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Next Level
Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond
by Stacy T. Sims, PhD; Selene Yeager
Rodale inc Publisher
Thank you to NetGalley and Rodale publisher for the arc
Another great book by the two authors. Very informative and full of useful advice.
Highly recommend!

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I loved this book. I actually bought the spiral bound version to make highlights and have the exercises handy. I learned so much about the changes in women's physiology after menopause. I have other books by Dr. Sims on my reading list.

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Very helpful tips on women going through menopause. Women going through menopause lose bone density and muscle if they don't keep up. Just like a car we need regular Maintenace to run our best as we age. Eating more protein, strength training, walking, sleep and supplement advice you're going to want to read.
Very helpful read!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

I found this to be easy to read, easy to understand and highly informative. The only challenge I had in reading this in ebook format was the charts and tables were hard to scale so they were readable. I had my library purchase a copy so that I could read the tables and better understand that part of the text.

Well done.

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THANK YOU for this great guide to Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond---I hope to make it to the NEXT LEVEL soon as I am 55!!
I am working hard to put these tips into ACTION

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I think I’m just not the target audience for this book. I’m post menopausal but this book is intended for intense athletes and that’s just not me. I had hoped that it would also be for women like me who want to get more physical and stronger but it’s really intended for women who do marathons and strength training and HIIT and 60 minute trail runs at 6:30 a.m. before starting their days.

Sims recommends against intermittent fasting and keto, both of which have really helped me get through menopause naturally and come out actually feeling better with more energy and clearer thinking, not to mention losing the weight I had gained in my 40s and reversing serious health issues that persisted after I had Covid in 2020. She admits these were found to be helpful for women in studies but she says those studies were of sedentary women. I guess that’s me and I guess that’s okay. I consider myself pretty fit and active but I’m more likely to walk with my kids or go hiking and foraging than dead lift anything other than garden supplies or renovation materials for one of my kids’ houses.

This book will be great for women who already do CrossFit and have intense daily workout routines. If you are working towards getting fit, this probably isn’t the best resource.

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I found Next Level so helpful that I ended up purchasing the book so I could see all the exercises in print. I knew this book was about exercise but oddly didn’t pay to much attention until I started the book, and realized it was written for women going through menopause. It was like the Gods knew exactly what I needed and put this book right in front of me. Author Stacey Sims has written a book that touches on everything I personally needed to know, and I know I’m not alone with these questions.
Recently I had blood work done because I sensed my hormones were off. I don’t have a Uterus so I can’t be warned by my lack of periods as an indicator menopause has started. My blood work came back and my OB said everything’s “normal”. I found this hard to believe so I sought out an integrative medicine doctor who confirmed the results were normal, but normal for someone in menopause. I was so angry that I wasn’t given an explanation, an offer of solutions, nothing! I gained 50 pounds, couldn’t sleep, and had the worse hot flashes, all of these symptoms when on for 9 months that didn’t need to happen.
Like the book explains, many women including myself are afraid to take hormones because of what we are told. We think we need to starve ourselves in order to make a difference, and basically need to accept the fact were getting older.
Next Level not only explains each “myth” but gives all the ways we can help ourselves feel better. The book lists diet trends you need to stay away from, gut health, the best exercises to help with the terrible weight gain ( especially belly fat), and how to improve our mood and sleep. I loved all the stories of women who were struggling and how the program helped them to take back the control of their bodies. Good food, SIT style of workouts ( sprint interval training) and whatever you feel comfortable with as far as hormone replacement, can really get you feeling back to normal.
For me this book lifted my spirits and helped remind myself that I’m not alone. I don’t need to be ashamed of what my body is going through but I also want to do what I can to get it back to feeling good. I’ve got the hormone part down, now I’m going to focus on getting in shape and loosing all this weight, and being even better then I was before. I have gained so much knowledge and I’m actually excited to see what my body can do. I can’t thank Stacy enough for helping me, and I will definitely be telling friends to pick up a copy as well.

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Very helpful and full of information regarding perimenopause and menopause. I am so grateful that there are people researching this subject as it has been so lacking in women's medical care.

