eager to read the first book.

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I’ve been pinning for the story of Constance and Jonathan since the first book of the series The Widow rules, A Duke in time. The short preview excited me, and, as usual I’ve been trying to imagine the story.
I craved intensity, as both H and h were scarred and felt deeply. Oh, the second chance romances…
As stated in the description, Constance Lysander needs a husband. She is pregnant, by a now dead tri-gamist (is that a word? I mean a man with three wifes  ), so she summons Jonathan, Earl of Sykeston. They used to love each other, when they were young, and they made some promises. Johnathan is dark and wounded, but willing to do what it takes to give Constance and her baby the needed legitimacy.
What a great start. Janna MacGregor writes, as usual, beautifully. The story is interesting, I was entertained, and I finished the book in one sitting. However, I wasn’t satisfied completely; I liked a lot Constance, but I did not care for Jonathan. I found him rather weak, and for all the fuss he made, he lost his appeal, at least for me. That why I give Rules for Engaging the Earl 3.5 stars, rounded to 4-easy read, nice story. With a stronger hero, it would have been great. But maybe my perspective is to harsh, maybe I will soften towards the hero, when I will re-read it.

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