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This book opened my eyes to better nutrition and what exactly menopause does to your body. I took the tips about mental health and sleep and feel like they have helped me keep things balanced. I would highly recommend this to anyone over 40!!

Thank you to NetGalley for an early release in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a must read for women, ideally before the issues of perimenopause become pronounced but it is useful for those already into menopause. The book explains how estrogen impacts so many different processes in the body. It also gives great explanations for using different herbs to help alleviate some of the symptoms of fluctuating hormones. Now I know why my exercises no longer seemed to help keep my weight down and I began to develop belly fat. There are good strategies for exercise and eating right that is quite different from how a woman usually eats before the change begins. Highly recommended.

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Next Level by Stacy Sims, is an all-inclusive manual to how to navigate working out during and after the onset of menopause. Stacy provides important information regarding menopause and how to work out during menopause for maximum benefit. This book provides important information about nutrition, sleep habits, and sample exercise plans. This book really helps you to understand and combat the symptoms of menopause. I recommend this book to all women of menopause age. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is great. It offered me good advice about diet and weight loss. I’ve struggled a little with my weight since battling cancer! I will definitely be utilizing the information learned from this book! I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to live a healthier lifestyle!

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A well written guide for thriving through menopause instead of just surviving it. It is also great info for women not yet in menopause.

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This book was well researched, but a little dry in places. I did not read cover to cover, but found parts of the book interesting and helpful.

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I am a medically induced menopausal woman so when I was sent this book to read and review, I hoped it would be informative and helpful. I’ve done loads of research over the years and while this did contain some of the same stuff, there was definitely some new things and a new way to approach the symptoms and the outlook. Women reach a certain age and are left to be put out to pasture if they don’t look like a Hollywood star and it’s hurting our self comfort but also that of the younger girls and women coming up behind us. This book looks at realistic ways to adjust your thinking on exercise, hydration, vitamins and even sleep so that you maximize their benefits. It is informative without being super preachy and I liked the pictures of the exercises.
As someone who has been an athlete all her life and now finds myself slowed way down, this book is helpful in getting my Mojo back.
Thanks to Rodale Books and NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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This book is a wonderful guide for premenopausal/menopausal/post-menopausal women. Knowing and understanding what your body is going through is a huge step to understanding what you can do to help yourself. I am so happy that there seems to a push for women to take their health and body back. I feel that women's waning reproductive years have been taboo and I am so happy we are willing to talk and understand it..

Thank you to Rodale Inc., Rodale Books and NetGalley for the ARC of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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"Next Level" was an excellent resource for peri-, menopausal and post-menopausal active, high achieving women. Learned a lot about what to expect and how to combat or minimize the symptoms, as well as felt motivated and empowered with this knowledge of how to make certain changes to continue and remain strong and healthy thorough the years. I really appreciated this book! Thank you NetGalley the author and publisher for the e-reader for review. All opinions are my own.

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This book is an excellent “resource,” and I’ll also call it that type of a read. It’s very well organized and there are solid “to do” list concerning supplements and dosages, as well as other lifestyle recommendations for menopausal symptoms. If I owned a physical copy, it would be very dog-eared! Recommend strongly!

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This book is well and clearly written with a wealth of helpful information. It's particularly aimed at perimenopausal or menopausal fit women and women athletes but can be useful for anyone approaching menopause as well as health professionals who are helping them. Medical information is clearly explained for laypeople;most treatments have a scientific/medical basis; and the author providesspecific doses, exercises, and other practical details

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Next Level by Stacy T. Sims PhD, Selene Yeager


319 Pages
Publisher: Rodale, Inc
Publication Date: May 17, 2022

Nonfiction, Health, Women’s Health, Mind, Body, Menopause, Aging

This book is written for active women that experiences the effects of menopause. I am far from active but thought I would find some information helpful. Every day, I am trying to move more than before using many of the exercises and helpful hints from the book. I know that I will not ever be a size 4 again but am happy that I am maintaining a healthy weight and knowing I am not alone in the experience. If you have been suffering from the many effects of menopause, this is a definite read. I wish it was written earlier so I could have benefited more from it.

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